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Chapter 123: So Beautiful

Wearing military uniforms, the two women's originally proud figures were made even taller and taller. They were full of energy. Once they stood in the crowd, they were like a beautiful scenery that could not help but attract attention.

The beauty of olive green, the indescribable comfortable feel, and the military uniform fabric that people at this time couldn't even describe, made the two women fall in love with it after putting it on and couldn't put it down.

The other women also showed crazy envy in their eyes. If they were to say what their biggest wish in life was, it would be to have the same military uniform.

"There are not many military uniforms like this, but only those who pass the assessment with Cui Shengshou and become a qualified angel in white can be issued such military uniforms. Who can wear it will ultimately depend on the results of the assessment. No one has any objections, right?


In order to increase everyone's enthusiasm, Su Shi deliberately said that the number of military uniforms was limited. He believed that this would better mobilize everyone's enthusiasm.

Sure enough, all the women became excited in the next moment. Cui Yuan on the side was also amazed by this beautiful military uniform. After hearing Su Shi's words, he knew that this gave him more power, so he immediately

He also smiled and said: "That's right, after the assessment in three days, the top three will be issued military uniforms like this. Everyone, please work hard."

"Long live the young master, a thousand lives is Cui Shengshou."

When the women heard the result, they all cheered for a moment. Then He Li and Mei Shuang became the focus of everyone. Otherwise, whoever had the best medical care would be the one to ask for advice.


In Jishi Hall, Su Shi stayed until nearly dark, and after teaching Cui Yuan a lot of knowledge, he left here at Wang Ada's kind invitation.

Although it was already dark at this time, the countless bonfires on Shangcang Mountain illuminated it as if it were daytime.

The dinner is about to begin.


In the cellar, Chu Guo had shouted so many times, raised his head and asked so many times, "I know there is someone up there, can you say something? It's really boring to stay here."

But every time I shouted, I got no response like a stone sinking into the sea.

Even so, Chu Guo had no intention of giving up, and would shout upwards from time to time. He knew clearly that someone above him must be observing his every move.

Time passed little by little, and in the dark cellar, Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun didn't know what time it was, nor where they were, or even how they were discovered and how they were caught.

It's such a mind-boggling feeling.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

When they thought that with their own skills, they could be discovered and captured without anyone noticing, they were a little scared in their hearts, and they were extremely eager to see those who could catch them and see them.

Does he really have three heads and six arms? Does he really have a height of three feet? Does he really have a big mouth that can eat people?

Maybe God knew what they wanted. Finally, after an unknown amount of time, a light came from above their heads. Although the sky was getting a little dark, this light was still very conspicuous compared to the dark cellar.


A wooden ladder was extended from the top of the head, and a voice came along with it, "Climb up along the way, and remember, don't play any tricks, otherwise, I guarantee that you will never get up again."

There was no emotion in the voice, and it reached the ears of Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun like an ultimatum from a spy.

The two of them had no intention of escaping, at least they would not act recklessly until they had figured out where this place was and what was going on outside.

They silently climbed up slowly along the ladder, and soon reached the top of the ground. The first thing they saw was three men with swords staring at them nervously.

The little white pigeon and the dragon and tiger brothers stayed here all day long to keep an eye on them.

In Su Shi's words, these two people are not simple, and they must not make any mistakes in guarding them. Even in the cellar, they cannot relax at all.

Even with the young master's orders, the three of them certainly didn't dare to be careless. When the two of them climbed up, they went up and tied them up.

During this process, Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun did not resist at all and allowed others to tie them up. After they were really tied up by Wu Huada, they walked out accompanied by the three of them.

This should be in the mountains and forests.

There should be a lot of people living here.

This should be halfway up a certain mountain.

There are actually quite a few hidden whistles here, both overt and covert.

As the two walked outside, they felt the surrounding situation and came to one conclusion after another.

Both Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun can be called the best scouts and the best tracking experts. They adapt to the environment much faster than others. It is precisely because of this that in a short period of time, they can

This is the result.

And it wasn't until they were led to the square by the Longhu brothers and in front of a wooden table that the shock in their hearts really began.

