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Chapter 187 A big event! A happy event! Duke Zhen Guo was dumbfounded, forever

Chapter 187 Something big happened! A happy event! Duke Zhenguo was dumbfounded and Emperor Yongsheng cried! [Please vote for me]

Inside the military camp.

The brush in Gu Jinnian's hand fell off.

He knew that Daxia Longsui had drought resistance and was relatively weak among rice ears. Heavy rains or severe droughts would hardly affect Daxia Longsui.

But he never imagined that this Daxia Longsui could be so powerful?

Counting it all together, it has only been five days since the seeds were sown? And they have actually sprouted?

This is no longer a miracle.

This is a miracle.

"How could it sprout?"

Looking back at this, Jinnian himself was a little shocked. He stood up, looked at the latter and asked.

"I don't know, Lord Marquis, you'd better go and see for yourself. All the people have gathered here."

"Everyone says it's a miracle."

Fang Jingcheng didn't know either.

Gu Jinnian could only see it by himself.

Having said this, Gu Jinnian did not hesitate and walked towards the farmland.

Almost ten miles away.

A large number of people have gathered near Liangtian, but the soldiers are guarding all sides and will strictly control whatever happens. In addition, the people also supervise each other and know that there are people who don't want them to have a good time.

Therefore, during this period of time, the common people accepted inspections voluntarily and kept an eye on others. The role of these old people was to keep tabs on others, for being lazy or something else. If anyone dared to hide seeds or seedlings privately, you would be welcome.

Even damaged seedlings must be handed over to the soldiers, and Jiangzhong County has also started strict control. All necessities are purchased by the army to prevent anyone from selling the seedling seeds.

Soon, after Gu Jinnian arrived at Liangtian.

The people had already gathered, and the entire city was crowded with people. The crowd in Wuyang Wuyang looked very scary.

"The Marquis is here, the Marquis is here."

"Quickly get out of the way, Lord Marquis is coming."

Seeing Gu Jinnian's arrival, the people spoke one after another and made way for Gu Jinnian.

Along the aisle, Gu Jinnian came to the farmland.

Rice seedlings have been planted in fertile fields, but most of them are seeds.

At this time, a few roots sprouted in this fertile field. They were not particularly strong, but they had already taken root and sprouted in just five days. It was really scary.

The root buds are yellowish, not that green color.

"Master Hou, there were actually some signs yesterday, but I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was because of the seeds. But I didn't expect that when I looked at it this morning, the seeds had sprouted, and the seeds were not just in one place, but in several places.

They’ve all sprouted.”

The people responsible for cultivating this field came over and informed Gu Jinnian of the specific situation.

"Let me see."

Gu Jinnian stretched out his hand, and wisps of mana spread from his body to feel the vitality of these seeds.

To be honest, it took five days for it to take root and sprout, which is simply incredible.

Normally, it takes one month to take root, one month to grow, one month to grow rice, one month to fully mature, and one month to harvest once every four months. This is normal.

This is what three-season rice is.

If it is two-crop rice in the summer, go once every six months.

As the mana entered the field, Gu Jinnian instantly felt a sense of blazing heat. The vitality was very strong, extremely powerful.

This is totally against common sense.

As the feeling of a stick of incense approached, Gu Jinnian roughly understood what the problem was.

The seeds have mutated.

Yes, this Daxia Longsui has mutated.

Gu Jinnian felt that this Daxia Longsui was absorbing a kind of energy, and this energy came from the ground, although he didn't know what it was.

"Is there something down there?"

Gu Jinnian thought to himself.

Suddenly, a drought occurred overnight in Jiangzhong County, and all the crops died in one day. This in itself is extremely unreasonable.

Everyone thinks this is a punishment from God, even Gu Jinnian thinks this should be an assessment from God.

What I didn't expect was that there was a reason for this severe drought.

Hidden under the fertile fields of Jiangzhong County.

But where exactly it is, Gu Jinnian doesn't know.

At that moment, Gu Jinnian got up and went to several other fertile fields to investigate. Soon he found that all the seeds were absorbing a kind of blazing energy, which was very hot.

This energy not only solves the water source problem, but more importantly, these Daxia dragon ears will mutate and will grow better rice seeds.

It is very likely that the Daxia Longmi grown here will not be weaker than the Daxia Longmi in the Mountains and Rivers Splendid Picture.

Gu Jinnian previously speculated that the Daxialong rice he currently owns is of the highest quality. The main reason is that the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers itself is suitable for farming. In addition, with the spiritual crystal ripening, the natural quality is the best.

The seeds taken out are of medium quality. If placed in ordinary fertile fields, the rice grown will definitely not be as good as the rice in the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers.

Finally, the rice grown from these fertile fields is of the worst quality when it is cultivated elsewhere.

But what Gu Jinnian never imagined was that there was something hidden under the fertile fields in Jiangzhong County.

This thing caused all the fertile fields in Jiangzhong County to dry up overnight, but this thing became the nutrient for Daxia Longsui.

Calm your mind.

Gu Jinnian used his magic power to understand carefully what was going on under the earth.

All this is thanks to Buddhism. If Buddhism hadn't forced me to make the twelve great aspirations, I might not have been able to reach the fifth realm with my immortal cultivation.

The golden elixir in the body turned into a baby shadow at this moment and dived under the earth.

I don’t know how long I have been infiltrated.

At the deepest level, Gu Jinnian felt an unprecedented sense of oppression. There was indeed something underground, and it was extremely terrifying.

Opening his third eye, under the earth, Gu Jinnian's Nascent Soul eyes were filled with divine light. He couldn't see clearly what it was, but he could only see a huge fireball, which was like the sun.

