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Chapter 200 The Book of Changes! Implement the world! Shake the past! Everyone is like

Chapter 200 The Book of Changes! Implementing the heaven and earth! Shocking the past and the present! Everyone is like a dragon! [Please vote for me]

A vast voice resounded from Daxia Academy.

Scripture on the Destiny Saint.

May I be a great scholar in the summer.

Everyone is like a dragon.

What a domineering statement this is?

What an arrogant statement?

This voice resounded throughout the Great Xia Dynasty and reached the ears of every scholar.

Everyone turned their attention to the Daxia Dynasty.

Countless forces have set their sights on Daxia Academy.

Emperor Yongsheng opened his mouth, his eyes full of astonishment. Gu Jinnian would never tell lies. If he had no confidence, he would never say such a thing.

Scriptures about Destiny Saints.

What is this going to do?

No one believed that Gu Jinnian could write the saint's scriptures, but now Gu Jinnian did not want to write the saint's scriptures, but the destiny saint's scriptures.

This is simply impossible.

Even saints may not be able to write the scriptures of the Destined Saint.

Thousands of miles away.

The calm and composed man frowned at this moment. He was already frowning when Gu Jinnian said the meaning of the Destiny Saint Scripture, wishing that all scholars in Daxia would be like dragons.

The scripture in his hand is half a volume of scriptures about the Destiny Saint.

This half volume is enough to solve this flint. He has absolute confidence.

When Gu Jinnian appeared, he completely ignored him. He admitted that Gu Jinnian had absolute talent in cultivating immortality and Zen.

The ancient Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures cannot be discredited. This is a fact.

But in the lineage of Confucianism and Taoism, if you want to write sage scriptures, you need indescribable experience, which cannot be understood by just reading it casually.

You need to have thoughts and experience before you can write it, so he didn't think that Gu Jinnian could write scriptures about saints.

What's more, according to the Destiny Saint Scripture, this is even more impossible.

"How can a person who knows the holy scriptures write the scriptures of the Destiny Saint?"

"The realm of Confucianism and Taoism is one realm and one heaven. How can you write about it?"

The sound sounded, with some fluctuations.

He believed that Gu Jinnian had the strength of a great scholar, but he would never have imagined that Gu Jinnian could write the Destiny Saint Scripture.

This is something he is unwilling to accept, something he does not want to accept and cannot accept.

Moreover, if Gu Jinnian does this, it will ruin his plan.

His original plan was to save the Great Xia Dynasty from the fire and water through half a volume of scriptures on the Destiny Saints. In this way, he would obtain most of the merits of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Moreover, he saved the Daxia Dynasty and became a new hero in the eyes of the people of Daxia, surpassing Gu Jinnian.

Suppress him step by step, then he becomes an official in the court, and then he suppresses Gu Jinnian in various ways.

But now, if Gu Jinnian writes the Destiny Sage Sutra, then for him, all plans will be in vain, and he will have to enter the Great Xia Dynasty in another way.

But right now, he still has a chance to use this half volume of Destiny Saint scriptures.

He can do this.

Be the first to win.

However, he did not do this, but watched all of this quietly. He did not believe that Gu Jinnian could really interpret the meaning of the Destiny Sage.

This is like a child who has just finished private school and says he wants to take the imperial examination and wins three yuan in a row.

No, it's even more exaggerated than this.

Therefore, he did not choose to take action. He was betting that Gu Jinnian could not do it and could not write the meaning of the Destined Sage. If the bet was right, then he would step on Gu Jinnian's head and become the first genius of Confucianism and Taoism in Great Xia.

And because Gu Jinnian brought hope and then shattered it, his heroic image will be firmly imprinted in the hearts of the people of the Great Xia Dynasty, and he is the savior of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The probability of winning the bet is very high.

The probability of losing a bet is very small. How could a person who knows the Holy Scriptures write such a scripture?

He didn't believe it, not at all.

It's not just him.

Within the Taixuan Immortal Sect.

No one believed it either.

"Can Wang Xing, a great scholar, and Gu Jinnian really write the meaning of the Destiny Sage Sutra?"

Although they didn't believe it, some people couldn't help but ask the great scholar of the Jin Dynasty, their eyes full of curiosity.


"What he can't grasp, he can't even write the scriptures of the saints, let alone the meaning of the scriptures of the destined saints?"

"This is like asking a person with no cultivation at all to write a supreme cultivation method. Do you think it is possible?"

