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Chapter 55 Huangniwa Village!

The terrain on the right bank of Yishui River, that is, the east bank, is not very easy to navigate.

In addition, neither Liu Gang nor Wang Liu are familiar with the terrain here.

Although Li Yuanjing and his party crossed the river early in the morning, it was not until the end of the morning the next morning, that is, around nine o'clock in the morning, that they found the winding road to Huangniwa and arrived at Huangniwa Village.


When he arrived at Huangniwa, Li Yuanjing instantly understood why those remnants of the Wenxiang Sect had established their foundation here.

Because this yellow mud puddle may not be called a "puddle", but it is a "puddle" on the back of a ridge...

The surrounding peaks are not very high, but each one is steeper than the last. If you want to enter the village, there is only one steep mountain trail!

It’s true that ‘one man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men can’t open it.’

Although Liu Gang had been to Huangniwa before, he had never been there and did not know the actual situation in Huangniwa Village.

But at least he understood the rules and procedures here and had a sharp eye. He quickly walked around and reported to Li Yuanjing in a low voice:

"Master, their people are here. Let me negotiate with them first..."

Li Yuan nodded and whispered:

"Don't panic, are you panicking? We are entrusted by others to deliver food, which is a good thing for them."


"Lao Liu, please tell them that we will only send the grain from Zhangji Rice Shop here, and they will receive it after counting it. We will not help them send it to the mountain!"

Liu Gang immediately understood what Li Yuanjing meant, nodded vigorously, and quickly stepped forward to negotiate with the Huangniwa people who came out of the nearby sentry post.

While Li Yuanjing paid attention to Liu Gang, he also did not forget to check the status of Wang Liu next to him.


After this girl followed him, she became more at ease. She always behaved herself and there was nothing unusual about her.

At this time, Mrs. Wang Liu was normal and not causing trouble, so Li Yuanjing naturally had no time to pay attention to her, so he focused his attention on Liu Gang.

Liu Gang quickly reached an agreement with the people over there.

A middle-aged man with a scholar's square scarf on his head, a fluffy fur scarf, and a very good quality sheepskin jacket, with only two eyes exposed, came quickly, escorted by a dozen armed men.

Come here.

Liu Gang hurriedly reported to Li Yuanjing:

"Shopkeeper, this is Mr. Xun. Let's take over with Mr. Xun."

At this time, Li Yuanjing had already covered his face with a coarse scarf, and only his two eyes were exposed. He smiled hurriedly and said to Mr. Xi:

"Mr. Xun, everything is here. We at Zhangji Mihang are following the order of Mr. Wang Youdao and Wang to give you this batch of goods."

Mr. Xun's men had already begun to inspect the batch of food and grass and opened the bags.

Seeing that it was filled with white rice and very good quality wheat, his old eyes couldn't help but shine with excitement.


This batch of food was very useful to them, and it was even a bit of a timely help.

He hurriedly raised his hands to Li Yuanjing and said:

"Thank you very much, shopkeeper. On behalf of all the people of Huangniwa, I, Mr. Wang, will bear in mind Mr. Wang's kindness to me! It's a pity that the current conditions are limited and I can't invite all of you, shopkeeper, to come up and have a glass of water."


Li Yuanjing smiled and said:

"Mr. Xun, you're welcome. If Mr. Xun has time to go to Fengcheng County in the future, it won't be too late for us to have a drink and talk. By the way, Mr. Xun."

Li Yuanjing smiled and said:

"Mr. Xun, you also know that XX is entrusted by someone and is a loyal person. Please ask Mr. Xun to ask the person in charge of the village to issue a receipt for XX."


Mr. Xun was stunned for a moment before he realized what Li Yuanjing meant by 'receipt'.

He couldn't help but laugh and said:

"That's as it should be. Then I'll ask the shopkeeper to wait here for a moment, and I'll have someone open it right away!"

As the saying goes, ‘don’t hit the smiling person’.

Li Yuanjing's trip was obviously a little "self-motivated", coupled with Zhang Ji Mi Xing's signature and Wang Youdao's face.

Mr. Xun quickly arranged for Li Yuanjing and others to rest in a shack in a nearby forest.

He called on the people and started transporting the grain and grass to the mountain, including 'writing a receipt' for Li Yuanjing.

