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Chapter 110: The court is in an uproar, resentment reunites, Gu Jinnian sees off the suffering [seek

No one will survive.

These four simple words stunned everyone present.

More than six thousand lives.

A total of more than six thousand lives.

Even, this is just what I saw.

And those who haven't seen it.

And those that can't be seen.

This represents the fragmentation of more than 6,000 families.

"What a thief."

"What a thief."

At this moment, an official who was not lacking in blood spoke up. He looked at these officials who had not been beheaded, pointed at their noses, and roared loudly.

Not far away, Gu Ningya also took a deep breath.

He became the commander of the Hanging Light Division. What injustice and tragedy has he not experienced in these years?

But he had never heard of this kind of injustice. He had never heard of it. I was afraid that this must be one of the biggest injustices in the Yongsheng years.

More than 6,000 children died unexpectedly, and no one survived.

A stream of blood is rushing from my heart to my brain.

Cries and screams, those sounds, echoed throughout the streets at this moment.

When the people heard that their children had not survived.

The hope in their eyes was completely extinguished.

The expectations in their eyes also disappeared at this moment.

Some were howling like crazy, some were kneeling on the ground, some had tattered bodies, and some had extremely disheveled hair.

The cry was like thunder.

Some people cry loudly but cannot cry because they have cried for too long and too many times.

Every time they see hope, they will risk their lives to find their children.

Whether it's the end of the world or the ends of the sea.

As long as their legs can go, they will look for it, because it is their child.

The child I raised with all the hardships.

The child I gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy.

But now, Gu Jinnian told them the truth.

Make them despair.

This kind of despair is unacceptable to ordinary people.

Gu Jinnian never dared to raise his head. He was just afraid of facing these people, afraid of facing these people who were full of hope but ultimately despaired in his own hands.

this moment.

Gu Jinnian's nose felt sour.

His eyes instantly became moist, tears fell, and the cries of the people could be heard in his ears.

But in my mind, there was an image of these children dying in spider webs.

Gu Jinnian took a deep breath, but his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Are these children related to him?

It doesn't matter.

But Gu Jinnian is a human being, a normal person. He is not used to the suffering of the people, so how can he endure such a human tragedy?

It would be nice if I could come a while earlier.

It would be great if I could come over as soon as possible after seeing the dossier.

Maybe not all children can be saved.

But it can save some people.

Even if it’s just a small group of people, it’s still better than no life at all, right?

"My child."

"Why do you have such a miserable life? It's your mother who is sorry for you. It's your mother who is sorry for you."

"Is my daughter really dead? Sir, please, please, please help me. I only have one daughter, please."

"Please, sir, let us see them for the last time, please, sir."

The cry was like thunder.

At a glance, countless people were kneeling on the ground, begging Gu Jinnian for help.

They don't believe their child is dead.

They still have the illusion that their child is still alive, and hope that Gu Jinnian can continue to investigate thoroughly until they find their child.



More crying.

More numbness.

More despair.

More of a sadness.

In fact, many people already know that their children may no longer be alive.

There are also many people who know that their children may have been sold to other countries and become slaves.

But this is just the worst plan, when the matter is not finalized.

They still have hope.

They still hold on to the last glimmer of hope.

but now.

Gu Jinnian gave them despair and the greatest cruelty.

This is a weight that no one can bear.

This is also unbearable suffering.

Listen to the cries of the people.

Gu Jinnian's tears kept falling.

He couldn't lift his head.

He couldn't face these people.

There is hatred in his heart, endless hatred.

He hates! He hates these officials for hiding things one by one and refusing to report anything. He hates these officials for colluding with each other.


Inform the court earlier.


One person stood up and spoke out.


If there was less darkness in this world, there wouldn't be so many children being brutally murdered.


Say one thousand, say ten thousand, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

this moment.

Gu Jinnian couldn't suppress his emotions. He lowered his head, but his voice roared like a ferocious beast.

"Xu Jin listens to the order."

"All the main officials of Jiangling County will be executed by my crown prince, Ling Chi."

"All the main officials of Bailu Mansion will be executed by my prince, Lingchi."

"All the monks of Qingyuan Temple will be executed by my prince, Lingchi."

"This matter will be borne by my eldest son alone."

"The sky is falling, and I, Gu Jinnian, will bear it alone."

"Whoever dares to stop me will be killed by this prince."

Gu Jinnian spoke, his voice roaring.

"Final general!"

"Obey the order!"

At this moment, Xu Jin's voice echoed through the streets.

He is a man of iron bones, but at this moment, his eyes can't help but moisten. He also has children, so he can understand the suffering of the people.

Let me ask you, if your child suddenly disappears, and you have been searching for it for so many years, you can accept the final result, even if it is sold, and at least we can meet again one day.

But death is something they cannot accept, nor can they accept it themselves.

