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Chapter 35 I have a cure

Besides, they are not members of the Imperial Medical Office, and they usually do not receive salaries, so why do they have to take the responsibility themselves at this time?

It's better to lower one's head. At most, it will only be labeled as incompetent, and there will be no less flesh on the body. Besides, even the imperial doctors have been scolded as incompetent, so they don't have much to add to themselves, right?

Thinking like this, the first folk sage had an idea. When Xu Bin looked over, he lowered his head and acted like a turtle.

The first person lowered his head, Xu Bin could only look at the second person, and then he felt disappointed again, and then the third person...

With such an extension, the first six people all had their heads lowered, not daring to meet his eyes.

At this time, Renzong said, "How is it? Does anyone have a good prescription?"

"Go back to the official house, no." Xu Bin said helplessly.

"No? Didn't you say that there may be hidden holy hands among the people who can cure King Jing's disease?" Hearing this, Renzong's tone became louder.

Renzong usually has a good temper. He is tolerant to his ministers and to his servants. Even when he talks, his voice is not too loud. But now, seeing himself

His only son was about to die soon, and he finally couldn't help the anger in his chest, and his complexion began to change drastically. Not only did his voice increase, but his complexion also became very ugly, and he looked like he was burning with anger.

When Xu Bin saw that the emperor was angry, he quickly knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said, "I am incompetent, I am incompetent!"

Even at this time, Xu Bin only emphasized the word incompetence, not guilt. This shows that in the Song Dynasty, the ministers were not afraid of their king. The so-called ruling the world with scholar-bureaucrats was really

It's not just talk.

"Incompetent, incompetent, is this how you answered me?" Renzong was on the verge of breaking out. He even said the word "I", indicating that he really wanted to use the power of the emperor.

"Normally, it's okay for you to be incompetent, but now when it comes to the life of my only prince, you have to use these two words to answer me. Do you really think that I have a good temper and don't dare to kill anyone?"

Renzong, who became more and more annoyed as he talked, this time was not only staring at Xu Bin while speaking, but also glanced at the seven folk saints.

Yes, it was not easy for Renzong to kill Xu Bin. If an imperial doctor was to be killed because he could not cure a disease, then all the literati in the court would definitely criticize him verbally and writing. Then he would be considered the emperor.

, I can’t stop being afraid.

But it would be completely different if we just killed a few folk saints. They had no official rank and no complicated relationships in the court. Such people would die if they died, and the literati and courtiers would not stand up for them.

From this incident, we can see that what kind of scholar can ask for orders from all the people in the world?

That's just bullshit.

What they were really after was their own interests. To put it more simply, they were asking for orders for their group of scholars, for their official status, and for the emperor not to kill scholar-bureaucrats.

Xu Bin has an official rank, and he has treated many ministers, and has good connections. Naturally, he is not afraid. But it does not mean that those folk saints are not afraid.

At this time, when they thought about what Hu Xinzhong said before coming, their faces changed greatly. When they looked at Emperor Renzong, who was standing there without anger and self-importance, and even more terrifying when he was angry, they hurriedly

He knocked his head to the ground and kept saying, "The common people are incompetent, the common people are incompetent."

In just a short while, blood started to flow from some of them's foreheads. It was obvious that this was not just a show, but a genuine fear.

"It's incompetent, it's incompetent again, you trash, come on..." When he heard the word incompetent again, Renzong was really angry. In anger, he wanted to call the Imperial Guard Qian

Let's show these so-called folk masters, who are actually idiots, some of their awesomeness.


Just when Renzong was angry and wanted to show off his might and his unparalleled power, a not very loud voice suddenly sounded.

At this moment, the voice seemed so abrupt and attracted everyone's attention involuntarily.

Now, when the emperor is angry, even Ping Jin's close ministers will not choose to speak out at this time, which is asking for trouble.

But now, there are actually people who are not afraid of death and dare to jump out and interrupt Renzong's words. Oh my god, what kind of audacious and ignorant ghost is this!

With such doubts, Chen Lin, Zhang Maoze, Xu Bin and others looked at the sound involuntarily. Following them, they saw a young man with a calm face, without any fear or fear on his face.

He raised his head and looked seriously in the direction of Renzong.

No one dared to raise their head, that's because they were all afraid of Renzong's power as emperor and did not dare to touch Long Yan.

But just because others don't dare, it doesn't mean Su Shi doesn't dare.

He is just a child. Anyone who cares about a child will definitely think that there is no tolerance for him.

