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Chapter 143: Brain Disease

"Brain...brain disease?" Jiang Gu had an expression on his face as to what was going on.

"Yes, it is precisely because Tongzhilang has a brain disease that he is still unable to stand up with his legs. Alas, he is a pitiful person." Tongping Zhangshi Li Yonghe said with a sigh.


"Fortunately, the officials are kind-hearted. They felt that Tongzhilang cured King Jing's illness, so they gave him an official status. The officials are kind." This sentence was said by Miao Jicheng, Duke of Wu State.

"The officials are benevolent." Then came the voices of four people in unison.

The four important ministers had the same attitude and opinions. After listening to Jiang Gu's ears, how could he not know what was going on? He immediately said: "Yes, Tongzhi Lang has a brain disease, what is it?"

Everything can be done. In this way, it is understandable even if the Liao envoy knows about this matter. By the way, there is also Shaoqing Jiang Tai, who actually used his power for personal gain and occupied other people's fields. I impeached Jiang Tai and invited him to go there.

Official positions will be handed over to Kaifeng Mansion for interrogation."

Jiang Gu was also a smart man. Seeing that the general situation was like this, he immediately changed his focus. He was originally going to impeach Su Shi, but now he impeached his subordinate Jiang Tai.

"Okay, I'm sure." This is what Zhao Zhen was waiting for. Then he said: "Although Jiang Aiqing made some oversights, the advantage is that he was able to discover the problem in time. This time, he will not be punished. He should take it as a warning."


The threat hanging over his head is gone. This is the reward given by Zhao Zhen. This is also the emperor's balancing technique.

Jiang Gu heaved a sigh of relief and stood up, saying long live your Majesty.

As for Jiang Tai who was beaten, he naturally became a victim. Who would consider his thoughts as an abandoned person?


Jiuzhou Bridge, Sufu.

Qu Donger came back with him and moved into a small courtyard separated from Su Shi, but there was not much joy on his face, but more worry.

"Young Master said it's okay, so it must be okay." Seeing Qu Dong'er's worry, Yue Siling comforted her.

But is it really going to be fine? He is a sixth-grade official. If he wants to be beaten, will the other party agree? Will police officers break into the house soon to take someone away? Yue Siling is also a little worried.

"It's okay." Yue Siling returned to the hospital with worry written on his face, and what he got in return was Su Shi's words. "It's just a matter of spending some money."

Su Shi said it very casually, and indeed he had enough confidence in his heart.

During this period of time, Su Shi had come up with so many good things to maintain a network of interests and relationships, but that was just beating a sixth-grade official. If he couldn't handle it, wouldn't his hard work be in vain?

The saying that money can make the world go round is generally applicable in many cases.

As the saying goes, collect money from others and eliminate disasters with them. Even if Lou Yang gives money and those people accept it, then they will speak for themselves. After all, there are still very few people who really accept money and do nothing.

"Yeah." Yue Siling finally felt relieved when she saw that Su Shi still had a faint smile on his face. At least so far, she has never seen anything that the young master can't solve.

She believed in Su Shi.

But what she didn't know was that outside the Su Mansion, the lone wolf who once appeared in Meixiang Courtyard with a bow was leading people to look cautiously towards the end of the street. Once he found a large number of policemen or government officials,

If he gets close, he will send a signal as soon as possible, and then he will lead the young master out of the capital.

This may seem a bit audacious to others. But this is what Lou Yang said to him. He also said, "Don't worry, the young master has something very powerful in his hands that can allow us to rush out of the capital in the shortest time.

By then we will most likely have to return to Shangcang Mountain, and then it will be very difficult for anyone who wants to threaten the young master's safety."

I don't know where Lou Yang's confidence comes from, but since he said this, Lone Wolf chose to believe that what he has to do now is to keep an eye on the outside to ensure that when a situation arises, more time can be created that is conducive to the young master's activities.

Of course, the so-called strong wind did not come, but in exchange for it, an official sedan came from far and near, with a large Pang character flag representing the identity of the owner.

Among the four, Pang Ji had the least qualifications and the lowest official rank, so he volunteered to come.

In the Su Mansion, Su Shi warmly received him, and then Pang Ji vividly described how they pleaded with the officials and how they made big things into trivial matters.

Su Shi sat by the side cooperatively, showing surprise expressions from time to time, which greatly satisfied Pang Ji's vanity. "Brother Su, that's what happened. No matter what, you beat Jiang Tai in public, so you can't do it a little bit."

There is no punishment for you. After much deliberation, I gave you the label of being mentally ill. Don’t be angry."