At this moment, his voice was like thunder, not only the military orders were like mountains, but more importantly, the anger in his heart.

All the soldiers were shaken up. They held the weapons in their hands tightly. Their eyes were filled with tears, hatred, anger, and the great wrath of heaven.

The onlookers all shed tears when they heard the sound. They had come to watch the excitement.

But I also see people around me who have experienced this, so they naturally have emotions, but when they see these parents who have lost their children crying.

They couldn't help but cry. Every citizen knelt on the ground, and some even pulled their children and held them tightly.

"Please, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, please uphold justice for us and other people, and give us justice."

The people all knelt down, they knelt down spontaneously.

Kneel this time.

Not because of Gu Jinnian's power.

Kneel this time.

Not because of fear or fear.

But I truly and truly hope that Gu Jinnian can redress the grievances of the people and redress the grievances of the people.


This is a tragedy in the world.

"Your Highness, no matter what, Zhou He and others must be dealt with by Your Majesty. You must not do this. I know that Your Highness is devoted to the people, but the country has national laws and the family has family rules. This matter must not be rash."

When an official from the Ministry of Punishment spoke up, he also shed tears and felt sorry for the parents of these children, but in the face of national law, no one was allowed to trample on them.

But as soon as he said this.

Gu Jinnian remained unmoved.

Xu Jin and others were even more domineering and detained Zhou He and others on the spot, intending to execute them.

"Gu Jinnian."

"No matter what, Daxia has Daxia's laws. This is the foundation of the country. You can't do this."

"Today, as long as I am here, you cannot kill these people."

King Qilin's voice sounded.

At this critical moment, King Qilin still wanted to protect Zhou He and others.

He has no control over human tragedies or not.

Anyone who reaches this position already has a heart of stone.

He must protect Zhou He and others.

The reason for the protection is unknown.

But it was these words that touched Gu Jinnian's nerves.

this moment.

Gu Jinnian raised his head, his eyes almost bursting with flames, looking at King Qilin fiercely.

"King Qilin."

"You are not a son of man."

"Such a human tragedy happened in Bailu Mansion. It's okay for you not to be alert in advance. You dare to protect these officials today."

"Are you involved in this matter?"

"King Qilin, open your eyes wide and take a look at these people, are you worthy of them?"

"As a king with a different surname in Daxia, you enjoy the blessings of Daxia, but you prey on the people and don't do anything for the people. You really are a beast."

Gu Jinnian couldn't bear it anymore.

This King of Qilin has made it clear from the beginning that he wants to favor these corrupt officials.

Gu Jinnian endured it.

The reason why he endured this was not because of his identity as King Qilin, but because he wanted to save these children.

But what I didn't expect was.

No one will survive.

There is no life to pay back.

At this time, King Qilin still speaks like this. Is this still not a human being? Still not a human being?

Hearing Gu Jinnian's insults, King Qilin looked cold.

Just said coldly.

"The law of the land is supreme."

This is the simplest answer and the most powerful answer.


No matter what happens, it needs to be handled by the court. The greater the official position, the more it must be handled by the court.

Gu Jinnian has no rights.

"Fuck the laws of the land."

"Today, I, Gu Jinnian, am going to violate the laws of the country and the imperial edict."

"No one can stop me."

"Everyone will obey the order."

"The military talisman and the dragon talisman are in my hands. This great responsibility will be borne by this prince."

"If you have any blood in you, if you can't bear it in your heart, kill me!"

"Wang Peng, I will give you 30,000 more men to investigate and deal with immediately. There are many officials involved in Jiangling County."

"Anyone who conceals something and fails to report it will be executed regardless of his or her official position!"

"If anyone is involved in this matter, no matter how big or small his official position is, his whole family will be executed and he will be executed in Lingchi!"

Gu Jinnian took out the Dragon Talisman and Shankui Soldier Talisman.

He today.

It means violating the law of the country and violating the imperial edict.

If you swallow this breath.

Still human?

Or the Son of Man?

The human heart is made of flesh. Gu Jinnian is not here to be a hero, nor is he here to show off his power.


Act with your conscience.


Follow the way of a scholar.

Do good.

For the justice in the heart.

As soon as this statement came out.

Wang Peng took the soldier talisman, his face was firm, his eyes were moist, he held the soldier talisman tightly and roared loudly.

"The general will obey the order."

"Your Highness, please rest assured that I, Wang Peng, have a hand in this matter."

"If the prince is punished for this matter, I will eventually follow him and go to hell together for the sake of the righteousness of my heart."

Wang Peng is a rough guy, he has never read any books, but at this moment, he was infected by Gu Jinnian.

There was unparalleled determination in his eyes.

He participated in this matter himself, firstly because of Gu Jinnian's military order, and secondly, because he couldn't stand it.

As Wang Peng spoke, Xu Jin's voice also sounded at this moment.

