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As for Su Shi's retreat, Xincheng will become even more lonely, so what?

It's okay to be alone.

So what if it is breached?

Wang Deyong was meant to die, wasn't he?

Such a useless person, if the Xixia and Liao armies could capture Xincheng and kill Wang Deyong, Su Shi would only be happy.

As for whether he would be held accountable if Wang Deyong died, Su Shi had no worries.

Wang Deyong appeared in the north just to pick his own peaches and snatch the fruits of victory. All smart people can see this very clearly.

What's going on, someone else comes to take advantage of you, and then there is danger, and you still want me to save him, is this possible?

Su Shi is not someone who repays kindness with evil.

On the contrary, he will immediately take revenge on those who offend him.

Those revenges that he could not avenge on the spot would be written down in a notebook, and he would take revenge when he had the opportunity.

Everyone knows what kind of character he is, so naturally no one will blame himself for Wang Deyong being in danger.

On the contrary, it was true that Bao Zheng was under much greater pressure than himself.

For this reason, Su Shi also asked Ji Zhu to notify Bao Zheng, asking him to make preparations in advance and write a letter explaining the matter to the court.

When it comes to the reasons why Wang Deyong cannot be saved, there are too many.

It seems like there are not enough troops.

It was as if the army had just broken out of the encirclement and had been beaten to pieces. It was in urgent need of rest and recuperation.

For example, there are too many wounded, insufficient medicinal herbs, insufficient food and grass, the army is temporarily unable to fight anymore, etc.

Any one of them can be cited as a reason to shirk responsibility.

How come Bao Heizi has been in the court for so long? Some people

It's just an excuse, it's not something that's readily available.

Su Shi wanted to give up the western part of the northern border, and the next ones who would suffer would be the Liao Army and the Xixia Army.

They have robbed everything that should be robbed. What’s the point of staying here?

Should we divide our troops and go to the east of the northern border to rob it?

With his own presence and the presence of hundreds of thousands of troops from Chitangguan, it was enough to act as a deterrent, so that the two tribes did not dare to act rashly.

And with winter approaching, hundreds of thousands of troops from the two tribes were stationed west of the northern border of the Song Dynasty. The cost of food, clothing, etc. was enough to give them a headache.

This is Su Shi's method of dealing with the two tribes.

Or it can also be said that there is no solution.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and it is no longer suitable for large armies to fight. In addition, the imperial court will not send any more reinforcements. Su Shi has very few available troops and is losing the battle head-on, so he can only adopt this method to deal with the current situation.

"Your Highness King Jing, please grow up quickly. As long as you grow up and fully trust me, I will lead the Song Dynasty to truly rise after I have absolute military power."

Facing the direction of Bianliang City in the south, Su Shi stood with emotion.

Soon, Su Shi began to turn around, with a very hard iron rod in his hand. He faced Bai Xing and said, "If I come again, I don't believe I can't hurt you."

Taking advantage of this peaceful time, Su Shi started practicing stick skills.

Su Shi, who had no foundation in kung fu, chose the strategy of defeating ten masters with all his strength.

The system transformed his body and made him infinitely powerful. Su Shi wanted to see what level his personal force level had reached.

There is an uninhabited land in the mountains, or in other words, everyone around him has been dispersed. Su Shi is not going to sit in a wheelchair, but is standing opposite Bai Xing, holding the iron in his hand.

The stick hit Bai Xing, who was holding a soft sword on the opposite side.


Bianliang City.

The eight hundred miles sent by Bao Zheng rushed into the palace.

Renzong Zhao Zhen read the contents of the memorial with joy in his eyes.

Bao Zheng lived up to his high expectations and rescued Wang Xin and Di Qing, which saved most of the Song Dynasty's military strength, which can be said to be a great joy.

The only regret is that the siege of Xincheng has not been solved yet, and Wang Deyong is still surrounded by it.

Zhao Zhen understood what Bao Zheng said in his memorial that he was unable to rescue Xincheng in a short period of time. He was very satisfied that the battle had reached this level.

Facing the invasion of the three tribes, the Song Dynasty used its own efforts to block them to the west of the northern border. This was a pretty good result.

At least, the situation will not get worse.

At least Bianliang City is still safe.

that's enough.

The content of Bao Zheng's report quickly spread throughout the court.

The ministers who received the news all had smiles on their faces.

With the war in the north under control, they no longer have to worry about their own lives, nor do they need to consider where to move the capital, or whether their properties in Bianliang City need to be dealt with, and to whom to deal with them.

Without these worries, all the ministers looked relaxed.

As for Wang Deyong still trapped in Xincheng, not many people paid attention to it.

According to the report, outside Xincheng there are all enemies, so how can we save them?

Bao Zheng has already rescued Wang Xin and Di Qing, which can be regarded as a great achievement. Now asking them to rescue Xincheng is forcing others to do something difficult.

If someone really proposes this and the officials say something, then

Whoever suggested it should save it, so what should we do?

