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In terms of loyalty, they are even more reliable than many regular armies of the Song Dynasty.

Without it, the regular Song army had fought too many defeats. Many times, they would evacuate as soon as the situation was unfavorable. Anyway, they would not be punished if they were defeated. If something happened, the general would take the blame.

And if they really fight with their lives, even if they win, they will not gain anything, and it will become a habit to retreat when in danger.

On the other hand, look at the People's Army.

They have truly benefited from Su Shi. Even if they die in battle, they will receive a treatment that they could not have imagined before.

In order for their family to stop starving, they have no choice but to fight tooth and nail.

It's like you spend money to hire dead soldiers. As long as you pay a price that the other party is satisfied with, you don't have to worry about these dead soldiers being afraid of death, running away, or being timid in fighting.

Speaking of which, this is the basis for trustworthiness.

As for whether too many people in the Northern Territory of the Song Dynasty will die after this battle, that is even more nonsense.

If the Song Dynasty were defeated and the three tribes invaded, that would be the real doom for the people.

Just like the city previously occupied by the Xixia and Mongolian people, there was a massacre. All the men there were killed and all the women were robbed. In comparison, the price paid was huge.

Su Shi trusted the people's army, and the people's army also supported Su Shi.

When Su Shi arrived on the battlefield, the banner of General Zhongwu stood high.

When Su Shiyu, who was dressed in white, was watching them from a distance from behind in a wheelchair, the morale of the more than 50,000 civilian soldiers was greatly shaken. Facing the 70,000 Xixia army on the opposite side, even though they were inferior in number and combat power, they were not as good as the opponent.

You can still launch charges again and again, overwhelming the Xixia army.

Unspeakable suffering.

"Order Cui Yuan to open the health center here, and if possible, treat more civilian soldiers to give them more chances of survival."

Su Shi was also moved when he saw that the People's Army was so brave and not afraid of death. The health center was completely opened to the People's Army for the first time.

In the past, due to the limited staff at the health center, it would only treat the wounded from the Black Cavalry and the Pioneer Army.

Someone in the civilian army was injured and could only come here to get some basic pills.

There is no way around this. Resources are limited, so of course they must be used by those who are worthy of using them.

But now, as the common people's soldiers continue to participate in wars, their combat experience has become more and more abundant. Some common people's soldiers have transformed from ordinary people into brave warriors. Such people have the strength of an elite division.

War makes people grow, but in the process of growth, they will inevitably encounter some accidents. What Su Shi has to do is to give them some help as much as possible so that some injured people can continue to live.

Once their injuries are healed, these civilian soldiers can really become elite warriors. For such valuable people, it is worthwhile to spend some resources.

Don't think that Su Shi had any purpose in doing this.

War is like this, the weak eat the strong, the fittest survive.

The health center was moved here, and all the female soldiers from the art corps also joined the health center. They had learned some bandaging knowledge and were not qualified to be doctors, but they were still qualified to be nurses.

All kinds of delicious food were also brought forward, and there were hundreds of pots of food next to Su Shi's position.

When the security guards caught up, more than 50,000 civilian soldiers were completely assassinated.

Excited, facing the cavalry known as Xixia wolves, they would not give in at all. If you charge me, I will charge you. If you don't charge me, I will still dare to charge you.

General Ren Gao, who was fighting against him, complained endlessly.

When he saw that 30,000 Su family troops had been transferred to the east, he thought his opportunity had come. However, he did not expect that the remaining Su family troops were still very brave and did not give in at all in the face of their cavalry attack.

Not to mention, it can actually lead to a counterattack.

Although the number of casualties of the Xixia Army was much lower than that of the Su Family Army due to their combat experience, it was simply impossible to capture the opponent within a short period of time.

On the frontal battlefield, both sides were going back and forth, and at every breath someone was killed and someone was injured. On the eastern battlefield, Xu Ba with 30,000 cavalry and the 20,000 Liao cavalry who were coming to help also encountered each other.


When enemies meet, they become jealous.

Nothing else, just one word - do it!

There is no such thing as a call formation.

There was no so-called probing attack. When Xu Ba's army waved, the 30,000 cavalrymen rushed forward in a swarm without any tactics.

"Fire the arrow, let the arrow fly!"

Seeing the Su family's army charging straight towards him, Li Dechang gave orders repeatedly.

Countless arrows flew forward and fell into the Su family's army, causing considerable casualties.

The cavalry of the People's Army is not a serious cavalry at all. At best, it can only be regarded as cavalry infantry.

Facing the arrows flying from the Liao army, most people did not know how to dodge and just rushed forward. Many people fell off their horses and died after being hit by several arrows.

But no matter how many arrows flew from the opposite side, they could not stop the charging momentum of these civilian army cavalry.

A person falls, immediately

Another person took his place, still roaring loudly and continuing to move forward.

"Crazy, crazy."

Li Dechang saw that the Su family's army had lost at least two to three thousand people under the attack of bows and arrows, but it did not affect their continued charge at all. Like a group of madmen desperate for their lives, while Li Dechang was cursing, he had to order the army

Back up.