In the infinite depths of the underground, the entire Jiangzhong County was roasting, but wisps of red fire spirits, like spider threads, sank into the land of Jiangzhong County.

Its source is Daxia Longsui.

"These seeds are absorbing the energy of this thing."

"I don't know what is gestating in this fireball. If the Great Xia Longsui had not been planted, not a single blade of grass would grow in Jiangzhong County. Let alone one year, even ten years later, there will still be a severe drought here."

"The Daxia Dragon Spike can just absorb the energy of this thing. No matter what it is nurturing, the more things it plants, the more energy it absorbs. Firstly, it can contain this thing, and secondly, the Daxia Dragon Spike can obtain

Huge benefits.”

"The Daxia Longsui in Jiangzhong County will be better than all the rice in the world."

"It's really a blessing in disguise."

Gu Jinnian understood everything in an instant. He didn't know what was pregnant with this fire ball, but what he knew was that Jiangzhong County was going to be completely developed.

This place will become the most important county guard in the Great Xia Dynasty in the future.

Moreover, after Gu Jinnian carefully comprehended it, he instantly felt that the growth cycle of Daxia Longsui changed from four months to one month.


Daxia Longmi can grow in one month.

This is an exaggeration. It is equivalent to saying that one can harvest twelve times a year.

And this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that some of the seeds have mutated.

The growth cycle of these mutated seeds is three to four months, but the dragon rice grown from these seeds is several times better than the dragon rice in the Mountains and Rivers Splendid Picture.

That's right.

It's such an exaggeration.

As the old saying goes, if you survive a disaster, you will be blessed later.

Jiangzhong County has encountered such a catastrophe, but it was unexpected that there would be such blessings.

Almost instantly, Gu Jinnian recovered his mind and woke up from his thoughts.

At this moment, all the people were looking at Gu Jinnian, their eyes full of curiosity, wanting an answer.

Feeling the eyes of the people, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Everyone, the ears of rice have sprouted. This is a blessing from God. A miracle has occurred. The will of all people has moved God. Not only have these seeds sprouted, but the dragon rice they have grown is even better than what we eat now."

Gu Jinnian spoke up and told the people what happened.

As this voice sounded, in an instant, the sound of laughter like a mountain torrent sounded at this moment.

Tens of thousands of people shouted excitedly at this moment, and their faces were full of joy.

Many even cried with joy.

What is the happiest thing in the world? It is nothing more than getting rewarded after giving.

Although the common people also know that they have not paid anything yet, this feeling is even better.

After only five days of hard work, it has taken root and sprouted.

If you work hard for a month, won't you be able to reap the rewards?

"There will be a banquet today, Daqing."

The next moment, Gu Jinnian's voice sounded again, making everyone even more excited.

in this way.

The common people beat gongs and drums and spread the news wildly. Countless people in the city were very excited after learning about it.

Of course, some people don't believe it and think this is really unreasonable. It took only five days for it to take root and sprout, which is too unusual.

Mainly because it’s only been a few days?

But after all, everyone speaks for themselves, and given the fact that this is the case, the whole Jiangzhong County seems extremely happy.

And at this time.

Gu Jinnian has rushed to the military camp.

This matter is definitely not a trivial matter. Jiangzhong County is much more terrifying than expected.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Seizing this opportunity, the Great Xia Dynasty is really going to take off. It's the kind of thing that even if you don't want to take off, it will take off.

Anyone who has read some history books will know what the major dynasties in ancient and modern times wanted most.


Yes, it is food. As long as there is enough food, one of the biggest problems can be solved.

internal affairs.

If a dynasty can ensure that every citizen has enough to eat, then the emperor's status will be extremely stable, unless there is a coup or foreign invasion.

In terms of internal stability alone, food determines everything. As long as the people have a mouthful of food to eat, they will not cause trouble. In fact, most people will ignore any rumors.

Only when you don't have enough to eat and are not living well will you make trouble. This has been true since ancient times.

Once there is sufficient food, we can completely cancel the food tax, complete unprecedented reforms, and develop economic and trade to the greatest extent possible, so as to complete economic colonization.

Only by solving the food problem can we promote economic and trade. Otherwise, if everyone doesn't have enough to eat, who will do business with you? Do business?

And if Jiangzhong County is well controlled and grasped, it will become the land of dragon prosperity in Daxia.

This is a great and exciting event.

"Master Marquis, someone came to report just now. There are many places where the seeds have sprouted, but there are still some places where the seeds have been destroyed. They are as black as fire."

At this time, Fang Jingcheng's voice sounded, telling Gu Jinnian something bad happened.

"The seeds were burned?"

Gu Jinnian was a little surprised and looked at the other party with curiosity.

"Master Marquis, please take a look."

Fang Jingcheng handed the black seeds handed over by the soldiers to Gu Jinnian.

Indeed, these are the seeds of Daxia Bacteria, but the whole seed is pitch black, as if burned by fire, and has been carbonized.

But when the Daxia Longsui seeds came into his hands, Gu Jinnian instantly realized what was going on.

Those that cannot withstand the fire spirit will be destroyed, while those that can withstand the fire spirit will mutate.

In other words, Daxia Longsui in Jiangzhong County has only two results, either it will mutate or it will be extinct, which is extremely domineering.

This kind of seed has no breath of life at all.

Looking at this kind of thing, for a moment, some thoughts flashed through Gu Jinnian's mind.

"Mr. Fang, do three things immediately."

"First, let people carefully monitor the fertile fields, register the germination places, and also register the damage of the seeds. If there is no germination within ten days, it is basically destroyed."

"Inform the people that the destroyed seeds will be redistributed with new rice seeds. Let the people not worry. Just say that some places are too dry and the seeds cannot withstand the heat. Replace them with a batch of better seeds."