Wang Xingdaru shook his head directly. He was not optimistic about Gu Jinnian at all.

But after saying this, he couldn't help but speak out.

"But when the Great Xia Dynasty encountered such a natural disaster, the emperor's courage, the arrogance of the scholars, the blessing of the Great Xia scholars, and the power of the people's faith might really enable him to write a saint's scripture."

"But when it comes to the saints' scriptures, it has reached the extreme. It is impossible to surpass the saints, absolutely impossible."

Wang Xingdaru repeatedly confirmed that it was impossible. However, after considering various factors, he felt that the probability of Gu Jinnian writing the saint's scriptures was still partial.

After all, at this juncture, the faith of the people cannot be ignored.

Maybe it is indeed possible, and the possibility is not small, plus Gu Jinnian himself is a peerless genius in Confucianism and Taoism.

Therefore, he dare not completely say that Gu Jinnian’s works cannot produce the scriptures of saints, but it is certain that the scriptures of the Destiny Saints cannot be published.

This is completely impossible.

In the Confucius Mansion.

Everyone in the Kong family heard Gu Jinnian's incomparable voice.

The whole clan was in an uproar, especially Kong Zheng, who stood under the Confucius Temple, waiting for Gu Jinnian's next article.

But soon, Kong Zheng's expression changed, and he immediately spoke out.


“Stabilize the Confucius Temple.”

"And the icon."

"Let the clansmen pay attention and be careful when going to open areas."

Kong Zheng seemed to have realized something. He couldn't help but speak out in a hurry, asking the tribesmen to rush to an open place and strengthen the Confucius Temple and the saint's statue.

Some people were confused and asked Kong Zheng why.

Faced with such confusion, Kong Zheng didn't know how to answer, so he just asked the other party to wait.

Daxia Dynasty.

Both scholars and ordinary people can hear Gu Jinnian's magnificent voice.

And in the sky.

The meteorite metal from outside the sky was extremely fast, falling mercilessly towards Daxia Kyoto.

Daxia Academy.

Gu Jinnian stood in the formation.

He looked extremely weak.

However, his eyes were shining and his look was extremely firm.

Because he knows that behind him are countless people, the common people of Great Xia.

At this moment, scenes appeared in front of him.

Longxi County.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and countless people died unexpectedly. Under the great disaster, there is love in the world.

The soldiers' fingers were stained with blood, but they still worked tirelessly to dig through the ruins, trying to save one person.

Donglin County.

The fire was boiling and the terror was overwhelming.

Countless soldiers, one after another, sacrificed their lives to save these people, like moths flying into the flame, but they had no regrets.

Nanyue County.

Glaciers melted and floods raged. The soldiers tied themselves with iron ropes and held hands one after another in order to save the people in distress in the floods.

The bridge collapsed.

Every soldier builds a bridge with his own body.

Although they are mortal bodies, they have no fear and use their own lives to exchange for new lives.

When this scene appeared in my eyes.

Gu Jinnian couldn't help but take a deep breath.


A strong wind is coming.

Between heaven and earth, at this moment, it was extremely dark.

A bright beam of light completely erupted from Gu Jinnian's body.

People were astonished. Before he even started writing scriptures, his will and spirit had already caused visions in heaven and earth?

How is this going?

Is it possible that it is really a scripture about the Destiny Saint?

If it weren't for the Destiny Saint's scriptures, how could he have caused such a terrifying vision with his will and spirit?

Countless powerful forces were completely shocked. They didn't know what to say for a moment. To be honest, most people didn't believe that Gu Jinnian could write the Destiny Saint Scripture.

Even Daxia Academy, Su Wenjing and hundreds of great scholars did not believe that Gu Jinnian could write it.

Even Emperor Yongsheng did not believe that Gu Jinnian could write the scriptures on the destined saints.

However, Gu Jinnian seems to have the word "miracle" in him, as if he can bring hope and miracles to people.

Therefore, countless people held their breath and looked at Gu Jinnian.


At this moment, Gu Jinnian's voice sounded.

A deafening sound.

A magnificent sound.

"Tian Xingjian."

"A gentleman never stops improving himself."

This sound shook the white clouds above the nine heavens, and this sound penetrated the Netherworld Mansion below the nine netherworlds.

Just this sentence.

Countless rays of light exploded completely at this moment.

The entire Daxia Dynasty burst out with unparalleled light.

Brilliant and eye-catching.

This divine light soared into the sky.

This light shines through the past and present.

