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Hangzhou City.

Su Shi also immediately learned through the walkie-talkie that the Zhou army had entered the Song Dynasty from the north.

"Let's set off and return to Bianliang City."

After saying a word, the two thousand Su family troops became busy.

But what Su Shi didn't know was that some people didn't want to see him return to Beijing at this time.

As soon as Su Shi made a move, the White Lotus cultists and Li Tang's soldiers who had already rushed to the vicinity began to intercept him in various ways.

Bai Lian sent troops, which is the meaning of the secret spy department.

Zhao Zhen did not want to see Su Shi return to Beijing at this time, and did not want to see him have the opportunity to regain military power. Chen Lin's intended descendant contacted Gao Dehai, and Bai Lian took action.

Li Tang sent troops, naturally it was Zhao Yunrang's intention.

He also didn't want to see Su Shi have the opportunity to regain military power and become powerful. After analysis, he found that he and Zhao Zhen had the same attitude on this point. So he sent a message to Li Tang to tell them

, this is an opportunity to deal with Su Shi openly.

Once the Secret Intelligence Department, Li Tang, and Bai Lian join forces, their strength will definitely be great. At least it is far beyond what Su Shi can handle with two thousand Su family troops.

Fortunately, Li Tang was plotting something and did not pay too much attention to the news from Zhao Yunrang. Although he sent people, they were few and weak, so the effect they could have was very limited.

Bai Lian, because of Gao Dehai's betrayal, many high-level officials in the sect are being hunted by the Secret Intelligence Service, so they are unable to concentrate all their efforts to intercept the Su family's army.

In this way, although there were some ambushes encountered along the way, to the elite Su family army, they were just scratching an itch and were harmless.

Because of this matter,

Chen Lin was once again accused of incompetence, and in Zhao Zhen's mind, she became increasingly dissatisfied with the chief executive of the Secret Service.


Henan Prefecture.


There is a place called Zhaoluo Town under Liang County.

A courtyard on the outskirts of the town was bought and rearranged. Zhao Huirou, the eldest princess of the Song Dynasty, now lives here.

That day, under the cover of Liang Huaiji, Zhao Huirou put on a eunuch uniform and escaped from the palace. Then she got on a carriage parked outside the palace. After leaving Bianliang City, she went straight to Henan Prefecture.

In Liang Huaiji's words, with Zhao Huirou's relationship with Marquis Wuji, someone might guess that she would go south after leaving the palace. In order to avoid these people, they could not really go south. Instead, they turned a corner and came to a distance

I live in Liang County, Ruzhou, not far from Bianliang City.

"Your Highness, we are safe for the time being, but we can't be careless. After all, the Secret Intelligence Service is still very capable. Let's lie dormant for a while until the news passes, and then we can find out where Wu Jihou is and go find him.


Liang Huaiji said with a sincere look, but his intention was to imprison Zhao Huirou here.

There is a kind of love called what he thinks is love.

In Liang Huaiji's eyes, he loved Zhao Huirou and was willing to be with her forever.

But when they were in the palace, there was a distinction between everyone, so this thought could only be suppressed in the bottom of his heart. Now, after leaving the palace, they became free birds that were let fly, and he decided to settle down in Zhaoluo Town from now on.

, he will grow old slowly with Zhao Huirou.

Before this trip, Liang Huaiji was doing all the planning.

He also got a lot of silver from Zhao Huirou. Next, if the two of them do nothing, it will be more than enough for the rest of their lives.

How did Zhao Huirou know this? She only knew that she was free.

And after this incident of escaping from the palace, I am afraid that my marriage to Li Wei will be annulled. For a family of powerful people, dignity is the most important thing. How will they accept such a rebellious princess?

When no one wants her anymore, she can go find her brother Su.

She firmly believes that even if everyone in the world doesn't want her, her brother Su will accept her. Because brother Su never cares about these common etiquette, he is a very special person.

Zhao Huirou, who was still dreaming about a bright future, didn't notice at all that there were four more strong bodyguards beside her. They were obviously here to protect her, but in fact they were hired by Liang Huaiji. They were responsible for keeping an eye on her.

Allow him to leave the yard.

When he was in the palace, Zhao Huirou could at least leave Chunjin Palace and walk around the palace. Unfortunately, he could only move around in this small courtyard now.

Whenever she wants to go out, the four guards always stop her for various reasons. For example, it is too dangerous to go out and she will be spotted easily.

The four guards only knew from Liang Huaiji's mouth that they had eloped away, and their parents' family must have some power, but they had no idea that the person who had been restrained by them was the current Princess Fukang.

Zhao Huirou just jumped from one pit into another.



Guan Ziyin looked at the mountain house where she had lived for more than a year, and finally gritted her teeth.

Turned around and decided to leave.

She was originally ordered by Gao Taotao to investigate the relationship between Lu Siqiao and Su Shi.

