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Fortunately, Ji Zhu is here.

It came so timely. With these rations in his stomach, Di Qing soon felt that his whole body was full of strength.

"General Ji, thank you so much. With this food, we have saved the lives of more than 40,000 of our Western troops."

"Also, these things you gave me are so delicious. Do you usually eat them as well?"

Facing Di Qing's inquiry, Ji Zhu was still somewhat nervous and excited.

Once upon a time, when I was in the Western Army, I needed to look up to generals like Di Qing.

If he hadn't met Su Shi, even if he had been developing in the Western Army, he would never have had the opportunity to talk to a general like Di Qing on an equal footing in his life.

And all this is thanks to Su Shi.

It was with Su Shi's help and the various materials and money provided by Su Shi that Ji Zhu was able to lead a powerful army called Black Cavalry.

After sighing in his heart, Ji Zhu smiled and said when faced with Di Qing's question: "We don't eat these in normal times. We only eat these easy-to-carry foods during wartime."

"I'm just telling you, how can we eat such good food every day?" This answer made Di Qing nod in agreement.

Compared with the food of the Western Army, which had almost no oil or water, the food eaten by the Su Jiajun was really good.

Seeing what Di Qing said, he knew that the other party had misunderstood. Ji Zhu quickly added: "General Di, you misunderstood. We usually eat better than this. It's just because the army is moving now and we can't light a fire."

I just want to eat these easy-to-carry things to temporarily satisfy my hunger."


Upon hearing this answer, Di Qing didn't know what to say for a while.

Such delicious beef and ham sausages that I have never seen before are just used to satisfy hunger.

This is simply unimaginable, okay?

He looked at Ji Zhu carefully, and his eyes were very sincere. Thinking about it, there is no need for people to deceive themselves on such an issue. Di Qing sighed and said: "I finally know why you were able to conquer Liao in the first place.

Damn it, if there is such good food to replenish the body, then the chance of winning the battle will be much greater, and it is not impossible that the Liao soldiers and meng cavalry are not opponents."

Di Qing's sigh also revealed the key point of the war.

Since ancient times, a view of war has always existed, that is, war is about making money.

This sentence is very practical in ancient times and today.

In comparison, ancient times appear to be more important. For example, in history books, battles often lasted for months or even years.

Does it really take that long to fight?

Of course not, all this is due to the failure of logistical supplies to arrive on time.

Often the further the expedition goes, the more important logistics becomes.

There was no fast enough means of transportation, so it was all carried by horse-drawn people. Often when food was sent hundreds or even thousands of miles away, half of the supplies would be good, and the rest would be consumed halfway along the way.

Without enough food, the soldiers cannot maintain sufficient physical strength, so they can only continue to rest. A new campaign will not be launched until the military food is sufficient.

The Art of War says that before the men and horses move, food and grass go first, which shows its importance.

And many times, once one's own side

If the supply of food and fodder is attacked by surprise, it will cause the morale of the army to be unstable and even lead to a defeat.

This also further reflects the importance of food.

Su Shi is a mobile supply depot. Whether it is food, ordnance or war horses, as long as he is there, there is no need to worry about replenishing these items. Based on this, as long as Su Shi wants to, as long as the Song Dynasty is determined enough,

It won't be a problem if we pacify the small neighboring countries around us.

One of the main reasons why the Su family army became so powerful and famous in a short period of time was because of the existence of Su Shi and the existence of the system.

Di Qing sighed for a while. After drying up a pack of beef jerky in his hand, he carefully put away the other unknown packs of beef jerky and put them into his personal clothes. When he saw Ji Zhu still looking at him, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

He smiled and said: "Don't make fun of me, I'm really hungry."

"Understand, understand." Ji Zhu nodded sincerely.

He used to be an infantry and battalion commander of the Western Army. It can be said that he has a very clear understanding of what the Western Army is like.

"Haha, I've eaten enough, drunk enough, I'm full of strength, and it's dawn. Are we going to get started?" Di Qing took a breath, and there was food in his stomach. At this moment, his whole body was full of energy.

It's much better than before.

"Don't the army need to take a rest?" The battle was about to start so soon, which was somewhat beyond Ji Zhu's expectation. He originally wanted the Western Army to have a good rest all morning.

"No need. Food is limited. If we don't start a war while everyone is full, once the situation continues to reach a stalemate, I'm afraid there will be new problems." Di Qing shook his head, he didn't dare to wait any longer.

this one

This time the Su family army came to help. What if there is a crisis next time?

Who will come to help them?

Seeing Di Qing's persistence, Ji Zhu understood that the other party really didn't want to rest any longer, so he said, "Okay, even if we want to break out of the encirclement, I wonder which direction General Di will choose?"