This sound makes my scalp numb.

Gu Jinnian almost exhausted all his strength and almost lost his voice to shout that he wanted to express this scripture with his will and spirit.

This is the best scripture in the world.

I Ching.

One of the three great Chinese wonder books, it contains infinite wisdom and infinite truth.

At this moment, countless people in the Great Xia Dynasty were watching all this in astonishment.

When this sentence rings out.

The first person to be shocked was Su Wenjing. He was a Confucian and Taoist semi-sage. Just from the first sentence of Gu Jinnian, he could feel that such a scripture was horrifying. It was a scripture of a destined saint.

This must be a scripture about the Destiny Saint.

Hundreds of great scholars stood up. They took a deep breath and felt numb all over.

Throughout the Great Xia Dynasty, all the scholars burst out with unprecedented light, and awe-inspiring righteousness soared out of their bodies.

It can be said that before, each person only had a beam of light, but now the light on them is like a stream, and the vast righteousness gathered by scholars in one place is like a vast ocean.

The land of this county is filled with awe and righteousness, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

The entire Daxia Dynasty was overwhelmed by the awe-inspiring righteousness.

They all poured into Daxia Academy.

It didn't enter the formation, nor did it enter Gu Jinnian's body.

Under such circumstances, it was fed back to every Daxia scholar.

"Don't use a hidden dragon, because the yang is below. When you see a dragon in the field, it means that it is a good sign. It works all day long, and it is repeated. It may jump into the abyss, and there is no fault in advancing. Flying dragons are in the sky, it is a great creation."

"A strong dragon has regrets, and its surplus cannot last long. If you use nine, your heavenly virtue cannot be the first."

"Excellent is the Qian Yuan Dynasty, when all things are created, they unite the heavens."

"The clouds move and the rain pours, and the goods flow and form. From the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, six people were formed at the time, and they rode on the six dragons to control the sky."

"When the main roads change, everyone will be rectified and his life will be correct, and the great harmony will be maintained, which will benefit Zhen. The first common people will come out, and all countries will be safe."

Gu Jinnian continued to recite the Book of Changes.

Every word turns into a real dragon.

Every word makes this true dragon become more solid.

"The scriptures about the Destiny Saint are really the scriptures about the Destiny Saint."

"He really wrote the Destiny Saint Scripture. This is impossible."

"The Saint of the Hereafter, the Saint of the Hereafter, he truly deserves his reputation."

"From ancient times to the present, only five people have written scriptures about the Destiny Saints. Even saints cannot write these kinds of scriptures, let alone a person who only knows the sage and establishes his words?"

"He is not yet a great scholar, but he can already write scriptures on the destiny of saints. What will happen if one day he becomes a great scholar, a semi-saint, or a saint?"

"The ancient Buddhist scriptures, the Taoist scriptures, and now the scriptures on the destined saints are written. What kind of person is Gu Jinnian? Is it possible that he is a destined person? Is he a destined person?"

Voices sounded one after another, the voices were hysterical, the voices were horrifying, and the whole body was shocked.

Gu Jinnian has created too many miracles.

In times of crisis, he can always bring hope.

Solve all problems.

It's as if he can do anything.

But, the vision is just the beginning.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the first paragraph was recited by Gu Jinnian, the Great Xia Dynasty was bathed in awe-inspiring righteousness.

The next moment, the statues of saints also completely revived at this moment.

These saint statues possess part of the saint's will, and when there is a shocking article in the world, they will feel it.

But this time, these saint statues also shined with infinite light.

Daxia Academy.

The strong wind swept everything around, not to mention the entire Daxia Academy, even the entire Daxia Kyoto, was swept by the strong wind. This was a hurricane formed by Haoran's righteousness.

In the palace of Daxia.

Emperor Yongsheng looked at all this. His dragon robe was blown loudly, and his hair was messed up, floating behind his head like a dragon.

"Continue to strive for self-improvement."

"I have said this."

In the palace, unlike others who were shocked, Emperor Yongsheng was shocked because he had said this.

He truly said the words "continuously strive for self-improvement".

He might have been a bit rude in the past, but he really didn't say this, he really said it.

A shocking vision swept through the Great Xia Dynasty.

The nine people in the Taixuan Immortal Sect were completely dumbfounded. Taoist Master Shangqing was extremely silent, but the one with the most expressive expression was still that person, Wang Xingdaru.

He is really expressive.

He was shocked, but also surprised. His mouth was open, his eyes were dull, and he was completely stupid.

