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Chapter 59 Start to build the earth wall

It was already the next morning when Li Yuanjing and others returned to Quanzi Village.

Because the heavy snow has not stopped at this time, it already has the meaning of "heavy snow closing the mountain".

This time.

Not only is the traffic jammed, no one will come to Quanzi Village anymore, and the people in Quanzi Village will not go out on such a day.

This gave Li Yuanjing and the others more time and space for those who urgently needed to deal with the follow-up.

Li Yuanjing was not stingy either.

Everyone who followed him on this trip received a generous reward of one tael of silver, including Liu Gang.

At this time, Liu Gang admired Li Yuanjing even more.

I also understand.

He could no longer do his job in Lucun Town, so he directly proposed to Li Yuanjing the idea of ​​selling himself to Li Yuanjing as a slave.

But Li Yuanjing rejected his request to sell himself as a slave.


I don’t know what Li Yuanjing said to Liu Gang. Liu Gang became energetic and kowtowed to Li Yuanjing desperately before leaving excitedly.

The old village chief, Zhang Kun, Zhao Zengjin and others continued to play nice and take control of the situation, especially the matter of the three unlucky guys who died.

Li Yuanjing returned home slowly at this time.

He just got the news.

Wang Youdao came here yesterday morning and has been living in the temporary dormitory of Li Yuanjing Textile Workshop.

When Li Yuanjing returned home, he simply took a shower and changed his clothes. He didn't even have time to make out with Yu Niang a few times before he came over to see Wang Youdao.

"Yuan Jing, how's the matter?"

Wang Youdao seemed to have not slept well for several days. His eyes were bloodshot and the bags under his eyes were swollen. When he saw Li Yuanjing coming in, he quickly grabbed Li Yuanjing's hand and asked urgently.

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Li Yuanjing shook hands with Wang Youdao vigorously, then quietly broke away from his hand and took out the receipt issued by 'Yishui Zhenren'.

Wang Youdao hurriedly took it and examined it carefully, then his old face showed a look of ecstasy and murmured:

"This is the handiwork of Master Yishui. This is the handiwork of Master Yishui."


He hugged Li Yuanjing again excitedly and said:

"Yuan Jing, I will remember your kindness this time to your Uncle Wang. I have important things to attend to, so I won't disturb your rest. Let's have a good get-together when we're done!"

Wang Youdao quickly left with more than a dozen of his followers, completely ignoring the terrifying heavy snow that blocked the mountain. He also seemed to have forgotten to ask Li Yuanjing about the specific process.

Li Yuanjing looked at his back and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes hard.

What happened that could make Wang Youdao so flustered that he couldn't care less?


At this time, the traffic was not smooth, and the information was even worse. Even if Li Yuanjing had the intention, it was obviously impossible for him to inquire about Wang Youdao's news.

Not long after.

Zhang Kun and Zhao Zengjin came over to report to Li Yuanjing the follow-up situation in the village.

The families of those three unlucky guys, faced with this situation, didn't think much about it, and they were even less able to change anything.

Not to mention, Li Yuanjing could also provide them with a pension of three taels of silver, and everyone called Li Yuanjing Renyi directly.

This made Li Yuanjing feel a little uncomfortable, and he wondered if the brains of these three people had been kicked by a donkey.

They were not strong wolves to begin with, but they took the initiative to leave the pack during such a big change. What else could they do if they were not seeking death?

But after all, Li Yuanjing is not the founder of a charity. There is no way he could ruin this whole pot of porridge just for these few clever mice!

After calling Zhang and Kun to rest, he also returned home and hugged Yu Niang's little body to have a good rest.

In the morning of the next day, the snow stopped, and everything inside and outside Quanzi Village, including the mountains in the distance, had turned into a world covered in silver.

Li Yuanjing took the old village chief, Zhang Kun, Zhao Zengjin and others early in the morning to deliver pension money to the families of the three unlucky men.

This immediately moved the three families so much that they knelt down and kowtowed to Li Yuanjing.

After leaving the door, he saw that Li Yuanjing was still a little unhappy. The old village chief was relieved but at the same time he patted Li Yuanjing's shoulder heavily and said:

"Yuan Jing, you are a man who does great things, how can you develop the kindness of a woman because of these scumbags? Hundreds of us are all counting on you."

Li Yuanjing finally calmed down a little and said with a smile:

"Uncle, I don't want to do that anymore. But from now on, I still want to take care of these three families as much as I can. You can't lecture me anymore."