"Then let people spread some news, saying that the seeds that took root and sprouted were tampered with. It was a fairy trick. It can grow rice, but the rice that grows can't be eaten."

"That's the first thing."

Gu Jinnian spoke.

As soon as he said this, Fang Jingcheng couldn't help but frown.

What Gu Jinnian said was so weird. He actually spread rumors by himself? Belittled his own seeds?

But soon, Fang Jingcheng understood what this meant.

He didn't say it, but nodded.

"The second thing is to take out the seeds that have taken root and sprout, take them out with the soil, and quickly send them to the nearest county outside Jiangzhong County, find a field, plant them directly, and then see what the effect is.

Thousands of elite soldiers will do it, and if there is any situation, I will know it as soon as possible."

Gu Jinnian ordered the second thing.

"Please rest assured, Lord Marquis."

Fang Jingcheng nodded.

"The third thing is to ask Zhou Man to personally deliver the destroyed seeds to Hou Jun and tell him that these destroyed seeds are just seeds soaked in some medicinal baths. If placed in fertile fields, they can indeed

Some good rice can grow, but under severe drought, it is impossible to grow any good rice."

"And because the seeds were directly destroyed due to the medicinal bath, it means that Gu Jinnian's wishful thinking has completely failed. He is now preparing to ask for troops from the court. He is afraid that if he waits another month, the people will not be able to suppress him after they find out about it."

Gu Jinnian gave three orders in a row.

"Take orders."

Fang Jingcheng almost understood what Gu Jinnian was thinking. He turned around and left, directly implementing it.

And Gu Jinnian also seemed particularly excited.

Gu Jinnian has his own plans for these three things.

There is a severe drought in Jiangzhong County.

Gu Jinnian's idea was very simple, that is, to replace ordinary rice with Daxia Longsui, without much consideration.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to carry forward Daxia Longsui, Jiangzhong County can also be used as a pilot site.

However, as things gradually went out of control, the Great Xia Dynasty was unexpectedly established.

If you plant Daxia dragon spikes by yourself, there is no guarantee that others will not be suspicious of you. Once suspicion arises, there are only two directions.

One direction is to think that they are deceiving the people. This possibility is very high, because no one believes that they can solve the disaster in Jiangzhong County. With tens of millions of people and countless fields, how can we resume production?

One direction is to steal the Daxia Dragon Spike and then take it back for research.

If it was the first direction, Gu Jinnian wouldn't worry about it. He would make a fortune in silence, and when everything became a foregone conclusion, he wouldn't worry about them messing around.

What Gu Jinnian is most worried about is the second direction.

If someone steals the Daxia Dragon Spike, and then researches and finds that there is something really unusual about the Daxia Dragon Spike, then everyone will come out to cause trouble and try their best to cause trouble.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable.

However, now there is a turning point, Daxia Longsui has taken root and sprouted in five days. No one will believe it if this news is spread, because this is not a miracle, but a miracle, and anyone with a brain will doubt it.

Not to mention the people of other countries, even the people of the Great Xia Dynasty would probably respond with suspicion.

In the eyes of some people, they are even more certain that they are deceiving the people.

The three things Gu Jinnian is doing now are to make them more sure that he is deceiving the people.

The first thing is to spread rumors and guide the trend.

He is not afraid of the suspicion of the people of Jiangzhong County, because the people of Jiangzhong County have no confidence to doubt, nor do they want to doubt. What is the result of doubting? Can they get food back? Now there is hope, at least it is something that can be seen with the naked eye.

Then wait for the result. As long as the result comes out, the people who really want to live will support themselves without hesitation. If the result is really useless, then there will indeed be big problems, but the result is good, then the people of Jiangzhong County will

Go to farming with more enthusiasm and fanaticism.

But for onlookers, if they believe that they are lying, they will remain immobile and wait for their own destruction.

Isn't it a good thing to see the Great Xia Dynasty in chaos without spending a single soldier? The Xiongnu Kingdom, Fuluo Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, and even the Zhongzhou Dynasty are all happy to see this scene.

So they will wait patiently.

As for the second thing, Gu Jinnian wanted to confirm whether his idea was correct or not. Can the mutated seeds grow in other places?

This is very important. Gu Jinnian hopes not to return, but also thinks that he shouldn't, because there are no such weird fireballs in other places.

This fireball is equivalent to a huge spiritual crystal, which provides energy to these Daxia dragon spikes all the time. If there is no other place, then this kind of seeds cannot absorb energy, and the final result will definitely be extinction.

If this is the case, even if someone steals the seeds and uses them for research and planting, they will find that this thing has no effect at all.

Being completely convinced that he was lying to others would allow them to wait for the civil strife in Daxia with peace of mind.

The last thing is to justify it. In fact, it is still guiding the direction of the wind, but it is just guiding the direction of the wind of some smart people.

Most people do not have the ability to think independently and only listen to rumors or look at the results. But some people are different. If they are not given a reasonable explanation, they will still have doubts.

Now for Gu Jinnian, he doesn't want anyone to pay attention to these seeds, he just wants them to think that these seeds are useless.

Just buy enough time.

As soon as three months.

The slowest is half a year.

It can give everyone in the entire Shenzhou Continent a huge surprise.

However, I still have a few things to do right now.

Returning to the military camp, Gu Jinnian wrote a letter directly and gave it to his sixth uncle Gu Ningya.

"Uncle Six."

"Run to Daxia quickly and ask your Majesty to send an additional 500,000 troops to this place. Let the old man be the leader. Only trustworthy people will be sent."

