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Chapter 221 Linji goes to the school! I will be at the top of the mountain

Chapter 221 Linjixiaxuegong! Be the top of the class and see all the mountains at a glance! The battle of chess!

It can be said.

The appearance of Su Wenjing made Jixia Academy more popular than ever before.

Everyone knows that Jixia Academy was postponed for half a year for Gu Jinnian, which is incredible in itself.

Jixia Academy has never done this.

As a result, the world will focus on Gu Jinnian and have two opinions.

One view is that Gu Jinnian will create his own new school at Jixia Academy.

After all, everything Gu Jinnian did before shocked everything in the world. His poetry was like a god, his literary talent was peerless, and everything he did for the Great Xia Dynasty cannot be left unsaid.

Buddha’s Ancient Sutras Town in the Western Desert.

Daozu Zhenjing Dingxian Sect.

The ancient scriptures that countless eminent Buddhist monks could not write were written by Gu Jinnian.

The true scripture that the Immortal Sect could not write for thousands of years was also written by Gu Jinnian.

But what you need to know is that what Gu Jinnian is best at is Confucianism and Taoism. He is not a cultivator of immortality or Buddhism.

Therefore, being able to write even the ancient Buddhist and Immortal scriptures would naturally create the illusion that Gu Jinnian could write the scriptures of Confucian and Taoist saints and create new knowledge.

This view is basically held by ordinary people and many scholars.

But the second view is.

Confucianism and Taoism are difficult because they involve the way of thinking. It is almost impossible to write a sutra like this.

Even though Gu Jinnian wrote the Book of Changes, a group of Confucian and Taoist scholars still did not recognize Gu Jinnian.

Of course, this kind of disapproval is not to criticize Gu Jinnian, nor is it to look down on Gu Jinnian. How many scholars in this world dare to look down on Gu Jinnian?

His literary talent is unparalleled, his poems are astounding, his articles weep about ghosts and gods, and he even wrote scriptures like the Book of Changes about a destined saint. Who dares to look down on Gu Jinnian?

It's just that the I Ching is a strange book, not a book of ideological education.

The scholarship of saints points out a path for future generations of scholars to learn and build eternal peace. It is a spiritual and ideological transformation.

The way of Confucius and Saints focuses on etiquette. If there is no way of etiquette, human nature will collapse. The weak will eat the strong, just like animals, they only know how to kill, and they will be like barbarians who are rude.

Respecting the old and loving the young, these four words may seem simple, but they contain infinite truth. Without this courtesy, think about what the world would be like.

Now, Gu Jinnian wants to create a new learning. The reason why they don't believe it is not only an ideological issue, but also that the saint's new learning must be in line with the natural way of heaven and earth, and at the same time, it must be good and cannot be repeated.

The etiquette of Confucius and Saints.

Ya Sheng’s Royal Ceremony.

The national ritual of restoration.

Zong Sheng’s Confucianism.

Under these holy wills, it is difficult for you to create new knowledge.

Even if it is created, it must be adapted to everyone. It cannot be said that it has created an academic field. It can only be understood by scholars, but not by the common people.

This is the scary and difficult part of starting new science.

The disapproval is not out of malice, but because of the extraordinary nature of Confucianism and Taoism.

But the problem is, with the arrival of Su Wenjing, this thinking has completely changed.

It may or may not be possible.

Now that Su Wenjing came, he made the whole Jixia Academy excited with three sentences, saying that Gu Jinnian would bring about a new and supreme learning. How could this not make everyone in the world shocked?

Gu Jinnian himself was extremely outstanding, and with a Half-Saint saying such words, the discussion naturally became one-sided.

Such words made the older generation look forward to Gu Jinnian even more, but also made the younger generation of scholars full of dissatisfaction.

But, what's the use of such dissatisfaction?

To put it more harshly, can it be compared to Gu Jinnian? I can only suffer from it.

Su Wenjing's words spread, making the entire Jixia Academy lively, and even some hidden forces had to come forward and come to Jixia Academy.

Just waiting for Gu Jinnian to arrive.

Although the forces that came were somewhat mixed, overall, they were divided into five forces.

Jixia Academy is one of the forces and is relatively neutral.

Most of the old-school Confucians come from scholarly families and can be understood as academic factions. Their views on Gu Jinnian can be considered very rational.

The new school of scholars, headed by Su Wenjing, strongly supported Gu Jinnian.

The older generation of prestigious Confucian scholars also prepared different academic disciplines, similar to those of the Seven Sages of Zhushan. For things like new learning, they had an innate resistance to anyone creating new learning and overly promoting the old learning.

As for the last hidden world and the great scholars from various countries, due to political factors and the fact that few people know about them, it is not clear what their attitudes and thoughts are. From the current point of view, I do not want Gu Jinnian to create new learning.

Destiny is about to come, and at this juncture, seeing the improvement of others naturally makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

If there is no destiny and Gu Jinnian makes immortal words, let Gu Jinnian make it.

It involves destiny.

This is indeed a big deal.

The next day.

With the last day left in Jixia Academy.