"If the prince is punished for this matter, I will eventually follow him and go to hell together."

Xu Jin's voice also sounded.

The spirit of the two generals infected countless people, and all the officers and soldiers of the Shankui Army spoke at once.

"If the prince is punished for this matter, we are willing to follow him and go to hell together."

Voices sounded one after another.

this moment.

Gu Jinnian is no longer alone.

But a group of people.

A group of soldiers.

A group of soldiers with passion and justice in their hearts.



They are not afraid of death.

Just afraid!

There is no place to die.

In an instant, the generals were acting vigorously, arresting those who should be arrested and killing those who should be killed.

Zhou He was immediately tied up. No matter how much he screamed or how much he struggled, it didn't help.

King Qilin watched quietly.

At this moment, he said nothing more.


Gu Jinnian not only won the hearts and minds of the people.

More importantly, he gained military morale.

He was shocked to win the military morale of these soldiers.

Those who win the hearts of the people are simple and do things for the people.

But it is too difficult to win military morale.

A general needs to be brave and good at fighting, and it will take ten years or even decades to gain the recognition of his soldiers.

But Gu Jinnian.

Got this recognition.

If Gu Jinnian can still survive, then in the future Gu Jinnian will not only take over the position of Zhen Guogong.

This matter will inevitably spread, and by then the entire Daxia soldiers will know that there is a man named Gu Jinnian.

I would rather sacrifice my title or my life to avenge the people and benefit the people.

Most soldiers do not have official positions. Their parents are common people, and their children are also ordinary people.

Those who win the hearts of the people.

Get everything.

Gu Jinnian cannot live.

Must not be alive.

At this moment, King Qilin knew deeply that if this matter happened and Gu Jinnian did not die, a god-like existence would inevitably arise in the Great Xia Dynasty.

He would never allow it.

I don’t want such a person to appear.

He will try his best and mobilize all his abilities to put pressure on the court and execute Gu Jinnian.


A shrill scream rang out.

Lingchi execution is the most terrible punishment.

However, the number of executioners was not large, so Gu Jinnian directly asked the soldiers to cut the flesh piece by piece with knives, and then hung them with elixir to prevent them from dying too quickly.

"Master Gu, please quickly advise His Highness the Crown Prince. If you stop now, you can still make the difference between your merits and demerits."

"If this continues, the princes and vassals from all sides will put pressure on the imperial court, and even the Duke will not be able to protect His Royal Highness."

Someone from the Criminal Department spoke up and persuaded Gu Leng to persuade Gu Jinnian.

But I heard this.

Gu Leng's eyes were extremely calm.

"The Gu family has always been one."

"We will bear the brunt of this huge disaster."

"Jin Nian, there is nothing wrong."

Gu Leng spoke.

Three simple sentences expressed his feelings.

If, before the incident happened, he would have persuaded Gu Jinnian.

Because this is taking into account the overall situation.

But after Gu Jinnian did so many things, Gu Leng looked away.

No matter how big the matter is, the Gu family can bear it.

If you can't afford it.

Then let's go to hell together.

No one in the Gu family is a coward.

However, Gu Leng did not expect that his nephew would be so courageous.


He is worthy of being the son of the Gu family.

The boss gave birth to a good son.

He gave birth to a good son for the Gu family.

Gu Leng clenched his fists. He was filled with joy and anger, but now he couldn't help but applaud Gu Jinnian in his heart.

Applaud for my nephew.

In the distance, Fairy Yunrou stood on the pavilion, taking in all this, she remained silent.

There were some strange emotions in his eyes.

As for Fairy Yaochi, she was also on the roof, watching all this quietly.

Gu Jinnian's every move came before her eyes and was forever imprinted in her heart.

Just because.

Everything Gu Jinnian does and every word he says truly comes from his heart.

But at this moment.

After the order is issued.

In an instant, Gu Jinnian's vision went dark and he fainted.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Jinnian, Jinnian, what's wrong with you?"

Many people rushed forward to help Gu Jinnian, especially Gu Ningya, who seemed extremely nervous.

Su Huaiyu on the side took a long breath after checking it for a while.

"It's nothing serious, but the prince needs to recuperate. He has experienced too many things."

Su Huaiyu spoke, making everyone sigh in relief.

in this way.

Gu Jinnian was also sent to rest.

Wei Xian came to Gu Ningya and said.

"Master Gu, this slave has to return to Beijing to resume his duties first. Your Majesty must know about this matter as soon as possible, otherwise if someone interferes with it, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

Wei Xian said, he couldn't wait to return to Beijing now.

Gu Jinnian repeatedly broke the rules and provoked the country. This was no small matter. Although there were reasons for it, it was true that the country had national laws and families had family rules.

If I don't let His Majesty know earlier, I'm afraid some villain will slander me and cause trouble.


"Excuse me, father-in-law."