Gu Jinnian spoke up, his expression extremely serious. Now that there are disasters happening in various places, half of the troops have been drawn out for disaster relief, and the remaining half of the troops are reserved to prevent civil strife.

The Great Xia Dynasty had four million directly registered soldiers, not counting the vassal kings from all over the country, and 400,000 cavalry, ten to one. Gu Jinnian drew 500,000 soldiers. He didn't need cavalry, he only needed ordinary elite soldiers.

"Let the old man bring 500,000 soldiers here?"

"Jinnian, what are you doing?"

Looking back on this, Ning Ya was a little surprised. Five hundred thousand soldiers were not something you could just shoot out at your request, and you even asked the old man to lead the troops. To be honest, many places did not follow the rules and it was easy to be caught.

"Something big is going to happen."

"Uncle Six, speed up."

"And the letter must be handed over to His Majesty during the court meeting. It must be at the court meeting, do you understand?"

Gu Jinnian said extremely seriously.

As soon as he said this, Gu Ningya's expression changed. He really wouldn't doubt Gu Jinnian if he said something important.


Without any nonsense, Gu Ningya directly led a small group of people and rushed towards the Great Xia Dynasty, using dragon boats.

And so.

Some news also spread from Jiangzhong County.

It takes five days for the seeds to germinate.

Rumors spread.

With a heavy look on his face, Gu Ningya quickly left the military camp and used the dragon boat to head towards the Great Xia Dynasty.

None of this information is worth pondering.

In the camp of King Ning's soldiers, when Hou Jun got the news, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"It's true."

"Gu Jinnian is just deceiving the people. What ears of rice are there in the world that can take root and sprout in five days?"

"Even the big golden dragon rice can't do it."

"Unless you use spiritual crystals to accelerate ripening."

"And my people have already found out that there is nothing wrong with the seeds taking root and sprouting, but the seeds in many places were directly destroyed. Gu Jinnian also tried to explain that if the people were not really helpless, no one would believe this statement."

"Gu Jinnian was too anxious. He wanted too much to give the people hope, so he made mistakes one step at a time. If this continues, the people's expectations will be higher and the disappointment will be greater when the results appear."

Hou Jun spoke up. His eyes were full of confidence, and he was sure that there was a huge problem with this rice ear.

However, inside the tent, Li Shan slowly took out a bag and placed it in front of Hou Jun.

"Whether there is any problem or not, you still need to be careful. Mr. Hou, these are the seeds I had people steal. The soil is still in it and the roots are not damaged. You should take people away quickly and plant them elsewhere."

"If this seed is really effective, we can't just sit back and wait for death."

"But if we can't grow anything, we can rest assured and wait for Gu Jinnian to destroy himself."

Li Shan spoke and placed the seeds in front of the table.

Seeing this kind of seed, Hou Jun was immediately happy.

"The Prime Minister deserves to be the Prime Minister. During this time, I have tried every means to obtain seeds, but none have been harvested. Gu Jinnian's control is too strict."

"Indeed, we still need to be more cautious and have someone deal with it immediately."

Seeing the seeds, Hou Jun was naturally happy for no other reason. Although everyone believed that Gu Jinnian was definitely lying, there was no proof after all.

Without verification, it means there is a one in 10,000 possibility that Gu Jinnian is not lying.

How can we tolerate a one-ten-thousandth error margin for such a big thing as starting a rebellion?

Once the seeds were useful, Gu Jinnian was able to quell the difficulties in Jiangzhong County, and the rebellion plan was immediately ruined.

This matter determines victory or defeat. How can Hou Jun not seek verification?

It's just that Gu Jinnian's control is too strict, even if he wants to steal the seeds, he can't do it.

Now Li Shan has sent it, which is a timely blessing.

In this way, Hou Jun immediately asked people to take away the seed soil and hurriedly planted it to have a look.

"Tell Prince Ning."

"If the seeds are ineffective, three months from now will be the best time. At that time, we can ride the wind and waves and resolve all right and wrong."

When Li Shan spoke, his tone was extremely determined.


Hou Jun nodded.

in this way.

The next morning, during the court meeting, a figure rushed over in a hurry, it was Gu Ningya.

Gu Ningya's sudden attack made the court extremely quiet, and everyone couldn't help but feel a pressure, not from Gu Ningya, but from Jiangzhong County.

"Your Majesty, Marquis Tianming has sent a military report, requesting Your Majesty to immediately dispatch an army of 500,000 troops to Jiangzhong County. Moreover, Marquis Tianming said that it will be led by Duke Zhenguo."

Gu Ningya spoke out, and as he spoke, he handed the envelope to Wei Xian who had already walked down.

The latter took the envelope and immediately handed it over to Emperor Yongsheng.

The main hall seemed unusually quiet.

Suddenly dispatching half a million troops? What does this mean?

There was only a drought in Jiangzhong County, and there was no military rebellion. There were only two possibilities for dispatching an army of 500,000, either King Ning rebelled, or there was a civil uprising.

No matter which one it was, it was a huge pressure on the court.

Sitting on the dragon throne, Emperor Yongsheng's expression also darkened slightly. He took the envelope, opened it, and looked even more serious.

Because there are only three words on the envelope.

problem occurs.

It was these three words that made Emperor Yongsheng, who was already a little heavy-hearted, feel even heavier at this moment.

"Your Majesty? May I ask what military report the Marquis has delivered?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, why do you need to dispatch an army of 500,000 people?"

All of a sudden, all the officials in the court opened their mouths and asked about the reason.

Emperor Yongsheng took a deep breath and did not explain the reason, but was thinking and considering.

To be honest, he believed that Gu Jinnian could solve the disaster in Jiangzhong County, but this belief was due to everything Gu Jinnian had done before.