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

Just be fine if you have nothing to do. As for Wang Deyong, just wish yourself well.

The crisis in the north is okay for the time being. The time has come to mid-October. At this time, winter has arrived, and what everyone has to consider is the New Year's Eve in more than a month.

The war in the northern border was deliberately ignored by everyone. The ministers also knew that fighting in cold weather is not that easy. I am afraid that if there is any movement in the northern border, they will have to wait until next spring.

The capital city of the Song Dynasty was still prosperous and prosperous.

In the marketplace and in restaurants, from time to time you will see scholars writing and comparing their beautiful articles.

Business at Qing·Lou Casino is still very prosperous.

The Song Dynasty was still the same Song Dynasty. It did not change much because of the Battle of the Northern Territory. This may be the prosperous age in the eyes of some literati.

Due to the inconvenient transportation, these officials who recorded history saw the prosperity of Bianliang City and thought that the entire Song Dynasty was prosperous.

But they have no idea that their peace was obtained because of how many people sacrificed their lives.

There is no such thing as quiet time, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for them.


Chitang Pass.

The army, which has been resting for more than 20 days, is much better than before, both physically and mentally.

The soldiers' bodies have recovered as before, and some of the slightly wounded have returned to the army. Even Lu Zifei, who was seriously injured before, was cured after Ji Zhu sent military health workers, and the army has the strength to fight again.

"General Ji, there is no news from General Zhongwu yet.

Did it come? We can't stay here all the time to gain weight." Yang Wenguang appeared in front of Ji Zhu, with an anxious look on his face, and he said as if he was asking for a fight.

"Building fat?"

Ji Zhu chuckled, and then said: "Can the food here make you fat? I think you want the food in the hands of the young marshal to be delicious."

"Hehe, I definitely want to."

Yang Wenguang smiled and nodded in recognition.

It is said that it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality, but it is easy to go from frugality to luxury.

Isn't it delicious to follow Su Shi?

When not fighting, you can have enough food and wine, and there are many ways to eat.

Stir-fried vegetables, stews, hot pots, barbecues, and seafood are all available.

Even if it is the same ingredients, what is placed in front of Su Jiajun will taste many times better than what is eaten outside.

It's like being in Chitangguan. In addition to steaming vegetables, there are many times where you can't even eat enough. In contrast, everyone will naturally think of the days with Su Jiajun.

Yang Wenguang admitted, and Ji Zhu also sighed in agreement, "Not only are you the vanguard, but we Black Cavalry also want those delicious things. But now the young commander has not sent an order, so we can only wait."

"Is there no order yet?" After hearing this, Yang Wenguang stopped smiling and became more serious.

"Yes, we can't move without orders. Even if the sky falls, we will wait here." Ji Zhu looked serious.

Even though they were in Chitang Pass and had far less food than the Su family's army, they could only wait and couldn't go anywhere until Su Shi had no new orders.

"Okay, then we will continue to wait. Hey, I don't know if Zhongwu

What's the general's plan? It's winter now, and I'm afraid there won't be many opportunities to fight a big battle." Yang Wenguang said with deep feeling.

Winter is coming, which means the Chinese New Year is coming soon. It is the first time for many children in the Pioneer Army to spend the New Year away from their parents. It is impossible to say that they miss home.

If it is really confirmed that there is no war, Yang Wenguang is thinking about whether he can give everyone a long holiday and return to Bianliang City to celebrate the New Year. This can also reduce the supply pressure on Chitang Pass.

But Yang Wenguang knew very well that once everyone was given leave now, it would not be easy to gather the brothers together after the New Year.

The brothers in the Pioneer Army are all Reserve Guards, and they are all people with certain backgrounds and identities. Once they return to Beijing and return to their comfort zone, who knows whether there will be any psychological changes in them?

Yang Wenguang was anxious, and so was Ji Zhu.

Even Bao Zheng, Wang Xin and Di Qing were very anxious.

Especially Wang Xin, who asked Bao Zheng for instructions more than once, saying that he would be a vanguard and do his best to relieve the siege of Xincheng.

They were all rejected by Bao Zheng.

The rescue of Wang Xin and Di Qing made Bao Zheng realize the fact that no one can compare with Su Shi on the battlefield.

Whether it's about combat power, a view of the overall situation, or an understanding of the battlefield. Even so, if he wants to maintain the situation in a better direction, he must listen to Su Shi.

If he does not abide by this point, he will be no different from Wang Deyong and others.

Bao Zheng believed that Su Shi must also be thinking of a way. He would not let hundreds of thousands of troops just watch from the sidelines.

If we don't attack now, it must be that the time has not come yet.

Don't tell me, Bao Zheng is really serious

Jie Su Shi.

Su Shi hasn't taken action yet because he really thinks that the time has not come yet.

After waiting for more than twenty days, Su Shi was waiting for the division of troops between the Xixia and Liao armies.

This chapter has been completed!
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