Old people, children, girls and wives, people coming and going were walking around them.

But from the beginning to the end, except for a few children who cast curious glances at them, others never looked at them. Instead, they regarded them as transparent air and regarded them as nothing.

As soon as the two of them were brought to the dining table and stood still, they noticed that in the other direction, thousands of people were also brought out.

Although these people were not tied up, judging from their expressions and hanging heads, it was obvious that they should be prisoners.

"Where is this place? How can there be so many prisoners in a mountain forest? And the quality of the food and tea on this table is not low. How much does it cost? If it was just an ordinary bandit's lair, how could they

Where will the financial support come from?”

In a short while, Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun thought a lot, and they also had more incomprehensions in their hearts.

Speaking of which, both of them are relatively well-off. Not only are they very particular about what they eat, but they are not comparable to ordinary people.

Sometimes, I can even have dinner with noble people, and I have seen what delicious food is.

But those delicious things seem incomparable to the food on the table now.

Tender beef, whole roasted chicken, unseen sea fish, etc., these are all valuable things. Some things are even more difficult to buy with money, but now they are here.

On the table.

What's important is not just one table, but the whole square. There are about two hundred such tables, and it's the same on every table. Which kind of powerful bandits are these?

The fragrant food, the fat meat that makes your mouth water, the strong alcohol that hits your nose, and all kinds of melons, fruits, candies...

With such rich dining conditions, not only the adults, but also the children had smiles on their faces, running around on the ground, and from time to time they let out the laughter that was unique to children.

Among the crowd, the appearance of two hundred soldiers wearing stab-proof uniforms instantly attracted everyone's attention.

He has a Longquan steel sword across his waist, a patterned Overlord gun in his hand, a recurve bow on his body, jet black stab-proof clothing, and special military boots that make a crisp sound when walking on the road. No matter which one is taken out, it gives everyone a sense of intuition.

feeling of excitement.

In a full afternoon, under the auspices of Ji Zhu, the first batch of two hundred elite soldiers were selected.

Two hundred people had to be selected from more than three hundred people, and the competition was fierce as you can imagine, but under Ji Zhu's fair selection method, those who were selected were naturally very happy, and those who were not selected were not too discouraged. General

But as I said, the assessment will be re-evaluated every ten days. As long as you work hard, you will still have the opportunity to equip these coveted weapons and military uniforms.

Two hundred elite soldiers lined up in the square where the banquet was held, attracting everyone's attention. But in Su Shi's eyes, it still made him a little dissatisfied. Perhaps he was used to seeing the military parades in China in later generations.

The reason for the square formation is that I always feel that the walking postures of these two hundred people are different. It cannot be described as pleasing to the eye.

"It seems that starting from tomorrow, they will have to train their military posture."

In terms of numbers, the appearance of two hundred well-equipped warriors indeed attracted the attention and envy of many people. But when He Li and Mei Shuang appeared in the square in military uniforms, it was even more dramatic in an instant.

It attracted everyone's attention.

Beautiful, so beautiful!

At this moment, not only did everyone have the same idea in their hearts, even Ji Zhu.

Seeing that his wife looked like a different person after putting on the military uniform, it made his blood surge. For some reason, he could not help but feel a sense of excitement in his body.

It seems that right now I want to hold my wife’s hand and have a quiet chat for a while.

"Damn it, what the hell is this place?"

Seeing everything happening around them, Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun were both shocked. The more they looked at it, the more they couldn't understand it.

I became more and more curious about the boss behind this force.

"Have a seat." Su Shi, who was sitting in a wheelchair in the center of the square, finally spoke.

As soon as he opened his mouth, there was a crackling sound of people sitting down, and at the same time, everyone's attention was drawn here. Chu Guo and Yang Jingyun also discovered Su Shi's existence.

Everyone was standing before, which blocked their sight. In addition, Su Shi was always sitting in a wheelchair, so it was even more difficult to see him.

But now, as soon as he opened his mouth, it was difficult for the two of them not to pay attention to him.

At this glance, through the bonfire that was as bright as day, the young master in white appeared in everyone's sight, and they were also surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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