A figure appeared in Jixia Academy.

It's Changyuntian.

The difference is that Chang Yuntian's arrival did not cause any controversy in Jixia Academy, and many people were even unfamiliar with Chang Yuntian.

Even in the evening, people from the Kong family came. In the past, it was a great joy for a great scholar from the Kong family to come. Even if it was Jixia Academy, it would be treated with respect. But now the Kong family comes to Jixia

In the Academy, I was only entertained once or twice normally.

Because everyone is waiting for Gu Jinnian.

After all, it was because Su Wenjing was too full of words and insisted on saying that Gu Jinnian would bring supreme new learning and complete the final words of the Three Immortals of the Saints in Jixia Academy.

it's good now.

Passed on from one person to another, people who had not planned to come here all came. Everyone was waiting and looking forward to how Gu Jinnian would create a new school.

This situation also made Su Wenjing a little speechless.

He did not expect that it would attract such a huge response. Great scholars from all over the world came and some hidden families sent people to come. Some of them had exaggerated backgrounds and were from saintly families.

Although it is not a family of destined saints, it is an exaggeration to say that it is a saint family.

Moreover, all countries have turned their attention, looking forward to what kind of knowledge Gu Jinnian will create this time in Jixia Academy.

Therefore, Su Wenjing was under a bit of pressure. He knew that Gu Jinnian definitely had his own knowledge, but he was not sure whether it was a new and unparalleled knowledge.

For some reason, Su Wenjing felt a little stressed.

And as time goes by, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger. Regardless of whether Gu Jinnian is under too much pressure, he is under a lot of pressure anyway, because some great scholars have started to follow suit.


Just yesterday, the older generation of Confucianists still had doubts, and the Confucianists who followed Su Wenjing to resist the Great Summer Disaster began to praise Gu Jinnian.

It was okay at the beginning, the blowing was not excessive, but as time went on, the blowing became more and more excessive.

Especially Lu Yuan, who claimed to be a great scholar with thunderbolt skills, was even more outrageous.

"To be honest, when I was in the Confucius Mansion, I specially exchanged a few words with Gu Jinnian. He vaguely told me about the new learning. After listening to it, I was astonished. To this day, I have benefited a lot."

"If you put it this way, I have actually heard about Jinnian's new learning. It is really shocking."

"If you want to say that, I should have heard it. However, because Jinnian still had many things to do, I only listened to a few sentences. Now I am about to come into contact with the path of the Holy Path."

This was the trend yesterday. Everyone said they had heard Gu Jinnian talk about this new learning.

And today's trend is even more terrifying.

"I have heard something about Gu Jinnian's new learning. If nothing unexpected happens, he will enter the semi-sacred realm within three years."

"Three years? Please stop insulting Jinnian. If nothing else, tomorrow I will step into the semi-saint realm directly after Jinnian goes to Jixia Academy and reveals his new knowledge."

"Ashamed, ashamed. I was lucky enough to listen to a section of Jinnian's new teachings. Unfortunately, my qualifications were too poor and I barely managed to become a great Confucian. I came here just because I wanted to listen more."

To say that yesterday's atmosphere was at least somewhat reliable, today it is completely unreliable.

It was Lu Yuan who brought the limelight, and the other great scholars responded one by one.

Such remarks are naturally questioned.

Some people don't believe it and think this is too exaggerated.

But I don’t know what kind of brain this great scholar with thunderbolt skills is, but he actually gave the most perfect answer. Su Wenjing couldn’t help but be amazed after hearing this.

"For the Confucius family banquet, Jinnian invited Kong Sheng. Don't you really think that Jinnian was wronged? Kong Sheng just came forward, right?"

"Do you really think that the emergence of Kong Sheng is because the Kong family did not do well?"

"Throughout the past and present, has the Kong family failed to do this one thing well?"

"You guys are really stupid. In Jinnian, you defended the people of Jiangning County. This is the virtue of a saint. Then Bailu Mansion killed corrupt officials. This is a meritorious service to the country. On the day of Confucius Mansion, he used his words to attract Confucius.

The Holy Advent."

"Otherwise, you might as well go to the Confucius Temple to curse the Confucius family and see if Confucius will come?"

Lu Yuan's answer is simply perfect.

After Su Wenjing heard this, he felt it was extremely reasonable.

And all the great scholars in Jixia Academy couldn't help but think it was reasonable.

After all, asking Saint Kong to come to the world is really not something that ordinary people can do.

I didn't think about it carefully before.

Now with Lu Yuan’s answer, everyone’s ideas seem to be clear.

Indeed, isn’t this the only thing the Kong family did that was bad? Besides, Gu Jinnian was not the only one to scold the Kong family?

There were also some great Confucian scholars who criticized the Confucian family, but so what?

Has Saint Kong arrived?

The answer is no.

But in a fit of rage, Gu Jinnian was able to summon Kong Sheng's will to descend. What does this mean?

This means that Gu Jinnian may have completed his statement at that time.

It is one who truly possesses supreme new learning.

