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Chapter 20 Target Bianliang

Qian Bao, who was completely shocked by Su Shi's handwriting, heard Shi Fo say that the young master's request was not to make much money with these things, but to make more friends in the capital and form a certain network of contacts. Naturally, he was

I agreed immediately.

The cold winter has arrived, and the New Year is about to begin. In the entire Qianqizhuang, because the economy is improving and the young master is recovering from his illness, this year is destined to be a lively New Year.


Bianliang, Beijing.

In an inconspicuous small courtyard in the city, a burly man was lowering his head and talking about what he had seen and heard.

"Zhongguan, the traveler is definitely missing. Our people have searched all over Yingchang Mansion and haven't seen him anywhere."

An old, beardless man known as Zhongguan was sitting on a chair, sipping the tea in his hand and listening.

"Where could he be? Where was he last seen?"

"Zhongguan, the traveler appeared outside Qianqizhuang for the last time. Then he never went back." The visitor lowered his head, looking like he had done something wrong.

"Didn't go back? Dongzhong, don't lie to our family."

"Don't dare. The villain will never dare to deceive the Zhongguan. The traveler definitely disappeared after leaving Qianqizhuang. I thought he might have heard some secrets or obtained something, so...

Did you escape?" Dong Zhong said carefully what he thought in his mind.

"What did you get? Huh! The world is so big and everything is within the scope of the imperial power. Where can he go? Check, send people to check immediately. We must find him and bring him back to our family." The lieutenant official said as he spoke.

At this time, the domineering energy on his body leaked out, and he was obviously a little angry at this moment.

"Yes." Dong Zhong agreed, then bowed and walked out.

Because the clay figurine Zhang found someone who was similar to the traveler, pretended to be like him and left Qianqizhuang, and then took off his disguise and returned to the village soon afterwards, the secret agents of the Secret Service did not find anything unusual, and Qianqizhuang could therefore be placed there.

Other than that.


In 1043 AD, the New Year in the third year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty was the thirteenth New Year that Su Shi celebrated in the Song Dynasty.

At the age of fourteen, Su Shi finally experienced the long-lost sense of relaxation.

In the past, he was physically weak, and even the Chinese New Year could not arouse his interest at all. He felt uncomfortable all over and seemed to be in pain everywhere, so he could only spend the New Year with his parents with a forced smile.

This year, my body has completely improved. Just like an ordinary person, a punch can only be about 50 kilograms at most. Another example is the heavyweight boxer Tyson, whose highest punch weight is 224 kilograms.

Although Su Shi is only fourteen years old, he can punch more than 250 kilograms with one punch.

I still remember the punch that easily knocked down a thick wall to the ground. Lou Yang and Yue Siling who were following behind them opened their mouths wide in surprise.

Su Shi couldn't figure out why this was the case. He could only attribute it to the fact that he had been taking ginseng and Ganoderma for many years and his body was systematically cleansed.

Su Shi, who possesses such brute strength, will naturally eat and drink whatever he likes this New Year.

Mother Zhao Feier looked at her son with doting eyes. She already knew that Su Shi would leave Qianqizhuang and head to the capital after the New Year.

She was a little reluctant at first. Her mother was worried about her son traveling thousands of miles away, which was not a joke.

But like Su Feiyang said, good men are everywhere. They should not keep their son in Qianqizhuang. They should go out and see more of the world. If they really miss their son, the worst they can do is send a message asking him to come back.

that is.

All children will grow up one day. Although Zhao Fei'er couldn't bear it, she still agreed. This also made Su Shi accompany her mother whenever she had time to fulfill her filial piety.

As a father, Su Feiyang naturally had trouble staying with his son. But behind the scenes, he quietly did a lot of things, such as arranging the bodyguards to accompany his son, all of whom he carefully selected.

Zhang Miaoshou will follow, as he will be responsible for Su Shi's health issues; clay figurine Zhang will also accompany him. This man is very capable and can play a big role in important matters.

In addition, Su Feiyang also personally selected a number of good players.

They are respectively Big Speakers (responsible for inquiring about information, spreading news, and creating rumors, and are particularly good at it.)

A veteran (good at dealing with various characters, especially good at tracking.)

Little White Pigeon (has excellent equestrian skills and understands a certain amount of horse language, and will appear as Su Shi's groom.)

Lone Wolf (Extremely high in martial arts, possessing strong reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities. It is most suitable to be used as a scout for pre-war battles.)

These four people are all carefully selected helpers by Su Feiyang for his son, and they are also the backbone of Qianqizhuang.

Su Feiyang usually spent a lot of money to support them, but now it was finally time to use troops.

It can be said that Su Shi likes all the six people his father gave him. "Thank you, dad" is not enough to express his entire mood.