Gu Ningya nodded and stuffed a banknote to the other party, hoping that the other party would say something nice.

But Wei Xian refused directly. If it were normal, he would come next.

But now, he refused.

"Please rest assured, Lord Gu. I can answer this matter truthfully."

"I am deeply impressed by His Highness the Crown Prince's actions, and I am also deeply ashamed. I will also do my best in this matter, and regard it as my last chance to help these poor people."

"Follow your heart."

Wei Xian refused.

What Gu Jinnian did moved him. If you don't have the money, just act according to your heart.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Gu Ningya thanked him and sent 500 more elite members of the Hanging Deng Division to protect the road.

Then, Wei Xian left quickly, but just as he was leaving, Su Huaiyu handed a memorial to Wei Xian.

"Leave it to Your Majesty."

"Secret Order."

Su Huaiyu spoke calmly.

Wei Xian glanced at him and left without saying anything else.

in this way.

King Qilin also left.

When things got here, they were beyond his control. He had to leave and had to do a lot of things.


Apart from the screams of Zhou He and others, the only sounds left were the cries and cries of the people.

Until the next day.

Wei Xian ran almost non-stop and rushed to Kyoto as fast as possible, killing dozens of war horses as he rushed almost desperately.

That night.

Wei Xian enters the palace.

He rushed into the palace.

Then I will inform His Majesty everything that happened in Bailu Mansion.

Inside the Yangxin Hall.

After listening to what Wei Xian said, Emperor Yongsheng stood up directly.

The look on his face was one of shock and disbelief.

"No one survives?"

"Are you saying that none of the missing children in Jiangling County survived?"

Emperor Yongsheng couldn't believe it.

He knew that a large number of children disappeared in Jiangling County, but he did not expect that none of them survived.

"Your Majesty, this is the memorial that Su Huaiyu handed over to my slave. Your Majesty, please read it."

Wei Xian spoke up.

Submit the memorial to Emperor Yongsheng.

Soon, Emperor Yongsheng took over the memorial.

Then read it carefully under the candlelight.

After finishing reading, Emperor Yongsheng's eyes were full of anger, a huge anger.




Emperor Yongsheng clenched his fists, and Su Huaiyu wrote down everything in the memorial, including his conjectures and some things.

Very carefully.

Therefore, after reading the memorial, Yongsheng shivered with imperial anger.

He originally thought that this was just a matter of officials protecting each other and selling children to make money, but he didn't expect that there was something huge hidden behind it.

The foundation of the country may be destroyed.

However, at this moment, Liu Yan's figure also rushed towards him.

"His Majesty."

"The governors of all counties, the princes of various prefectures, the two northwest territories, all the vassal princes and marquises jointly submitted the memorial."

Liu Yan appeared with a large number of memorials.

Emperor Yongsheng took the memorial and read it one by one.

The more I look at him, the uglier his face becomes.

The more he looked at it, the uglier he looked.

The contents of all memorials are almost identical.

Gu Jinnian ignored the law and the national law, and repeatedly provoked him, asking him to kill Gu Jinnian.

Some fierce ones even listed Gu Jinnian's top ten crimes.

To put it bluntly, they believe that no matter what happens, it should be handled by the Ministry of Punishment and handled by His Majesty, whether it is killing, exile, or cutting into pieces by a thousand cuts.

But no matter what, it's not Gu Jinnian's turn to point fingers here.

What Gu Jinnian did was to trample the laws of Daxia under his feet. If this was ignored, the Daxia Dynasty would be gone.

The country cannot.

It has no roots.

If there is no root.

The country will be destroyed.

These were pretty good, but some vassal kings, King Zhou, and King Qilin even asked him directly, was what Gu Jinnian did considered transgression?

Obviously, what they mean is, if it doesn't count, then I will do the same thing in the future to see if the Great Xia Dynasty can bear it.

If so, then Gu Jinnian must be punished, and it must be the death penalty.

This is putting pressure on.

Put pressure on the court.

Emperor Yongsheng understood it at a glance.

"A bunch of beasts."

Emperor Yongsheng clenched the memorial in his hand, knowing that someone in this group must know why Gu Jinnian did what he did.

But what he understood even more was that just because they knew, they had to let him kill Gu Jinnian.

But, is this possible?

This is impossible.

Gu Jinnian devoted himself to serving the people. Even if Gu Jinnian was not the grandson of Duke Zhenguo, he would not be able to kill him.


The current situation has become extremely complicated, and now he has a dilemma before him.

Wish you a prosperous future.

It means that the foundation of the country is lost and the laws are trampled casually, which is unacceptable.

Do not protect Gu Jinnian.

This is absolutely impossible.

The real trouble is coming.

The biggest trouble comes from Gu Jinnian.

"Please come quickly, Mr. Wenjing."

Emperor Yongsheng did not read the memorial that followed, but asked Liu Yan to invite Mr. Wenjing to come.

