Turn off the lights
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There were not many in number in the first place, but when faced with the most elite Flying Eagle Scout Squadron, once the two sides came into contact, the Xixia scouts were unable to hide under the night vision goggles. They didn't even have a chance to report back to them. Black Cavalry and Pioneer

The army then touched the periphery of the Xixia Army.

When the distance between the two sides was less than three miles, and the lights of the Xixia Army's tent could be vaguely seen, tens of thousands of Su's elite troops gathered here, each of them took out the Overlord's gun and sword, and then charged with a loud voice.

Amidst the sound of the trumpet, thousands of cavalry rushed out and headed towards the Xixia military camp closest to them to kill.

The sudden sound of horse hooves hitting the ground woke up the night-watch cavalry of the Xixia Army.

To say that Xixia is worthy of being the location of a strong army, there was an immediate reaction.

First, about a thousand cavalry were sent to fight, and the Xixia troops in other military camps were also called up one after another. Those with swords took swords, and those looking for horses looked for horses. Although there was some confusion, it was not a complete mess.

The reaction of the fierce Xixia army only needed to be given a stick of incense for them to fully react. But this time, they faced the most elite black cavalry and the vanguard army that had just experienced countless bloody battles.

Time can already accomplish many things.

The black cavalry charged forward, each holding eight consecutive rounds. Although they were all riding horses, they charged forward steadily as if their bodies were fixed on the horses.

The Xixia army sent thousands of cavalry to fight, supposedly to buy some time. But when faced with the black cavalry's seemingly endless rounds of eight rounds, most of the Xixia cavalry did not rush in front of the black cavalry and were shot on their horses.


The remaining two hundred Xixia cavalrymen who were not hit by arrows

Facing the Overlord Spear raised by the Black Cavalry, after just one charge, he was submerged in the Black Cavalry without causing any waves.

From the time when a thousand Xixia cavalry appeared, to the time when they were dealt with, not even half a stick of incense was used, they followed the black cavalry and the vanguard army to the camp of the Xixia army.

In the camp at this time, most of the Xixia troops had not yet found the battlefield, and they were crowding around the camp holding sabers. Facing the sudden appearance of the black cavalry and the vanguard, each of them had even 50% of their usual combat strength.

If you don't show your potential, you will be cut down to the ground like a watermelon.

The black knight is too fierce.

But wherever they passed, there were no humans or animals.

Under the slashing and stabbing, the Xixia army cried for father and mother, and a battalion of five thousand was completely destroyed in a short time.

"Keep charging, don't stop, kill the enemy first before the opponent can react." Ji Zhu was riding on a fat black Mongolian horse and shouted loudly.

Under Su Shi's countless teachings, the Black Cavalry's strategic goal is very obvious, which is to mainly kill the enemy's physical strength.

As for territory and capture, there is no need to deliberately pursue anything. As long as all the enemies are killed, doesn't everything belong to you in the end?

In the dark night, the black cavalry continued to advance, followed by the vanguard army, and rushed towards the nearby second Xixia battalion of 5,000 men and killed them.

The horses were galloping, and all the cavalry soldiers were in high morale.

This battle just now was so exciting.

The enemy was killed with little resistance.

As it was the first time for Hu Yunfeng, the temporary third brigade, to fight against the main force of the Black Cavalry, everyone was even more excited.

Is this how the Black Knight fights?

It is indeed the Black Cavalry that they have longed for. Killing the enemy is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables. This is the real powerful army in the world, and this is war.

The sudden appearance of the black cavalry caught the Xixia army by surprise.

No fighting tonight.

According to General Liang De's instructions, everyone must have a good rest tonight and prepare for a full-scale general offensive tomorrow.

But who would have thought that the Black Cavalry suddenly appeared. When the sound of fighting broke out in the outermost military camp of 5,000 men, scouts from another 5,000-man Xixia military camp five miles away were sent to learn about the situation.

Until this time, they still didn't understand what happened.

Until this moment, they still didn't know that the Black Cavalry would suddenly appear. They also didn't believe the fact that the Su family's army appeared behind them.

The scouts sent out met the charging black knight head-on.

From a distance, the Xixia scouts sent out were frightened when they saw countless black shadows coming towards them quickly through the moonlight.

They didn't know why there were so many enemy cavalry here and where they came from. They only knew that what they had to do now was to pass the news back.

"It's a Xixia scout, shooting arrows."

Ji Zhu rushed to the front. When he saw the enemy scouts turning around and running away, he could not be polite. He shouted loudly, took the lead and took out eight consecutive rounds and fired forward.

Of the five Xixia scouts who rushed in, four of them were injured by bows and arrows, and were either dead or injured and fell off their horses. Only one scout, who was born in Iron Yaozi, escaped by relying on his superb horse skills. While escaping, he shouted loudly.

Shouting, "Enemy attack, enemy attack."

The shouts were particularly loud in the silent night.

five thousand west

The Xiajun camp instantly became lively as if a pot had exploded.

After half a cup of tea, the black cavalry appeared and fought with the two thousand Xixia cavalry who had just left camp.