Su Shi could only swear secretly in his heart that he would never come back if he didn't make a fool of himself this time. Not only that, he also wanted to cut off the huge boulder that might be pressing on Qianqizhuang's head. He wanted to make his parents

There is no safety risk. He also wants his mother to be recognized by the Zhao family so that his father can appear openly and openly in front of the Zhao family and no longer be humbled because of his status as a Jianghu person.

During the New Year, after the Lantern Festival, the eighteenth day of the first lunar month coincided with Zhao Fei'er's birthday. Su Shi stayed with his mother to celebrate her thirty-seventh birthday. On the early morning of the nineteenth day of the first lunar month, he left with Lou Yang and ten others.

Go to Qianqizhuang.

In ancient times, transportation was inconvenient, and every trip away from home might be the last time we saw our parents.

In the room, Faye Zhao was in tears, and Su Feiyang was comforting her at the side.

Outside Qianqizhuang, Su Shi in the carriage knelt down to the courtyard where his parents were, repeating his previous vows in his heart.

The distance from Yingchang to Bianliang, the capital, is only about 700 miles, passing through Zhou County, Tongxu County, and the boundary of Chenliu Prefecture.

In later generations, the distance of 700 miles could only be reached by car in about three or four hours. But in the Song Dynasty, it would have taken at least about twenty days for a carriage to travel.

Traveling thirty miles in one day, that's unless something unexpected happens, otherwise, I'm afraid the time will be extended.

This was Su Shi's first trip away from home after arriving in the Song Dynasty.

Usually, the most he would do is go to the nearby Yingchang Mansion. After leaving Yingchang's territory, Su Shi saw everything was so fresh.

In this era, there is no talk of air pollution or industry destroying the atmosphere. Wherever you look, the sky is always so blue, the trees are so green, and even the water is so clear.

Sitting in a large carriage, there is the little lolita Yue Siling, who is already thirteen years old, waiting beside her. There are also a lot of fruits for exchange on the table, and from time to time peeled grapes will be delivered to her by a delicate hand.

The pleasant feeling in my mouth was like a fairy-like day.

After leaving Qianqizhuang, Su Shi no longer has to hide his methods. Here he is the young owner of the village. He is the only one who can order others, and others cannot control him.

When the delicious food was "changed" one after another, Su Shi once asked Yue Siling, "Aren't you curious where these things come from?"

"I'm curious, there are a lot of things I don't recognize. But where did they come from? Didn't the young master bring them out? The young master is very good at doing tricks." Yue Siling showed an innocent smile, seemingly careless.

Said like a lung.

During these days of getting along, Yue Siling had long regarded herself as Su Shi's, and even her brother had been forgotten by him.

In Yue Siling's eyes, Su Shi was his god and his support in the future.

As a woman, there is no reason to doubt her own men.

This is the expression of love to the extreme.

In Yue Siling's eyes, maybe if Su Shi plucked the sun from the sky, she wouldn't be surprised at all, and she might even think that all of this is what it should be.

Su Shi was naturally happy that Yue Siling was so sensible. He no longer had to explain some things. In this way, there were more and more good things, especially makeup sets that girls liked, which he brought out.

Got a set.

When a dazzling array of eyebrow pencils, eyeliners, silkworm pencils, mascara, blushers, powder puffs, etc. appeared, Yue Siling's eyes were flashing with excitement and excitement. Even though he was happy, he was so bold.

A quick flick of water came over Su Shi's face.

After doing this, Yue Siling blushed to the root of his neck and lowered his head without daring to raise it at all.

Su Shi was also a little excited. But as a man, he still pretended to be indifferent, as if nothing happened.

As his love for her grows rapidly, Su Shi has gained the little girl's complete trust.

Su Shi cherished and cared for Yue Siling and Su Shi very well. He also had no intention of being stingy at all towards Lou Yang and others who followed him.

Cigarettes, beer, ham...

Roast chicken, roast duck, Erguotou...

Especially after the 55-degree Erguotou was brought out, it immediately became everyone's favorite.

In the Song Dynasty, rice wine was drunk, and the alcohol content usually did not exceed ten degrees. Just like Wu Song drank eighteen bowls in a row, it was just eighteen bowls of beer.

It is less than ten degrees compared to fifty-five degrees. After one sip, the spicy taste goes straight to the forehead and burns in the stomach. This is the kind of wine that men should drink.

Just taking out such a thing immediately won everyone's favor. After only three days, all ten people accompanying him were convinced by Su Shi, and they could provide ten faith points every day.

Thanks to their complete belief in themselves, otherwise, if they could only get out but not get in, it would not take long for Su Shi to have nothing to redeem.

If the food aspect is just to satisfy the appetite, giving an elite bow to the lone wolf who is responsible for fighting the front battle will become a coveted item for everyone.

There are many types of bows, with varying strengths.
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