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At this time, when Su Shi's army comes out of the prison, it is conceivable what will happen.

I walked quickly to the map and my eyes fell on Xinghua City, the first big city in the east.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jian muttered to himself, "I'm afraid Xinghua City won't be informed in time and it's already hopeless."

Then, his eyes moved again and fell on Shenshan City, the first place of Zezhou to the east of Xinghua City. Zhang Jian's voice quickly sounded, "Hurry up and send the carrier pigeon to inform Shenshan City to be prepared for Su Shi's appearance and tell them

, we cannot close the city gate, we have to go out to fight and entangle Su Shi's troops there, and the main force of our army will arrive soon."

To the north of Shenshan City is the Dading Mansion in Zhongjing of the Liao Dynasty.

If the city gate here is closed, Su Shi may not see the opportunity and will directly go north to attack Dading Mansion.

If something went wrong in Zhongjing, Zhang Jian would be blamed even if he died.

"Quickly, gather the troops. As many as you can muster, follow me to attack Su Shi's troops." Zhang Jian was frightened, his expression changed, and even the words he gave the order were somewhat lost.

As Zhang Jian expected, Xinghua City, the first city to the east, had indeed been lost.

The first black cavalry to leave the camp, one person and two horses, after running continuously all night, appeared outside Xinghua City when the city gate was just opened.

Because they all wore the military uniforms of the Liao Army, and some hair was stained on their bald heads, forming a Mediterranean head shape. From a distance, they looked the same as the Liao Army.

Even the Liao army guarding the city didn't pay much attention.

It was not until the black cavalry was getting closer and closer to the city that they suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Xinghua City. The Liao army guarding the city felt something was wrong, but at this time

By the time I thought about closing the city gate, it was already too late.

As the black cavalry rushed into the city holding the Overlord Gun, Xinghua City suddenly burst into chaos.

Xinghua City fell.

By the time Su Shi arrived with the main force of the army, it was already night.

The gates of Xinghua City that had been occupied were wide open, and torches were stuck everywhere, welcoming the main force into the city.

After just resting in Xinghua City for a night and collecting all the things he could carry, Su Shi took the main force of the army to the east at dawn and rushed to the next target, Shenshan City.

Just two hours after Su Shi and others left Xinghua City, Zhang Jian hurriedly arrived with 60,000 Liao troops.

They didn't even bother to rest for a whole day and night, but they still came late.

After entering Xinghua City, he learned from the Liao soldiers who had both ears cut off and hamstrings picked up that Su Shi's army had left for two hours. Zhang Jian still refused to rest and continued to march towards Su Shi with his army.

He was chasing after him.

Let’s talk about Ji Zhu’s Black Cavalry Department.

After the surprise attack on Xinghua City was successful, a part of the city was left to defend the city. Ji Zhu personally led 800 black cavalry and the first brigade Feng Yidao's troops to move forward.

After flying all the way to Songzi Ridge, not far from the Shenshan City, we received a battle report from the Flying Eagle Squadron, which had been the first to inquire about the news. There was actually a large number of Liao troops setting up defenses in Songzi Ridge.

And because of the terrain, it is basically impossible to capture this place quickly.

A large number of Liao troops appeared in Songzi Ridge. This was an unexpected change. Ji Zhu stopped and quickly reported the situation to Su Shi through the intercom.

Su Shi is also heading towards Songziling

Came here, and while on the way, I received news from Ji Zhu.

There are actually Liao troops in Songzi Ridge, and there are a large number of Liao troops. This is not what should be done.

Ordinarily, as the hinterland of the Liao Kingdom, the Liao army should be stationed in the outer city of Shenshan City even if it has troops, instead of sending troops on an isolated ridge.

If they did this, there was only one possibility, that is, they had received the news that they would come in advance, and they wanted to stop them here.

Looking along the map, after Songzi Ridge is the Shenshan City, and to the north of the Shenshan City is the Dading Prefecture in Zhongjing of the Liao Kingdom. Su Shi could see the intention of the Liao army.

This is to block him here so that he cannot enter the Shenshan City and thus cannot threaten the Dading Mansion in Zhongjing.

"Haha, the Liao people have learned to be smart and know how to plan ahead. But how did you know that I was going to Dading Mansion in Zhongjing?" Su Shi put down the map in his hand, picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Ji Zhu, take you with me.

Come back, we are not going east."

Su Shi is within the territory of Liao Kingdom, and it can be said that he is surrounded by enemies everywhere.

In such an environment, it is not wrong for Su Shi to attack any point.

Even so, why does he have to go to the east? Can't he go to other places?

What a Xiao Ying and Zhang Jian, they actually know how to predict in advance. Well, I will teach you this time. Your carrier pigeon method of transmitting messages is so outdated. Even if you calculate everything, you will still find that you still

Will fall into my trap.

Zhang Jian's subordinates who followed him naturally didn't know what Su Shi was thinking.

Along the way, Zhang Jian was worried.

