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When they used the earth as their bed and bark and roots as food every day, polished rice and white flour became the best delicacy in the world that they longed for but could not reach.

No one is born bold, and no one is born to fight. But when the temptation is enough to meet their needs, they can risk everything, including their lives.

With a profit of 300%, a businessman would dare to commit any crime and even risk hanging his head.

In order to have food to eat, the people who are hungry all year round also dare to do any risky things, even if they pay for it with their lives.

There are rewards for killing the enemy, and there are rewards for dying in battle. When mountains of polished rice and white flour appear in front of everyone; when carts of grain are transported to the rear along with the corpses of civilians who died in battle, these civilian soldiers have long since

Life and death are disregarded.

They only know that they can make money by working hard.

All they knew was that behind them, there was a family with expectant eyes, waiting for them to exchange their lives for food.

In the past, they would die from starvation.

But now, it is also death, but when you die, you can give your living relatives a glimmer of hope to continue living, so why not.

This is the so-called peaceful world of the ancients, haha.

In history books, the so-called prosperous and peaceful times only record those who have the power to record history. As for ordinary people, who cares about their life and death, and who really takes the lives of these people as their destiny?


Su Shi really respected these people, and he tried his best to give them the best remuneration and compensation.

But happiness must be obtained through one's own efforts, not just by kneeling down and shouting "Living Bodhisattva"

Everything can be obtained. If so, I am afraid that one day, when there is nothing left for these people, the situation will only get worse.

After killing another Song civilian soldier, Sun Wenfu just felt that his arms were a little heavy, which was a sign that he was about to lose strength.

He finally knew now that killing someone was so tiring.

"Get out of the way, all the armies of the three states, get out of the way, the vanguard army is coming."

Just when Sun Wenfu was still panting and trying to regain some strength, loud shouts came from the opposite side, followed by the sound of cavalry stamping on the ground from the darkness, and then six

Thousands of vanguard troops appeared, riding war horses. Their physical strength was now at its peak. When they saw the Liao soldiers fall with each swing of their swords, they often took away a piece of blood mist.

The vanguard troops came to kill.

When the common people's army and the Liao soldiers were exhausted, they suddenly appeared like gods coming from heaven. They became a new force on the battlefield and came straight towards the tired Liao people.

The sound of the long knife entering the body was heard continuously.

Ah! No! All kinds of shouts came out one after another.

Then, the six thousand vanguard troops swept past like a strong wind, rushing past the less than ten thousand Liao soldiers without stopping.

Yes, the vanguard army had no intention of stopping. They just kept charging, killing whoever blocked them. At least those Liao soldiers who were further away from them did not even take a second look.

Nearly ten thousand Liao soldiers were ignored.

If it were the past, these proud Liao soldiers would definitely shout and make all kinds of provocations.

But now, they wish that no one would notice them, and wish that these Song cavalry would pass by earlier. In this case, facing the Song people's army, they would

We may still have the strength to fight, and we may still have the possibility of survival.

It was just that the six thousand vanguard troops rushed over, but when Sun Wenfu had just gathered his Liao soldiers, there was another shout from the Song army on the opposite side, "Get out of the way, the reserve army is coming!"

The second batch of Song cavalry appeared, still totaling 10,000 people. Some Liao soldiers who had no time to dodge were killed and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, these Song cavalry still passed by them like a gust of wind without stopping.

Two consecutive cavalrymen flashed past him. Surprised, Sun Wenfu finally figured out that it was the Song Army's cavalry who was about to attack Fanyang City behind him.

At this moment, he thought of his mission, which was to stop here and block the pursuers of the Song army like nails. And once these people passed by, let alone anything else, the fifteen thousand people who had just evacuated before

People were afraid that they would be overtaken before they could reach Fanyang City.

What will happen if the cavalry catches up with the infantry in the wilderness?

That is massacre.

"No! Everyone stands in the way. Even if we die, we will stand in the way of Song Qi's charge." Sun Wenfu thought of something, and then he shouted loudly.

Most of the soldiers left behind this time were from the Daliao border troops. When the general gave the order, although many of them knew what their fate would be, the habit of obeying military orders still made them gather here.


At this time, the third cavalry, five thousand dragon guards, appeared and headed straight ahead under the leadership of Lei Meng.

"Kill them."

Lei Meng took the lead and rushed forward. When he saw the densely packed Liao soldiers in front of him, he was not polite at all, and the shout of kill came from his mouth.



His Royal Highness King Jing's bodyguard army is all elites selected from the original Northern Army and Western Army.

As a veteran of hundreds of battles, five thousand people have seen blood and killed people.

They don't need to adapt to the battlefield, they just need to kill the enemy to their heart's content.