Half an hour later.

Su Wenjing came quickly.

He seemed to know a lot of things. As soon as he entered the hall, he first made a ceremony.

Emperor Yongsheng handed the memorial to Su Wenjing to read.

Su Wenjing just glanced at it casually.

Then he slowly spoke.

"His Majesty."

"The country is the master of the country. If you convict Jinnian and escort him back to the capital, you will be sentenced as you should."

Su Wenjing spoke with a calm expression.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but frown.

"Mr. Wenjing, what does this mean?"

He didn't understand. Giving Gu Jinnian a crime and escorting him back to Beijing was a capital crime according to what Gu Jinnian did.

"Send him to jail."

"Your Majesty, you cannot protect him from this matter. Only the people's support can protect him."

"Only in this way can the plan be completed without disrupting the country's foundation."

"After this incident, Jinnian can truly transform and have the foundation of a saint."

Su Wenjing was very confused.

All of this was his plan with Emperor Yongsheng and Duke Zhen Guo.

Files selected from the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

to everything now.

Although there were some discrepancies in some places, Gu Jinnian stabilized.

How can one grow without suffering?

He just wants Gu Jinnian to grow up.

True transformation.

After receiving this answer, Emperor Yongsheng nodded, and he understood what Su Wenjing was going to do.


Emperor Yongsheng took a deep breath, then spoke slowly.

"Preach my will."

"Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Xuandeng Division will continue to thoroughly investigate this case, and all officials involved will be severely punished."

"Although Gu Jinnian is a commoner, he provoked the country and trampled on the law. He will be escorted back to Beijing within seven days and handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for conviction."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke.

Issue this decree.

When the decree was conveyed, many people in the palace were instantly alarmed.

No one thought it would be such a result.

They didn't know what was going on, and subconsciously thought that His Majesty wanted to kill Gu Jinnian.


In the middle of the night.

Gu Jinnian is still in a coma.

Inside the room.

Extremely quiet.

at this time.

Waves of resentment poured into Gu Jinnian's body.

Just like the flood in Jiangning County.

Massive resentment reappeared.

Ordinary people cannot see it.

As the terrifying resentment entered Gu Jinnian's body.

At this moment, the ancient tree also bloomed with strange light.

And Gu Jinnian's consciousness.

It also gradually sank.


The sky is like ink.

When Gu Jinnian gradually regained consciousness.

A figure is not far away.

It's a woman.

She walked in the woods, holding a torch and speaking in a suppressed voice.




There were shouts and the woman seemed to be looking for someone. She walked for a long time.

Until after dawn.

The woman's forehead was covered with sweat. She searched all night but could not find her child.

But it's dawn.

She did not go back to rest, but walked towards the county government office.

Come to the county government office.

The woman was as humble as ever, asking the government if her daughter had been found.

However, what I got was a voice of impatience.

"Your daughter has been missing for two months. You come to the government every day. I promised you that I would let you know if there is any news."

"Are you tired of coming here every day?"

The official who was doing the work was a little unhappy and scolded him loudly.

Hearing this, the woman laughed twice and apologized again and again.

"Brother Guan, please look for it more. If you find it, I will work for you in the next life."

"Brother Guan, please keep this little silver."

Women are extremely humble.

He even gave the other party the few pieces of silver he had.

The latter glanced at Broken Silver with some disdain, but still accepted it, waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you some news."

In one word, I simply sent him away.

In this way, the woman slowly left the county government office. Her face was full of fatigue, but her eyes were full of hope, hoping that one day her daughter would be found.

But she still didn't sleep. Instead, she went to a wealthy family to get some clothes and went to the river to wash them.

It took more than two hours to wash.

The woman sent the clothes back and asked for a bowl of water. The housekeeper was a little pitiful and asked a servant to bring some leftovers and gave her twenty pence.

After taking the copper coins, the woman thanked her, then found a quiet place and fell asleep slowly.

Two hours later.

The woman continued to search just like yesterday.

That's it.

day to day.

Month after month.

The money earned was used to honor the officials.

She lived in the open and had no accommodation. In order to smoothen the relationship, she sold her only residence.

But every day she would go home and take a look, fearing that her daughter would come back only to find that her home was gone.

Her husband died many years ago.

However, she has a daughter, but she suddenly disappeared a few days ago.

During this time, she has been searching.

But this day.

The woman overheard that after collecting the money, these officials did not go to find anyone at all, and even made some sarcastic remarks.

She must have been sold long ago, her daughter is still pretty, but she may have become someone else's child bride.

Hearing this, the woman became angry and started fighting with these officials.

But the final result was that he was beaten twenty times and sent to a cell, where he lived for two months in a life worse than death.

Cry every day.

It's not because of the beating or scolding.

It’s not because I can’t endure hardship.