When he came, General Xiao Xiaoyou said that he could not challenge the Su family's army head-on.

The 20,000 Liao cavalry began to retreat, and the Su family's troops who rushed towards them became more energetic and pursued them more happily.

The infantry cavalry were infantry cavalry, but riding on war horses, they were still very fast, allowing them to catch up with some Liao cavalry who were retreating slowly.

And once these desperate Su family troops catch up, they will come like a tide and quickly drown them, leaving no bones behind.

"Run quickly."

Seeing what the crazy Su Jiajun did, Liao Qi was frightened.

This is not how wars are fought.

Aren’t you just relying on the fact that there are ten thousand more people than us? Aren’t you just relying on the fact that you are not afraid of death?

Are we still afraid of death?

If there hadn't been an order from above to fight you at close range, the 20,000 Liao cavalry would have come back to kill you. At that time, it was really unknown who would win and who would lose.

But without being able to fight hard, Liao Qi was like a giant whose hands and feet were bound. At this time, the only option was to retreat.

"Shoot your arrows and shoot them."

Xu Ba led 10,000 reserve forbidden troops to strike back. With his superb equestrian skills, he surpassed batches of civilian troops and rushed to the front. Then a volley of arrows was fired, falling into the Liao cavalry and Liao camp running behind, and again

He killed and injured many of them.

If they really fight face to face, even 20,000 Liao cavalry will not lose.

Give 30,000 Su family troops.

With stronger combat power and richer combat experience, their chances of winning are still very high.

But unable to exert its full strength, Liao Qi was passive from the beginning, and could only retreat.

Pursuing along the way, when they were still ten miles away from Xincheng, the Liao army camp was right in front of them, and more and more Liao army infantry were approaching.

"Keep killing! Attack to the bottom of the city and then go back."

Xu Ba remembered Su Shi's order and would not return it until he reached Xincheng.

With only 20,000 Su's troops left, they charged wildly. When facing the Liao army's infantry who had set up a formation, they had no intention of slowing down at all. They continued to attack, facing the rain of arrows, and arrived in front of the Liao army's first line of defense.

When riding against each other and the distance is close, the infantry has no advantage at all.

Especially after the Su army's attack was so fierce and they showed no fear of death, the first line of two thousand infantrymen of the Liao army was quickly blasted away. The Liao soldiers guarding here were not knocked away by their horses.

On the ground, he was chopped to death by countless swords.

He was so violent that he was afraid of losing his life.

At this moment, it was displayed vividly.

When the Su army broke through three Liao defense lines one after another and was less than three miles away from Xincheng and could clearly see the city gate, Xu Ba shouted loudly: "Retreat, the entire army retreats, quickly!"

The Su family's army, which came like a rising tide, retreated as fast as an ebbing tide. At this time, Xiao Xiaoyou had just organized a large army to come from all directions, hoping to completely surround these Su family's troops in the future.

The Su Jiajun's charge just now was indeed too fierce.

It was so fierce that it exceeded Xiao Xiaoyou's expectation. He couldn't

The tactics of war have not changed, from retreating to facing the enemy head-on.

Just after making this decision and still deploying troops, who would have thought that the Su family's army would retreat.

"Don't they want to enter the city?"

Looking at Xincheng who was already very close behind him, Xiao Xiaoyou looked confused.

"General, are we going to hunt down these Su family troops?" Li Dechang, who was very depressed after being beaten, took the initiative to ask for instructions.

As long as he gave the order, he believed that he could lead the Liao army to attack. It was not impossible to imitate the Su army and rush into the Su army camp in one go.

Don't just think that you dare to risk your life, we are not afraid of death when fighting.

He didn't answer immediately, but after pondering for a moment, Xiao Xiaoyou shook his head and said, "I won't pursue you."

Chasing would mean fighting with Su Shi, which would only allow the Xixia army to take advantage.

Xiao Xiaoyou would not do such a thing that would harm himself or others.

After hearing that he was not going to chase, Li Dechang thought of something and asked again, "Then do we still want to send people to find trouble for the Su family army?"


Xiao Xiaoyou answered very decisively, and then added: "We have tried our best, but our skills are inferior to others. If the whole army is taken, I am afraid that it will be the enemies in Xin City, as well as Wang Xin's troops who are under our watch."

It will be loosened, and the war situation will be dangerous."

Xiao Xiaoyou not only has to guard Xincheng, but also Wang Xin's troops who have left the city are also his responsibility. There really are not many troops to trouble Su Shi now.

As soon as this sentence was said, it was tantamount to leaving the Su family army to the Xixia army alone to deal with it.

The Liao army stopped interfering, and the news quickly reached Wu Zangguyin's ears, allowing him to

He was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

The Liao army was not his subordinates, and Xiao Xiaoyou was not his general. He really could not interfere with what they wanted to do and how they wanted to do it.

This chapter has been completed!
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