"You bastard."

The old village chief was pleased and moved, and walked side by side with Li Yuanjing.

The two of them walked a dozen steps, and Li Yuanjing said:

"Uncle, now we have almost everything we need to prepare. Can we build the earthen wall today?"

The old village chief was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and said with great joy:

"Yes, why not?"

"We don't pay much attention to the way we farm. Besides, our village is short of everything except firewood. Let's bake the ground first, and we will waste a while of work. Yuan Jing, you, do you want to do it now?

Let’s start?”

Li Yuanjing smiled and nodded:

"Well, uncle. I want to do it today!"

"As usual, in three to five days, when our government's autumn tax collection is finished, Master Mada from Lengshan will come to collect protection fees. I think I will pay for the money to build the earth wall."

Well. At least I’ll pay for more than half of it!”

"In this way, when the common people have money in their hands, they won't have to worry about being unable to pay the protection fee of Madam Madam, and they won't have to sell their sons and daughters to cause tragedies in the world!"

"Yuan Jing..."

The old village chief was really shocked by Li Yuanjing at this time. His face turned red with excitement, and then he couldn't stop crying:

"Yuan Jing, from now on in Quanzi Village, whatever you say, my old man will do it!!!"

Li Yuanjing and the old village chief reached a further agreement, and before noon, the large-scale project of building earth walls in Quanzi Village was started in a mighty manner.

Li Yuanjing would naturally not be stingy at this time.

He directly gave Zhang Kun, Zhu Zhu, Kui Zi, Xiangzi and others a small amount of ten taels of silver and asked them to go to Tieniu Town to buy food.

It's not that Li Yuanjing doesn't want to give more.

The main reason is that there is such a large stock in Tieniu Town. If you really have to buy hundreds of taels at once, it will make people suspicious and cause trouble.

With only these ten taels of silver, it is impossible to buy all white rice. It is also mixed with wheat, millet and other grains, which makes it hard to fault and more cost-effective.

The old village chief has long had plans for the earthen wall in Quanzi Village.

Several old craftsmen in the village are also aware of this.

Including Li Yuanjing's father, Li Laoshi, he may have planned this matter several times when he was still alive.


All of this, it was not until Li Yuanjing rose up that he had the opportunity to implement it.

After careful discussion with the old village chief and several old craftsmen, Li Yuanjing did not change the overall plan, but improved it on the basis of this plan.

for example.

normal status.

In other villages, like Dagou Village, they built earthen walls, basically on flat land, relying only on the high earthen walls to isolate danger behind the earthen walls.

After Li Yuanjing thought carefully.

It was decided that while building the earth wall, a trench five to six meters deep and seven to eight meters wide should be dug around the outside of the earth wall.


The earthen wall is built to a height of seven or eight meters, and the trench here extends to a depth of five to six meters and a width of seven to eight meters, which can better protect the safety of Quanzi Village.

It's not that Li Yuanjing didn't want to clean up the ropes and introduce the moat in one go.

The earthen wall is mainly made of rammed earth, mixed with some lime and other materials, and supported by some wooden frames to build it.

This type cannot withstand blisters.

Not to mention adding something to the water to prevent it from freezing in winter.


Quanzi Village only has two large gates, one south and one north, and a small gate next to the large spring in the east to facilitate the villagers to fetch water.

This time.

The overall defensive strength has directly risen to a higher level.

Coupled with the unique geographical advantages of Quanzi Village, even if the enemy comes with thousands of people, it may not be easy to break through.

Although the waste soil from the surrounding trenches cannot be directly used to build earth walls, Li Yuanjing will not waste it.

After discussing with the old village chief and several old craftsmen, he decided to use the waste soil to fill the small slope near his home.

This time.

Once this small slope is filled in, Li Yuanjing's home will be the commanding heights of Quanzi Village, more than 20 meters higher than ordinary people's houses.

Not only does it expand the area, allowing for the construction of more workshops, warehouses, and dormitories, it also takes the safety of Li Yuanjing's home to a higher level.

In the evening.

As Zhang Kun and the others came back from buying grain, all the laborers who came to work, regardless of gender, received their first day's wages.

This made the entire Quanzi Village boil.

Countless ordinary people were as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and they wished they could work hard all night long and make Li Yuanjing bankrupt...
This chapter has been completed!
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