As a result, it would be difficult for the older generation of great scholars, such as the Seven Sages of Zhushan, who were extremely prestigious, to continue to question him.

It was precisely because of these things that Su Wenjing felt extremely stressed.

Because it’s not round.

It would be troublesome if Gu Jinnian came here and really didn't set a new path.

The greater the praise, the more painful it will be when you fall back.

"Trouble, trouble."

Under the night sky, Su Wenjing counted the time. He had already considered whether he should go to Gu Jinnian and persuade him to go back.

If you are not completely sure, the situation will be as it is now.

I'm just afraid it will really cause trouble.

Inside the Academy.

Another place.

Chang Yuntian was sitting in a courtyard, listening to the news brought by Li Ruoyu and Lu Chengyan.

"Senior brother, this time Jixia Academy is far better than any previous one. It is said that descendants of Ya Sheng are here."

"Senior Brother Changyun, the momentum has been built. Now in the entire Jixia Academy, everyone is touting Gu Jinnian. Even the fact that Gu Jinnian wants to come to Jixia Academy to create a new supreme school has been spread by the two junior brothers.

go out."

"All scholars in the Xiongnu Kingdom, Fuluo Dynasty, Dajin Dynasty, and Daxia Dynasty have begun to spread the news. If nothing happens, tomorrow this matter will spread throughout the entire Shenzhou Continent. By then, no one will know about it, and no one will know about it.

People don’t know.”

The two of them opened their mouths and told Changyuntian Ting what they had done.


"In that case, then just wait patiently for Gu Jinnian to come."

Chang Yuntian nodded with satisfaction, and Lu Chengyan couldn't help but wonder.

"Brother, what's the point of us doing this?"

"It's not good for us to help Gu Jinnian build momentum, right?"

Lu Chengyan opened his mouth and looked at Chang Yuntian and asked.

In the past two days, although some people praised Gu Jinnian, everyone followed suit and created such a trend. Li Ruoyu and Lu Chengyan can be said to have contributed a lot.

But Lu Chengyan was also extremely curious and didn't understand the meaning of this.

Is it possible to increase others' ambition and destroy one's own prestige?

After hearing what Lu Chengyan said, Chang Yuntian looked extremely calm and said.

"Sometimes praising someone is more cruel than criticizing someone."

"Su Wenjing praises Gu Jinnian, so I will do Su Wenjing a favor and praise Gu Jinnian to the sky. If this happens, everyone will have great expectations for Gu Jinnian."

"I hope that Gu Jinnian can create a supreme new school in Jixia Academy. If Gu Jinnian cannot create it, then everyone will be disappointed."

"It's a huge disappointment. At that time, the myth belonging to Gu Jinnian will also come to an end."

Chang Yuntian showed a confident smile and said this.

"But what if Gu Jinnian really creates a new supreme science?"

Li Ruoyu couldn't help but say, "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, I'm just afraid of what happens."

"If he really created a new supreme science, what could he do?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, Gu Jinnian does have earth-shattering talents, and he may indeed create a new world of learning."

"But if we choose to criticize Gu Jinnian and Gu Jinnian created a new supreme knowledge, then we will become the laughing stock of the world. On the contrary, if we praise Gu Jinnian, what will happen even if we praise him? The momentum has already risen, what can he do to me?


"If we say that we are flattering, they are also flattering."

"You two remember that you must be in a favorable position against the enemy, so you can advance or retreat."

"Why did Gu Jinnian's enemies end miserably? It's not that they can't compare to Gu Jinnian, it's that they didn't leave a way out for themselves."

Chang Yuntian spoke.

After teaching the two people, they couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement with this statement.

"Senior Brother Chang, do you think Gu Jinnian will create a new and supreme learning?"

"Yes, junior brother is also very curious."

The two of them looked at Chang Yuntian. No matter how he did things, he did them anyway. The most curious thing at the moment was whether Gu Jinnian could create a new supreme learning.

"Not very likely."

"Gu Jinnian will definitely bring new learning. After all, at his level, it is inevitable to have a certain understanding. It is impossible to say that there is no understanding."

"But it doesn't necessarily mean it's supreme."

"Confucianism and the road to becoming a saint are not easy to follow. It is not like the Immortal School or Buddhism, where compassion is the main focus, or the original intention is the main focus, and scriptures can be derived."

"Furthermore, Gu Jinnian's Medicine King Sutra is mainly about great aspirations and is not a sutra about Buddhist thought. This sutra about saving people is only about saving people in the world and has little to do with Taoism."

"Supreme new learning must be connected with thoughts, otherwise it will be useless."

Chang Yuntian spoke. He was not criticizing Gu Jinnian for no reason, but expressed his understanding.

If you can't do it, you just can't do it. Of course you have your own feelings and thoughts, and he believes this.

The two nodded.

But for what Chang Yuntian said, it was half and half, after all, what Gu Jinnian did before had a huge impact.

But it is undeniable that the success in creating momentum this time was due to secret praise, but it was still because the person who was promoting Gu Jinnian was Gu Jinnian. If it had been someone else, he probably wouldn't have been able to create this momentum.