After the five thousand cavalry shouted, they each took out their spears and stabbed forward.

Even in normal times, the less than 10,000 Liao infantrymen would be no match for the 5,000 elite Song cavalry, not to mention that they had gone through successive battles and were already physically exhausted.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the weakness of the Liao soldiers was revealed.

Song Qi's spear stretched out and pierced the bodies of the Liao soldiers one by one. After not being blocked much, the momentum of the five thousand dragon guards became even stronger.

They didn't know why the Liao soldiers on the opposite side were so weak. At this time, they just stretched out their spears and killed one by one.

"Okay, our goal is not here, let's move forward." In a short period of time, Meng Lei killed three Liao soldiers blocking the way. Only when there was no one in front of him did he shout, leading five thousand dragons

Wu Wei continued to rush forward.

This order made some Longwuwei dissatisfied.

They were originally rushing behind, but before they could kill anyone, they were ordered to continue moving forward.

But this was what Raymond meant, and the Longwu Guards cavalry still galloped forward with their horses and whips raised.

Sun Wenfu's idea of ​​blocking Song Qi did not come true. On the contrary, thousands of soldiers were lost in this obstruction. Now, there are less than 4,000 people left standing beside him.

"What exactly is Song Jun going to do?"

Seeing myself being ignored again

Suddenly, Sun Wenfu felt the urge to cry.

At this moment, he felt that his personality had been slighted. The most important thing was that he could not complete the task given to him by Zhang Jian.

But before Sun Wenfu could cry, nearly five thousand black cavalry also rushed over to kill him.


Instead of rushing past like the first three cavalry groups, the black cavalry appeared here to finish things off.

The most elite black cavalry, even when the morale of these Liao soldiers was at its highest, was no match for them, not to mention that now that they had been hit repeatedly, each one of them was like a lost dog.

When the Overlord Spear in the Black Riders stabbed at the Liao soldiers, and when eight consecutive shots were fired at them from a distance, the rows of Liao soldiers fell to the ground like dominoes.

Even one of the generals, Sun Wenfu, only made two slashes. After knocking down two arrows, his chest was penetrated by the bow and arrow. After showing an incredible expression in his eyes, he widened his eyes and said,

He fell to the ground like a dead man.

I thought that since I was a general of the Liao Dynasty, even if I died, I would die heroically.

Even if you die, you can drag several opponents with you to Huangquan Road.

You did encounter a black cavalry, a strong army that can kill you from a distance but won't engage you in close combat.

Looking at the arrow on his chest, it was still shaking. In the distance, a famous Liao soldier fell to the ground unwillingly and would never wake up.

More than 3,000 remnant Liao soldiers died in batches under the siege of nearly 5,000 black cavalry. In less than an hour, when no Liao army could resist, Ji Zhu ordered that the entire army

Continue to advance, leaving the battlefield to be cleaned by the 40,000 Sanzhou civilian army behind them.

In the previous battle, there were 50,000 civilian troops from three states,

Ten thousand people died in the battle.

You can't say that they don't work hard, but after all, people are still people. Without training, they can only use brute force to defeat the enemy, and they are just fighting for their lives.

Fortunately, after the first battle, the remaining 40,000 Song people's army can be regarded as having the experience of a big war. When they participate in a big war next time, their combat power will be improved, and there may be many among them.

It is also possible to become an elite warrior who has fought hundreds of battles.

It's getting brighter.

The torches were extinguished one after another, and the body of a civilian soldier of the Song Dynasty was found and gathered together.

Whenever the body of a civilian soldier was placed on the ground, two bags of rice and two bags of noodles were placed next to him.

If the left ear of the Liao army can be found from the corpses of the common people, then the number of these rice noodles will be even greater. This means that the dead Song people have achieved military exploits and should be rewarded.

Su Shi, along with two squadrons of the Su Family Army and Class A guards, stood not far away and watched.

When he saw piles of rice noodles next to the corpses of the fallen soldiers and the beaming faces of some civilian soldiers, Su Shi's eyes began to turn red without even realizing it.

In the eyes of others, if a person can receive these rewards after death, it means that his death is valuable and meaningful.

But in Su Shi's eyes, he shouted in his heart, "No! This world should not be like this. People are also human beings, and they can live a better life through their own efforts instead of exchanging lives for food.

The colleagues around them should also be happy for them."

However, this is the true portrayal of the ancient feudal dynasty.

The so-called peace and prosperity of the country and people, and having no worries about food and clothing are just a way to whitewash peace.


Just like in later generations, the so-called per capita income exceeds 500,000 per year. This can only represent those people who may not even be one in ten thousand or one in a million.

This chapter has been completed!
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