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Chapter Thirty-Third: The Great Song Palace

In fact, even Zhang Miaoshou didn't understand Su Shi.

Only Su Shi knew clearly that since he came to this world and received the kindness of his parents for raising him for thirteen years, he must repay the favor, and the best way is to let them not have to worry about it in their future lives, at least not

Just a word from uncles who have never met can put their family in a difficult situation.

Since you want to use power to suppress me, then I have more power than you.

The group, led by Imperial Physician Xu Bin, went from Maxing Street to the north to Daliang Road, passed by Xiangguo Temple, and arrived at Danfeng Gate in the south of the imperial city.

At the gate of the Imperial City, a group of guards came forward and once again checked the belongings of the Saints. After confirming that there were no prohibited items, they waved to let them go. Then they headed north towards the depths of the Imperial City.

In the imperial city, Renzong Zhao Zhen came to Zhaoren Palace just after he came to court.

In the past two days, Zhao Xi's condition seemed to have gotten worse, and even eating had become a little difficult.

Just this morning, Zhao Zhen issued an edict and made Zhao Xi the King of Jing, in order to give his only son a happy life and hope to pass this test.

"Guan family, Dr. Xu is back and has brought some folk saints. They are waiting outside the palace at this time." Zhang Maoze, the personal father-in-law, walked up to Zhao Zhen and whispered in Zhao Zhen's ear.

Speaking of Zhang Maoze, although he was close to Zhao Zhen, he admired Empress Cao very much in his heart.

According to historical records, in the first year of Jiayou's reign, the emperor fell ill, and the prime minister went to the small hall at the inner east gate to greet him. The emperor ran out of the confinement and loudly said: "The queen and Zhang Mao are plotting a treason." The words were very confusing. Zhang Mao

After hearing this, he hanged himself and tried to rescue him, but failed. Prime Minister Wen Yanbo scolded him and said: "The emperor is ill, and what he said was just delirium during the illness. Why do you do this! If you die, how will the palace be embarrassed?"

?" He was still ordered to always be at the emperor's side and not to leave.

But now, he is still very popular with Zhao Zhen, and he is also one of the ancestors of all the father-in-laws in the palace. (The other ancestor is Chen Lin, the manager of the Secret Service)

"Explain it." Xu Bin had told him before that if he could invite holy hands from the people, he might be able to find a way to cure King Jing, so he was naturally mentally prepared.

"Yes. It is announced that the imperial doctor and a group of folk saints will enter the palace." Turning around, Zhang Mao shouted and sang loudly, and then one after another from the Xiaohuangmen (middle-level eunuchs) sang loudly and shouted.

The order was passed on.

Xu Bin and his party, who had already arrived outside Zhaoren Palace, heard this sentence, and they all lowered their heads as much as possible, bowed their bodies and followed the small yellow gate into the palace.

Everyone had their heads lowered, except Su Shi, who was sitting on the wooden chair, and couldn't help but look left and right. And because his position was relatively low, his movements did not attract anyone's attention.

Along the way, what caught Su Shi's eyes was the majestic city wall, which was at least 16 to 7 meters high, and later to be 7 or 8 stories high.

The city walls are all built with rammed earth inside and covered with bricks and stones on the outside. Looking up close, it gives people a feeling of "it is as high as the sky, strong and majestic".

Entering the palace again, everything inside subverted Su Shi's understanding of the Song Dynasty.

Later generations often say that people in the Song Dynasty were either simple and elegant or calm and refined in decoration, but the architectural interiors in front of you are all filled with exquisite patterns, beautiful pillars, magnificent brackets, and ceilings that can dazzle your eyes.

Is this simple and elegant?

Or practice calmly and internally?

This is simply low-key luxury and connotation.

Along the way, Su Shi kept thinking in his heart that what he saw was different from what was recorded in history. But then he felt relieved.

History is written by people.

Even if it was written by people, it is inevitable that there will be subjective conjecture in it. If you rely on this to think that this is the historical truth at that time, it would be too hasty.

"Master, don't look around. You are about to meet with an official. You must abide by the rules." Zhang Miaoshou, who was pushing the wooden chair, had been paying attention to Su Shi. When he saw that he was completely distracted, he finally couldn't bear it.

He muttered twice quietly.

"Oh." After being reminded by this, Su Shi looked a little more serious, and then lowered his head, looking very honest.

Soon, everyone arrived at Zhaoren Palace. They could already see a middle-aged man in red robe standing there with his hands behind his back. In front of him and behind him, several little Huangmen were bowing their heads to serve him.


The only man who could be in the palace was the emperor. At that moment, Xu Bin took the lead, and other folk saints joined in. They knelt on the ground and shouted: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

"Everyone, get up." Zhao Zhen didn't even look at these folk saints. He just looked at Xu Bin and said, "King Jing's health seems to be getting worse. Please take them in quickly to have a look."