But in fact, putting aside some non-existent fantasies, he actually knows better than anyone else how dangerous the Jiangzhong County crisis is.

It's too difficult to solve.

The dispatch of 500,000 troops now must be something serious, and ninety-nine percent of the time, they are worried about a civil uprising.

At this moment, his heart was in his throat.

"Zhao Yiyang obeys the order."

"Immediately dispatch an army of 500,000 troops, hand it over to the Duke of Zhen, who will order the generals, and immediately go straight to Jiangzhong County."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke. Although he didn't know what happened specifically, he still trusted Gu Jinnian.

But as soon as he said this, some voices sounded.

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible. With the current disasters all over the country, the remaining troops and horses of the imperial court are not enough. It is absolutely impossible to dispatch an army of 500,000."

"It is not a big problem to dispatch an army of 500,000 people. The Duke of Zhen can lead it to Jiangzhong County. This is absolutely impossible. Marquis Tianming has already taken away 100,000 cavalry. In addition to the 500,000 troops,

Its power is extremely terrifying, surpassing all the vassal kings. If the Gu family has evil intentions, the Great Xia Dynasty will be in danger."

"Your Majesty, please think again."

"Your Majesty, please think again."

Voices rang out one after another, and the thoughts of the courtiers were very direct. Gu Jinnian took away 100,000 cavalry. This was acceptable for disaster relief.

But now it is unreasonable to send 500,000 troops there, and it is not something that everyone can accept.

God knows what Gu Jinnian wants to do? If he is worried that the Great Xia Dynasty will be in civil strife, he will take away 500,000 troops, plus 100,000 cavalry. This force, after the civil strife in Great Xia, can be regarded as a hegemonic existence.

Not weaker than King Ning.

And who is Lord Zhen Guo? The greatest war god in Great Xia, letting such a person control the army is definitely a huge hidden danger.

"Shut up."

The next moment, Emperor Yongsheng's voice sounded.

His eyes were calm, but he condensed a powerful imperial power.

"I have said that Gu Jinnian, the Marquis of Heaven, is the commander-in-chief of the disaster this time. I will give him whatever he asks for. He will not be suspicious of those who doubt him, but will not be suspicious of those who employ him."

"Do you, dear sir, have a good solution? If you do, I can also listen to your opinions."

Emperor Yongsheng's voice was cold.

At this point, are you still doubting?

Since he chose Gu Jinnian, he is not worried that Gu Jinnian will act randomly.

As soon as this statement came out, all the officials were completely silent.

"Gu Aiqing."

"Go back and tell Jin Nian that I believe in him unconditionally. I will set up a feast in the Great Xia Dynasty to wait for his triumphant return."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke out.

After saying this, he threw the weapon talisman out, showing his imperial domineering power.

Soon, Emperor Yongsheng stood up and left.

Gu Ningya, on the other hand, shouted long live, took the military talisman, and left directly to find Mr. Gu.

What happened in the Daxia court spread almost instantly within an hour.

Gu Jinnian sent Gu Ningya to Daxia Kyoto urgently, and requested 500,000 troops, led by Zhen Guogong, and rushed to Jiangzhong County.

This news can be said to have caused huge controversy.

Some people believe that something big is going to happen in Jiangzhong County and that the Great Xia Dynasty will be in turmoil. Gu Jinnian's move is completely to gain a certain degree of power after the civil strife in the Great Xia Dynasty.

No matter who becomes emperor in the future, or if there is a change of dynasty, the Gu family with half a million soldiers, plus the 100,000 cavalry brought by Gu Jinnian before, will be enough to dominate the country.

In addition, Gu Jinnian also has a lot of personal prestige. For some people, being able to get Gu Jinnian's support is really special.

Others believe that a civil uprising is about to occur in Jiangzhong County. With an army of 500,000, they cannot say that they can completely suppress the civil uprising, but they can at least do something to prevent the Great Xia Dynasty from directly starting civil strife.

all in all.

Almost all the opinions are in a bad direction.

Inside Prince Ning's Mansion.

When King Ning learned about this, he only did one thing.

"Let Mr. Hou go find Gu Jinnian."

"Take a look and tell him that the matter of my two sons has never been kept in mind."

"If possible, we can come to our house to have dinner together if we have the opportunity."

"Also, send people to Jiangzhong County to spread rumors that the so-called Daxia Dragon Spike is a sacred thing and let the people grow it."

This is King Ning's choice.

The news was so mixed that King Ning didn't know who was true and who was false, but what he knew was that it was impossible to dispatch an army of 500,000 for no reason, and he also got some news.

It is true that Jiangzhong County has resumed agricultural production.

But all the seeds in many fields were destroyed.

Very few people know about this, which means these speculations are likely to be true.

From Prince Ning's point of view, he believed that it was very possible that Gu Jinnian wanted to support his troops and respect himself.

Prince Ning didn't believe in any kind of kinship at all. Everything was just for profit.

in this way.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

An army of 500,000 is approaching Jiangzhong County.

And in Jiangzhong County.

Then rumors spread.

I don’t know what’s going on, but there are many voices, and the message conveyed is very simple, that there is something wrong with Daxia Longsui.

But there are still some voices that are very firm, saying that there is nothing wrong with Daxia Longsui, and even give examples of how the soil and water can support a person.

This thing must be a good thing, but the common people have never seen it before, so if there is any problem, it is not the problem of the seeds, but the problem of everyone.

As for why some seeds are destroyed?

The main reason is that ordinary people don't know how to plant. This is originally a royal plantation and requires specialized people to take care of it. When you come to Jiangzhong County, everyone's planting method is nothing more than using some "fertilizer" to plant, and there will definitely be some problems.

