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Chapter 231 Your Majesty, your mother's calculus, the old minister is in the Xiongnu

Chapter 231 Your Majesty, the old ministers in the Huns have heard of your damn plan!

Daxia Kyoto.

Inside the palace.

In the Imperial Ancestral Temple.

Gu Jinnian controls the Liyang Cauldron.

The cauldron grew larger, filled with terrifying flames, burning the entire giant cauldron.

Gu Jinnian threw pieces of meteorite gold into it.

Soon, Gu Jinnian understood why his old uncle didn't think much of him.

Because the refining process is indeed very tedious, and as a saint, I cannot easily refine this meteorite gold into liquid gold.

needs time.

"You need to reach the seventh level of immortal cultivation, then you can refine it at will."

Gu Jinnian thought to himself.

He estimated that if he relied on his current level of strength to refine a Sky Fighter, it would take at least three days. This was because he had become a saint.

If it weren't for becoming a saint, I guess it wouldn't even be possible to complete it in three years according to my uncle's method.

"Fortunately, Liyang Cauldron's greatest ability is to temper all things, and strengthening is the key."

"The realm of immortality is just tempering time."

"If I reach the sixth realm, I can build one in one day. If I reach the seventh realm, I can build ten in one day."

"But a normally built fighter plane is equivalent to the peak strength of the Five Realms. I don't know how strong it will be after tempering."

"Nowadays, the Great World War has emerged, and the major immortal sects are competing for treasures, just like the Taixuan Immortal Sect. With the help of the treasures from Puyuan Mountain, the Taixuan Immortal Sect will be able to give birth to at least a hundred six-level experts in less than ten years.


"This is still based on the current situation. If there are more and more treasures in the sacred mountain in the future, and the natural materials and earthly treasures are getting better and better, then it won't necessarily be the case."

Gu Jinnian thought to himself.

Now, with the destiny coming and the great world revealed, there will be earth-shaking changes in the future, and the dynasty must also improve.

Fighters, treasure ships, and land warfare weapons, these three things must be worked out.

The training process is long and boring.

Gu Jinnian is dedicated to three things.

Forging out the meteorite metal.

Plus the enlightenment of the holy way.

At the same time, there was one thing that Gu Jinnian did not forget.

That was when Kong Sheng met him again after he made himself a saint.

Think of this.

Gu Jinnian entered with concentration.

Immediately in his mind, under the tree of living beings, a mark of the Holy Confucius surrounded the tree of living beings.

At this moment.

When Gu Jinnian entered the Tree of Living Beings.

In an instant, the surging power of the saint was absorbed into this mark.

As the saint's power was injected into it, the Kong Sheng's mark bloomed in an instant.

next moment.

Inside the tree of living beings, the light shines brightly.

Soon, Kong Sheng's figure appeared in front of Gu Jinnian again.

Unlike before, at this moment, Kong Sheng was not shining with precious light or having various visions. Instead, he seemed extremely calm.

He sat cross-legged under the Tree of Living Beings, looking around with clear eyes.

"Junior Gu Jinnian pays homage to Confucius."

Gu Jinnian bowed to Confucius and spoke with great respect.

"How long did it take for you to become a saint?"

Seeing Gu Jinnian again, Kong Sheng's face was gentle, but the tree of living beings shook and dropped pieces of peach petals, which looked particularly magical.

"It took me roughly a year and a half to get back to my senior."

Gu Jinnian counted the time and gave this answer.

"A year and a half."

"Has destiny arrived?"

Kong Sheng continued to ask.

"It has arrived."

Gu Jinnian nodded, and without saying much, he gave part of his memory to Kong Sheng.

Soon, after Kong Shengming understood Gu Jinnian's experience, he couldn't help but nodded.

"very good."

"It's good that you treat difficulties as a test. In this way, you can understand the holy way, know the true meaning of good and evil, and learn new things, which is very good."

"If you can reach the extreme of this new learning, you will be able to step into the realm of destiny."