"According to the order." Xu Bin immediately agreed, then pointed to the North Street sage behind him and said: "You go in with me first. Remember, don't look around, just diagnose the patient."

"The common people know." The holy hand whose name was called first agreed, then tightened the medicine box on his body, lowered his head and followed Xu Bin deep into the inner courtyard.

As soon as Xu Bin left, the atmosphere in the courtyard became a little solemn. Zhao Zhen always turned his back to them and did not speak. Others did not dare to say anything, making the atmosphere very depressing for a while.

Fortunately, the sound of footsteps was heard soon after, and the North Street Saint who entered first stepped back, and then stood aside with an ugly face. Xu Bin, who followed him out, nodded towards the second person.

Said: "Come, come in with me."

Accompanied by Xiaohuangmen, the three of them entered again and returned soon after. This was repeated. After the first six saints had entered and exited one by one, it was Zhang Miaoshou's turn. Unlike the others, he was pushing Su Shi.

Enter the inner courtyard together.

Xiao Huangmen, who was leading the way, took another look, but when he saw that Doctor Xu didn't mean to say anything, he wisely closed his mouth.

Sitting on a wooden chair, Su Shi first walked around a rockery, then walked through a long corridor, and then saw a tightly guarded courtyard, with four small yellow gatekeepers standing at the door.

Needless to say, this is where the little noble man should live.

After another inspection, they did not even let go of the wooden chair Su Shi was sitting on. Others were also carried down by the small yellow doors. After no problems were found, he was allowed to return to the wooden chair.

Go up and walk towards the inner courtyard.

As soon as he entered the inner courtyard, the first thing that caught Su Shi's eyes was a bunch of orioles and swallows, all dressed in red and green, including a bunch of masters and maids.

Due to the large number of people, a natural heat wave formed, which rushed straight into Su Shi's nose. When he smelled carefully, he also smelled the perfume of the hotel. Needless to say, these people were all perfumers.


In other words, these are all noble ladies in the palace, and those who can appear here must be of a certain rank, and no one else can enter.

Later generations commented on Song Renzong: "He restrained himself and returned to etiquette, but he was fond of women."

The explanation of the first sentence is that he can restrain his desires, treat others politely, and is very caring and generous to his ministers. As for the second sentence, everyone knows it.

Suddenly there were so many women, most of them young and beautiful. No wonder Xu Bin didn't let everyone look at them.

"Lower your head quickly." Zhang Miaoshou's warning voice came from beside him. Su Shi immediately changed his mind, lowered his head, then sat on the wooden chair and went straight to the open inner room.

Upon entering the room, a large bed came into view, and a child's head was exposed under the fine silk quilt.

Beside the big bed, a beautiful woman was bowing her head and crying, very sad.

"Okay, let's take your pulse and make a diagnosis." Xu Bin had long been accustomed to such occasions and did not feel any discomfort. He just urged him aloud.

"Yes." Zhang Miaoshou agreed, stood up from behind the wooden chair, and walked towards the bed.

For a moment, everyone's attention fell on Zhang Miaoshou, and his expression changed accordingly. On the other hand, no one paid attention to Su Shi, which gave him a good opportunity to look around.

After no one was staring, Su Shi looked inside the room. When he saw that the decoration here was extremely luxurious, he couldn't help but cursed "big dog" in his heart.

Then, Su Shi's eyes turned and he looked into the eyes of a little adult with a pair of big eyes.

This is a little girl who is only five or six years old, with a pair of big and beautiful eyes.

A pair of beautiful dimples hang on her sweet and round face, and her watery eyes rotate from time to time, showing a clever and mischievous energy. At this time, these eyes are also interacting with each other.

Su Shi looked at each other.

Seeing such a cute little girl, Su Shi liked it, and his face changed. His mouth suddenly opened wide, he raised his hands slightly, pinched his face, and made a grimace.

Su Shi's sudden move caught the little girl's eyes, making her pale in shock.

She has been in the palace for so long, and the people here seem to be like zombies, not smiling. Even when they need to smile, they all look so fake. I have never seen such a big brother in front of her.

Are you making a face on your face?

For a moment, the little girl, who was a little uncomfortable with it, almost burst out laughing.

Fortunately, Su Shi reacted quickly, and when the grimace disappeared, he raised his right hand to his mouth and made a silencing gesture.

The little girl was very smart and immediately understood what Su Shi meant, and nodded quickly. Then she stared at Su Shi, as if she wanted to see if he had any new tricks up his sleeve.

"Sir Xu, the diagnosis has been completed." On this side, Zhang Miaoshou had already taken his hand off Zhao Xi's wrist and said with a serious expression.
This chapter has been completed!
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