It's like asking the emperor to eat food from the common people. You will definitely be able to eat it, but you will definitely suffer from physical problems after eating it.

This statement received widespread support, so the people of Jiangzhong County worked harder.

And inside the military camp.

Hundreds of old people gathered here.

These are some highly respected old men from various prefectures in Jiangzhong County.

They were invited by Gu Jinnian to discuss some matters.

"Elders of the clan."

"There is chaos in Jiangzhong County now, and you should have seen it in the past few days."

"Some people don't want the people of Jiangzhong County to live well. Do you know why some seeds were destroyed?"

"Someone is causing trouble in the dark, causing the seeds to be destroyed. It is difficult for me to control it with my own strength. I have already requested troops from the imperial court. If nothing happens, there will be an army of 500,000 to guard Jiangzhong County tomorrow."

"Elders of the clan, we are in troubled times right now. It is difficult to be united just by relying on the imperial court. Therefore, I would like to ask all the elders to stabilize the villagers and never let the thieves succeed. Especially the rice must be handled properly.

There must be no theft."

In the camp, Gu Jinnian invited elders from various clans to come here for internal unification. These clan elders are all highly respected and have absolutely no problem with their right to speak. Stabilizing them will mean stabilizing the overall situation, no matter how exaggerated the rumors outside are.


As long as they are not shaken, things will be much easier to handle.

"Don't worry, Lord Marquis, I'm actually thinking about it. We, the people of Jiangzhong County, have just seen hope. Why have we caused so much trouble? Now after listening to what the Marquis said, I understand."

"Master Marquis, please rest assured. I will keep a close eye on this matter. Master Marquis has good intentions. We can really see it."

The clan elders nodded in agreement. They could see that Gu Jinnian was dedicated to serving the people.

"Then please all clan elders please work hard."

"When Jiangzhong County is settled, I will set up a merit monument for you all."

Gu Jinnian spoke up. As soon as he said this, the clan elders were instantly overjoyed. They didn't need the money, but at this time, to put it bluntly, people were dying, so why did they need money?

But setting up a merit monument is different. This is something that celebrities have done through the ages.

Suddenly, the hearts of all the elders were burning.

Then, under Gu Jinnian's arrangement, he went back in a carriage.

It was at this time.

Inside the camp, Fang Jingcheng walked in.

"Master Hou."

"The results are out. The soil was transported to Baizhe Mansion. It was fine that day and there were no major problems the next day. Today, all the seeds have dried up. The news just came that the seeds have dried up and died."

Fang Jingcheng opened his mouth and informed Gu Jinnian of the result.

Hearing this, Gu Jinnian also let out a long breath.

Just like you guessed.

The mutated Daxia dragon spike is only suitable for growing in Jiangzhong County, which is a great thing.

If it can grow anywhere, it is not a good thing. If the enemy country steals it, it is equivalent to sharing it and making it a wedding dress for others.

Now I get this result, which is very good and perfect.

"What is the result of the total number of cultivated land that you were asked to count?"

After receiving this result, Gu Jinnian directly asked about this matter.

"Back to the Marquis, according to state history records, Jiangzhong County currently has 20 and 46 million acres of cultivated land."

"Among them, the upper-grade cultivated land is 57 million acres, the medium-grade cultivated land is 10 and 30 million acres, and the lower-grade cultivated land is 59 million acres."

"Ten million and forty-eight million acres of abandoned farmland."

Fang Jingcheng gave the answer.

The best cultivated land is fertile land, and the mass production can be as high as about 600 kilograms.

Medium cultivated land refers to ordinary cultivated land, and the mass production is generally around 300 kilograms.

For lower-grade cultivated land, the mass production is generally around 150 kilograms based on factors such as water source and soil.

If the water source problem can be solved, there will be no such thing as inferior cultivated land. Basically, it will be medium cultivated land.

This problem is difficult to solve, but there is something underground in Jiangzhong County. After the seeds have mutated, they don't need much water, so there is no low-grade farmland in Jiangzhong County.

In other words, if handled properly, Jiangzhong County will have 30 and 94 million acres of arable land.

Deduct 57 million acres of high-quality cultivated land.

There are still 30 and 37 million acres of medium-level cultivated land left.

Daxia Longmi, the estimated output of cultivated land in such a place is 600 kilograms per acre, and the grains in the ears are twice as much.

The mysterious things underground can only provide nutrients for the growth of Daxia Longsui.

To do a simple conversion, one harvest is 20,220,000 kilograms of grain and rice, which translates into 160,000 and 85,000,000 kilograms of grain.

If one person's daily ration is three taels, he must add some side dishes, right? It's impossible to just eat?

A month's ration is ninety taels, which is equivalent to five and a half catties, which is about six catties.

That’s seventy-two pounds a year.

It can feed 280 million people for a whole year.

This does not include the 57 million acres of fertile land deducted.

The data is exaggerated, but the reasons for the exaggeration are three points.

First, the Daxia Longsui rice has doubled, which is twice as much rice as the ordinary Daxia rice.

Secondly, the energy contained in Daxialong rice is very strong. One tael is enough for children, two taels for young adults, and one tael for elderly and women.

Third, Jiangzhong County was originally a land of grain production, and one-third of the grain tax of the Daxia Dynasty depended on Jiangzhong County.

The Daxia Dynasty had seventy-two counties, that is to say, seventy-one counties. The total output was only twice the output of Jiangzhong County.

Naturally, the production volume itself is exaggerated, feeding one-third of the population of Daxia.

The Great Xia Dynasty had a population of 190 to 58 million as recorded by the Ministry of Household Registration alone, but it is estimated that there were tens of millions more without household registration records.

All in all, the population of the Daxia Dynasty was approximately 200 million.