"Which direction?" Di Qing was stunned.

Of course what he meant was to break out of the encirclement to the south and break out of the encirclement first.

You can also break out to the north and find a way to join Wang Xin's troops.

Of course, if you choose the latter, you are likely to face more enemies.

It will also attract the enemies surrounding Wang Xin's headquarters.

It seems that there are only these two choices, but Ji Zhu asked himself this question. Di Qing felt that the other party should have other ideas, so he smiled and asked, "But I don't know if General Ji has a goal?"

"Yes, we will break out to the southeast."

"Southeast?" This answer made Di Qing startled.

"Yes, it's the southeast. To be honest, we have received accurate news. Our Song Dynasty's 50,000 reinforcements have rushed out of Chitang Pass in the east. After joining them, our strength will be strengthened and it will be more beneficial.

Next, deal with the enemy."

Ji Zhu said with a smile on his face. Just now, he learned from the intercom that 50,000 reinforcements had left Chitang Pass.

"Chitangguan reinforcements?" Upon receiving this answer, Di Qing's eyes showed a sense of shame.

Before he came, he knew that there were 50,000 reinforcements from the Song Dynasty there, and he thought that once he took action, the other party would cooperate. But from the beginning to the end, he did not see any intention of sending troops there, so he gave up this plan early.


Unexpectedly, Ji Zhu actually hugged them

If you have any illusions, it is simply a cowardly army.

Especially the leader of the army, Huang Gaoyi, only wanted to protect himself and completely ignored the overall situation. What was the point of joining up with such a person?

Seemingly sensing the disdain expressed by Di Qing, Ji Zhu smiled and said: "General Di, the situation is different. Huang Gaoyi, who did not dare to fight, has been captured and has been replaced by the new Privy Councilor Bao Zheng.

General, this is a warrior who dares to fight, we can rest assured to join them."

It was not Huang Gaoyi who came, but Bao Zheng.

Moreover, Bao Zheng also became the new Privy Councilor.

Di Qing didn't know all this news, so he would inevitably be a little surprised when he heard this.

But think about it, Ji Zhu just appeared on the battlefield, maybe he sent troops to save him after learning the news, and he was relieved immediately.

"Master Bao, I have heard of this, so even if the commander is changed, I might as well give it a try."

Di Qing did not choose to refuse. After all, he did not want to return to the Western Army in despair.

The two reached an agreement, and Ji Zhu laughed, "Even if the general agrees, let's discuss the breakout next. Let's see how to mobilize the enemy on the opposite side so that we can complete the breakout at the minimum cost.



The Su family came and broke through the outer defense line, allowing them to join forces with the Western Army of the Song Dynasty.

When the news came, Wu Zangguyin scolded General Liang De in the big tent.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Xixia cavalry is naturally the best in the world.

Even when fighting against the Western Army of the Song Dynasty, at this stage they won more than they lost, and there were many battles in which they won more with less.

this one

This time, they had an absolute advantage in terms of military strength.

Strategically, we also gained an advantage.

But under such a good situation, the Su family's army was still able to break through the defense and achieve the goal of joining forces with the Western Army of the Song Dynasty. All this was a shame in the eyes of Wu Zang Guyin.

Liang De stood in the tent, not daring to take a breath.

It wasn't until he got tired of scolding and returned to the chair that he dared to say: "General, please give the last general a chance to make up for his past mistakes. This time, Di Qing, who is surrounded, must be defeated."

All the troops and the Su family's army were wiped out, and the world also knew how powerful our Xixia cavalry was."

"Okay, I will give you a chance. I will give you a suggestion. The enemy is surrounded and does not have much food and fodder. If they cannot win quickly, there is no need to rush to attack. It is a great achievement to just block them here.


I didn't hide my old words and scolded him, but I still recognized Liang De's commanding ability in my heart, otherwise he would have changed his general at the last moment.

"Thank you, General."

Feeling Wu Zang Guyin's advice to him, Liang De said with some emotion. Then he turned around to make arrangements.

The 70,000 cavalrymen were all handed over to Liang De this time, and it could not be said that he did not take them seriously.

With these 70,000 cavalry in hand, Liang De chose to first place 10,000 cavalry in each of the four directions of the surrounded Song army: east, west, south and north.

The remaining 30,000 are mobile forces. Once the direction in which the opponent wants to break out is determined, they will continue to pursue and intercept them. Try to consume the opponent's troops by blocking them, so as to obtain the maximum results with the minimum consumption.

Xixia's 70,000 cavalrymen were waiting for the Song army to break through.

If Song Jun had no choice

If they break through, they will wait where they are. Anyway, if they wait one more day, they will consume one more day of food from the other side, and the overall situation will be in their favor.

This chapter has been completed!
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