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There was no conclusive evidence, so he told the story. Although it might bring trouble to Zhao Yunrang, there were still more possibilities for Zhao Yunrang to take the opportunity to be cruel to him. Because there was no evidence, most other ministers would not.

If you stand on your own side, it's not impossible to make a bad move and become the target of public criticism.

If he really did this, besides alerting the enemy, he would cause trouble for himself. Although Su Shi believed that this person was Zhao Yunrang, for the sake of the overall situation, he could not speak out his suspicions like this.

Not only could he not speak, but even Li Yue had to keep his mouth shut.

"Li Yue, you said what you just said, and I listened to it, so let it go. In the future, you can't say this to others, do you understand?"

Su Shi was not thinking about Li Yue's safety, but once he said these words, he was afraid that he might be taken advantage of by others.

Even if there is no evidence, then the person who colluded with Li Tang may be Zhao Yunrang, why can't it be someone else, such as Bao Zheng, Pang Ji, or someone else?

In short, Su Shi can use this sentence to associate with Zhao Yunrang, so why can't others use this sentence to associate with other people.

Maybe some people would deliberately lure Li Yue to talk nonsense in order to attack dissidents. At that time, the real ghosts would not be found, and a large number of fake ghosts would probably come out.

This is definitely not what Su Shi wants to see or expect to happen.

There are Liao and Mongolia in the north, Xixia in the west, and now there is Li Tang in the south. Under such chaotic circumstances, the Song Dynasty cannot be in chaos first, otherwise, it is not impossible that the building will collapse.

In Su Shi's eyes, the Song Dynasty was not immune to chaos.

Often chaos can lead to better governance.

But the problem is that the current King Jing is still too young. At least a few years of development time must be given to him. When King Jing grows up, he will take the lead in promoting great governance. This is just and justified, and this is the surrender of the world.

The teacher is famous.

In the hearts of the ancients, it occupied a very important proportion.

For example, if Su Shi had other thoughts now, it would be many times more difficult than King Jing to do something big.

Often one's years of hard work will not be as effective as the Zhao family's wave of arms. There is no way. This is the importance of orthodoxy.

Knowing that Li Yue really had no evidence to point to Zhao Yunrang, Su Shi put the matter aside for the time being.

In the final analysis, Zhao Yunrang and Li Tang only had a relationship of mutual use. Once Li Tang was destroyed, the role that Zhao Yunrang could play would be very limited.

So instead of not having enough reasons to deal with Zhao Yunrang, it is better to focus on Li Tang and destroy them. Then the big problem will be solved.

"Li Yue, you previously claimed that Li Bo is the head of your Li Tang force, so where is he now?"

"On the sea." Li Yue said very cooperatively.

"At sea? Where is the specific location?"

"There is no complete specific location. Jinzisha Island, Huangzisha Island, Puzi Island, Manzisha Island, etc. may be his landing place. Now he must have got the news about my arrest. It will be more information now.

I don’t know where he went, but he must be at sea.”

The importance of Li Bo is self-evident. For a person like this, absolute safety must be ensured, otherwise once he is caught,

For the entire Li and Tang forces, the losses were too great.

In this way, the sea will undoubtedly be much safer. After all, the Song Dynasty basically has no power and strength at sea.

Knowing that Li Bo was on a small island somewhere in the sea, Su Shi also felt that one was as big as the other.

He has a system and the Su family's army. Not only is he invincible on land, it is not that easy to find an opponent. But if he switches to the sea, he will have no advantage at all now.

Not to mention that the Su Jiajun are all landlubbers, and many people are not familiar with water. It is said that a ship is required to enter the sea, but the system has not yet unlocked the ship interface. Although many fields in the system are still black, Su Shi believes that there are

There should be something to unlock the ship, but who knows how many faith points are needed to unlock it?

There are no ships, and the soldiers are not accustomed to water. If they really go to sea, they will be living targets and can be slaughtered.

Su Shi would not let his brothers die in vain.

Even if the battle cannot be fought at sea, the battlefield can only be placed on land. Well, although Li Tang cannot be uprooted this time, it is a good thing to force them to the sea so that they cannot come back.

The power of Li and Tang, which had developed for hundreds of years, had not been completely destroyed despite the chaos of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. How could it be destroyed just by Su Shi's words?

Putting down his eagerness for success, Su Shi asked someone to take Li Yue away, and then he began to write a memorial, telling that he met Chen Ke, the manager of Tongda Bank in Jiangning City, and thus learned about Li Tang.

He wrote down everything from when he appeared in Baipu Town.

"Come here, please send this memorial at an urgent speed of eight hundred miles."

Go to Bianliang."


Bianliang City.

A memorial appeared on Zhao Zhen's Dragon Case, making him unable to calm down instantly.

