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"I, Su Shi, am not afraid of others suing me, but if anyone wants to use this to smear me, hey, when I return to Bianliang City, I will definitely seek justice from those people."

This is not a threat, but it is better than a threat.

Su Shi believed that if these words spread, some of the restless elements in Bianliang City would definitely calm down.

It was not for nothing that Su Shi had killed so many people before. As long as the Sun family and the Xu family had some brains, they would know that they would not come to trouble him. Otherwise, after returning to Bianliang City, Su Shi would not mind really looking for them.

They said that at that time, it was inevitable that he might kill someone again.

"My fellow soldiers and brothers, this time we came to the Northland not to play, but to defend our country. We want to drive the foreigners out of our territory. Many people may die in the process. On the battlefield,

Go up, the sword has no eyes. Even this time, I relied on the power of my call to recruit these black knight brothers to help you fight, but you still have to die. As the commander-in-chief, the only thing I can do is to create as much creation for you as possible.

Better conditions, so that when you go to the battlefield, you don't have to worry about the cold arrows coming from behind, and you don't have to worry about someone behind you betraying you."

Yes, what are you most afraid of on the battlefield?

It's not the enemy's strength, because it's something you can't change. Since you want to be your enemy, you should be mentally prepared for this early on.

On the battlefield, what you fear is the betrayal of your comrades, and what you fear is the appearance of unknown enemies.

For example, Sun Yi and Xu Yin, if Su Shi turns a blind eye and leaves them here, for the time being, it will be better for you and me.

Hello everyone. But once the war gets serious, these two people may become deserters again, and at that time, they may even attract more people to escape with them.

During the war, deserters appeared in groups, and the impact on the morale of the army can be imagined.

If one thing is not done well, it is very possible that the whole army will be defeated.

Killing deserters like Sun Yi and Xu Yin, such weak-minded cowards, was Su Shi's consideration for everyone's safety, and it was also a precautionary measure.

Yang Wenguang, who figured it out, was the first to kneel on the ground and shouted loudly: "Thank you, General."

Soon, other people also reacted and fell to their knees one after another, shouting "Thank you, General".

"Don't be so polite. From now on, you will be one of our own. There is one last test. If you pass it, we will march into Yangxing Village, have dinner, drink wine, and eat meat."

Amid Su Shi's loud laughter, Meng Qi, who was captured in this battle, was brought out one by one and pushed to the ground in rows.

"Did you see it? These are the barbarians who invaded our Song Dynasty. They killed our comrades and burned our homes. Now that they are caught by us, it is equivalent to going to hell, and they have absolutely no chance to survive.

Now, I order all the soldiers in the vanguard battalion to take out your swords, line up, and stab each of these men who have committed serious crimes for me until they die."

Don’t you have the courage and have never seen blood?

Well, I will now use the Mengmeng prisoners as targets, let us see the blood, and let you feel the feeling of killing.

"Kill Man Meng, okay." Hu Yanqing laughed immediately after hearing this.

Got up.

Yang Wenguang sighed. Since ancient times, killing prisoners seemed to be an unlucky thing. Many generals would not do it, or said they did not dare to do it, because doing so would be criticized by the so-called sages.

In the eyes of these so-called false saints, killing to stop killing is not advisable, and only education is the right way.

It seems that any evil person in their hands can become a good person under their influence.

Only in this way can their power and greatness be demonstrated.

But is this really the case?

If bad people can really become good people under the influence of education, how could there be so many evil people and bad people in the world?

This is just a way for the false saints to control people's hearts. Anyone who does not follow their ideas will become a bad person and a hopeless person. This is why it is said that killing prisoners is unlucky.

So I would like to ask, should the captives be released if they are not killed?

Will they really be grateful?

Just like these Mengqi who didn't even know a single Chinese character, they committed all kinds of evil after entering the Song Dynasty, burning, killing, looting, and plundering.

Do you really think that if you tell people like this that they should stop killing people in the future? Killing is a bad thing, and then let them go, they will thank you and stop killing Song people after they go back?


Yang Wenguang didn't believe it, Su Shi didn't believe it, or anyone with a sound mind wouldn't believe it.

If you don't believe it, you don't believe it, but no one will expose him, otherwise it will be a slap in the face of those false saints.

No one dares to even say it, let alone do it. In this way, on the battlefield, even if they kill prisoners, they will secretly do it.

I do it just to avoid being criticized by those false saints, and not to give those so-called scholars and so-called broad-minded people a chance to criticize me.

Others may be afraid, but Su Shi is not.

He didn't want to talk or start a war of words with some people. That would be meaningless, so Su Shi just did it.

