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Zhebu was no stranger to these things. He had seen them in the Su family army before, and they made him envious at that time.

He just didn't expect that the Liao people actually had such a good thing. For a moment, he couldn't help but said, "You also have this thing in Liao?"

This question made Zhang Jian stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something, "Haha, it seems that General Zhebu is indeed well-informed, but this thing is not ours, but bought from the Song Dynasty at a high price."


Zhebu was happy to be flattered by Zhang Jian, but when he heard that he had bought it, he curiously asked, "Are there many such things in the Song Dynasty?"

"There are so many that you can buy them if you have money. Hey, the Song Dynasty was really rich. In comparison, our Liao Kingdom was also very strong, but it was far inferior to them in terms of economy.

We, the Emperor of Liao, had to use intimidation from time to time to force them to give some as tribute."

As if speaking from his heart, Zhang Jian continued to sigh, "The rich in the Song Dynasty are really rich, but the weak are also really weak. As long as we Liao people want these things, we only need to send troops to the world, and the timid Song people will immediately

He will send us good things."

"No way."

This time, before Zhang Jian could finish speaking, Zhebu interrupted, "Song people are not weak."

Zhebu used to be the number one warrior of a small tribe and had no contact with the outside world at all. The only Song people he had contact with were the Su Jiajun.

Is the Su family's army weak?

Are you kidding, that is an absolutely powerful army. Even now, Zhebu has more troops and stronger strength, but when it comes to Su Shi and the Su family army in his hands, he still feels a little scared.


"Not weak? Haha, hahaha."

At this moment, Zhang Jian seemed to have heard a big joke and couldn't stop laughing.

"Why are you laughing? They are really not weak." Zhebu didn't understand and had an unhappy look on his face. He thought Zhang Jian was laughing at him.

Seeing that Zhebu was unhappy, Zhang Jian quickly put away his smile and said, "I don't know why General Zhebu would think like this. Oh, by the way, maybe you encountered the Su family army."

At this time, Zhang Jian also thought of the Su family army led by Su Shi.

It was indeed a powerful army. When they entered the Liao region, they not only killed Liu Liufu, the third commander of the army, but also killed tens of thousands of Liao soldiers, and made hundreds of thousands of Liao troops spin around.

Thinking that Su Shi was the Song Dynasty who returned from Mengdi, Zhang Jian understood it at this moment. He rolled his eyes and said quickly, "General Zhebu should be talking about the Su family army led by Su Shi. Yes, that is true.

It is a strong army, even our Liao army suffered losses in their hands. But so what, the Su family army is gone now, and disappeared after Su Shi returned to Bianliang City." m.

"The Su family army is gone?" Zhebu asked in surprise.

Previously, the Ka Banner tribe had to guard against being devoured by Mo Ge's tribe, but after they defeated them, they also had to guard against the large-scale invasion of the Liao people. They simply had no time and energy to pay attention to the affairs of the Song Dynasty. The matter related to Su Shi had been discontinued long ago.


Now when he heard that the Su family army was gone, he was naturally overjoyed.

"General, the emperor of the Song Dynasty was so powerful that he would not allow his subordinates to have meritorious deeds." Lakshen, who was on the side, did not understand the situation, but after hearing what Zhang Jian said, he quickly thought of something.


"Is that so? Then this Emperor Song is really not a smart man." After hearing this explanation, Zhebu said very directly.

Monte's emphasis on big fists is the last word.

If there is a Su family army in Mengdi that can be used by them, then not only will they not disband, they will also protect them and provide them with the greatest help.

Of course, this means that the Kaban tribe is still weak. If they really become kings and hegemons, their psychology may change at that time.

"Haha, it can't be said that he is not smart. This is also for the stability of the imperial power." Zhang Jian explained with a smile, and then continued the previous topic: "The people of the Song Dynasty are weak, and the army of the Song Dynasty is even more incompetent. Especially now that the Song Dynasty is implementing

It was a policy of emphasizing civility and suppressing military force, and the status of warriors was very low. Anyone who had the ability and ability would be ashamed to become a warrior. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the Song army was very weak, except of course the Su family army that had disappeared."

Zhang Jian had made it so obvious that without Lakshen reminding him this time, Zhebu thought of something. "So, the Song people are weak, so you Liao people can grab good things from them at any time. So, we are fooled

People can do it too, right?"

Zhebu finally thought of this problem, and Zhang Jian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

If he was dealing with smart people, he only needed a little guidance. But when facing Zhebu, he had to say more.

"That's the truth. General Zhebu is a smart man, so he should know what to do. Instead of dealing with us Liao people, besides getting some territory, what else can you have?"