The condition of this shack is not very good.

The top roof is not sealed with porcelain, causing air leakage everywhere.


There was a lot of dry firewood in the shack, and there was a grassy area around it for people to sit on, especially since the embers of the fire in the middle had been piled a bit thickly.


People usually come here to warm themselves by the fire.

As for the shack containing more than 40 people including Li Yuanjing, it was obviously a bit difficult to pretend.

But we are all men from the same village, so we can barely cope with the crowding, and no one has any objections. It is more lively when everyone gathers together.

Li Yuanjing also directly asked everyone to take out the dry food and eat some first.

By the time Li Yuanjing and his gang finished eating their dry food, all the food and grass had been transported up the mountain outside, but the chicken bus hadn't returned yet.

At this time, Mr. Xun also came here with a smile and said to Li Yuanjing:

"Shopkeeper, the receipt has been issued. It was driven by our village chief's brother. Show it to Mr. Wang Youdao and he will understand. Please wait here for a moment. The chicken bus should be coming down soon."

Li Yuanjing took the receipt and looked at it carefully, and he had an idea in his mind.

The writing on it is good, it was obviously written by someone with status, and it has a signature and seal.

Both the signature and the seal read 'Yishui Zhenren', so he must be of high status and should be able to explain to Wang Youdao.

After thinking for a while he smiled and said:

"Mr. Xun, it's just a few chicken buses and they're not worth a lot of money, so I gave them to you, Mr. Xun. It's just..."

"Mr. Xun, I and my brothers came all night long last night. I wonder if we can take a break at the treasure place. We can leave after dark."

Mr. Xun was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and couldn't help but smile:

"Shopkeeper, if you are willing to rest in our simple place, that is our blessing in Huangniwa, okay? You are welcome."


As he spoke, he suddenly hesitated, moved closer to Li Yuanjing, and lowered his voice:

"Shopkeeper, we've been a little uneasy here recently. If something happens later, we'll have to trouble everyone in the shop to hide in the mountains first."

He whispered a few words into Li Yuanjing's ear and gave Li Yuanjing directions for evacuation in case of emergencies.

Li Yuanjing hurriedly thanked him and sent Mr. Xun away.

When Mr. Xun left, Li Yuanjing couldn't help but squint his eyes.

That's when it happened.

Li Yuanjing is basically 100% sure!

This yellow mud puddle is an important base for the remnants of the Wenxiang Sect!

Although Li Yuanjing was not so clear about the overall situation at this time, after careful consideration, Li Yuanjing decided to take everyone to rest here until evening before setting off.

after all.

After a night of intense work, these strong men were exhausted, let alone the old village chief.


Even though Li Yuanjing hasn't seen the officers and soldiers yet, he still doesn't believe that the elites under King Qi's command will not keep an eye on Huangniwa!

If Li Yuanjing and others went out during the day, they would really become a living target.

What makes Li Yuanjing even more fortunate is that.

Until now, the heavy snow has not stopped. Looking at it, I am afraid it will continue to snow until tomorrow.

A combination of various factors.

Obviously it is safer to go at night.

As for Wang Liu next to Li Yuanjing, she was becoming more down-to-earth and honest now, but Li Yuanjing noticed——

From time to time, she would secretly look in the direction of the yellow mud puddle on the back of the mountain ridge, feeling a little lost...

As Li Yuanjing arranged the tasks, everyone took turns on duty to ensure that they all got about the same amount of rest time. Everyone relaxed and began to take turns to rest.

When Li Yuanjing, who had just gone to bed at noon, woke up, it was already dark.

It was not beyond Li Yuanjing’s expectation.

At this time, the snow still did not stop, but it seemed to be getting heavier and heavier.

This also made Li Yuanjing breathe a little relieved.

God bless.

Finally nothing happened.

Liu Gang was sent over to inform Mr. Xun and call him over. Li Yuanjing said goodbye to him and then led a group of men to rush to Yishui direction overnight, preparing to return to Quanzi Village.


What Li Yuanjing and others did not notice was——

Not long after they left Huangniwa Village, they had not yet made their way out of the winding mountain path into Huangniwa Village.

In the woods on one side.

Several pairs of eyes were already watching Li Yuanjing and the others.


They made eye contact and disappeared into the deep darkness of the night!
This chapter has been completed!
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