He had said very firmly just now that Gu Jinnian could not read the Destiny Saint Scripture, but now his words sounded extremely harsh.

Even extremely harsh.

It's extremely jarring.

Every word Gu Jinnian said was like a slap in the face.

How to make him not feel uncomfortable.

But during the uncomfortable process, it was a shock, a deep shock, an unparalleled shock.

Why are there such monsters in this world?

He doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand.

This is really comparing people to each other, which is really annoying.

Daxia Kyoto, thousands of miles away, among the hills.

Chang Yuntian watched all this in silence, his eyes full of complexity, extremely complicated.

Scriptures about Destiny Saints.

Gu Jinnian really wrote the scriptures on the Destiny Saint.

He lost the bet, and all his plans had to be postponed again, but this was not what he felt uncomfortable about. Setting aside his surprise and shock, what really made him feel uncomfortable was why Gu Jinnian was able to write the Destiny Saint Scripture.

I am a true genius in Confucianism and Taoism. I can read at the age of one, compose poetry at the age of two, and read the scriptures of saints at the age of three.

Since childhood, I have been taught by a semi-sage in the Dao Mansion. When I was ten years old, the semi-sage was no longer qualified to teach me Confucianism and Taoism. To this day, I am twenty years old. In the past ten years, I have traveled around the world and read thousands of books. , and travel thousands of miles.

He became a great Confucian at an early age.

I am destined to be the first person in Confucianism and Taoism. If I were asked to write scriptures, the saints would not dare to read the scriptures, but I can pick up the semi-biblical scriptures at my fingertips.

However, how could Gu Jinnian, a man who had never traveled thousands of miles and read thousands of books, come to this point when he was a playboy of the Great Xia Dynasty a year ago?

He didn't believe it and didn't want to believe it.

But facing this unparalleled vision, he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm not convinced."

"What do the classics mean?"

"I, Chang Yuntian, will one day prove to the world that I am the number one person in Confucianism and Taoism."

"This battle for destiny is tailor-made for me, Chang Yuntian. I am the master of this destiny."

Chang Yuntian roared lowly. Faced with this terrifying sense of oppression, Chang Yuntian did not collapse. Instead, he ignited his fighting spirit and strengthened his belief.

It can be said that this is a good thing. Under the extreme crushing pressure, I did not choose to give up, but stabilized my Taoist heart.

However, Chang Yuntian was not happy at all. He kept this incident firmly in his heart. Looking at this terrifying vision, he wanted to remember this day and never forget it.

Far away, five thousand miles away.

Feeling this terrifying vision, Lu Yun's eyes were full of horror.

"Junior brother Yuntian really met a strong enemy this time."

He sighed first, and then continued to speak.

"Fortunately, what I'm fighting for has nothing to do with him, and I won't offend him even if I think about it."

"This kind of person is probably blessed by destiny. As the time for destiny to appear gets closer and closer, the talents he reveals become more and more terrifying."

"Junior Brother Yuntian has really met a strong enemy, but this is good, lest he always feel that he is the best in heaven and earth. It is a good thing for someone to suppress him. If he can be completely suppressed, it is not a bad thing for me."

"If Gu Jinnian cannot suppress Junior Brother Yuntian, there will still be one less competitor for me."

"However, Daodaofu is afraid that Gu Jinnian will be promoted from the destiny list. Being able to write the scriptures about the destiny saint, this alone is more than enough to make him into the top three."

"Fortunately, I am not his enemy for the time being, and I don't need to meet him."

Lu Yun murmured to himself that he was very lucky, but at the same time he also judged that neither Gu Jinnian nor his junior brother Chang Yuntian were the opponents he wanted to face.

When two people fight, no matter who loses, it is a good thing for him.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun was faster and he was going to set up a game.

The disaster of Buddhist misfortune.

Six paths of reincarnation, ten halls of Yama.

And this terrifying aura has spread to the entire Eastern Wasteland.

The Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty had unusual eyes. Emperor Dajin stood up and looked at the Daxia Dynasty with some bitterness on their faces.

Gu Jinnian wrote such an article, I am afraid that this natural disaster in the Great Xia Dynasty can be easily solved.

If the Great Xia Dynasty can be easily solved, then the future fate of the Great Jin Dynasty will really be severely suppressed.

"Long Mi Bao Banknote must be implemented."

"This is a battle for the future national destiny of the Jin Dynasty."

The Golden Emperor secretly spoke in his heart.