What is the end result.

We can only wait for Gu Jinnian to arrive tomorrow.

And at this moment.

The Eastern Wasteland is the border land between Qi and Lu.

On a lonely deserted road.

The lone star accompanies the bright moon.

Gu Jinnian walked on this road alone.

He is somewhat aimless.

Ever since I saw the evil in the world, the questions that puzzled me were like saplings that took root and kept growing.

Gu Jinnian encountered his biggest crisis.

That is ideological confusion.

This kind of confusion made Gu Jinnian almost unable to extricate himself.

And he deeply understands that he cannot rely on others but only himself.

If you can't figure it out, it's useless for anyone to help you.

This is your own way.

How to resolve the evil in this world.

What is the goal of a scholar?

Although I know that knowing and doing are one, I still feel endless confusion after knowing this.

The Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

How can you find your own way?

What should I do to take this most critical step?

At this moment.

Only then did Gu Jinnian understand why the path of Confucianism and Taoism was so difficult, and he also fully understood how difficult it was to become a saint.


After a long time.

Gu Jinchang let out a long breath.



All kinds of emotions have become their own shackles.

They say they should calm down, but in the end, how can they really calm down?

What I saw along the way.

What I encountered along the way.

It is difficult to truly understand.

"I'm afraid that Jixia Academy will disappoint many people this time."

Gu Jinnian sighed. Although he didn't know the current situation of Jixia Academy, he had some guesses. Jixia Academy had been delaying it for half a year.

The eyes of everyone in the world will be focused on him, but Gu Jinnian understands that with his current situation, it is too difficult to make an immortal statement.

If you don't understand it yourself, just say a word, "Knowing and doing are one."

Just want to fulfill your promise?

This is too childish.

And it will not be recognized by heaven and earth.

Only after you truly understand it can you be recognized by heaven and earth. If you don't understand it yourself, just a few words will not mean much.

Look up.

The stars were scattered and stood half-moon, and there was an indescribable depression coming over me.

"Don't be too persistent."

"Otherwise, I will be deeply trapped in it, getting deeper and deeper."

"I still need to settle, more precipitation, otherwise, I will force myself to understand some things that I cannot understand."

"On the contrary, it is a fault, and it will not be a good thing for my practice."

Gu Jinnian murmured to himself.

He actually understands his current situation better than anyone else.

Since studying Confucianism and Taoism, I have relied on the poems of the sages, and I have become a blockbuster. In just one and a half years, I have done so many things, received blessings from heaven and earth, and become a great Confucian.

If this were not the case, I would be nothing more than a Confucian scholar now.

In other words, some are overruling the seedlings and encouraging their growth.

Now, these honors have turned into shackles, putting himself in an unprecedented predicament.

This is not a good thing.

Confucianism and Taoism cannot become saints just because they want to be saints.




more important.

Thinking of this, Gu Jinnian no longer hesitated. He walked quickly and used his magical power.

Rushing towards Jixia Academy.

He chose to let go, not to give up, but to let go of the attachments in his heart.

Jixia Academy put a lot of pressure on him, because everything in the past gave Gu Jinnian some illusions, thinking that he was different and that he was really the son of destiny.

But what he experienced during this period forced Gu Jinnian to look back.

All my achievements are nothing more than relying on poetry, articles by sages, and some thoughts.

There are not many things that truly belong to you.

If I have to say it, a breath of awe-inspiring might be the only thing I have. What else is my own?

This time at Jixia Academy, Gu Jinnian has chosen to give up. He does not expect to create any new learning.

Just think of it as a learning experience.

Learn something you have never learned before, communicate more with seniors, and cultivate yourself.

He doesn't want anyone to deify himself.

I don’t want to be deified either.

With this thought, Gu Jinnian felt a sense of relief.

in this way.

The next day.

The golden sun shines high.

Donghuang, Tongtian Peak.

This is the highest mountain in the Eastern Wasteland, Jixia Academy, just above Tongtian Peak.

And today.

Gu Jinnian's figure also appeared under Tongtian Peak.

With the arrival of Gu Jinnian.

Suddenly, the entire Jixia Academy was completely boiling at this moment.

In the past few days, countless great scholars have been praising Gu Jinnian.

There was an endless stream of praises, which even aroused a certain amount of disgust, but even if they were disgusted, no one dared to say anything. After all, about 90% of the scholars or scholars supported Gu Jinnian.

Under Tongtian Peak.

Gu Jinnian did not rely on magical powers, but climbed to the top step by step.

"Gu Jinnian is here."

As a voice sounded, countless great scholars from Jixia Academy came to the outside of the academy as quickly as possible to wait for Gu Jinnian.

Su Wenjing was the fastest and came directly outside the academy.

"Report! Gu Jinnian has climbed up the mountainside, and he is climbing to the peak on foot."

The voice sounded.

Jixia Academy has already sent people to keep an eye on Gu Jinnian.

How many people have come and gone in such a scene from ancient times to modern times?

Tens of thousands of scholars gathered together in a lively voice. They came from all over the world just to witness Gu Jinnian's grace.