If it weren't for the vast resources in the Eastern Wasteland, to be honest, we really wouldn't be able to support these people.

This is the Divine Continent, and it is not the place where we lived in our previous life, which makes sense.

Just do the math.

Gu Jinnian probably figured it out.

According to a harvest cycle of four months, the food harvested in Jiangzhong County will be enough to feed the people of the Great Xia Dynasty for more than a year.

This includes transportation losses, planting losses, everything and every possibility.

After all, there must be losses in food transportation, and it is definitely a large amount.

Do the math.

Harvested three times a year.

It was served to all the people of the Great Xia Dynasty at one time.

When storing food at one time, you have to consider two possibilities: the physical fitness of the next generation. This generation may eat two taels a day, while the next generation may eat three to five taels or even half a catty a day. After all, the older the genes, the better.

The last harvest of grain is sold to make money, to make more money, so that the whole world can support the people of the Great Xia Dynasty.

As for the food produced by these last 57 million acres of fertile land, it is truly special food.

Special supplies for the royal family, special supplies for the barracks, and training of war horses.

According to this.

One year later, there will be no shortage of food in the Great Xia Dynasty, everyone will have enough to eat, and the trade economy will explode directly.

Two years later, the Daxia Dynasty's barracks were expanded wildly, recruiting troops and horses, and the strength of the army was greatly improved.

In three years' time, Daxia's economy will reach a stage of take-off.

In five years, the population of Daxia will explode to 250 million.

Ten years later, the population of Great Xia has soared to about 400 million. The population will be such that the Great Xia Dynasty will dominate the Eastern Barrens. There will be no need for war. Who can afford it?

Twenty years later, new young people will join the army. They have been eating dragon rice since they were young. They are strong and strong, including trained war horses, and various advancements. The army of the Great Xia Dynasty will expand to 1,500

Around 10,000.

that time.

It's not whether the Dajin Dynasty wants to fight, but whether the Daxia Dynasty wants to regain the Dajin Dynasty.

After all, as we all know, the Dajin Dynasty has been an inalienable territory of the Daxia Dynasty since ancient times.

Why are you saying I'm talking nonsense?

I'll show you the history books, and you can read it yourself. The records in the history books are very clear.

Huh? Why is the ink still wet?

Sorry, in the south, you know the resurgence.

It can be said that if Jiangzhong County goes according to its own expectations.

Completely dominate the Eastern Barren Territory in ten years.

For twenty years, all the dynasties in Central China were afraid of Daxia.

Thirty years later, the Central Continent Dynasty completely lost the opportunity to compete.

In the absence of absolute means, such as nuclear bombs, then relying on the cold weapon era, food determines everything.

In addition, it is nourished by this kind of food.

Thirty years later, everyone in the new generation of children in Daxia is a warrior, and there is no shortage of immortal cultivators. Just like the Fusang Kingdom in the previous life, didn't they rely on eggs, meat, and milk to forcibly change their genes?

In Daxialong rice, it is a hundred times more nutritious than eggs, meat, and milk.

"This time I really found a treasure."

Gu Jinnian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"If my uncle knew about this, he would be so happy that his nose would be filled with snot, wouldn't he?"

"Damn it, solve the national food problem within half a year."

"After half a year, with the whole country's strength, I asked the old man to lead troops and food, and march into the Xiongnu country. I don't know how much food is enough."

Gu Jinnian thought to himself and was very curious.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded outside.

"Jin Nian."

"what's going on?"

It was the voice of the Duke of Zhen.

The old man is here?

Hearing the old man's voice, Gu Jinnian quickly put down what he was doing.

But Fang Jingcheng was very sensible and resigned from this place.

Soon, two figures walked in.

One is the old man, and the other is the sixth uncle Gu Ningya.

Mr. Gu's face was solemn.

I was asked to come with an army of 500,000 yuan, and my letter to His Majesty was only one sentence. Something happened.

How can Mr. Gu not be anxious?

So as soon as he entered the camp, Mr. Gu directly asked Gu Jinnian what happened.

Watching the old man enter the camp.

Gu Jinnian did not answer, but looked at the old man and said.


"Ask you something."

"How much food can you give me to bulldoze the Huns?"

Gu Jinnian spoke up and asked.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Gu and Gu Ningya were stunned.

Good guy.

I’m asking you here what happened, are you telling me to bulldoze the Huns?

"Jinnian, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"What happened in Jiangzhong County?"

The old man frowned, he didn't understand Gu Jinnian's question.

"Something great has happened."

Gu Jinnian smiled and spoke.

As soon as these words were said, the two became even more silent.

Big happy event?

What big happy event?

Have you ever reported a happy event like this?

"Jinnian, your sixth uncle is an honest man. You asked me to deliver a letter to His Majesty with a serious look on your face a few days ago."

"Are you looking like you're having a great time? You want to harm your sixth uncle, right?"

Gu Ningya spoke up, he was really anxious.

Because he acted very anxious from beginning to end, as if something extremely bad had happened.

Now Gu Jinnian has announced another happy event?

Those who lie about military intelligence will be punished by beheading.


"Uncle Six, that was my intention."

Gu Jinnian smiled and said, "If an army of 500,000 people arrives, then everything will be solved."

"Jinnian, just tell me what's going on. Don't try to hide it here."

Looking back at this, the old man couldn't help it anymore and asked Gu Jinnian to quickly explain what was going on.

Everyone, whether it is the emperor or officials, all the major forces in the world believe that something big is going to happen in Jiangzhong County.

As a result, Gu Jinnian said something.

Big happy event?

Is there such a good news?

Hearing what the old man said, Gu Jinnian immediately told the old man and his sixth uncle the ins and outs of everything through voice transmission.