And within the Jin Dynasty.

A Confucian scholar looked at all this. He was Su Wenjing's elder brother, a half-sage, and the dean of Daijin Academy.

He stared at the Daxia Dynasty, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Wen Jing!"

"You taught a good student."

He murmured to himself.

In the Exquisite Immortal Palace, Fairy Yaochi stared at the Great Xia Dynasty with her beautiful eyes. Her eyes, which were originally extremely calm, revealed a happy look, feeling happy for Gu Jinnian.

In the Qingqiu Mountains, Fairy Qingqian was also looking at the Daxia Dynasty. Looking at this scene, her beautiful face was full of smiles.

"The man I like is really different. He can even read scriptures about the Destiny Saint."

She murmured to herself, the admiration in her eyes became even stronger.

However, the truly terrifying thing is the Confucius Mansion.

The entire Confucius Mansion was trembling, the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. The Confucius Temple erupted with a blazing light, and the statue of the saint reflected the figure of Saint Confucius. However, this was not the arrival of Saint Confucius, but his will.

The appearance of the scriptures about the Destiny Saint made Confucius’ will come again.

"Tian Xingjian."

"A gentleman never stops improving himself."

The majestic sound penetrates between heaven and earth, conveying the entire world in an instant.

At this moment, a figure appeared, these were all ancient sages.

All the sages are reflected in the sky, breaking through the darkness, and they are surrounded by awe-inspiring righteousness.

The sky above Kyoto in Daxia.

Hundreds of schools of thought emerged, and each sage was awakened by the scriptures of the destined saint. They held scrolls, writing pens, guqins, or chess pieces in their hands to fight with the heaven and earth.

The appearance of hundreds of families converged into a terrifying real dragon figure.

The endless awe-inspiring righteousness also gathered into true dragons, hovering in the sky.

All the scholars have been greatly improved, and their awe-inspiring righteousness is more than ten times stronger than before?

And at this moment.

Su Wenjing woke up from the shock, and he sensed what this scripture about the Destiny Saint represented.

Then use all your strength to make a sound.

"The scholars of Daxia listen to orders."

"Gu Jinnian is a scholar of Daxia, and he has written peerless scriptures, which will increase our luck for Confucianism and Taoism. All scholars of Daxia, who recite the scriptures of saints, will receive blessings of luck and continue the immortal glory of Confucianism and Taoism."

Su Wenjing yelled, he knew what Gu Jinnian's Destiny Saint scripture represented. This was not a Destiny Saint scripture that explained the principles, but a Destiny Saint scripture that could improve the luck of the scholar.

Hearing this, thousands of scholars were dumbfounded.

They originally thought that Gu Jinnian's scripture was just to prevent the coming of the meteorite, but what they didn't expect was that it could also increase Confucianism and Taoism's luck, and increase their own luck.

If it is beneficial to themselves, everyone will be excited.

"Tian Xingjian."

"A gentleman never stops improving himself."

At this moment, Su Wenjing spoke up. He used his own energy and spirit to bless him. Although he no longer had the cultivation level of a semi-saint, his spirit was not weaker than that of a semi-sage.

A vast and majestic sound sounded.

This voice seemed to have divine power. As Su Wenjing recited it, his body glowed with light, and awe-inspiring righteousness poured into his body, completing his transformation.

In the academy, all the great scholars also began to recite along with them, and these scholars did not hesitate.

At this moment, all the scholars in the Great Xia Dynasty recited this scripture in unison.

"Excellent is the Qian Yuan Dynasty, when all things began and unified the sky. The clouds move and the rain flows, and the material flows in form."

A mighty sound.


The power of scholars has shocked the past and the present.

Finally, a golden dragon transformed at this moment. The endless awe-inspiring righteousness transformed into a golden dragon at this moment.


The sound of the dragon's roar carries through the history of ancient and modern times. It reaches the thirty-third heaven and the nine secluded places, shocking the world and making ghosts and gods weep.

And the divine light on Gu Jinnian's body became more and more dazzling and terrifying.

He kept reciting this scripture.

Until the end.

After reciting the Qian Gua, Gu Jinnian stood in the sky, his figure reflected in every place on the entire Divine Continent.

Like a destined saint.

Heaven and earth roar for it.

The sun and moon trembled for it.

Everything in the universe becomes dazzling because of Gu Jinnian.

"Excellent Kun Yuan, all living things are in harmony with heaven. Kun is thick and carries all things, and virtue is boundless. It contains Hongguang."