"Walking up to the peak? It seems that Jinnian is on the Mingwu Avenue."

"Actually walking? Such a grace is rare in ancient and modern times."

"As expected of Gu Jinnian, a saint for future generations, even the method of climbing up the mountain is unique."

At this time, before anyone arrived, some voices of praise could be heard.

Among the crowd, Su Wenjing frowned a little because these people praised him so much.

But after all, he was the leader, so he couldn't say anything.

About two hours later, the scholars from the academy came to report again.

"Report! Gu Jinnian is almost approaching the top of the mountain."

Hearing that tens of thousands of Confucian and Taoist scholars, including representatives sent by major forces, were approaching the top of the mountain, they became even more excited.

Gu Jinnian.

This name has become the most brilliant name in this divine continent.

Like a sun, suspended in the sky.

Even someone like Chang Yuntian couldn't help but come out and want to see Gu Jinnian.

And at this moment.

Among the mountain roads.

The golden sun at noon reflected the sky and the earth. Gu Jinnian stepped on the mottled stairs and walked forward step by step.

He is not slow and is enjoying all the beautiful scenery.

Perhaps because he let go of his attachments and shackles, Gu Jinnian felt particularly relaxed.

Occasionally, I even stop to gaze at the beautiful scenery and appreciate the beauty of the world.

It was approaching evening and entering dusk.

The sunset glows over the clouds, and the orange-red clouds look particularly beautiful in the sky.

This phenomenon of burning clouds makes people unable to help but stop and appreciate the beauty of this world.

Gu Jinnian smiled slightly.

The troubles in my heart these days and everything in my heart are diluted by these beautiful scenery.

Then, half an hour.

Gu Jinnian stepped onto the top of the mountain.

I saw the majestic Jixia Academy.

The bricks and tiles are crystal clear, and the academy is majestic and majestic. When you look up, you can see the stars as companions, as if you can reach out and touch them. In the palace, there are also the sounds of pianos and the sound of scholars chanting sutras.

Tens of thousands of scholars gathered around the entrance of the academy.

Pairs of eyes, at this moment, all fell on him.

Feeling the attention of everyone, Gu Jinnian was not surprised at all, but instead bowed towards the academy.

"I am Gu Jinnian, coming to invite you to Jixia Academy."

Gu Jinnian's voice sounded.

Neither humble nor arrogant.

At this time, a figure galloped from Jixia Academy, turned into a starlight, and arrived not far from Gu Jinnian.

"I'll see the dean later."

In an instant, the students in Jixia Academy spoke out one after another and bowed to the old man.

This is the dean of Jixia Academy.

Tens of thousands of scholars on both sides could not help but marvel at this moment.

The dean of Jixia Academy actually came out to greet Gu Jinnian in person. Such a scene is rare in ancient times.

You know, even if Su Wenjing came in person, the dean of the Academy did not come out to greet him personally.

But Gu Jinnian did it.

This shows how important Gu Jinnian is to Jixia Academy.

"I have seen the saint of the hereafter."

The dean of the Academy appeared, his face was full of joy, and when he saw Gu Jinnian again, he even saluted him.

This shocked many people.

Even Gu Jinnian never thought that the dean of Jixia Academy would respect him so much.

"You're welcome, sir."

"Juniors don't dare to take this responsibility."

Gu Jinnian didn't ask for help, but he responded with courtesy.

However, the dean of the Academy stood up, shook his head, looked at Gu Jinnian and said.

"I have been in the academy for decades, but the title of Duke Gu is like thunder."

"Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry forward the unique teachings of the past saints, and create peace for all generations."

"These four words alone make me admire you endlessly."

"Please pray for the people and punish corrupt officials."

"For the innocent children of Bailu Mansion, I killed the officials in anger."

"During a natural disaster, I bowed down and set up a fairy gate to ask for a rain talisman, and my heart was filled with great righteousness."

"Gong Gu, although you are young, everything you do is to pray for the people and to serve the common people."

"I am older, but I only have an empty reputation. Compared with Gu Gong, I feel ashamed. This bow is for all the past things of Gu Gong. I believe that all scholars in the world should bow to him."

The Academy Dean spoke.

He did not do it because of Gu Jinnian's false reputation, nor did he come to praise and kill Gu Jinnian, but because of the justice and awe-inspiring righteousness in his heart.

Gu Jinnian came to pay his respects because he was praying for the people and so on.

Regardless of Gu Jinnian's identity or what Gu Jinnian was doing today, he had to bow to Gu Jinnian like this when he saw him.

Such righteousness shocked everyone present.

But if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable. After all, if you have no moral character, how can you become the dean of Jixia Academy?

"Sir, you are overly complimentary."

"Junior just acts according to his heart."

Gu Jinnian spoke up and said seriously.

"Gu Gongyi."

The latter didn't say much and continued to bow to Gu Jinnian. Looking back, Jinnian did not return the bow and accepted it calmly.

Immediately afterwards, the Academy Dean spoke again, causing a commotion.

"Gu Gong."

"I have something to ask of you."