The Song Dynasty was a dynasty of the Han people, and it is now orthodox, but there are always some people who hold other illusions and want to overthrow themselves, and among them, the forces of Li and Tang are the leaders.

Regarding the existence of Li Tang, Zhao Zhen had known about it since he became emperor. He had also thought about cracking down on them. However, these people were nowhere to be found. Even the Secret Service tried hard for a long time and could not find their existence.

Some clues.

Now, he was hit by Su Shi.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen didn't know whether Su Shi was his lucky star.

Now that the people have been found, they must be beaten and taught a lesson.

Zhao Zhen agreed with what Su Shi said in his letter that Li Tang's base camp was probably at sea.

If they were not at sea but on land, the Secret Service would have found them long ago.

But just because people are at sea, they can avoid the detection of spies. But because people are also at sea, it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

Not to mention that the vastness of the sea is not something you can find just by looking for it. Let’s just say that the maritime power of the Song Dynasty was really very weak.

The Song Dynasty had a way to do business on the sea, but there were only a lot of merchant ships, and there were very few that could actually become warships.

This is because neither Liao nor Xixia has much maritime power. Otherwise, the sea areas of the Song Dynasty would have been unstable for a long time.

Like Su Shi, there is no way to deal with the sea. All Zhao Zhen can do is

Attacking Li Tang's power on land. According to Su Shi, Li Tang was behind Jiaozi, so attacking Jiaozi was equivalent to attacking Li Tang.

If Li Tang, who has no money, wants to develop and grow, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult.

It seems like a good idea to crack down on Jiaozi and let Hua Xia Bank take over.

After Zhao Zhen had made a basic judgment in his mind, he was ready to write a reply to Su Shi. However, before he could finish writing, His Highness Zi Chen, Prime Minister Jia Changchao, Third Secretary Song Chu and Dazongzheng Zhao Yunrang all came to pay their respects.

In the main hall, Zhao Zhen met with the three people and soon learned their intentions. His eyebrows couldn't help but raise. "You mean to establish the Song Dynasty Bank to replace the current Jiaozi?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jia Changchao stood up and said proactively: "According to what Wu Jihou said, since the power of Li and Tang is behind Jiaozi, it must be banned. But without Jiaozi, only Hua Xia Bank will be left.

It’s not a good thing. Your Majesty, do you still remember the last time Hua Xia Bank suddenly closed its doors for accounting?”

When Jia Changchao said this, Zhao Zhen looked stunned, and then thought of something.

That's right, the last time he wanted to touch Su Shi's parents, Hua Xia Bank closed down, which made many people nervous.

After that incident, Zhao Zhen became wary of Huaxia Bank, and many ministers did not save money there. But who would have thought that after Su Shi returned to Bianliang City, he opened a Huaxia Store, which made everyone

The money had to be deposited in Hua Xia Bank again.

Although everything seems to be back to the past, some things have already happened

, how can it return to the original state?

It's just that opening a bank is not that easy. Zhao Zhen had considered it before, but he was afraid that the officials would say that he was competing with the people for profit, so he gave up the idea. Unexpectedly, Jia Changchao actually brought it up now.

If he could open a bank and control the economy of the Song Dynasty, this would certainly be what Zhao Zhen hoped for.

Jia Changchao's proposal was obviously in line with Zhao Zhen's thoughts, but he didn't know if it was a test by the ministers. He immediately said: "Isn't there already Hua Xia Bank now? There is no need to build a big one."

Song Qianzhuang, right?"

"It is necessary, Your Majesty. Only if the money is in our own hands, then there will be no problems. I agree to open the Song Dynasty Bank." Song Chu, the envoy of the Third Secretary, stood up and proposed loudly.


Seeing that Song Itch stood up, Zhao Zhen was also a little curious. Could it be that the ministers were not here to test him, but really supported the establishment of the Song Dynasty Bank?

While Zhao Zhen was still thinking about this, Zhao Yunrang also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Great Song Dynasty Bank belongs to the Great Song Dynasty and does not belong to someone else. There is no such thing as competing for benefits with the people. I have already discussed it.

After that, in the future, the Great Song Bank will be jointly managed by the royal family, the treasury, and the political affairs hall. At that time, the Great Song Bank will become the largest bank in the Song Dynasty and will do its best for the development of the Song Dynasty."

These words spoke to Zhao Zhen's heart.

The Song Dynasty was very rich, but only the officials, dignitaries and gentry had money. The country and the poor people did not have much money.

It is these wealthy people who control the general trend and public opinion, making Zhao Zhen unable to change anything.


Well, if there is a Song Dynasty Bank, at least the situation of the court having no money can be changed, and then it can be considered to use it for the people. As the emperor, he has money, and he will have more resources to do things.


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