Gu Jinnian continued to recite, this is the beginning of the Kun hexagram.

Contains truth.

When he finished his explanation, Gu Jinnian's momentum completely exploded at this moment.


"A gentleman carries his wealth with kindness."

As these words rang out.

In the Great Xia Dynasty, the light in every scholar became blazing again.

Their awe-inspiring righteousness formed the shape of a dragon.

"Everyone is like a dragon."

There was a peerless strong man whose eyes widened. The dragon shape represented an ultimate meaning.

Dragon-shaped true energy, dragon-shaped magic power, dragon-shaped Buddha light, dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness.


It has two meanings, one refers to a real dragon, a powerful monster.

There is a second meaning, which is perfection, the ultimate, and the strongest existence.

At this moment, in the Great Xia Dynasty, as long as scholars with good intentions have been sublimated, as long as they are gentlemen, a dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness has been born in their bodies.

This dragon-shaped majestic righteousness is something that they may not be able to condense in decades or even in their lifetimes.

It's not that this dragon-shaped aura of righteousness can make them ten times stronger, but that this aura of awe-inspiring righteousness represents their spirit and can help them better practice Confucianism and Taoism in the future.

The realm that was originally impossible to break through can be easily broken through this dragon-shaped awe-inspiring true energy, but one must adhere to the way of a gentleman and have the heart of a gentleman.

If not, it is useless.

A simple explanation is that this dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness will make you stronger when you are strong and weak when you are weak, giving those who truly have the qualities of a gentleman a path to advancement.

"Let all the scholars in the entire Daxia Dynasty be like dragons, and the lineage of Confucianism and Taoism will be stable in the Daxia Dynasty."

Someone made a sound, their eyes were shocked, and they also realized what they were doing.

Gu Jinnian made all the scholars in the Daxia Dynasty like dragons, strengthening the Confucian and Taoist lineage. However, the problem is that all the Confucian and Taoist lineages are gathered in the Daxia Dynasty. This still has some selfish motives.

"More than that, I can't see it now. Ten years from now, twenty years from now, Daxia's Confucianism and Taoism will surpass everything else, especially when heaven and earth will bless them, and these scholars will also be able to reap some of the benefits."

"The takeoff of Great Xia is destined."

Some people gave affirmation and speculated about the future.

"Have you forgotten what Gu Jinnian said some time ago about cutting the luck of Confucianism and Taoism?"

"I didn't expect that he really did it today."

However, someone suddenly woke up and mentioned something Gu Jinnian said before.

As soon as this statement came out, countless Confucian and Taoist forces were shocked.

Especially those who had criticized Gu Jinnian were completely silent when they saw this scene.

Yes, some time ago, Gu Jinnian cut his luck in Confucianism and Taoism and said he would repay him.

But no one believes it, and no one wants to believe it. How can one improve the luck of Confucianism and Taoism as a whole?

And now, Gu Jinnian showed it to these people.

"It's really a scary life."

"In contrast, the older generation of scholars are really too proud."

"The stars of the past illuminated the way forward for future generations, and the firewood of today is also dazzling."

"It's time for me to retreat. This world should be left to these young people."

Some voices rang out, all of them were real big figures in Confucianism and Taoism. At this moment, some people felt indescribable admiration. They admired Gu Jinnian for serving the country and the people, and they also admired Gu Jinnian for having such a talent.

What Gu Jinnian did today made many scholars of the older generation completely give up on the struggle for destiny.

In front of such a dazzling fire, their already dim stars looked completely gloomy.

"When a gentleman travels, he first loses his way, and then he follows the path. When he finds friends in the southwest, he walks with the same kind of people; when he loses friends in the northeast, he ends up being happy."

Gu Jinnian continued to recite the Book of Changes.

A collection of dragons.

Every scholar embodies a dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness, including all scholars from the Xiongnu Kingdom, Fuluo Dynasty, Dajin Dynasty, Donghuang Dynasty, and even many great scholars in the entire Central Continent Dynasty.

At this moment, they all showed envy.

The scholars of the Great Xia Dynasty had the dragon shape and awe-inspiring righteousness. Not to mention other things, at least they would have no problem breaking through to a new realm in the future.

The realm of Li Yan breaks through to the realm of Confucianism.

It is very possible to break through to the Great Confucian realm and become a semi-saint.

The lower the level, the greater the possibility of breakthrough.

How can this not be enviable?