He used a carrier pigeon to send a message to the defender of Shenshan City, but he could not guarantee that the other party would obey the order.


They were not sure whether the carrier pigeon had delivered the message.

For the safety of Zhongjing, what he has to do now is to keep rushing. It is best if he can catch up with Su Shi. Even if he cannot catch up, he must rush to Zhongjing City as soon as possible and guard it. Otherwise, his life will be in danger.

It will not be guaranteed.

There are too many nobles from the Liao Kingdom in Zhongjing, and they have close relations with the officials and elders who went to Beijing. Once they are frightened, this responsibility is definitely not something that a foreign minister like him can afford.

Even if Xiao Ying is added, it still can't bear everything.

I cursed Su Shi in my heart for not following the rules. I obviously gave up and wanted to make peace with you, but you were still so crazy. Did you really bully me into losing my temper?

Zhang Jian, who was extremely reluctant, still did not forget to lead the army to advance rapidly. Even though many soldiers were unable to keep up with the team because they had not had a good rest for two days, Zhang Jian did not care at all.

Now, there is only one thing on his mind, that is, Su Shi must not be allowed to appear outside Zhongjing, absolutely not.

Zhang Jian's prayer worked.

Su Shi did not appear outside Zhongjing, but appeared in front of him.

Just as Zhang Jian was speeding toward Shenshan City with 60,000 exhausted Liao troops, beside a dense forest, suddenly a large number of arrows fell from the sky, followed by countless Song cavalry, who shouted

He stood up, waved his weapon and charged towards Zhang Jian's men to kill them.

Su Shi actually set up an ambush here?

This is about fifty miles away from Shenshan City.

Shouldn't Su Shi attack Shenshan City?

Why would he attack me?

There are still too many things that I don’t understand

, but at this moment, the Su family's cavalry came out from all directions.

Everyone wears stab-proof clothing, which does not affect their flexibility but also increases their defensive capabilities.

As soon as the 30,000 cavalrymen surged out, the unsuspecting 60,000 Liao army was stunned by a head-on attack.

The Liao army was already exhausted, although it still had an advantage in numbers.

But that’s all.

Compared to the Su family army who had rested for several hours, and who were well fed and clothed warmly, their combat effectiveness and morale were much lower.

Thirty thousand elite cavalry, including the most elite black cavalry, could be compared with the tired 60,000 Liao army?

With countless cavalry pouring out, the Liao army, which had formed a long snake formation, was quickly cut into countless segments.

The head and tail cannot look after each other, and they cannot even form a unified command.

Even many soldiers didn't know which direction to attack.

In the chaotic situation, the Liao army suffered more and more casualties. This made Zhang Jian, who was in the position of the central army, see that the situation was not good and immediately retreated with his men.

Zhang Jianfei is not a military commander, and such a battlefield is not suitable for him.

And even as a general, the role he can play in such a chaotic situation will be very limited.

Of the 60,000 Liao troops, Zhang Jian finally took away only half of them, 30,000.

But even if he abandoned half of his troops, during his retreat, the frantic vanguard army behind him was still pursuing him. Anyone who ran slowly or was alone was their target.


He ran away all the way, discarding his helmet and armor, and couldn't even mount a decent counterattack.

Zhang Jian was complaining that the sky was not working and the earth and the earth were not responding.

, Xiao Ying arrived with 40,000 Liao troops and joined them. Only then did the vanguard army stop the pursuit and retreat.

After Xiao Ying woke up and learned that Zhang Jian was leading an army of 60,000 to pursue Su Shi's troops, he followed him.

The 40,000 Liao troops he led also came all the way and had no time to rest. At this time, it was unrealistic for them to rush forward and fight with the Su army.

Xiao Ying, who could only protect himself, did not move forward to continue the attack, but ordered the army to have a good rest and wait until tomorrow to fight Su Shi in full strength.

But just when he rationally decided to wait for one day, the Su army destroyed the 30,000 Liao army that was surrounded by them and had no intention of fighting.

More than 10,000 people were killed on the spot, and the others all became the earless army. After their hamstrings were broken, Su Shi's army suddenly went south and went down the Luanhe River.

Su Shi did not choose to go north and get closer to Zhongjing.

He did not choose to go east, capture Shenshan City, and then go north again to approach Zhongjing.

Instead, he decisively went south and escaped from the Liao army's defense and encirclement. This once again exceeded Xiao Ying and Zhang Jian's expectations.

The next day, when the Liao army had rested and moved forward, they saw many lame Liao soldiers along the way. Both of them looked silent, but in fact their hearts were bleeding.

After fighting with Su Shi for more than half a year, he did not get any benefits at all, but instead lost troops and generals.

The 200,000 troops originally prepared to enter the Song Dynasty, but now all added together, less than half are capable of fighting. This result was something they had not thought of before and cannot bear now.

Both of them could even imagine that it wouldn't be long before their emperor would issue an edict

Punish them and they will probably fall off their current position.

This chapter has been completed!
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