"I also ask Mr. Gu to compose a poem based on the mountain scenery, so as to open the academic conference."

The dean of the Academy opened his mouth. After saying this, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Everyone knows that Gu Jinnian is a god in poetry, but now he asked Gu Jinnian to write a poem.

It's true that Jixia Academy took advantage of it.

However, everyone understands the dean's thoughts. The time has indeed arrived now. The academic dispute in Jixia Academy has been delayed for half a year. As soon as the time passes today, the conference should begin.

Now, please ask Gu Jinnian to compose a poem. It is indeed a kind of elegance and it can also open the grand event.

Hear this.

Gu Jinnian was stunned for a moment.

However, he did not refuse, but slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, taking a glance at the beautiful scenery.

Under the Tongtian Peak, layers of white clouds wash away the ravines in my chest.

The returning bird flies gracefully into the eye socket of admiring the scenery.

The beauty of nature brings together thousands of beautiful scenery, with mountains to the south and north separating morning and dusk.

Gu Jinnian smiled slightly.

Then he spoke slowly.

"How is Mr. Dai Zong? Qilu is still young."

"The clock of good fortune is beautiful, and the yin and yang cut off the dusk."

"Zeng Yun is born when the chest is widened, and the returning bird returns to the canthus."

"You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of all the small mountains."

Gu Jinnian spoke up and read out Du Fu's masterpiece "Wang Yue".

This poem is an extremely classic poem, but now it fits the same situation.

This is Tongtian Peak, which is the highest mountain in the Eastern Wasteland.

Standing here, overlooking the other peaks, I am full of pride.

It comes out as the poem is recited.

In an instant, the mountain peaks burst out with infinite light, a kind of hazy beauty, coming from the horizon.

In Jixia Academy, the bells rang, which shocked people's hearts.

The mountain peaks roared in, ruffling Gu Jinnian's clothes as he stood on the edge of the cliff.

Extremely passionate.

The peerlessness of scholars is also vividly demonstrated at this moment.

Countless scholars throughout the academy were also amazed at this moment.

They knew that Gu Jinnian's poems were peerless and his words would be remembered for eternity, but they did not expect that this was really the case.

Some people who had only heard of Gu Jinnian thought it was just a rumor.

And I saw you today.

But I never thought that the rumors were still conservative.

Gu Jinnian’s pride.

Gu Jinnian's literary style made everyone present couldn't help but envy him, and they envied him from the bottom of their hearts.

Some great scholars couldn't help but be excited and admired after listening to this poem.

"You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of all the mountains. This sentence alone can be passed down through the ages."

"The clock of creation is beautiful, the yin and yang cut off the dusk, and the cross road completes the beauty of this peak that reaches the sky."

"You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will have a panoramic view of all the small mountains."

They marveled and recited this song "Wang Yue" and felt Gu Jinnian's courage.

This sentence has two meanings, and everyone can understand it.


Among the crowd, Su Wenjing's voice rang out with a smile on his face. Before, he was worried that Gu Jinnian would not be able to learn new things. But now that he has composed poems like this, it shows that Gu Jinnian has absolute confidence.

"The title of Immortal Poet is indeed well-deserved."

The dean of the academy spoke up and praised Gu Jinnian.

Then, along with a burst of bells, the voice of the Academy Dean also rang.

"Jixia Academy, the academic conference begins at this time."

The voice fell.

The entire Jixia Academy bloomed with a strange light. The light was astonishing and reached into the sky.

At the same time, the voice of the Academy Dean continued to sound.

"Jixia Academy, to make friends through literature, has set up three levels."

"The first level is the level of chess."

"The chess player contains the secrets of heaven and earth."

"The second level is the defense level."

"Set up nine debate platforms, one question and one debate."

"The third level is an academic dispute. The academic platform is established. Those who stand on the platform can explain their own academics, and all scholars can refute. If they cannot answer, their own explanations will be defeated. If they cannot refute, then the academic platform will be established."

The voice sounded, telling the three levels of Jixia Academy this time.

These three levels are as before, nothing has changed.

Chess itself is the specialty of Jixia Academy, so it will naturally be set as the first level.

As for this defense, it is a question-and-answer discussion that tests wisdom. It is mainly a method of competition among the three major schools of immortality, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

The final academic battle is the highlight.


The Dean of the Academy returned to the Academy.

There was nothing more to say.

at the same time.

The closed door of the academy slowly opened at this moment.

Nine figures appeared in front of everyone, and a chess table was placed in front of them, waiting for people to come and challenge.

These nine people are all national chess players. They have no skills at all. They were indeed embarrassed in the past.

But even so, there are still some people who are not afraid and start to challenge.

The three levels are different from each other.

If you want to play chess, play chess, and if you want to defend, then defend.

The academic battle can also start now, it depends on whether anyone dares to take the stage.

It was at this time.

Su Wenjing's figure appeared in front of Gu Jinnian.

"Jin Nian."

"Do you have confidence in the academic theory?"

Came to Gu Jinnian.

Su Wenjing directly sent a message and asked Gu Jinnian about academic matters.