Su Shi is still a bloodline of Zhao Weineng. Although his surname is not Zhao, it is undeniable that he has the blood of the royal family. Based on this, Renzong can put him under house arrest, or even cruelly starve him to death or let him die of illness.

, but I would never dare to kill him in public.

This is a crime that not even Zhao Zhen's own grandfather can bear, let alone his grandson, who has a much weaker character.

Of course, based on these alone, if Su Shi stood up, it could only be regarded as nonsense.

What really gives him confidence is that he can cure Zhao Xi's disease. This is the biggest card in his hand now.

With so many advantages at hand, why didn't Su Shi dare to stand up and confront Emperor Renzong Zhao Zhen directly?

As soon as Su Shi opened his mouth, the atmosphere in the entire courtyard was stagnant, and some of the little yellow gatekeepers standing not far away started to tremble.

They didn't know who was so ignorant that they dared to interrupt the officials.

But they also admired this man and his courage in their hearts.

Renzong also didn't expect that anyone would dare to interrupt him. Isn't it obvious that he was angry?

Are there really people in this world who are not afraid of death? Do they really dare to offend Long Wei?

If there really was such a person, he would have to get to know him.

Thinking like this, Renzong looked over and saw Su Shi sitting on a wooden chair with a calm expression.

Speaking of which, this is the first time Renzong has met Su Shi, a junior. According to the clan, this person can still be regarded as his nephew. Although the blood relationship is very weak, Su Shi should indeed call him uncle.


He was so confused just now that Renzong didn't take a serious look at these so-called folk saints, so naturally he didn't pay attention to Su Shi.

Even if Chen Lin came to report Su Shi's identity, he didn't take it to heart at all. As the emperor of the Song Dynasty, there were so many major things to worry about in a day, so how could he pay attention to such a trivial matter.

If Su Shi hadn't spoken at this moment, I'm afraid he wouldn't have noticed at all. But now, he saw Su Shi, and saw Su Shi with red lips and white teeth, a handsome face, and a resolute look in his eyes.

Renzong's eyes turned around, and Su Shi only looked at him for a moment, then quickly lowered his head.

Looking at the emperor in the eyes was considered disrespectful in ancient times.

Su Shi didn't want to cause trouble for himself in such a matter.

"Common Su Shi, I have met your Majesty, long live your Majesty." He sat on the wooden chair, without even kneeling, and gave Zhao Zhen a grand salute. (The word "Your Majesty" is usually used in extremely solemn terms.

A title used on occasions. For example, you can usually address yourself as the emperor or an official, but when you address your majesty, you usually have something important to say.)

But others can't blame him.

Do you have to have a cripple kneel down before you to show the majesty of your emperor?

Looking closely at Su Shi who was sitting on the wooden chair with his head bowed, Renzong didn't seem to see him salute him, but asked with a very strong displeasure in his voice, "It was you who interrupted me just now, right?"


"Your Majesty, yes." Su Shi had already put his saluting hands on his knees, then slowly raised his head, looked at Zhao Zhen who was staring at him and said, "Your Majesty, ordinary people are not talented.

We have a good recipe that can diagnose and treat this little noble man."

After saying that, Su Shi just glanced at the thick blue color above Zhao Zhen's head and quickly lowered his head.

It has to be said that there is really no simple person who can be the emperor. Years of career in power have allowed them to develop a very strong official authority. Just at that moment, Su Shi felt extremely strong pressure.

As a senior executive of a certain treasure in the previous life, Su Shi had met some successful people or some local officials. But comparing their power with Renzong, it was a huge difference.

Not an exaggeration.

Renzong, who had originally asked, was ready to rebuke angrily. Do you think I can't punish you because you are just a child?

Do you also know what etiquette is before the emperor?

You dare to interrupt the emperor's words, maybe you really don't know how to write the word "death".

Just when Renzong's anger was about to rise, Su Shi's simple words, he had a good remedy, immediately extinguished his flames like a heavy rain in the dog days of summer.

His face kept changing in a very short period of time.

"You...what did you say? Do you have a good remedy?" Renzong asked again, fearing that he had heard wrongly.

"Your Majesty, the common people have a good remedy, which is guaranteed to cure the little nobleman's illness." Su Shi explained again, using the word "guaranteed".

Since ancient times, doctors would not give 100% guarantees when treating people, even if they are confident. This is just in case, so as to leave a way out for themselves.

And usually those doctors who give guarantees have never suffered a loss in such a thing, and they are like young chicks.

This chapter has been completed!
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