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Su Shi only ambushed half of the brigade outside, which was less than a thousand black knights.

Pointing at a thousand black cavalry, he wanted to severely injure 2,500 Mongolian cavalry, but the strength was still not enough. And even if he won, the losses would be huge. This was not the result Su Shi wanted. He needed to mobilize more

The Mongolian Cavalry came out to create a chance for the Black Cavalry to win in one fell swoop.

Su Shi had never fought in a war in his previous life, but he understood people's hearts best.

In yesterday's battle, Mongolia lost two thousand cavalry. Such a huge loss was due to unknown reasons. As long as the person who came was not a fool, he would not launch an attack rashly and would definitely test it out first.

After all, if you can kill two thousand of your cavalry, it is possible to kill your three thousand.

After Tonter arrived, he was very cautious and only sent out 500 cavalry to test the situation. This was evidenced by the fact that he did not take the entire army.

Just five hundred cavalry is not enough. Su Shi also needs them to mobilize more cavalry. Although this will put more pressure on his side, it will be of great benefit in terms of the overall situation.

Su Shi gave the order, and Wang Yi and others immediately took out the eight rounds left by the black knight.

I had been shooting five rounds in the past, but this time I switched to a more powerful eight rounds, and everyone was a little excited.

It's good that Wang Yi's squad only has twelve people, but there are two squadrons led by Mu Huan and Wang Manlou with more than two hundred people. With so many archers, five hundred Mongolian cavalry is really not enough.

Meng Qi was still advancing slowly, trying to test something. Mu Huan and others had already aimed their arrows at Meng Qi who was walking in the front, waiting for orders to shoot the enemy at any time.

Seeing Meng Qi getting closer and closer to Yangxing Village, the one in front was less than a hundred steps, and the one behind was only a hundred steps.

Five to two hundred steps ago, the shouts of the thousands of people in the village were no longer as loud as before.

Many of them had already changed their expressions. They were really scared.

They were afraid that Meng Qi would rush in desperately. If that were the case, how could they really block it with peasants like them?

But what they don't know is that if they are afraid, the five hundred Mongolian cavalry may not be any better.

The distance was so close, and those Song people were still shouting, how could they not be afraid?

Yesterday, none of the two thousand cavalry led by Mandu Latu returned. Could it be that they were killed by this group of shouting Song people? If so, then we should be more careful.

Both sides were a little timid, and time passed by like this.

"Master, the Mengqi at the front is less than eighty steps away from the low-walled main entrance." Lou Yang showed his head, estimated the distance and told Su Shi.

"Okay, order, shoot the arrow!"


After giving the order, Mu Huan and the others, who had been impatient for a long time, started shooting with eight consecutive rounds. At that moment, one arrow after another flew forward quickly and shot straight out.

The sound of a shot breaking through the air was heard, and Meng Qi, who was walking at the front, fell to the ground one after another like dumplings after being hit by the arrow.

"Retreat, retreat, they have many archers."

Meng Qi, who was walking behind, was really frightened when he saw so many arrows coming towards him. He quickly backed away one by one, out of the killing range of eight consecutive shots.

Those at the back could retreat, but the two hundred Mongolian cavalry in front could not retreat. Each one of them was hit by an arrow or multiple arrows, and fell off their horses and died one by one.

Tontel, who was standing in the rear army, looked at this scene and said,

He couldn't help but be shocked and said: "There is indeed an ambush."

"General, it seems that there are a lot of Song soldiers in the stronghold, and there are also many archers." A Mongolian cavalry captain who didn't know what the eight-shot series was then stepped forward and came to Tonter's camp.

Said in front of me.

"So what, archers can only be effective at long distances. Once we get close to them, we will be massacred. In this way, pass on the order. This time we will send a thousand cavalry as the vanguard. As long as we rush into

In the stronghold, other people are pressing forward, and we are going to fight to decide the outcome."

Tontel said as if he didn't care.

Archers are hateful, but as long as they rush in front of you, the cavalry will rule the world.

Mengqi was fooled.

The first time they sent out 500 cavalry, after losing 200, the second time they sent out 700 cavalry, for a total of 1,000 cavalry as the vanguard, and began to form the team and prepare for the charge.

"Master, the enemy is about to charge." Lou Yang looked at this scene and quickly reported it to Su Shi.

"After the test, they thought they had found our base, so of course they were ready to charge. Let's see how many people they left behind?" Su Shi was not surprised by this result.

"Master, there are about 1,800 cavalry left behind."

"One thousand and eight, we have about a thousand people, not much difference. In this way, after the Mengqi launches a charge, they will send a signal to Du Feng, and then everyone will also fight out. We will cover up these Mengqi on both sides."

Just relying on Du Feng's thousand men was still too small. Su Shi decided to press all the troops. Only in this way can he put huge pressure on Meng Qi and destroy the opponent's morale.