He was still a little worried, so he asked.

"Mr. Hui, I have no clue."

Gu Jinnian gave a direct answer and did not want to give Su Wenjing any illusions.

No thoughts, just no thoughts.

Hearing this, Su Wenjing's eyes couldn't help but change.

"This is trouble."

"Everyone is waiting for you."

"Oh, it's my fault, I forced you to create momentum."

Su Wenjing spoke up, somewhat blaming himself.

He didn't expect that Gu Jinnian had no clue at all.

This made him even more silent.

"Sir, your words are serious."

"That's not a bad thing. I don't need anyone to deify me."

"It's a good thing not to be able to answer. At least if you encounter any trouble in the future, you won't put all your hopes on me."

"This is good. It can unlock the shackles in my heart."

Gu Jinnian spoke up.

He doesn't think this is a bad thing, on the contrary, it doesn't exist.

It is good to let the world know that you are not a god, and also let yourself understand that you are not an omnipotent existence.

Hearing Gu Jinnian speak like this.

Su Wenjing was a little surprised.

Then, after a while of silence, he actually understood that new learning is as difficult as climbing to the sky, which is actually a reasonable thing, so after a while, Su Wen nodded and said.

"It's best if you can stabilize your mentality. If you think about it carefully, it's really not a bad thing."

"Jin Nian, I will fight for the destiny mark of chess for you. The great battle is about to begin. It is a good thing to get a few more destiny marks."

Su Wenjing spoke.

Since Gu Jinnian can have such a thorough idea, this is also a good thing.

"Excuse me, sir."

Gu Jinnian nodded.

Then, Su Wenjing walked into the front hall.

At this time, the first Confucian to face the battle also received news of his defeat.

Chess is the strong point of Jixia Academy. There is almost no one, even some great scholars, and it has no effect.

Moreover, the chess game in Jixia Academy is limited by rules. You must make a move within ten breaths, and the test is the ultimate layout.

With the defeat of four or five people, some people became even more afraid.

It was at this time.

Su Wenjing came on the scene. He moved very quickly and almost passed the level. In less than half an hour, he reached the seventh level.

But what people didn't expect was that Su Wenjing lost at the seventh level.

Wrong bet.

Although Su Wenjing is a semi-sage, in terms of chess, he cannot compare with these people who were born for chess.

He lost.

I didn't even think that I would lose at the seventh level.

This is unexpected, but also reasonable.

"It seems that in just five years, the strength of these nine national players has been greatly improved."

"Yes, they are focused on chess. Unlike us, even though they have studied painstakingly for several years, in comparison, they are still far behind."

"Even Su Wenjing lost. It seems there is no need for us to play."

"As for chess, Jixia Academy is the stronger one after all."

"Let's wait for the academic dispute."

"Well, let's wait for the academic dispute."

The crowd's voices rang out.

Su Wenjing's defeat indeed caused an uproar.

After all, the dignified Half-Saint lost at the seventh level, which is really shocking.

And at this time.

among the crowd.

A young man stood quietly outside the front hall, watching the situation inside the front hall.

Beside him stood Chang Yuntian.

"Junior brother."

"It's your turn to take action."

Chang Yuntian opened his mouth and let the other party pass.

It's just because his junior brother is a peerless chess player. He has been studying chess since he was a child.

Just waiting for this day.

However, after hearing this, the latter did not rush forward. Instead, he took the jade gourd in his hand, took a sip of wine and said calmly.

"Brother, don't be in a hurry."

"The more people who fail, the more powerful my chess skills will be."

He spoke, looking particularly confident.

As soon as he said this, Chang Yuntian couldn't help but frown slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at Gu Jinnian.

"It's better to do it as soon as possible."

"Lest anyone steal your spotlight."

Chang Yuntian reminded kindly.

He was afraid that his junior brother would make the same mistake again.

"rest assured."

"I can feel that the nine national players from Jixia Academy are very strong. No one here can defeat them."

"The Half-Saint's defeat at the seventh level proves everything."

"Not urgent."

The latter spoke calmly and became more confident.

Hearing this, Chang Yuntian didn't know what to say.

However, at this moment.

Su Wenjing frowned and came to Gu Jinnian.

"This shouldn't be the case."

"I was careless."

"Their chess skills have been transformed and improved, alas."

Su Wenjing really didn't expect that he would fail at the seventh level.

It's not because he is impatient.

But the opponent's strength has indeed improved.

"Sir, there is no need to be discouraged. The art of chess is not something that you focus on."

"It's normal to lose."

Gu Jinnian spoke up to comfort Su Wenjing.

It seemed incredible, but in fact, Gu Jinnian didn't think it was a big problem. After all, Su Wenjing was not famous for his chess skills.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Everyone is a national player, but whoever dares to test others is a mediocre person?

However, although what Gu Jinnian said made sense, Su Wenjing was still a little dissatisfied.

"Jin Nian."

"Come on."

"I will teach you in secret."

Su Wenjing was a little dissatisfied and opened his mouth to speak.


"Isn't this against the rules?"