Kong Shengming understood Gu Jinnian's holy way and couldn't help but admire Gu Jinnian's extraordinary qualities.

"The words of the sage are true. If it were not for the guidance of the sages, the students would not be able to reach this point."

Gu Jinnian spoke up and seemed very humble.

"Everyone has his own way. Once you reach it, you have reached it."

Kong Sheng spoke calmly, then his expression became serious, he looked at Gu Jinnian and spoke.

"Destiny has been revealed."

"The biggest turmoil is about to come."

"You have to be prepared for everything."

At this moment, Kong Sheng spoke up and told Gu Jinnian about this.


"May I ask the saint, what is the commotion?"

Gu Jinnian was well prepared, but what he didn't expect was that Kong Sheng's expression would be so serious. He was a destined saint.

I am just a saint, at the seventh level of Confucianism and Taoism. To be honest, I can already suppress this world. If I can become a destiny saint, I can easily solve all disasters.

This is what normal people think, whether it is themselves or others.

What I didn't expect was that Kong Sheng, as a destiny saint and the first destiny saint, would react like this.

"Ancient Darkness."

Kong Sheng spoke up and told the truth.

As he spoke, everything around him changed, and soon the surrounding spiritual energy surged, waterfalls, long rivers, and spiritual mountains and treasures became like a fairyland on earth.

Looking up, I saw a huge bird flying across the sky, which looked particularly terrifying.

The breath of the six realms came to my face.

Any ancient bird is in the Sixth Realm, which is terrible.

But Gu Jinnian knew that this was the ancient times.

"This is ancient times."

"Also known as the Golden Age."

"In this era, spiritual energy is a hundred times richer than in your era. Any living being can easily live for five hundred years. If one attains the Tao, he will be immortal for ten thousand years. They are everywhere."

"When I became enlightened, this era was at its peak."

"But after I passed away, the ancient era was wiped out, and almost everything died. After a long period of time, the heaven and earth gradually recovered, and new creatures were born."

"Do you know why?"

Confucius spoke out and spoke of the extraordinary things of ancient times.

Gu Jinnian watched quietly and was shocked by the difference in ancient times. Spiritual energy determines everything.

In ancient times, any place was a hundred times better than it is now.

There is no need to say more about some cave heavens and blessed places.

Brilliant and ultimate, prosperous and extraordinary, Gu Jinnian knew something about the ancient times and found some relevant information in the books he had read before.

But there is no way to know about the decline of ancient times. Although there are many conjectures, they are all fabrications and deductions by later generations.

No one can come up with real evidence to explain why the ancient times were wiped out.

The most important thing is that no one knows how many years are there between the ancient times and the medieval times.

Now that Kong Sheng answered, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but be curious.

"The disaster of becoming an immortal."

Kong Sheng opened his mouth and told the truth.

"Become an immortal?"

Gu Jinnian frowned slightly, not understanding, and looked at Kong Sheng.

"In ancient times, the swordsmanship of immortals, Buddhas, demons and demons has existed in the world forever. I created Confucianism and Taoism and established the seventh system."

"But before I realized my destiny, the immortals and Buddhas were the strongest existences."

"The two immortals and Buddhas who have lived for ten thousand years have inherited terror and rule the world. A seventh-level monk can cut the sky with one sword and has infinite magic power."

"It has reached its extreme. God's will cannot be violated, and immortality can't be violated."

"In terms of strength, he is not weaker than me, but in that era, many forces were looking for ways to become immortals."

"They believe that there is another world above this world. In this world, even if your talent is incredible and your physique is invincible, you will still be unable to enter the true path to becoming an immortal."

"Everyone is mortal, be it demons, demons, immortals or Buddhas. Ten thousand years is a limit. When the limit is reached, it is only thirteen thousand five hundred years. So far, no one can cross this limit."

"So, the monks in ancient times began to study the way to immortality."

"But with continuous research, some peerless people finally came up with new ideas, believing that luck is limited."

