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After knowing Su Shi's intention, Lou Yang went down to make arrangements. At the same time, on one side of the team, the secret agent Lian Tiexin, who was ordered to protect and monitor in secret, also received information that there was an ambush ahead.

, seems to be aimed at the Bukit Hou Racing Team.

"Sir, should we inform Wu Jihou?" a member of the Secret Intelligence Department who was following Lian Tiexin asked.

After a few breaths of silence, Lian Tiexin shook his head and said, "No, these people don't really threaten Wujihou, so we don't need to take action."

In fact, there was another sentence that Lian Tiexin didn't say, which was that he wanted to take the opportunity to see what the Su Jiajun was capable of.

I have always heard people say how powerful the Su family's army is, and how they can win when they enter the Liao Dynasty alone. Their strength must be pretty good. But in the end, everything is just hearsay, not seeing is believing.

Now was a good opportunity for him to take a closer look.

The Su family's motorcade came slowly. They did not slow down because they knew there was an ambush ahead, and of course they did not speed up deliberately.

It's just that the soldiers have increased their vigilance. Everyone has taken the initiative to put on stab-proof clothing and be ready for a battle at any time.

"Aren't you worried?"

In the carriage, Ye Lengchan looked at Su Shi still sitting in the wheelchair reading a book, and asked curiously.

"Is there any need to worry?" Su Shi raised his head, looked at Ye Lengchan and said jokingly, "Besides, isn't there you?"

"That's true." Ye Lengchan immediately became extremely arrogant, raised her chin and said, "With me here, you don't have to worry, I guarantee that no one will hurt you."

Seeing Ye Lengchan so proud, Su Shi chuckled.

Talk again.

This smile stimulated Ye Lengchan, "What's wrong? Why are you laughing? You don't believe it, you don't believe me, right?"

Seeing Ye Lengchan start to "mess around" again, Su Shi couldn't help but feel a little confused. Although he knew that the other party was talking to him for nothing, this kind of conversation was not what he liked.

Although he is only nineteen years old, he is already very old mentally. This kind of quarrel between boys and girls is really meaningless in his eyes.

Then he simply lowered his head and continued to look at some ancient books collected by Lou Yang and the others in his hands.

Su Shi's ignorance made Ye Lengchan's face turn red with anger. Fortunately, at this time, Yue Siling pulled her arm and said, "Stop talking, the young master is like this, sometimes he is very boring."

"Humph, I think so." Ye Lengchan shook her head and did not look at Su Shi at all. Instead, she whispered to Yue Siling. After a while, she didn't know what they said, and the two women giggled.

From time to time, he would glance at Su Shi in the wheelchair, which seemed to mean something.

Su Shi was already used to the two women's nervous behavior. As long as they didn't disturb him, Su Shi didn't care whether they were talking about him or not, he would just lower his head and read a book.

Everything in the carriage was as usual. In fact, the entire convoy seemed to be as usual. At this time, they also came to the encirclement designed by Huang Silang.

Huang Silang and others were waiting in the dense forest. When the convoy appeared in the distance, they were faintly excited. This was a big fat fish.

But when I looked at it from a distance, I realized that this team was actually all cavalry, and there were so many of them.

, these bandits were a little scared when they couldn't see their head from this side.

They have been bandits, robbed people, and robbed caravans.

But those were just teams of dozens or dozens of people.

Once they encounter a team of hundreds of people, they will hesitate, wondering whether eating this piece of fat will stretch them out and damage their vitality.

Now, what is about to take action is a cavalry team of two thousand people. It is impossible to say that they are not nervous at all.

Even before Huang Silang shouted to start, the second-in-command next to him, Wan Feng, spoke up, "Brother, the idea is tough, we only have these people, can we do it?"

Wan Feng knew some kung fu, and when he was fighting with someone, he injured an eye, hence his nickname.

"What? You're scared. Let me tell you, if you want to become a human master, you have to fight once. As long as you succeed this time, then we will have a good time. Okay, everyone, get ready and fight out with me."

Huang Silang looked at Wan Feng with a somewhat contemptuous look, and then spoke to cheer up the others.

Anyone who can become a bandit has a lucky mentality. If he tries once, if he succeeds, he won't have to fight again in life. At this moment, everyone is a little excited.

Some brothers who were hesitant at first also clenched the swords in their hands, gritted their teeth, and thought to themselves, "Let's fight."


Seeing that the front troops of the convoy had passed the encirclement, and several carriages wrapped by the brigade came into view, Huang Silang felt that the time was ripe, and immediately shouted, and then he was the first to stand up and rush forward.


With Huang Silang taking the lead, Wan Feng and others shouted.