Because Hutoushan was very wary of outsiders, Guan Ziyin had to raise her capital, but even she didn't know that she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy, Li Xiang.

After becoming a mother, Guan Ziyin's mentality also changed.

The so-called mission first has become maternal love first.

Ever since he learned that Lu Siqiao was going to raise a banner and send troops out of Hutou Mountain, Guan Ziyin knew that their identities could not be concealed for long.

And when she learned yesterday that the Zhou army that originally marched into the Liao region actually went south to attack the Song Dynasty, she knew that it was no longer safe in the mountains and that she would most likely face danger if she stayed.

When she was in Laoshan Town at the foot of the mountain, she had sent a message to Gao Taotao. Although the message did not say anything useful, she believed that with her master's intelligence, it was only a matter of time before she found Hutou Mountain.

Hutou Mountain is too close to Laoshan Town. If there is any disturbance, someone will investigate here.

Originally, there were many experts in Hutou Mountain. Even if someone came to inquire, it would be difficult to get any useful information. But now, these people have set off with the army, which has reduced the defense level here to the lowest. For the safety of his son, Guan Zi

Marriage must be separated before marriage can be discussed.

Hua Mingyue held little Li Xiang and stood not far away. She could understand the young lady's thoughts. In fact, from the moment Li Xiang was born, they had betrayed Gao Taotao.

But what can be done? The greatness of maternal love cannot be matched by a task.

The situation in Hutou Mountain was not reported immediately.

, once this matter is known to Gao Taotao, both of them will be punished by death.

Guan Ziyun understood this truth, and Hua Mingyue also knew this truth, but she didn't say anything, just because in her heart, the young lady came first.

Now holding Xiao Lixiang in her arms, she saw Guan Ziyin still sighing here, and couldn't help but urge, "Miss, let's go quickly, it's really too dangerous here."

"Yes, we have to leave right away." Guan Ziyun took one last look at Hutou Mountain and at some young and old people who were still here. She knew very well that once Gao Taotao's people found this place, they would probably be killed.

Everyone's life is in danger.

But what can be done?

Her abilities are limited and she cannot save everyone.

If she really brought so many people down the mountain, she was afraid that she would be exposed faster. As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, so she finally turned around and left.

Guan Ziyin left.

Without Lu Siqiao, without Li Kesheng, without the two masters, there was no one who could defeat her on this mountain. She finally gained freedom and looked for an opportunity to leave.

About half a month after Guan Ziyun and the others left, Mo Leng led people to the mountain.

After taking care of the few remaining soldiers on the mountain, we took control of the entire Hutou Mountain.

But at this time, they were still a step late, and their harvest was very limited. Except for some old and weak people, there were not even a few young people in sight.

Guan Ziyin left one step ahead of schedule, and even Lu Siqiao took away Su Shi's portrait before leaving. This made Mo Leng and others unable to find any effective clues. In a fit of anger, Guan Ziyun and others, including thousands of people old and young on the mountain, took away the portrait.

, kill, kill.

Fortunately, the interrogation was not without conclusion.

As a result, there are always weak people among the people left behind. Knowing that they are indeed the camp of the Zhou army, they have found the lair of the Zhou army, and they have made some achievements.

"Send the order and continue the search. We must find Guan Ziyin. She will definitely know more." Mo Leng said in a deep voice.

He came because he was ordered by Da Zongzheng, who sent him here just after receiving the news about Gao Taotao.

Gao Taotao also had selfish motives in this matter. If she hadn't wanted to make an independent contribution, telling Zhao Yunrang the contact point in Laoshan Town earlier might have prevented everything in advance, which would be a great achievement.

By trusting Guan Ziyun too much, Gao Taotao lost his best opportunity to take action.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they can find Guan Ziyin, they can still get more information that others don't know. At that time, they can regain the initiative, and maybe there will be more room for manipulation.


Northern Territory of the Great Song Dynasty.

Sun Cheng finally arrived here with 10,000 reinforcements.

However, due to some delays on the road and not arriving as planned, the Zhou army still found an opportunity to break out of the encirclement set by Wang Xin.

Zhou Jun took the opportunity to go south, captured Yantou Village, and successfully captured Tian'an City, which made his reputation even more famous and his strength greatly increased.

Especially after Li Kesheng took the initiative to put forward the slogan of emphasizing military force over civility, he asked some warriors who were looked down upon by this society to volunteer, and the number of troops increased from the original 20,000 to the current 50,000.

The Zhou army grew stronger under his nose, and Wang Xin was very angry. It happened that Sun Cheng was not his subordinate, so he couldn't criticize him harshly. All he could do now was

Waiting for the Forbidden Army reinforcements to arrive from Bianliang City, the two sides joined forces and looked for an opportunity to surround the Zhou army.

This chapter has been completed!
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