"If you want to become an immortal, you must get the luck of heaven and earth. Only by getting the luck of heaven and earth can you ascend to immortality and cross the supreme realm."

"Heaven and earth are corrupt but I am immortal."

"The sun and moon will perish but I will never perish."

"Stay with the world forever."

"And if you want to obtain the destiny of heaven and earth, in addition to your own talents and qualifications, you have to kill other people."

"By consolidating the destiny of heaven and earth into one clan, one can become an immortal."

"This is the curse of eternal life."

Kong Sheng opened his mouth and told the ancient truth.

Hearing this, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but frown.

"If this is true, in ancient times, there should have been a clan that completed the plunder. Did he become an immortal?"

Gu Jinnian roughly understood the situation.

And Gu Jinnian still agrees with this logic.

After all, looking back, history is rolling, whether it is Confucianism, Taoism or Immortality, every system has had amazing people, and they seem to be controlled.

This is like the bright moon in the sky. When the moon appears, the stars will decrease. When the moon disappears, the stars will twinkle.

Although this metaphor is not particularly appropriate, it can illustrate the corresponding problem.


"The curse of immortality has been suppressed by me for a long time, but in the end I obeyed destiny and passed away in ancient times. But before I died, I saw the future."

"The disaster of immortality breaks out, and all races compete for the destiny of heaven and earth, thus killing each other."

"The most terrifying thing is that through killing, their tribe has indeed given birth to many incredible people."

"In the immortal way, some legendary cultivation physiques were born, and in the martial arts, some legendary physiques were also born."

"It is precisely because of this that all tribes fight until the earth trembles, because there is only one tribe or even one person who wins."

"In the end, this horrific killing brought about heaven's punishment, but under heaven's punishment, more people benefited."

"In the end, this battle lasted for ten thousand years, piercing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, destroying all the dragon veins, causing great changes in the world, condensing destiny but not falling, forcibly stopping the killing, and evolving into the medieval era."

"That's the era you're in."

Kong Sheng opened his mouth and gave an explanation.

"No one is a winner?"

"If that's the case, there won't be much trouble."

"I have become a saint. Although I don't know whether the destiny can be verified or not, at least I am here to make the heaven and earth unchanged for thousands of years."

Gu Jinnian was shocked. After thousands of years of struggle, no one was the winner. This was really surprising.

Similarly, Gu Jinnian also expressed his thoughts. If there is no winner, then in this era, he can stabilize the situation.

At least he is still young and can suppress many people and rule as a dynasty.

However, Kong Sheng shook his head and said.


"Although there is no winner, it does not mean that everyone is dead."

"At that time, heaven and earth sealed the fate and forcibly stopped this ten thousand-year killing."

"There are five major races left. They survive with their peerless secret methods and are waiting for the world to revive."

"They know that heaven and earth cannot be sealed for too long, and one day it will come."

"So, after the end of the ancient times, why does destiny come every five hundred years? In fact, this destiny is just luck that cannot be sealed."

"But these lucks can only improve a little. If you get them, you can enter the Seventh Realm, that's all."

"Until now, the destiny can no longer be sealed, and the ancient grand occasion has been revealed again, and the world calls it the golden age."

"In other words, with the advent of the golden age, these five races will appear again to make the final decision."

Kong Sheng spoke up and informed Gu Jinnian about the five ancient tribes.

"Five tribes?"

Gu Jinnian finally understood what Kong Sheng warned him about.

The ancient existences are not dead yet. They are still living in this world, waiting for the destiny to revive, so that they can continue to fight for it.

"Well, in ancient times, there were thousands of tribes. After tens of thousands of years of fighting and fighting, five major tribes finally survived."

"The ancient sea clan, the ancient demon clan, the ancient human clan, the ancient demon clan, and the ancient god clan."

Kong Sheng spoke out and named the five major races.

"Ancient Gods?"

Gu Jinnian was a little surprised that there was still a force calling itself the God Clan.