They all rushed out. However, they did not notice that Huang Silang only rushed a few steps away and then stopped on his own initiative.

Are you kidding? His opponent has two thousand cavalry, but he only has three hundred brothers, and they are all infantry.

Huang Silang didn't believe Master Dong's words. With their own strength, they could capture the prince of the imperial court.

Just because Dong Ming came in person, if he didn't do anything, it would be tantamount to offending others.

Therefore, he still has to rush, but he himself will not rush, but will leave a small life in preparation for a comeback.

Huang Silang and several of his confidants stopped in the middle of the rush, but the others didn't care so much and started swarming towards Su Shi's motorcade with all kinds of shouts and shouts.

"Protect the Marquis."

Seeing that these bandits were really coming for Su Shi, Lou Yang and others who were waiting around didn't know what to say.

Looking at the three hundred or so bandits who rushed out, they could only think in their hearts that they were just a group of lunatic lunatics seeking their own death.

"Kill him?" Shi Fo Yuelei stood beside Lou Yang and asked for instructions.

"Protect the young master first and then wait and see if they have any backup plans." Lou Yang shook his head.

Although he believed in the Flying Eagle Squadron, since they had already investigated, there should be no other forces around, but he still wanted to take a look.

Otherwise, he really couldn't believe how these three hundred people had such confidence and dared to charge against their two thousand elite cavalry team.

Facing the attack of the bandits, the Su family army did not fight immediately, but kept retreating, using Su Shi's carriage as the axis

The heart formed a big circle and was defended layer by layer.

Wan Feng and others rushed out, drumming in their hearts. They were afraid that these cavalry would charge back at them. If this was the case, they were afraid that if they charged down, they would kill their brother.

But when they saw that these teams did not charge, but retreated to defend, their confidence greatly increased.

Could it be that, as the boss said, these people are just worthless idiots? Then maybe the three hundred of them can actually complete the task.

By the way, where did the boss go?

Looking around, Wan Feng did not see Huang Silang's figure. Wan Feng just thought that the master was with someone else, so he didn't think too much and continued to run forward with long strides.

Previously, they were worried about being discovered, so they hid in the dense forest far away from the official road. Now the disadvantage came. They ran for a while, and then they poured into the official road, and then they met the people who were waiting for them.

The Su family army faced off.

But when both sides faced each other, Wan Feng was a little dumbfounded.

When the distance got closer, he could see clearly that these cavalrymen were looking at him with strong bows in their hands.

There was no hint of fear in him and he was about to run away. He was clearly waiting for someone else to rush over to him.

For some reason, the closer Wan Feng got to the Su family's cavalry, the more unsure he became, so that his progress slowed down.

In fact, it was not just Wan Feng, but the others as well. Each one of them deliberately slowed down, and in the end they all stopped when they were still thirty steps away from the Su family's military convoy.

As soon as the bandits stopped, the situation fell into a strange situation.

I saw three hundred bandits

Everyone was panting. It was obvious that they had run too fast just now, and their breath was a little uneven now.

On the other hand, the Su family's cavalry were on horseback, holding strong bows in their hands, looking ready to kill the enemy at any time.

This situation gives people the feeling that these bandits did not set up an ambush at all, but were surrounded by the Su family's army and became table meat in the hands of others, ready to be eaten at any time.

Lian Tiexin, who had been following the Su family's army, saw this scene and not only blurted out the word "fuck you". This was not an ambush, he was clearly coming to die on his own initiative.

Wan Feng also felt something was wrong.

Why don't these cavalry have any fear at all? It's not like what the leader said, they are a rabble. On the contrary, each of them looks calmer than his own, as if they have known for a long time, and they don't have any fear at all.


"Surround us and kill all those who don't surrender."

Just when Wan Feng was still hesitating about what to do next. Should he try to launch an attack? Maybe these people are Xiuhua Pillows, and they are not useful.

It was at this time that the Su family's army on the opposite side moved.

A part of the cavalry jumped out of the formation, cutting off Wan Feng and others' retreat at extremely fast speeds, and surrounded them tightly.

Then the leader, Shi Fo, stood up, mounted his bow and nocked an arrow, and a sharp arrow shot through the air in an instant, hitting the forehead of a mountain bandit who was still looking around.

An arrow hit his forehead, and with a thud, the person hit by the arrow fell down quickly, his eyes widened, and his face looked in disbelief, so much so that he forgot to utter a mournful cry when he died.

"Master, where is the master?"

by this

Wan Feng, who was so frightened that he almost peed, turned pale at this moment and couldn't help but look for Huang Silang.

This chapter has been completed!
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