Price wins this battle.

"In addition, tell those thousands of people that they can rush out with us in a while. As long as they can take advantage of the chaos to kill the enemy on the battlefield, my previous promise will be valid. Also tell Wen Yang and Zhang Qi and ask them to bring others with them.

Chong, they are soldiers, if they dare to disobey orders, I will kill them." Su Shi said with a murderous look on his face.

That is to say, the entire army must be pressed forward, and of course, those who can be used must be used. Otherwise, once Mengqi discovers that he is weak and weak, the situation will not be good at that time.

Lou Yang quickly conveyed Su Shi's order, and soon everyone in the stronghold knew what to do next.

After Wen Yang got the order, he immediately promised to lead people out. This was an opportunity for them. He could see that the black cavalry was really powerful. There was nothing to worry about when fighting with such a strong army.

Zhang Qi was a little scared, but Su Shi had said that if he didn't charge, he would kill him. In order to survive, he could only grit his teeth and hope that Su Shi could win and that he could survive.

Thousands of people also have their own ideas.

Some people even got together and discussed whether to follow the army and rush out later.

"Charge, why don't you charge, take advantage of the chaos to kill people, and there is such a powerful black knight, what are you afraid of?"

"That's right, the rewards are so great that it's worth the risk."

"That's right. I've long been unhappy with these men who are hurting us everywhere. If I have a chance to vent, I will rush forward."

One by one, the people expressed their opinions. Of the 1,000 people, except for more than 200 people who were too timid and decided to stay, nearly 800 people all decided to follow the army and charge.

Only from this point of view

, the power of the people is still great.

From this point of view, the eyes of the people are really limited. For example, the two hundred people left behind did not even think about it. If they were really defeated this time, would those Mongolian cavalry spare them?

Will they not be killed because they didn't charge?

Maybe someone thought of it but intentionally ignored it.

People are often like this, they always take chances, but they don't know that this often harms others as well as themselves.

In the Yangxing stronghold, everyone unified their thoughts. The Mengqi outside the stronghold were also ready to charge.

Compared with the probing attack just now, this time the Qianmeng Cavalry each had a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, and were well prepared to deal with the archers.

Although having a shield does not guarantee that you will not be injured by arrows, it does greatly reduce the risk of charging.

"Remember, once we charge with all our strength, as long as we rush into the stockade, we will have won half the battle. At that time, we have established a firm foothold, and the main force of the army will press on. By then, hey, everything in the stockade will be ours.


The captain of the Mongolian Cavalry cheered up the Mongolian Cavalry below, causing a burst of laughter.


Feeling that he was well prepared, Qian Mengqi rushed forward five hundred steps away after giving the order.

Under the low wall, Mu Huan and others did not wait for the enemy to approach, so they started shooting with eight consecutive rounds.

When the Mengqi have not entered the effective killing distance, they will throw the arrow. When the arrow falls, it is exactly when they rush over. Calculating this time difference, it can still play a role in severely damaging the enemy.

"Fire the arrow, let go!"

"Quickly, shoot out all eight arrows, then take out your weapon

We have to retreat, and when the Mengqi enter the stronghold, we will surround and kill them together." Squadron Leader Wang Manlou also shouted loudly.

In this way, more than a thousand arrows were shot out as if they were free of charge. Then the black knights continued to retreat, leaving a large open space directly in front of the village.

A thousand knights held shields and rushed forward.

It was only a distance of five hundred steps, which was nothing to the cavalry. Although the falling arrows did kill some people along the way, no one stopped for a moment because of the falling arrows.

After losing about a hundred of the thousand Mongolian cavalry, the vanguard finally rode their war horses over the low wall and arrived at Yangxing Village.

As soon as they entered the low wall, there was an open space, which made Meng Qi's idea of ​​killing people come in come to nothing.

Not to mention, if you want to use the power of war horses to trample and injure Song soldiers, you can't even touch anyone, so you can trample on anyone.


Seeing at least two to three hundred Mongolian cavalry jumping over the wall, Mu Huan, Wang Manlou and others shouted and rushed forward.

Following closely were the more than 200 northern border troops led by Wen Yang, then the more than 200 side troops led by Zhang Qi, and finally the civilians armed with weapons in the Eight Hundred Village.

Wave after wave rushes towards us like waves, with a mighty momentum.

At the same time, a loud charge horn sounded. Behind the eighteen hundred Mengqi who were left behind, Du Feng suddenly appeared with nearly a thousand black cavalry and killed them from behind.

"No, there's an ambush. Turn around and fight."

Tontel heard the sound of the horseshoes behind him and had no time to pay attention to the battle in front. He quickly shouted and led

People turn around to defend themselves against the enemy.

The first two to three hundred Mongolian cavalry who rushed in had no idea what was happening behind them. All they saw were countless Song soldiers rushing toward where they were.

This chapter has been completed!
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