Instead, she stayed here and could not look for her daughter. She was afraid that if her daughter came back, because she did not go home, her daughter would disappear again.

After two months of suffering, she was released from prison.

After she was released from prison, she immediately asked her neighbors, but the answers she got were still the same.

Therefore, as usual, she searched day after day, and searched day after day.

Until one day, she heard that a big shot from Kyoto was coming to Bailu Mansion.

The woman took heed of the message.

After waiting for the right time, she disguised herself and went to the restaurant to deliver food.


She met the big shots, the big shots in Kyoto.

But before she could finish her words, she was pushed to the ground by an officer and her arms were almost broken.


Heartbreaking pain.

But she still had to finish her words, because she knew that this was probably her only hope.

The only hope to find her daughter.

In the end, he was imprisoned again.

But what surprised her was that this time she was not detained for too long, only one day, before she was released.

For a moment, she thought it was this high official who wanted to see her.

She was looking forward to it, she was excited, and she seemed to see hope.

She could hardly sleep.

It seems like I can see my daughter tomorrow.


Two days later.

One late night.

When I wake up as usual.

Not far away, a baggage appeared.

The woman was curious and opened the bundle.

After she unpacked the baggage.

She froze on the spot.

This is a stump.


Under the moonlight, she was shaking with fear.

But when she looked carefully, a familiar scar appeared. There was a scar on her arm, which was caused by hot water. She remembered this scar very clearly.

It belongs to my daughter.

this moment.

The woman's whole body was cold.

She watched all this in a daze.

His daughter died.

She has been searching for her daughter for so long.

Actually died.

And he was even sent in limbs.


An extremely miserable whimpering sound sounded.

This kind of sound is like the scream of a ghost. Only when you are extremely sad can you make such a sound.


"My bottle."

"My bottle."

The woman was sitting on the ground, her back bent.

Because of heartache.

Heart-wrenching pain.

She couldn't cry anymore, her throat was constricted, and she could only breathe heavily.

The whole person's spirit also completely collapsed at this moment.



She is crazy.

His eyes were completely lifeless, filled with fear, fear, and despair.

The cry pierced the silence of the night.

It even broke Gu Jinnian's heart.

Watching all this.

Gu Jinnian couldn't help but cry.

He knew this woman, she was the woman he met earlier.

At this moment, Gu Jinnian could completely feel the woman's inner emotions.


It hurts so much that I can't breathe.

Gu Jinnian bent over.

He shed tears, the pain made him despair, and the pain made him tremble all over.

This is the greatest tragedy in the world.

A husband is lost in early life and a son is lost in middle age.

Gu Jinnian regrets.

He was filled with regret.

Why didn't I give any help at that time?

Why did I have to worry so much at that time?

But Gu Jinnian also understood that even if he came forward at that time, her child was actually dead.

next moment.

The scene disappears.

is a man.

His name is Zhang Ming.

He is a soldier who has been on the battlefield.

Now he is back from the army.

This day.

He returned home and had a joyful meal with his wife and children.

Late at night, he even discussed with his wife, using the money he brought back, to let her open a porridge shop to make a small living, while he would work as a policeman and earn some income.

Although poor.

Although it is bitterly cold,

But the couple looked at the girl sleeping soundly on the bed, their eyes filled with joy and love.


Just a few days passed.

Their children disappeared.

They searched hard for two days but found no clues.

They went to report to the official.

Then go find it yourself.

one day.

Ten days.

One month.

There are no clues.

In the end, the wife could not bear the pressure and committed suicide by hanging.

Zhang Ming was heartbroken and wanted to follow his wife to the underworld, but he wanted to find his child even more.

After burying his wife.

Zhang Ming started looking for the child, but there was never any news or any clues.

Zhang Ming even went to Qingyuan Temple to pray for blessings.

This is ridiculous.

His child, down there, was dead.

But he is still praying here.

Later, Zhang Ming drank wine every day to relieve his sorrow.

He thought about suicide all the time.

But because of his children, he still chose to persevere.

Until one day.

Wang Yuanwai suddenly found him and told him that he could find his daughter on condition of the land deed.

Zhang Ming didn't talk nonsense, but he was also afraid that the other party would lie to him.

As a result, Wang Yuanwai took out her child's silver bracelet. At this moment, he was so happy that he sold the land deed to Wang Yuanwai for ten taels of silver.

Then he went to his wife's grave and cried loudly with joy.

"found it."

"Susu, I found it. I found our daughter."

"Susu, it would be great if you could just persist."

"Susu, it's my fault that I found her now."

"Don't worry, after our daughter comes back, I will raise her up, and I will come to you after she gets married."

"Susu, I miss you so much."

Zhang Ming started crying as he spoke.

His wife did not dislike his bitter cold.

His wife does not dislike him serving as a soldier outside.

But he himself failed to give his wife a better life, and even lost his daughter.