"Are only Daxia scholars capable of dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness? I also recite this sutra, but why is it useless?"

"Yes, I also started to read it. Why don't I have the dragon-shaped aura of righteousness? Is it possible that Confucianism still hides something private?"

Some voices sounded, and there was some confusion in these voices, but everyone understood that they contained some complaints.

This voice came from the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty. After they saw that the scholars of Daxia had received such benefits, they naturally followed the chanting of the scriptures, but they did not form a dragon-shaped aura of righteousness, so they began to ask questions.

There was a hint of accusation secretly, accusing Gu Jinnian of hiding his secrets.

"Shut up."

At this time, a semi-holy voice sounded.

Tell these people to shut up.

"This is the scripture of the Destined Saint, how can you blaspheme it?"

"The reason why there is no dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness is because you have not helped the Great Xia Dynasty."

"When there is a natural disaster, you stand by and watch, are you a gentleman?"

"If you are not a gentleman, how can you be like a dragon?"

"You need to study this scripture carefully, recite it every day, and explain its meaning. Only then will you have the opportunity to form a dragon-shaped awe-inspiring righteousness in the future."

"The scriptures of Confucianism and Taoism are not to make everyone become a real dragon, but to open up a path for everyone. This is what it means for everyone to be like a dragon."

"If you dare to talk nonsense in the future, I will personally go to the Jin Dynasty to abolish his Confucian lineage."

This is a reclusive semi-sage. Before Gu Jinnian wrote the scriptures on the Destiny Saint, he had been in hiding. He did not want to cause trouble in the world and concentrated on reading.

But after Gu Jinnian's article was published, he was completely shocked and admired Gu Jinnian completely.

Naturally, when you hear someone speaking like this, you can't help but give a lesson.


At this moment.

Dragon chants.

A 100,000-foot golden dragon hovered over Daxia Kyoto. This golden dragon covered the sky and covered the earth, and all the people in the entire Daxia Dynasty could see it when they raised their heads.

The people knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the golden dragon.

Such a terrifying golden dragon also flew towards the sky as Gu Jinnian's energy reached its peak.


Penetrate the void.

The mountains, rivers and earth were trembling, not violent vibrations, but that kind of resonance.

This golden dragon is thousands of times better than before.

The golden dragon soars into the sky.

Collide with this extraterrestrial meteorite.

The meteorite trembled, but the golden dragon bit the meteorite directly, and a blazing light bloomed, and everyone stared at the sky.

Looking forward to the results.

However, at this moment, a vast voice sounded.

"Student Chang Yuntian, a person from Qingzhou in Daxia, saved the people of Daxia with half a volume of scriptures about the saints of destiny."

As this voice sounded.

In an instant, it caused a lot of consternation.

Another scripture about the Destiny Saint?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

I saw a figure appearing in the sky above Kyoto. This figure was surrounded by light. It was majestic, handsome, and had a transcendent temperament. It was holding a scroll of scriptures about the Destiny Saint. Although it was a fragment, it was of great significance and value.

In the academy, Su Wenjing was a little shocked, but soon realized something was wrong.

Including Li Ruoyu and Lu Chengyan just now, I have never heard of these two people, but they are both great Confucians, and now there is Chang Yuntian, who is even more extraordinary.

Still carrying half a volume of scriptures about the Destiny Saint?

If it weren't for Gu Jinnian, Su Wenjing wouldn't have thought so much, but as Gu Jinnian relieved all the pressure, he had to be curious and confused.

"The saint saves me from the Great Xia Dynasty."

Chang Yuntian opened his mouth and threw out the scroll of scriptures about the Destiny Saint with a generous look on his face.

However, in an instant, Su Wenjing took action and directly took down the scroll of Destiny Saint Scripture.

"My little friend is interested."

"Now that the Marquis has determined the Great Summer Disaster, this Destiny Saint scripture will not have much effect for the time being. However, I deeply admire my little friend for having such a heart."

"This volume is placed in the Daxia Academy. When the Daxia Dynasty is in crisis again, it will be taken out to deal with the disaster. I wonder if you are willing, little friend?"

Su Wenjing spoke.

This volume of scriptures about saints has no effect at all. To be honest, Gu Jinnian is a complete volume and makes everyone feel like a dragon.

What good is this guy's scripture?

Taking it out is just the icing on the cake, and the most important thing is that taking this book of scriptures out will inevitably bring blessings from heaven and earth.