"Well, the ancient protoss, there are not many of them, but each of them has extraordinary talents, which are naturally formed by the heaven and earth. They are born with the cultivation of the five realms, and each of the protoss has inherited magical powers."

"But their number is very small. There are 50,000 gods. After the war, I'm afraid not even one out of ten will be left."

Kong Sheng opened his mouth and informed the Gods of the information.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Are you born with the cultivation of the five realms?"

Gu Jinnian was surprised.

However, Gu Jinnian quickly calmed down. In the ancient battle, the five major races, the Gods, did not achieve the final victory, which meant that the Gods were not invincible.

Now, if there is not one out of ten, it is not too scary.

"If there are ancient humans here, even if they revive, my human race should have someone to protect them?"

Gu Jinnian continued to speak and raised his own questions.

The five ancient races.

Sea race, monster race, demon race, god race, human race.

Not all are enemies.

But Kong Sheng shook his head.

"No, none of the five tribes who have fought to the end will protect you. Their goal is luck."

"And if all five races are revived, they will be the first to cause great turmoil and kill future generations."

"This time the destiny is revealed, there are infinite treasures, and those who obtain the treasures are their targets. No one is their friend, and they will even kill each other among themselves."

"On the way to becoming an immortal, only one ethnic group can win. Even within these five major ethnic groups, there are even more terrifying beings. They want to kill everyone in the world, monopolize the destiny of the world by one person, and ascend and leave."

Kong Sheng replied and asked Gu Jinnian to give up the idea.

After thinking about it carefully, Kong Sheng was right. They have been fighting for thousands of years and they really don't care about the common people in the world. It is very likely that the ancient human race will attack the contemporary human race, and they will be even more ruthless.

"Do they have eight realms?"

Gu Jinnian asked the most critical question, whether there are eight realms.

If so, it would be really troublesome.

"used to have."

"It must be exterminated now."

"Destiny is sealed, and the strong people in the Eight Realms have long since died. Even if they survive to the Middle Ages, they have been weakened and no Eight Realms exist."

"This is for sure."

Confucius answered in the affirmative, there would be no eight realms.

After receiving this answer, Gu Jinchang let out a long breath. If there were eight realms, it would indeed be a troublesome thing for him.

"If there are no eight realms, students will have confidence and suppress everything."

Gu Jinnian spoke up and expressed his thoughts.

Without the eighth realm monk, Gu Jinnian has nothing to fear.

This is his confidence and his light.

Hearing this, Kong Sheng was extremely satisfied, and he smiled happily.

"I'm very satisfied that you have such confidence."

"And you have also been exposed to the way of the Holy King, which is very good."

"This is my holy king's mark. It can also be regarded as my last thing to do for the world and the common people."

Kong Sheng was very satisfied.

As he spoke, he condensed a mark, which was the mark of the Holy King of Kong Sheng, the way of the inner saint and the outer king.

Kong Sheng has reached the extreme on this road. Giving Gu Jinnian today can be regarded as helping Gu Jinnian.

"Thank you Kong Sheng."

Gu Jinnian performed the ceremony immediately. As a saint, he was now looking for the path of becoming a saint, so he naturally wanted to take this path to its extreme.

However, when the great age comes, for Gu Jinnian, what he lacks most is not rare treasures, but experience.

In other words, it is time.

Kong Sheng is a destined saint, and his Holy King Seal can prevent Gu Jinnian from making a hundred years of detours.

This is not inheritance, but reference.

Use Kong Sheng’s Holy King Seal to observe your own martial arts.

"Jin Nian."

"The future life will be left to you."

"Although the five ancient tribes have infinite strength, their destiny has just been revealed, and the world has not yet fully recovered. Their strength is suppressed. The stronger the existence, the more powerful the suppression."

"In a sense, you are on the same starting line as them, and you are even recognized by heaven and earth. As long as you seize the opportunity and move forward bravely, you are not afraid of all difficulties."

"You are not weaker than them."

"They are the fire of the past, and you are the glory of this world."

"You must remember that you cannot trust them and do not plunge into the darkness."