"Besides, even if I give you territory, you have such a large population and military strength, can you control it?"

"That being the case, it would be better to join forces with us Liao people to attack the Song people and tear off a piece of flesh from them. Haha, to be honest, we have already formed an alliance with Xixia, and they will also send troops to attack the Song Dynasty. In this way, the three of us will join forces

, even if the Song people are powerful, they are still invincible."

Zhang Jian said this with a smile. This was the real purpose of his coming to see Zhebu.

Do you want an orthodox name?

I give.

You still want some land to develop, right?

I give.

But if you still want more, we can't give it to you, because we Liao people are not rich either.

But it doesn't matter, you can go and grab it from the Song people.

The three of us work together, and it’s up to each of us to grab as much as we can, right?

Of course, Zhang Jian had another purpose that he didn't say out loud. That was during the process of plundering the Song Dynasty, there would inevitably be some friction among the three families, especially the domineering Xixia families. They wanted to keep all the good things for themselves.

in the bag.

When domineering meets domineering, the Mongols and Xixia may have a fight. In this way, the Liao people can benefit from each other.

Fighting on the territory of the Song people, no matter how much losses they suffer, what does it have to do with themselves? On the contrary, the Liao people can also use this period of time to gather more troops. When the time is right, they can turn around and intercept the Mongolian people's retreat.

It is not impossible to completely eliminate them and regain control of Mengdi.

Of course, this is just a plan. Where things will develop in the future will ultimately depend on the final result.

But in any case, changing the target of the Mongolian people from the Liao people to the Song people is the way to kill the Taoist friends and not the poor Taoists.

Zhang Jian had made it very clear, and Zhebu finally understood what the other party meant. But things turned so fast that he couldn't understand it for a while, so he turned his attention to Lakshen beside him.

You came here to give me advice, now is the time to use you.

Lakshen looked at Zhebu and nodded lightly, and then asked Zhang Jian, "If we want to attack the Song people, what can you Liao people do? Don't say that if we enter the Song Dynasty, all the good things we grab will be ours.

We put in the effort, and that's what should have been ours. Now I'm asking what you can give."

"Isn't it enough to give you an orthodox status, recognize you as independent, and allocate a piece of territory to you?" Zhang Jian saw that Lakshen was asking the lion to open his mouth, but he also wanted to bargain.

"Not enough." Lakshen shook his head and said.

"We don't need your recognition, we can represent Montenegro. As for assigning the territory to us, we don't need it either, because we can take it ourselves."

The current situation is that Mongolia is strong and Liao is weak.

If the strength is not as good as that of others, naturally the strong will do whatever they say. Even if Zhang Jian is dissatisfied, it cannot change this fact.

"What do you want?" Zhang Jian decided to see the conditions offered by the Meng people first.

"We need bows and arrows, weapons, and food. We need enough for 70,000 cavalry for half a year. After half a year, no matter what the result is, winter is coming, and we have to retreat to Mengdi."

"Impossible, I'll give you two months at most." After Zhang Jian heard the conditions, he directly lowered the price by two-thirds.

"Five months."

"Three months."

The two continued to bargain.

"Four months, this is the minimum. After all, we don't know the reality of the Song people. If we are really defeated, then we are going to die. Four months, in this way, we will be defeated.

If you give it to the Song people, you won't suffer too much loss. If not, then don't mention the alliance anymore, and at worst, continue to fight."

Lakshen stopped retreating when he raised the price to four months, and stated that this is our bottom line, accept the best, otherwise we will start a war.

Starting a war is certainly not what the Liao people want now.

As their name suggests, Mengren are too fierce.

The Liao people were caught off guard and it took a lot of time to gather enough troops.

In order to buy yourself time, it only cost four months of food and clothing for 70,000 cavalry, which was already a very cost-effective thing.

Not to mention, the Mongols will attack the Song people next, which will greatly weaken the strength of the Song soldiers. The Liao people are eager for such a thing to happen.

First, the Su army entered the Liao territory, and then they defeated the Mongols. The strength of the Liao people has dropped sharply recently. On the other hand, the Song people have not engaged in any wars. The Liao people do not want to see the result of one loss and another.

Now that there is an opportunity to weaken the Song people's strength, the Liao people are certainly happy to see it happen.

"Okay, four months is four months, but one thing must be made clear first. Because of this great defeat, we Liao people need time to gather the army. We will not attack Song with you in the early stage, but we will attack Song on both sides.

The troops on the border were deployed to intimidate the Song people so that they could not use their full strength to deal with the Mongolian cavalry."

Some people died, but not completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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