Without joking, the Great Xia Dynasty experienced five major natural disasters, especially this last natural disaster.

How scary is it?

It is reasonable to say that the country is subjugated.

The more you give, the more you will get.

As a semi-saint, Su Wenjing is actually already looking forward to what kind of blessings will be given by heaven and earth.

He couldn't imagine it.

But suddenly, here comes a mysterious man who can also produce the Destiny Saint scripture. No matter what his purpose is, this scripture is no longer needed. No one can be allowed to share the benefits that belong to Gu Jinnian.

Gu Jinnian paid too much.

Now I want to get a share of the pie, which is a wishful thinking.

When he saw the scriptures being snatched away by Su Wenjing from the sky above the academy, Chang Yuntian was not unhappy at all on the surface, but bowed to Su Wenjing.

"Since it is the teacher's wish, the students naturally have no objections."

"As long as it can save the common people of Great Xia, it is enough for the students."

The latter spoke calmly, which indeed gave people the feeling of a righteous man.

Chang Yuntian turned and left.

He didn't linger at all, as if he just came to deliver the scriptures of the Destiny Saint.

But in fact, he was very frustrated.

Extremely frustrating.

He knew how much this scroll of scriptures about the Destiny Saint was worth. He could have used this scroll to gain so many benefits for himself.

But now?

No benefit was gained at all, it was given to the Great Xia Dynasty in vain.

And for the sake of the subsequent plan, he could only swallow his anger and agree with his head lowered.



It's unspeakably frustrating.

In the academy, Li Ruoyu and Lu Chengyan were fine on the surface, but they were hurting inside. Chang Yuntian was their senior brother, and they were actually here to pave the way for their senior brother.

Their two volumes of saint scriptures were tampered with, but they would not be very effective. They brought hope to the people of Daxia, and then it was shattered.

This is their plan until their senior brother comes to save the world.

But what I didn't expect was.

All these plans were shattered by Gu Jinnian.




The sound of thunder sounded.

Following this voice, Su Wenjing and others couldn't help but look towards the sky.

Only the sky is visible.

The five-clawed golden dragon formed by the gathering of Haoran's righteousness has completely controlled the meteorite at this moment.


It's under control.

The meteorite gold was bitten by the golden dragon, and then flew downwards.

With the dragon's head revealed, this meteorite gold from the sky is extremely terrifying. It is more than a thousand feet wide and more than seven hundred feet tall. It looks extremely scary.

Like a big mountain.


Over the academy, Gu Jinnian spoke slowly.

At that moment, the golden dragon roared, and a heavy amount of divine power bombarded this piece of meteorite gold.

Then the meteorite exploded and turned into pieces of rubble.

However, the smallest piece is also one meter high, and the largest one is more than ten meters high.

The meteorite gold was broken.

Gu Jinnian controlled the golden dragon and piled these meteorite gold in a wasteland southwest of Kyoto in Daxia.

At that moment, a meteorite mountain appeared.

People were a little confused and didn't know why they didn't just crush it in the air.

But soon, the major dynasties immediately lost their voice.

"Is this about collecting meteorite gold and making weapons?"

Emperor Dajin immediately understood why Gu Jinnian did this.

This kind of meteorite gold is indestructible and terrifying. Even the scriptures of previous saints could not be shattered.

How terrifying would it be if weapons were made from this kind of meteorite?

He could see how terrifying it would be for the soldiers of the Great Xia Dynasty to hold such indestructible weapons in their hands.

The great danger hides the great opportunity.

Just this piece of meteorite gold can temper tens of millions of battle armors, swords, and war horse armors. In the future, the cavalry of the Great Xia Dynasty may surpass them all.

Of course, this is only possible. After all, this kind of meteorite gold cannot be refined casually. It cannot be smelted by ordinary flames and requires the help of the immortal family.

Otherwise, it will have little effect and cannot be mass produced.

But the more of this kind of material, the better. Even if it cannot be mass-produced, it is still a good thing to build it slowly.

However, at this moment.

Over the academy, Gu Jinnian's voice sounded again.


There was a sound of drinking.

The next moment, the golden dragon flew towards the sky and stars again, and people looked at it.

I saw this golden dragon condensed with awe-inspiring righteousness, frantically colliding with some meteorites.

They even traveled through space, came around other Death Stars, and forcibly destroyed some meteorites.

He bit the meteorite gold in his mouth and sent it back to the Great Xia Dynasty.

this moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Good guy.

You came on horseback to purchase goods, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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