As he spoke, Pang Ji was still observing Su Shi carefully. This result seemed to have saved Su Shi, but it also cut off his path to promotion. For an official, it was tantamount to

It's like taking half a life.

"Hahaha, why should I be angry? I'm just curious, so I asked Brother Pang to explain it to me."

"Oh, tell me." Pang Ji asked curiously.

"Brother Pang Pang, with the label of brain disease, will I be able to slap whoever I want in the future?"

This time, an official endorsed him, and so many important ministers acknowledged and approved this matter. This is equivalent to Su Shi having a talisman, and then he can use brain disease to explain his beatings in the future.

Isn't it a beautiful thing?

Pang Ji couldn't keep up with Su Shi's thinking.

After being labeled as having a brain disease, shouldn't we consider that our future career prospects will be cut off?

Shouldn't it be sad?

But looking at how Su Shi looks now, he is actually very happy. Why is this?

Pang Ji was puzzled at first, but when he saw that Su Shi was really happy, he felt relieved. He was still a young man, and he didn't know the importance of the official career. But it's okay, Su Shi won't be promoted in the future.

We can only rely on them more, and they can take advantage of the opportunity to obtain more benefits.

"Brother Su, are you really happy, or are you angry?" Although he already had an idea in his mind, Pang Ji still asked tentatively.

"Of course I'm really happy. To be honest, Brother Pang, I'm afraid there are some problems with my brain. Sometimes when I get the urge, I just want to slap someone. I didn't understand it before, but now I know that you guys really

Everyone has a keen eye, and they can see through it at a glance, which is amazing."

Su Shi said with a laugh. Although he knew that nothing would happen to him, he was still a little curious about how the officials, Pang Ji and others solved the matter. Now that he knew the process, he had to sigh, as expected,

They are all a bunch of old foxes.

I am only fourteen years old. Although I have a leg problem, I am known as the Holy Hand. Who knows that one day I will be cured?

And once he can stand up, with his life-saving grace for King Jing, will one day Zhao Xi take over, and he will also rise to great heights?

After all, Su Shi's bloodline also makes the royal family fearful. Once Su Shi really reaches a high position and he is really not short of money, no one can predict what will happen then.


That is to say, we need to borrow Su Shi to bring benefits to everyone. But we also need to control Su Shi and not give him more opportunities to develop. This puts people in a dilemma.

It's fine now. I just sacrificed a small young minister, Honglu, and gave Su Shi a big label of mental illness. Then how could an important minister of a country have such a dirty history?

This is tantamount to cutting off Su Shi's path to promotion, and a person who is destined to be unable to become an important minister and hold real power is what makes everyone feel at ease.

It can be said that this time it was Su Shi who took the initiative to deliver the handle to everyone. Even if Su Shi did not give away the 100,000 yuan each, I am afraid these people would still contribute. A weak partner,

Naturally it makes people happy.

Su Shi figured it all out quickly and started laughing too.

The career path that was important in the eyes of others was what Su Shi didn't care about.

And with the reputation of being mentally ill, he will be able to worry less when doing things in the future, which is something he can only dream of.

This is Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai, one who wants to fight and the other who wants to suffer.

In the end, Pang Ji didn't stay for dinner at the Su Mansion, maybe because he wasn't thick-skinned enough. After all, what they did was tantamount to cutting off Su Shi's promotion path.

Pang Ji left, and Bao Heizi came.

In the Su Mansion, when Bao Heizi saw Su Shi, he accused him vehemently. Faced with all this, Su Shi kept his head down and said nothing, let alone any refutation. He knew that this was the true punishment for him.

Good person.

"Oh, why are you so impulsive? You still have great years and a great future, but you know that just because of this slap, most of them will be ruined. No, I will risk this old face and go.

Go find Jiang Tai. When the time comes, you will admit your mistake. The worst that can happen is that you will be fined some money. No matter what, the name of brain disease cannot be hung on your head."

Bao Heizi had been very optimistic about Su Shi since they met while serving porridge outside the city.

This is a person who cares about the common people at heart. The higher and more powerful such a person becomes in the future, the only people who will benefit are the common people. Bao Heizi thinks he will not be wrong about this.

But firstly, Su Shi had leg problems, and secondly, he was still young, so Bao Heizi didn't worry too much. He thought that in a few years, Su Shi would be old enough and could stand up, so he would definitely

It is highly recommended.

He never expected that something like this would happen now. When he heard the news, his first reaction was that the fight was good, and his second reaction was that things were going to be bad.

Sure enough, before Bao Heizi could ask how to deal with it and think about how to deal with it, the officials had already decided the matter. As a result, Su Shi was given the name of having a brain disease.


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