The reaction of this Xixia military camp was quite fast, at least unlike the previous five thousand camp. Except for the thousand cavalry who were on duty at night, the others were completely unable to fight back.

But even if they had some preparations, it would be of no use. Facing the unkillable black cavalry and the young and energetic vanguard, the five thousand Xixia cavalry only struggled for less than half an hour and were finally wiped out.

After half an hour, the cry of killing finally came out, and the Xixia army on the battlefield finally knew that there was an enemy coming from the south.

Liang De was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by someone. He was about to get angry at first, but when he heard that Song cavalry was coming from the south, he suddenly woke up and began to assemble his troops to prepare for the battle.

The two 5,000 battalions were lost, and Liang De could only mobilize about 50,000 troops.

Without knowing how much enemy reinforcements were coming, he decided to go up to the rescue.

Nowadays, the Xixia army is not much richer than the Northern Song Dynasty.

Among them, there were 60,000 Xixia troops facing off against Su Shi's troops coming from the north.

There are still 20,000 Xixia troops left in the central army.

There are fifty thousand people here.

A total of 130,000, which is the entire strength of the Xixia Army.

After many days of fierce fighting, the army lost 40,000 people, which is not a lot. But tonight, 10,000 soldiers and horses were lost, which is enough to prove the power of the Song reinforcements.

Here Liang De was just about to lead his army to fight the black cavalry, when news came from behind that Di Qing's troops had broken out of the encirclement.

When I learned that there was a five-thousand-member army behind me,

When the troops were entangled with Di Qing's troops, Liang De was so angry that he cursed his mother.

It was really raining all night because of the leakage in the house.

"Send another 10,000 people to block the breakout of Di Qing's troops. They are not allowed to leave until there are new orders."

Although Liang De had previously planned to open an opening and let Di Qing leave, his plan changed. Now that the reinforcements from the Song Dynasty have arrived, if Di Qing and others are allowed to go out and gather with these reinforcements, the next battle will be even more difficult to fight.

Another 10,000 people were left behind, and Liang De led 35,000 people to meet the Black Cavalry in the direction from which it came.


Chitang Pass.

Outside in the dark night, the cry of killing came again, and the Song army guarding the checkpoint just looked away.

Just keep doing what you should do.

Sounds like this of armies fighting have been heard a lot lately.

The first time I was a little excited and scared, but the more I listened, I found that it was just that.

Anyway, the enemies of the three tribes don't care about Chitang Pass now and won't come to trouble them.

Anyway, General Huang Gaoyi insisted on staying behind closed doors.

Even so, what's the use of them being anxious.

And just when the cry of killing came from the north of the level, a group of people also came from the south of the level.

It was Bao Zheng who came all the way from Bianliang City and was covered in travels.

As soon as Bao Zheng appeared outside the level, he revealed his identity and held the emperor's imperial edict.

After seeing this, the commander of the battalion guarding the city quickly saluted Bao Zheng. He knew clearly that from this moment on, the surname of Chitang Pass was no longer Huang, but changed to Bao.

From now on, the fate of their 50,000 people is in Bao Zheng's hands.

"Where is General Huang, take us there." In front of a group of guards

Under protection, Bao Zheng asked in a deep voice.

The battalion commander did not dare to disobey, so he led the way and found Huang Gaoyi sleeping soundly in the largest courtyard in the pass.

When Huang Gaoyi was still dazed and hadn't fully woken up, several guards came forward and detained him.

"What are you doing? Who are you? You are a general personally appointed by the imperial court and the new commander of the Hebei Route Army. Who gave you the courage to attack this general?"

Huang Gaoyi still wanted to struggle, but when he saw Bao Zheng and the contents of the imperial edict, he suddenly withered like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Hmph! You are receiving a salary from the imperial court, but you are so afraid of death. You stay in the pass every day and do nothing. You have completely disgraced the generals of the Song Dynasty. With people like you, how can the Song Dynasty be said to be powerful?

Come here, take him into custody and take him back to the capital, where he will be handed over to the Third Division for interrogation."

Bao Zheng said angrily.

Standing in this courtyard, he could clearly hear the sounds of fighting on the battlefield not far away.

The war has begun, but this Huang Gaoyi can still sleep so sweetly. Bao Zheng would like to eat the flesh of such a person who regards the lives of his fellow soldiers as nothing.

Huang Gaoyi was taken into custody, and Bao Zheng gave an order for all the generals in the pass to gather. At the same time, scouts were sent out immediately. He wanted to know what the battle situation was like outside the city, and he wanted to see if he had a chance to participate in the battle.



The sound of killing in the middle of the night broke the tranquility of this land.

In the city of Xincheng, after hearing the shouts of killing in the distance, Wang De climbed onto the tower with his own hands. After seeing that no one wanted to attack Xincheng, he breathed a sigh of relief at first. Then he started again


During the day, he saw Song troops fighting outside the city from the top of the city tower.

However, these people did not attack the city and had no intention of rescuing themselves. Instead, they withdrew after arriving at the city.

What do these people do here?

Isn't it to save Xincheng, not to save yourself?

This chapter has been completed!
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