984. Chapter 984 Pointing at the sky and laughing at the sky 1
He waved his arms and the armoured teams behind him who were quite capable immediately pulled out their exquisite swords and pointed at a group of surrounded people.
Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and a deep contempt flashed in his cold eyes.
Even if you forget about the human flesh wall, you still dare to turn the tables and instead take your people as hostages.
If you use it, you will get rid of it? These damn fools, no wonder the royal family has fallen to this point today.
She first arrived at that time and believed that the imperial capital was extremely prosperous and her living standards were extremely high.
Later I realized that it was just an appearance of a prosperous area.
The royal family colluded with merchants and the real suffering and exploitation was the people who supported their families by relying on their own hands.
The second prince knew that he had taken a dangerous step this time, but this was also the only opportunity for the royal family!
At this time, the two overlords frowned, their disgust was beyond words, and they finally understood why the dignified family was led by several aristocratic families.
At this time, the ethereal sound of Bai Ye's internal energy was heard.
"Old men! This time, it was your royal family who wanted to take your life, and it had nothing to do with Liufeng City! After confronting each other for so long, my life didn't want you! The golden ticket was given to you for nothing! You should know by comparison
Who! I am truly cruel and incorruptible! The royal grandsons, remember it! I hate being threatened by self-righteous idiots the most in my life! If you want to kill, we will send you down and bury them with you!"
The crowd was in an instant, and they became more and more aware that they might have been exploited before.
For a moment, I was extremely disappointed.
Bai Ye had no intention of saving them. It was inevitable that the two armies would fight. But her last sentence was extremely serious and firm.
At that moment, the old guys were slightly moved.
The second prince was stunned. A few days ago, the royal family sent people to incite these people to kill them with their lives. As expected, they were hit and did not dare to attack forcibly.
Although he is strong now, he still has not taken the lives of these untouchables, which shows that he does not want to kill him!
Why has it changed suddenly now? Did I lose this bet?
On the side, the two adjutants immediately came up and asked him to make a decision, which made him even more irritable.
Just when he was in powerless, the sound that made his scalp numb sounded again.
"Give you two choices! Let these people leave immediately, and I guarantee you will be unscathed! If you kill them, or continue to threaten them with their lives, then you will all die!"
After Bai Ye finished speaking fiercely, he raised his hand violently, and the masters behind him responded, and the momentum was shocking!
For her, the result will not change anyway.
She has conquered this imperial capital! She has presumed this decadent royal regime!
The second prince was shocked, and he gritted his teeth desperately, looking around in a hurry.
If he continues to be tough, he is worried that this female devil will really take action. However, if he wants to retreat, it is difficult to ensure that the other party will keep his promise.
"No...no! You have to...you have to write down a notice and then withdraw the army! The royal family can guarantee that the well water of Liufeng City will not violate the river water... Otherwise, we can pay tribute every year, as long as you withdraw the army..." He thought for a long time,
Stand with little confidence.
"How can I quit your uncle? Are you the second prince or the second fool?" As soon as Bai Ye said this, Ye Mingxia and others hummed silently, holding back their laughter!
There was obvious impatience in her tone, and she showed her murderous intention: "It is the greatest kindness to ensure that you are unscathed. If you don't have capital, don't be busy learning how to be arrogant!"
After finishing the outline, it will be completed at the end of this month or the beginning of next month.