Not only do they kill prisoners, but they also kill them openly, and they also squeeze out the last bit of value from these prisoners, making them living targets for the vanguard army's training to increase their courage.

Speaking of which, I learned this from the little devils. They trained new recruits in this way, and those who were killed were all enemies in their eyes, and most of them were Han people.

Little devil, Su Shi will take care of you sooner or later. Even if you don't move, you will destroy the country. Su Shi doesn't need any kind of vassal country.

Su Shi doesn't even need you to take it. That would be too much trouble. Killing it directly is the real solution.

Not only do they want to kill people, but they also want to kill people's hearts. They also want to kill all the culture, books and beliefs belonging to the little devils at once.

Of course, these are all things that need to be done in the future. For now, we should focus on training a strong vanguard battalion. Otherwise, with less than five thousand black cavalry, the usable power will still be too little.

"Kill." Yang Wenguang, Hu Yanqing and others were the first to stand up, followed by other soldiers from the vanguard army who began to line up. The Mengqi prisoners who were tied up one by one and had lost the ability to resist became living targets for military training.


For a time, countless swords were inserted into their bodies, and countless blood was splashed on the bodies of the vanguard soldiers.

Some soldiers were laughing.

Some soldiers looked pale.

Some warriors draw swords

Then he turned around and vomited.

But no matter what the performance is, they have learned to kill the enemy, haven't they?

The first wave of stabbing enemies does not require killing people, but blood must be seen.

The second wave, completely kill the enemy, no one can breathe again.

The third wave, beheading.

This is the most test of people's hearts. Just as Su Shi was preparing to convey the results of this battle back to Bianliang City, these heads were all going to be cut off and sent back to the capital along with these wounded soldiers and deserters. So it would be better to have two masters without doing one thing.


Cutting off the head can be done with a faster knife.

It's slower, but requires a lot of knives, and more people vomit.

Su Shi looked at all this, but he smiled very happily. He believed that after experiencing today's scene, the vanguard army can be regarded as a vanguard army. The next time they arrive on the battlefield, they will not be afraid of seeing blood.

Afraid of death.

"This is a good method. The troops coming later should do the same thing. They must learn to kill before they can be sent to the battlefield. Otherwise, there will be deserters and defeat." Su Shi seemed to be inspired, but after listening to

In the ears of those wounded soldiers and deserters, it made many people's expressions change drastically.

This Su Shi is really a murderer, a murderer.

When it was almost dark, the heads of two thousand barbarians were loaded onto the carriage that had been pulling food, along with thousands of wounded soldiers and deserters. They also took away a memorial presented by Su Shi.


It introduces the situation of today's battle in detail, including how many enemies were killed, including the fact that the black cavalry came in response to his own inspiration, including the performance of the preparations for the first battle of the Forbidden Army, and also includes the names of some deserters, as well as the fact that Sun Yi and Xu Yin are deserters.

, was beheaded by his own military law.

The Black Rider came here in response to Su Shi's inspiration. This must be clearly stated.

Even though the black knight appeared, many people could guess that these people should be the same group as the Su family army that Su Shi brought to Liao and Mongolia.

After the war, Su Shi hid these people.

But I guessed that Su Shi would never admit it voluntarily, otherwise, it would be equivalent to raising an army privately. This is a very big crime, and Su Shi really can't bear it now.

Even though it was dark, Su Shi still sent the wounded soldiers and deserters away. Watching them disappear into the night, Su Shi said to Yangxing Village several miles away: "Go, enter the village, and have dinner."


"Haha, let's have dinner." A group of black knights cheered.

This time they did not follow Su Shi from Bianliang City. All the food they ate along the way was brought from Shangcang Mountain, and they were almost wiped out. Now that they heard the word "dinner", they knew that the young marshal must be

After preparing more and better food, we could finally have a good meal, and all the black knights had smiles on their faces.

In the middle of Yangxing Village.

Wang Yi had already taken Wenyang and Zhang Qi to get enough food.

Piles of food appeared in a forest outside the village. No one knew who put it here. Wang Yi was accustomed to such things.

Wen Yang and Zhang Qi thought that Su Shi had already prepared it, so naturally they didn't ask any more questions.

The 2,500 vanguard troops composed of reserve imperial troops thought it was prepared by Yangxing Village, and they didn't ask any more questions.

This is the benefit of multiple forces. You doubted me, but I thought it was you. In this way, no matter what

When things appear on the battlefield, they seem to be rationalized a lot.

Ten people per table, eight dishes per table, enough white rice and white steamed buns.

This chapter has been completed!
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