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Chapter 41 Build a Golden Beam!

In the midst of this excitement.

It took just over four days to complete a major project that would have taken ordinary people at least ten days, thanks to Li Yuanjing's "superpower".

As the factory buildings and other infrastructure were gradually completed and dried by fire, the six looms were also completed, and Xiugu and the others, the first batch of female textile workers in Quanzi Village, began to officially move in.

In this slack season, this once again aroused the enthusiasm of the villagers in Quanzi Village, especially the many women.

after all.

When I work here at Li Yuanjing, I not only have to take care of three meals a day, but I also pay three bucks a day, and it's paid daily. What's the concept?

It's not an exaggeration to say that pie in the sky falls.

Especially at noon.

I saw Xiu Gu and the six female textile workers who were the first to work. Not only did they have fish soup for lunch, but they also had some delicious fish.

The girls watching from the outside were blown away.

He hurried to find Yu Niang, crying and shouting that he wanted to work here too.

Where has Yu Niang ever seen such a scene?

Subconsciously she wanted to ask her brother for help.

No way.

At this time, Li Yuanjing had already taken Zhang Kun and several young men to Tieniu Town to purchase goods. She could only rely on herself to support the scene here.

Fortunately, with Chen Chunyan's help, Yu Niang quickly calmed down and said that she would ask her brother for instructions on this matter as soon as possible.

This immediately made Yu Niang have a strong sense of presence among these girls, and they all said, "Yu Niang is lucky."

But none of these girls had ever seen the world, and they quickly started shouting, "My wife is kind and righteous, my wife is kind-hearted."

This triggered a new wave of craze, and many women began to call Yu Niang "Mrs."

This made Yu Niang's little face couldn't help but blush.

Never thought of it.

one day……

She, Yu Niang, is actually called that, and she is the most familiar to so many fellow villagers...


Flustered, excited, throbbing, and excited at the same time, Yu Niang quickly reacted, straightened her back and straightened her face.

She is her brother's face now, how can she embarrass him?

Just when things were going on at Li Yuanjing's house in Quanzi Village.

Li Yuanjing took Zhang Kun and seven or eight men who qualified after his preliminary inspection and bought a lot of things in Tieniu Town.

There are not only a large amount of grains, meat, brown sugar, hemp leather, the raw material for textiles, but also some second-hand clothes, oilcloth, oil paper and other things.

Fully filled six chicken buses.

Li Yuanjing was not stingy with the men who followed him. He ordered a large table of dishes and several bottles of wine at a restaurant here for lunch.

This made these men blush with excitement, and they really wanted to sell their lives to Li Yuanjing.


While Li Yuanjing was joking with these men in a controlled manner, his eyes kept glancing outside.

That's right.

He is waiting for news from Zhang Kun.

Five or six days have passed since the "Yidao" Feng Er was killed. The Murong family had left Fengcheng County at this time. The autumn taxes in Quanzi Village had been collected, but there was no trace of tax in Tieniu Town.


This made Li Yuanjing a little bit unable to sit still.

You can only bring someone over to investigate in person.

No wonder Li Yuanjing is so cautious.

After hearing more news about the sealing of the 'Jiajin Liang' in the past few days, Li Yuanjing's vigilance has basically reached its limit!

The title "Jiajin Liang" may seem a bit silly, but in this world, in this world, it is a very important title.

To a certain extent, this is similar to Song Jiang's nickname of "Timely Rain" in "Water Margin".

that is!

Not only do you need to be awesome yourself, you also need to be able to help others and help others at critical moments. You also need to help important people and gain their unanimous approval to be called such a title!

Be more straightforward.

With a nickname like "Jiajin Liang" on the road, even the big men in the county would have to give this letter a big three points.

Because of the way behind this seal, they may not even be able to match it!

Facing a person of this level, Li Yuanjing had already killed his own brother with his own hands, how could he not be on guard?

Just when Li Yuanjing was staring at his eyes and most of the food on the table had been eaten, Zhang Kun finally came back.

Everyone stood up and respectfully said hello to Zhang Kun.

These guys are still very respectful to Zhang Kun.

Not only was Zhang Kun returning from the Liaodong battlefield with Tatar lives in his hands, but he was Li Yuanjing's first permanent employee. Li Yuanjing also had great trust in him and had a greater relationship with him.

While Zhang Kun was chatting with his younger brothers, he calmly shook his head slightly at Li Yuanjing.

This made Li Yuanjing's expectations quickly disappear as if a basin of ice water had been poured to the bottom.

After Zhang Kun took a few bites of the food, Li Yuanjing smiled and said:

"I'm going to a hut. Everyone must eat and drink well."

Everyone hurriedly responded with respect.

Li Yuanjing winked at Zhang Kun and went to settle the bill before going to the hut.

Zhang Kun followed quickly, closed the latrine door and said in a low voice:

"Boss, I have inquired with seven or eight people who are familiar with me here. There has been no news about the Xue family in the past few days. It seems that Xue Dashan has gone to the county town since he came back from our Quanzi Village that day. I don't know.

What is it..."

After hearing what Zhang Kun said, Li Yuanjing couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

Mr. Xue Dashan, an old melon gourd, knows how to play.

If he does this, 90% of the pressure will be on his side!

Seeing that Li Yuanjing looked unhappy, Zhang Kun quickly comforted him in a low voice:

"Master, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe... Mr. Xue Dashan has other things to do. Maybe he went to the city..."

"Besides, it was just a few days ago that the man was kicked out? His brother may be busy and has no time to pay attention to him."

Li Yuanjing breathed a long sigh of relief, squeezed out a smile and said:

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I know it well. But we must be extra careful!"


Zhang Kun nodded heavily and showed more respect to Li Yuanjing.

At this time, he already knew that Li Yuanjing was valued by both the Murong family and Zhao Bingchun, and he secretly swore in his heart:

'Even if something happens later, Zhang Kun will protect his employer's safety even if he risks his life!'

Although Li Yuanjing already had a plan to deal with Xue Dashan and Feng Da, he wanted to muddy the water and let them have a dog-eat-dog fight.

But at this time.

Xue Dashanren's "getting out of things" act really made Li Yuanjing feel like he had punched the air...

I can't even muster any strength.


This also makes Li Yuanjing calmer!

The ancients may not be as knowledgeable as we are, but their understanding of human nature, their understanding of the rules of the game, and their proficiency in playing methods are definitely no worse than those of later generations!

At this time, Li Yuanjing could only comfort himself, and be patient for now, saying, 'If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move'.

Leave the restaurant.

Just as Li Yuanjing was about to greet everyone to return to Quanzi Village, he saw a commotion in front of him, with men laughing and women cursing from time to time.

Li Yuanjing didn't like to join in the fun, and was about to ask Zhang Kun to leave when he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye a sign in the crowd due to the fracas:

‘Sell yourself to bury your father’.

This made Li Yuanjing narrow his eyes slightly and called to Zhang Kun and others:

"Zhuzi, you guys look at things. Brother Zhang, come with me and take a look."

"Hey? Come on!"

Several people hurriedly pushed the chicken bus to the side of the road and stayed here to look at things. Zhang Kun followed Li Yuanjing to the outskirts of the crowd.
This chapter has been completed!
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