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The presence of so many offensive weapons here shook the morale of the army. Even when they saw the huge alien army halfway up the mountain, they didn't seem so scared at the moment, and everyone was full of fighting spirit.

Halfway up the mountain, the Liao and Xixia armies also had breakfast and began to assemble their troops to prepare for the attack on the mountain.

Of course, the food of these aliens was not as good as that of the Su family's army, but they could still eat enough. I'm afraid they all knew the importance of the upcoming battle, and the alien generals who led the troops were not stingy. They fed the soldiers so that they would have the strength to attack the mountain.

Even attacking a mountain is a laborious task.

Pushing backwards is already very laborious and may cause considerable casualties.

But whether it was Qi Ruoshan or Yi Lingxing who led the troops, they were all prepared to pay a certain amount of casualties.

There is no battle without death. The important thing is that the mountain must be conquered even if so many people die. As long as this goal can be achieved, even if the loss is larger, it is nothing.


At about 7:30 in the morning, the Liao dogs and Xixia wolves on the mountainside began to attack.

When they arrived here last night, it's not like they didn't do anything. They built a lot of ladders, and now they are setting up ladders one by one on the stone wall. Groups of archers are climbing up, hoping to bring the two sides closer.

Distance makes bows and arrows more lethal.

On the mountain path of the North Peak, there were thousands of soldiers of the two tribes, holding shields and charging forward.

Since there were too many foreigners and the trail was not very wide, from a distance, the mountain path was full of moving heads.

This is the power of the military formation.

After the military formation is set up, you cannot go forward alone. Of course, you

Because I'm afraid, I can't even retreat even if I want to.

When everyone is crowded together, any individual must move with the movement of the entire military formation.

In the face of such a military formation, the so-called heroism is a joke, and the so-called personal strength is nothing at all.

No matter how powerful the master is, he will still die once he is surrounded by such a military formation.

And most of them die from exhaustion, because they have no strength, and eventually die from being stabbed through the heart by hundreds of knives and spears.

One military formation consisted of a thousand men, two military formations of the Liao army, and two military formations of the Xixia army. They began to charge along the mountain road towards the mountain peak.

"Fire the arrow."

Just as the ladder was standing and the alien archers were climbing up the ladder, Xu Ba, who was standing on the mountain road, gave the order to release arrows.

At that moment, countless arrows fell like rain, falling on the archers of the two tribes, causing howls of pain one after another.


When the foreign armies in the four battle formations saw the Song army firing arrows, they also began to charge, hoping to attract the attention of the Song army's archers on the mountain.

"Fire the arrow."

Xu Ba pointed towards the mountain road with the saber in his hand, and another burst of arrows fell down, hitting the oncoming Liao army's shield with a crackling sound.

The Forbidden Army reservists, who had enough bows and arrows, didn't even have to take aim, and just shot the arrows when they saw the enemy.

It was weak and made a clanking sound when it hit the shield.

The one with great strength directly pierced the shield with the arrow, or even penetrated it, causing a Liao shield player to fall to the ground.

Often at this time, countless arrows will take the opportunity to enter,

Kill more Liao troops who are charging forward.

The Liao army fell down a shield bearer, and immediately someone from behind rushed to the top. Both sides came and went. After the Liao army suffered a certain amount of casualties, the distance between the two sides continued to close.

"Shoot the arrows, don't let them rush up." Xu Ba shouted loudly while standing on the mountain road without any intention of retreating.

He couldn't retreat at this time. Once he retreated, the enemy would take advantage of the situation and pursue him. There was only two hundred meters of mountain road, which didn't allow them to retreat several times.

As a result, the not-so-long mountain road has become a battleground for both parties. You come and I go, and soon the entire mountain road is paved with blood.

There was more blood, and it began to flow halfway up the mountain.

But neither Ling Yixing nor Qi Ruoshan had heard of it.

Compassion does not command troops.

This is one of the basic qualities of a general.

What they have to do now is to capture the North Peak as quickly as possible. In this way, the dead soldiers will be considered worthy of death.

The alien army did not give in, and more and more soldiers died. When the first thousand-man Liao army was all dead, they also advanced about fifty meters.

At this time, Xixia's thousand-man team rushed forward closely behind.

"Look up!"

Seeing that the enemy was advancing too fast, Xu Ba issued an order to shoot at an angle.

At that moment, a large number of arrows were shot into the air. When they fell, bursts of crackling sounds were heard above the heads of the Xixia Thousand Soldiers.

The arrow fell and landed on the heads of the Xixia soldiers, causing a certain amount of casualties, forcing the Xixia Thousand Soldiers to move their shields above their heads. At this time

At this moment, Xu Ba suddenly rushed down the mountain with three hundred warriors who had been prepared long ago.

All of them hold long guns in their hands.

As the saying goes, every inch is long and every inch is strong. When the Song army armed with guns rushed down the mountain and kept passing guns forward, the Xixia army was caught off guard.

