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Chapter Three Thirteen Years

Su Feiyang and Zhao Feier saw hope, so they spent a lot of money to buy various nourishing products. After buying them, they all put them on Su Shi.

Su Shi witnessed all this. Eight years of free service made him realize the greatness of father's love like a mountain and mother's love like water.

As all those precious nourishing substances entered Su Shi's body, the percentage progress bar finally began to speed up.

It seems to be able to absorb these items, and finally successfully appeared at the age of eight with a one percent hint.

ten years.

When Su Shi was ten years old, the progress bar reached 20%.

Eleven years old, 40 percent.

Twelve years old, seventy percent.

When Su Shi was thirteen years old, the progress bar finally reached the end. When it jumped from ninety-nine percent to one hundred, the long-lost voice for thirteen years finally came out in his mind - the belief system was successful.

Turn on.

When it was turned on, Su Shi felt a warm current flowing towards his body, and his legs, which were originally unconscious at all, seemed to have become warm at this moment.

Of course, what surprised Su Shi even more was that a screen appeared in their minds, which still looked familiar.

"Damn, isn't this the ultimate computer?"

Su Shi quickly recognized this thing, and then a burst of consciousness penetrated into his mind, giving him a clearer understanding of the theory of faith.

Belief refers to other people's recognition and recognition of you.

For example, if others recognize you very much, are willing to listen to you, and are willing to do things with you, then you have a point of faith, and at the same time, a red light will appear above the person's head.

Of course, this light can only be seen by Su Shi himself.

If someone just knows you and doesn't hate you or like you, then there will be no faith points and only a purple light will appear on his head.

For another example, if a person is very bored with you, he will not generate faith points, and a blue light will appear on his head.

After all, the source of faith points is to let others recognize you. Whenever a person recognizes you and respects you, your faith points will be increased by one.

Remember, you can add one every day.

And this belief can change as the other party recognizes you.

Maybe he recognized you yesterday, but he doesn't recognize you today. Then you would get a faith point from him yesterday, but you won't get any more today.

With enough faith points, you can exchange faith through the terminal computer that followed him to Song Dynasty.

The goods exchanged include all products of Moubao.

The more faith points you have, the more items you can redeem.

On the contrary, if there are not enough faith points, this thing will become a useless existence.

Sitting there, stunned for a while, Su Shi finally figured it all out. He couldn't help but let out a "Fuck" sound.

When other people traveled through time, they either brought warehouses with them or had other golden fingers. This made him fantasize about such a thing thirteen years ago. But he had never seen anyone exchange faith points for items.

Yes. If you can exchange items and bring things from a thousand years ago to the present, then it goes without saying that the value must have increased countless times.

Wanting to get rich is naturally not a problem.

But don't forget that there is a prerequisite for him to redeem these things, that is, he needs enough faith points, which means that he must continue to work hard to get more people to recognize him.

Otherwise, there is no difference between this so-called golden finger and no poop.

"You're cheating."

With a sigh, Su Shi looked at the lower right corner of the screen and couldn't help but think to himself: "It's okay, it's okay. When you activate it, you get a thousand faith points as a gift. After all, you don't have nothing."

Speaking of which, it is not an easy thing to get recognition from others.

Especially for someone like Su Shi, who didn't speak until he was five years old, and didn't feel his hands until he was eight years old. Even now he's thirteen, he still has to move a wooden chair to walk, if he wants others to have feelings for him.

How difficult it is to identify with him, even worship him, thank him, and have faith!

As the saying goes, take care of it as it comes.

It's better than nothing.

"Lou Yang." Thinking about wanting to see what this belief point was about, Su Shi first thought of Lou Yang, who had been with him for ten years.

Lou Yang was bought by Su Feiyang from the refugees when he was five years old. Since he was only two years older than Su Shi, he bought her as his long-term follower.

What I originally thought was that since everyone was about the same age, Lou Yang's appearance might stimulate Su Shi.

Even if it doesn't work, you can try to imitate him, so that he can speak earlier and move earlier.

Facts have proved that Su Feiyang was wrong. If it weren't for a "living dead" miracle doctor like Zhang Miaoshou, it's still unclear whether Su Shi could have sustained his life until now.

The shouting was not very loud, which was also related to Su Shi's habit.

In the past thirteen years, although he could see and think clearly about many things, he just couldn't explain them.

Often speaking more words would cost him a lot of energy. This was actually because Faith was extracting the energy from him and turning it into energy for reading the progress bar.

Now that he was fine, his faith had been activated, and Su Shi finally felt a long-lost sense of relaxation, which he had not seen for thirteen years, hit his whole body.

As soon as the voice came out, a young man quickly appeared in front of Su Shi.

Judging from his height, he looks more than 1.6 meters tall, with a simple and honest expression on his face. "Master, your name is Xiao."

Instead of answering Lou Yang's words immediately, he looked over his head and saw a bright red color floating above his head.

Needless to say, this is the power of trust. When Su Shi looked at the screen in his mind, he saw that the number there had changed from one thousand to one thousand and one.

"Yes, it's a good sign."

Su Shi, who was in a good mood, said, "Where are my parents? Let me go and see them."

Of course it was a lie to miss his parents, Su Shi wanted to see if the tops of their heads were also bright red.

"Yes." Lou Yang agreed happily, came behind Su Shi, pushed the movable wooden chair and left the room.

Over the past thirteen years, Su Shi has long been accustomed to everything here and has a better understanding of the structure of the manor.

The place where he lives is called Qianqizhuang.

His father is Su Feiyang, the owner of Qianqizhuang.

The reason why it is called Qianqizhuang is because there are all kinds of strange people in Zhuangzi.

They have various abilities. For example, they have good kung fu, good medical skills, good disguise skills, etc.

In short, in one sentence, the people who can be in the village, except for the servants, all have special skills, and most of them have the kind of skills that are not popular in the Song Dynasty.
This chapter has been completed!
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