He felt guilty and sad.

However, everything finally got better.

He returned home and waited for news.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

Wang Yuanwai did not come to see him.

At this moment, Zhang Ming went to Wang Yuan's home, but what he got was humiliation.

I couldn't find it at all, just to defraud the land title.

Zhang Ming is crazy.

He ran to the county government and sued Yuan Wang.

He was severely beaten, dismissed from his official position, and imprisoned.

During this time, his will was sinking.

But he persisted.

It's been a long time.

Zhang Ming was released.

Riding on the moonlight.

He immediately went to Wang Yuanwai's home.

But he did not commit murder.

Instead, he came to the king's house and kowtowed directly.

"Please, please, be compassionate, just tell me where my child is, and I can go find it myself."

"Please, I can be a cow or a horse for you in this life. Please help me find my daughter."

"My lord, please be compassionate."

Zhang Ming knelt on the ground and cried.


The response I received was indifference.

Except for indifference.

It's just indifference.

Eventually, he was knocked unconscious.

When he woke up again, he was already in prison.

Being beaten into a trap.

Sign and stamp.

Eleven days later.

Go to the execution ground.

He looked at these officials and laughed angrily at all this.

He devoted his best years to the Great Xia Dynasty and went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, but he never expected that he would end up like this.

He laughs.

He laughed at these officials and searched for his daughter, but couldn't find any clues for months.

He laughs.

It only took eleven days to kill himself while laughing at the officials to protect each other.


Susu, it's my incompetence, I couldn't find our daughter.

Susu, I don’t have the face to see you under this hell.

With the final sadness.

The sword fell.

A human head fell to the ground.

Gu Jinnian stared at all this blankly.

He was in agony.

He was extremely sad.

He could feel all Zhang Ming's pain.

He could feel the anger and unwillingness in Zhang Ming's heart.

Kill enemies for the country.

After returning, there was no honor, the child was lost, and no one helped him.

His wife committed suicide, he was deceived, and was unjustly imprisoned.

Gu Jinnian knew that he still had obsessions. He didn't want to die, not because of fear.

But his daughter was not found back.


Scenes appeared in front of Gu Jinnian.

People who lost their children one by one traveled across mountains and rivers.

Some people sell their belongings and look for their children.

Someone walked thousands of miles just because he heard the news that there was a girl who was like his child thousands of miles away.

Some people shed tears day and night.

There are even more people who are heartbroken, stupid, and crazy.


Extremely painful.

All these sufferings, at this moment, are all blessed by Gu Jinnian.

The suffering of the people.

It is the greatest suffering in the world.

Silent cry.

Extreme pain.

Gu Jinnian couldn't stand up straight at all, he was in extreme discomfort.

this moment.

A huge spider web appears.

He saw a child being placed on a spider web by a monk.

The children cried loudly and called their parents' names.

But crying had no effect at all.

The spider threads condensed and pierced directly between the eyebrows, absorbing the blood in their bodies.

And these children were killed on the spot.

Gu Jinnian didn't dare to look.

He closed his eyes.

But the image still lingers in my mind.

He covered his ears.

But the cry penetrated his palm.

to the end.

Gu Jinnian sat directly on the ground and burst into tears.

He didn't want to suffer such pain.

He didn't want to suffer such pain.

But what he knew better was that the people who were really suffering were the people.


At this moment, it slowly dissipates.

Turn into little bits of light.

Open your eyes.

The pillow was already wet with tears.

It's like a nightmare.

Boom boom boom.

Thunder sounded.

It rained heavily from the sky.

Some cries also reached my ears, outside.

Gu Jinnian stood up. At this moment, he was a little weak, but he held on to himself.

When the door was opened, the guards immediately helped Gu Jinnian and informed him that he had been unconscious for three days.

The imperial court also issued a decree.

Gu Jinnian did not listen, but came to the attic and looked down at the figure below.

It's the common people.

They are the people who have lost their children.

They were wearing white clothes and walking in the rain, many carrying coffins.

After Gu Jinnian fainted, these coffins were brought from Qingyuan Temple to give these people closure.

Today, they pay tribute to their children and send them for burial.

There was a loud roar of thunder.

The cry echoed throughout Bailu Mansion.

Along the way, countless people were crying, and all the people in Bailu Mansion came to see him off in person.

Send these poor children on their last journey.

"Here comes someone."

"Give me a mourning suit."

Gu Jinnian spoke, but he looked very weak.

"His Royal Highness, you can't do that. You are the Crown Prince, and you are so weak."

The guard spoke, thinking this was inappropriate.

"Go get ready."

"This is a military order."

Gu Jinnian said calmly.

When the latter heard this, he didn't say much and immediately prepared a set of mourning clothes.

Wear mourning clothes.

Gu Jinnian's steps were shaky but his eyes were firm as he walked towards the outside of the inn.