Gu Jinnian didn't expect that Su Wenjing would let him do this?

"Jixia Academy has no such restrictions."

"This chess game has a different meaning. It is blessed by destiny and cannot be missed."

"If I am discovered, I will be the one who is embarrassed."

"Jinnian, you should know some chess rules, right?"

Su Wenjing doesn't care about all that, since the Seal of Destiny is important anyway, he doesn't care about the rest.

"Mr. Wenjing, this is not good."

"Students understand the rules. My uncle taught them."

"It's really unnecessary."

"It doesn't matter if I have less destiny, right?"

Gu Jinnian spoke, feeling a little helpless. Although this chess game contained destiny, it couldn't be like this.

It's boring.

"The great battle is about to begin."

"If you have something new to learn, you might as well say something. If you don't have something new to learn, and you have given up your destiny in chess, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"I have been involved in Confucianism and Taoism for so many years, but I have never done a business that lost money."

"You can just go."

"It was my fault that I was discovered."

"Jin Nian."

"At this time, don't worry about etiquette. You will see when you watch the academic debate later that none of these people are reasonable."

"As long as you can achieve something, it doesn't hurt to make some sacrifices sometimes."

Su Wenjing is very serious.

Let Gu Jinnian play chess while he directs from behind.

Faced with Su Wenjing's tough attitude.

Gu Jinnian sighed, but said nothing and walked directly towards the front hall.

However, Gu Jinnian did not intend to listen to Su Wenjing's statement.

Although those who talk about big things don't stick to small details.

But a gentleman has something to do and something not to do.

He still didn't want to do this kind of thing.

Come here, I just don’t want Mr. Wenjing to have other ideas.

It can be said that Gu Jinnian has thought about many things and underestimated many things on the way here.

This time Jixia Academy.

He didn't want to be too high-profile.

Being calm is also a good thing.


Follow Gu Jinnian into the front hall.

In an instant, it caused countless controversies.

"Gu Jinnian is also here?"

"Can he also play chess?"


"Su Wenjing is also a great player in chess, and Gu Jinnian is more or less good at it."

"Not necessarily."

"The peerless genius is definitely different from us. Maybe Gu Jinnian hides it deeply."

"Indeed, maybe it is really hidden."

Voices sounded one after another, and everyone's eyes were all focused on Gu Jinnian at this moment.

Ever since Gu Jinnian appeared, everyone's eyes have been on him.

Every move will cause huge controversy.

And saw Gu Jinnian appear.

Chang Yuntian, who had always been relatively calm, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Junior brother."

"Don't put it off any longer."

"This person is full of variables, don't underestimate him, hurry up and get ahead of him."

Chang Yuntian spoke out, asking his junior brother to hurry over.

He was worried that the same thing would happen.

One wrong step.

Wrong step.

If I hadn't been too conceited at the beginning.

It won't end like this.

Originally, according to his idea, he had saved the Great Xia Dynasty from the fire and water, so that he would be respected by all the people. He would directly join the court as an official without any help from any force.

All civil and military officials will also respect themselves.

At that time, I was convinced that I could form my own force, and there was no need to seek refuge with the King of Qin, and I could go directly to the prince.

Then in the court, he criticized Gu Jinnian and suppressed Gu Jinnian. With the help of his deeds of saving the people of Daxia, he could also break Gu Jinnian's invincible posture and let everyone in the world know about it.

There are many things that Gu Jinnian cannot do.

As long as he had taken one step ahead, or even half a step ahead, he would not be in the current situation.


At that time, I was too conceited and too proud.

Now, his junior brother is just like himself, arrogant and arrogant.

Of course he couldn't help but speak.

In any matter, the world will only remember the first, but not the second.

If Gu Jinnian passes the test, the reputation of first and second will not matter. It doesn't matter if you want these or not, the important point is destiny.

This is the most important.

After hearing this, the latter was still a little hesitant.

However, Chang Yuntian's cold voice sounded, forcing him to move.

"If Gu Jinnian takes away your destiny, even if you defeat Gu Jinnian, what will happen?"

"Destiny is the most important thing, put away the arrogance in your heart."

Chang Yuntian's voice was a little cold.

He had no choice but to know that his junior brother was arrogant.

So heavy medicine must be given.

Indeed, after listening to these words, the latter also understood the difference between big and small matters.

At that moment, he moved forward quickly, and in the end, he was half a step ahead of Gu Jinnian when he reached the first chess table.

Not far away, after seeing this scene, Chang Yuntian let out a breath.

Half a step ahead.

This is a good thing.

No matter whether Gu Jinnian can pass the nine levels in a row, at least the world is still uncertain.

And in the front hall.

I saw someone taking a step ahead.

Gu Jinnian didn't say much, but took half a step back.

Let the other person go first.

The other party, without saying a word, directly held the hand, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.


As a loud voice sounded.

next moment.

Nine national players came out.

Duan Kong, the innermost person in the front hall, moved to the first place, and the first person moved to the last place.

In an instant.

caused controversy.

Chang Yuntian not far away could not help but frown.

Targeting, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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