The Xixia troops in the first two rows were stabbed to the ground one after another, causing the thousand-man team to panic for a while.


After a successful attack, Xu Ba quickly retreated with three hundred warriors, followed by another burst of arrows, which caused the Xixia soldiers who were about to pursue the pursuit to fall down.

In a short period of time, there were only less than 300 people left in a thousand-man team. They were completely disabled and could not retreat.

A team of thousands of Liao troops was replaced again. This time they sandwiched some archers in order to prevent the Song army from suddenly rushing down. As these archers began to counterattack in the shield formation, the Su family army guarding the mountain also began to

There were some casualties.

In general, these casualties were still within an acceptable range, and with the advantage of the geographical location, when the two sides really exchanged fire, the one who gained the advantage was Su Shi's troops guarding the mountain.

The fight on the mountain was very lively.

On the land of the Song Dynasty at the foot of the mountain, reinforcements from the Song Dynasty were rushing towards the place where Shigu Mountain was located.

Although they don't know what the battle situation is like on the mountain. But think about it, the young marshal only has less than 10,000 sergeants, but he has to face the siege of 100,000 or even more armies from Liao and Xixia. The comparison of this number is frightening.


Especially Ji Zhu's troops who were at the forefront of the reinforcements.

He knows better than anyone else what kind of foundation the Black Cavalry's existence is based on.

Su Shi is here, and Black Cavalry is here.

Su Shi died, and Black Cavalry died.

Among the black knights

, Anyone can have an accident, but Su Shi must not have an accident.

With this idea in mind, Ji Zhu and others kept working hard.

The horses they ride are all excellent Mongolian horses with long-lasting power. If you take them outside, any one of them will be worth a lot of money.

But at this moment, no one among the five thousand black knights would waste the strength of their war horses. Even if they knew that after this battle, these war horses would be destroyed, no one would feel sorry for them.

They knew more clearly that if they saved the young commander, they would have any kind of horse.

On the contrary, if Su Shi is in danger, everything he has will be lost soon.

The Song army in the Wutai area was also quickly returning for reinforcements after a night of sweeping.

In a night of raids, 50,000 people came to aid the Liao army, and at least 20,000 to 30,000 people were killed. The remaining Liao army had divided into countless branches and fled back towards the Liao border.

At this moment, these Liao soldiers just wanted to say one thing, the Song army was terrible, and they wanted to go home.

Fifty thousand civilian troops followed, riding war horses towards Shigu Mountain at high speed.

Meng Lei and his five thousand dragon guards were running at the front. At this time, the distance from him to Shigu Mountain was less than sixty miles.

If you go fast enough, you can reach the bottom of the mountain in less than two hours.

Meng Lei's troops came quickly. In order to hurry up, they no longer bothered to send out scouts to explore the road. This gave the Liao army's scouts a place to use, and soon the five thousand Song cavalry reinforcements coming from the northwest were reported.

It reached the ears of Liao Army General Xiao Xiaoyou.

"Interception, we must not allow anyone to get close to the foot of Shigu Mountain."

Xiao Xiaoyou said in a very affirmative tone.

Although there is no news yet, Xiao Xiaoyou can probably guess that the five domestic

The ten thousand reinforcements are probably in danger.

If he suffered such a big loss, how could he allow Su Shi, who planned all of this, to escape from danger so easily?

The Liao army had a total of 80,000 troops in the northern border, including 50,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry.

Now there are 20,000 infantry and 20,000 cavalry going to Shigu Mountain. Last night, Xincheng was lost again, but at least 20,000 Song troops were captured.

Xincheng is an empty city, and there is no need to leave any troops there. Xiao Xiaoyou can send out all the troops in his hands. In this way, he gave an order and sent 10,000 cavalry to intercept and gain advantage from the Wutai area.

And returned to the Longwu Guard Division.

"Also, send another 10,000 infantrymen to Shigu Mountain and tell everyone that they can't rest even at night. When will they kill Su Shi and when will the army retreat?"

Xiao Xiaoyou gritted his molars and spoke viciously.

After giving the order, ten thousand Liao cavalry passed through the foot of Shigu Mountain and headed straight for the Wutai area. An hour later, the two armies met.

When Raymond saw that the opponent's cavalry was twice as many as his own, he did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, he asked a flying eagle team accompanying the army to contact Su Shi and ask for instructions on what to do next.

According to Lei Meng's wishes, as long as Su Shi gives the order, he will bring five thousand dragon guards and Liao cavalry to have a head-on confrontation. Although the opponent's troops are more powerful than his, he is still confident that he can fight a bloody path.

Arrive at the foot of Shigu Mountain.

Before setting off from Bianliang City, King Jing specifically told Lei Meng that he must listen to Su Shi's military orders and ensure Su Shi's safety.

Now that he knew that Su Shi was surrounded on the north peak of Shigu Mountain, of course he had to do his best to save him, otherwise, he would go back

Even His Highness King Jing could not spare him.

This chapter has been completed!
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