Some soldiers came over one after another and persuaded Gu Jinnian to go back. After all, Gu Jinnian had just woken up and was still very weak.

Especially wearing this mourning dress is inappropriate.

"Your Highness, you are not allowed to wear this kind of clothes. You have done enough."

Some soldiers spoke up and tried to persuade Gu Jinnian.

But Gu Jinnian didn't say a word.

Instead, he walked outside.

Walk towards the group of mourning people.

Heavy rain falls.

Gu Jinnian's clothes got wet instantly, but Gu Jinnian ignored everything.

He walked over step by step.

In the end, he quickened his pace and came to the crowd to help others carry the coffin.

But when the people saw Gu Jinnian arriving.

Suddenly, everyone stopped.

Thousands of people all stopped and everyone looked over.

When I saw Gu Jinnian appear.

Some old men couldn't help but make a sound under the heavy rain.

"Your Highness, please go back quickly. You have just woken up. Please go back and rest quickly."

The old man spoke up and asked Gu Jinnian to go back.

But Gu Jinnian shook his head.

The rain hit his face, and his eyes were firmer than ever before.

"I want to send them on their last journey."

Gu Jinnian spoke.

The voice was extremely weak.

Upon hearing this, countless people burst into tears on the spot.

Some people even knelt on the ground, put their hands on the coffin, and watched Gu Jinnian sobbing.

"Children, take a look, His Royal Highness is here to see you off."

"Your Highness, I kowtow to you on behalf of my poor child."

This is a father.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily to Gu Jinnian.

As soon as this statement came out.

Suddenly, all the people knelt down.

they know.

Gu Jinnian has been helping them.

They understand.

Gu Jinnian is a good person.

I just feel sorry for my child, who didn't have this blessing and didn't meet Gu Jinnian earlier.

Especially when Gu Jinnian is wearing mourning clothes, this is a great sign of respect.

They saw it.

They saw it.

They saw Gu Jinnian's sincere heart,

They saw Gu Jinnian's heart for the people.

At this moment, the people watching around him also knelt down one after another.

Their children were not lost though.

But they know that it is precisely because of the disappearance of these children, and precisely because of people like Gu Jinnian, that their children will be much safer in the future.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for seeing my child off."

"Your Highness, the common people kowtow to you on behalf of my daughter."

Under heavy rain.

Great thunder.

The people knelt on the ground one after another. They thanked Gu Jinnian and understood Gu Jinnian. They knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Gu Jinnian.

But this cry still makes people feel painful inside.

The cries of the people and the thanksgiving of the people turned into a sharp sword that almost pierced Gu Jinnian's heart.

this moment.

Looking at the people kneeling around them.

Gu Jinnian also slowly knelt down.

He bowed to these people, with rain mixed with tears on his face.


"It's Gu who is incompetent."

"Please forgive me."

"Gu, I'm sorry everyone."

Gu Jinnian said what he wanted to say most in his heart.

He doesn't want to do this alone.

But he had to bear it all.

The people knelt down.

He deserves it.

Seeing Gu Jinnian kneel down, these people cried even louder.

"Your Highness, you are not wrong. We know that our children are suffering. Please stand up quickly. We cannot bear it."

"Your Highness, please don't kneel down. This is not your fault. You have already helped us too much."

"My child, please open your eyes quickly and see what kind of Bodhisattva heart this His Highness has."

this moment.

There were cries in Bailu Mansion, and everyone was moved by Gu Jinnian's behavior.

In heavy rain.

The soldiers also knelt down one after another.

In the attic, everyone from the Criminal Department, Dali Temple, and Hanging Deng Department were moved by it.

Even the Ministry of Punishments, who are used to seeing injustice and human tragedies, shed tears at this moment.

Even Fairy Yunrou and Fairy Yaochi, who are cultivators of immortality, could not help crying at this moment.

at this time.

The Criminal Department, Dali Temple, Xuandeng Division and others all took a step back.

He also slowly knelt down.

He bowed deeply three times in the direction of Gu Jinnian.

This worship is for Gu Jinnian’s great righteousness.

This time I pray to these poor children.

This bow is for the great righteousness in my heart——

Thirty thousand words were updated today.

I was really tired and lay down.

Mainly because after writing this chapter, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Although my writing skills were not good, I was emotionally invested and my eyes were red.

Okay, I’m going to take a rest in July, and then have a good rest. I’ll see the status update tomorrow.

The climax is not over yet, entering the final part is the big climax.

Finally, please give me a monthly ticket and a reward!!!

Brothers, as of tomorrow night before 12 o'clock, the number of people who have rewarded more than 300 people in a single day, including one dollar, is not the total number of people, the total number of people is more than 1,700, it is a single day tomorrow, the alliance leader is not counted, I guarantee two updates tomorrow.

One update contains ten thousand words.

I'm going to bed!!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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