The purpose of each matter, including ideas, is fully disclosed.

in this way.

Half an hour later.

In the camp, Mr. Gu was numb.

Gu Ningya was also dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?"

"From now on, one good harvest in Jiangzhong County will be enough to feed all the people of the Great Xia Dynasty for a year?"

Mr. Gu was shaking even as he spoke.

He really couldn't believe it, but the person speaking was his grandson, so he had to believe it.

"It's true, old man, I won't lie to you. If you don't believe it, wait and see in a month or two."

Gu Jinnian said seriously.


Looking back at this, the old man didn't know what to say at all.

He froze on the spot.

After a long time, Mr. Gu suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Gu Ningya and said.

"Old Six."

"Go back to the palace quickly."

"Tell your Majesty this."

"Jinnian, Jinnian, you really even lied to His Majesty. You know that His Majesty has been sighing every day these days. He goes to the Ancestral Temple every day. I heard from the eunuch that His Majesty's eyes are red."

"He really thinks something big is going to happen. Lao Liu, hurry back to the palace and tell His Majesty this good thing."

"Otherwise, Your Majesty may decide to do something."

"Use spiritual crystals to speed up your return to the palace."

Mr. Gu spoke up.

He immediately thought of Emperor Yongsheng.

To say that the most miserable person in the entire Daxia Dynasty was definitely Emperor Yongsheng.

If it was really bad news, Mr. Gu wouldn't have such a big reaction.

He was ready to put down the chaos.

But when I heard it was good news, and it was such good news, I naturally had a huge reaction.

"Oh oh oh."

"Okay, I'll go now."

Gu Ningya reacted slowly, then quickly left the camp.

But Gu Jinnian seemed a little helpless.

How did he know that his old uncle was so under psychological pressure?

After a while.

Mr. Gu also completely woke up from the shock. He looked at Gu Jinnian and said with excitement on his face.

"Jinnian, grandpa came in just now. What question did you ask grandpa?"

Mr. Gu said with a smile.

"Oh, old man, how much food do you need to conquer the Huns?"

Gu Jinnian answered subconsciously.

"One year's food supply for Jiangzhong County."

Mr. Gu replied very seriously.

Gu Jinnian: "."

"Grandpa, aren't you going a little too far?"

"With so much food, you can conquer the Fuluo Dynasty by the way, let alone attack the Xiongnu Kingdom."

Gu Jinnian spoke up.

However, the old man seemed a little embarrassed.


"Grandpa has never fought such a rich war in his life. To be honest, if Jiangzhong County could really produce so much food."

"You must try to get Grandpa a year's service. Grandpa will fight the last war in his life. After the war, Grandpa will do nothing but stay in the Duke's Mansion to retire."

"Jinnian, grandpa has never begged for help in his life. You are my grandson. You must fulfill your grandpa's wishes. This can be regarded as fulfilling your filial piety."

Mr. Gu was really excited, his eyes were full of expectation.

There is no other reason.

He went to war with 500,000 shi of grain, and a soldier could eat up to 4 taels of rice a day. He had never fought such a rich war in his life.

I’m afraid of being poor.

If he didn't live luxuriously in his later years, he would feel uncomfortable, mainly because he had this opportunity in front of him.

"Grandpa, you can discuss this with His Majesty when the time comes."

"I really have no idea."

Gu Jinnian didn't answer. This matter is too big. Let's wait for His Majesty to handle it.

So, six hours later.

Bactrian Palace.

Inside the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

Emperor Yongsheng's eyes were red and swollen, which was really uncomfortable.

Only a few years after Daxia was founded, it encountered such a crisis.

If you really want to subjugate your country, you will be ashamed of your ancestors, and more importantly, you will become a joke to the world.

He can imagine how future generations will evaluate him.

Seizing the throne improperly will bring about the wrath of heaven.

This pressure made him really uncomfortable.

"Dad, is this kid really going to die?"

"Hey, if I had known this, I would have rebelled against him."

"The main thing is that little bastard in Jiande. If not him, would I rebel? Dad, you are a reasonable person. Don't scold me after you go down."

"Damn it, is it possible that this throne is really not suitable for me? I really have no royal mandate? Taking over Daxia, troubles happen every year, damn it."

Emperor Yongsheng cursed to himself.

And now, the last thing he wants to hear is some bad news, otherwise it will really be over.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded outside.

"His Majesty."

"The Commander of the Hanging Deng Division, Gu Ningya, has something important to report."

As Wei Xian's voice sounded.

Emperor Yongsheng's mood became even heavier.

Really, the less you want something to happen, the more it will happen.

He took a deep breath.

For a moment, my mood was so complicated that no one could understand it.

"Your Majesty, I have something to ask for."

Gu Ningya's voice sounded outside.

However, Emperor Yongsheng ignored it.

He was feeling too heavy and wanted to relax.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to see you."

Gu Ningya continued to speak, disturbing Emperor Yongsheng and getting upset.

"Fuck it!"

"No matter what happens to him, no matter what the news is later, give this Gu Ningya a good beating first."

In an instant, Emperor Yongsheng stood up, and then his voice became slightly irritable.

"Get in."


Brothers, there have been recent reports that there are big problems with the data, but we actually checked the data in July, referring to the grain production data of the Ming Dynasty, plus our current grain production data.

One is agricultural production and the other is industrial production. The plot written in July is to use the "Xianxia" point to achieve industrial production without relying on industrial conditions.

It is true that some places are exaggerated, but that's about it for Shuangwen. To put it bluntly, if it can be done 'theoretically', then the novel can do it.

This chapter was updated at 21.08 pm on August 14, 2022.

This chapter has been completed!
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