"Especially among the gods, there is a kind of being among them who is clever in words and seductive. Even the saints find it difficult to resist and will be incited unknowingly."

"You have to be vigilant."

Kong Sheng spoke.

Warn Gu Jinnian.

"Please don't worry, sir."

Gu Jinnian nodded solemnly.

Then Kong Sheng disappeared and turned into peach petals, and finally everything returned to calm.

After Kong Sheng disappears.

Gu Jinnian was silent for a while.

He did not expect that the future chaos would be related to the five ancient tribes. This was an unexpected thing.

But Gu Jinnian didn't have much reaction.

He knew that when the world came, there would be disaster, but it just came in a way that he couldn't think of.

Under the living beings tree.

Gu Jinnian looked at this ancient tree.

Since sanctification.

This ancient tree no longer had any strange phenomena, nor did it grow any fruits, which made Gu Jinnian a little curious.

In the past, ancient trees had some effects, but now they have very little effect.

Thinking of this, Gu Jinnian couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched the ancient tree.

He wanted to see if he could find any clues or find the differences between the trees of living beings.

As the power of the holy way sank into the ancient tree.

In an instant.

The ancient tree instantly bloomed with thousands of rays of rays of light, and soon the Tree of All Living Beings continued to shrink and eventually disappeared.

Such changes made Gu Jinnian speechless.


next moment.

In the heart area, Gu Jinnian noticed that the tree of living beings actually appeared in his heart, and then took root and sprouted. The branches turned into his own tendons, and the majestic vitality improved himself.

Every time his heart beats, Gu Jinnian undergoes an indescribable change, as if he is swallowing a panacea all the time.

"Will the Tree of All Living Beings merge with me?"

Gu Jinnian was surprised. He could feel that after he stepped into the holy realm, the tree of living beings was merging with him.


Gu Jinnian was no longer nagging. He was comprehending the Tree of All Living Beings, and he was also understanding the Holy Way, and at the same time he was also comprehending Confucius's Way of the Holy King.

Focus on four things.

Refining weapons.

Understand the holy way.

Absorb the Holy King's mark.

Complete integration with the Tree of All Living Beings.

And at the same time.

outside world.

In the blink of an eye.

Three days have passed.

In these three days, the entire Eastern Wasteland was paying attention to the Great Xia Dynasty and the Xiongnu Kingdom.

The Great Xia Dynasty adjusted its military camps. This kind of thing could not be hidden from the people of the world.

It was obvious that there was going to be a war.

After this signal was released, it can be said that the entire Daxia Dynasty cheered. Since the dragon rice came out of the river, not everyone has enough to eat, but at least a large number of food crises have been solved.

At least the people had something to eat, and with Gu Jinnian becoming a saint, the nation's self-confidence was greatly improved.

Now, for the people of the entire Daxia Dynasty, there is one thing that is the only thorn in their hearts.

This matter is about the twelve cities on the border.

As long as you are a common person in Daxia, you will never forget this matter.

At present, the Great Xia Dynasty's national power is at its peak, the treasury is full, and the emperor intends to launch a war. This is a good thing for the people of the country.

But for the Huns.

This is not a good thing.

In the past six months of the Great Xia Dynasty, two saints were born in a row, and after resisting the Great Summer Disaster, the entire Great Xia Dynasty entered its heyday, and its development every day was earth-shaking.

Once upon a time, the Huns could not defeat the Daxia Dynasty.

It's just that due to the restrictions of the Dajin Dynasty and the Fuluo Dynasty, the Daxia Dynasty couldn't vent its anger.

But it's different now.

With top combat power, the Daxia Dynasty has two saints.

Not having top-notch combat power, the Daxia Dynasty is well-stocked with food and can fully launch a full-scale war, even if the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty join forces.

At least with the current situation of the Daxia Dynasty, it is completely possible to send two large armies to resist the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty. It doesn't matter whether they fight or not, as long as they are delayed.

Therefore, for the current Huns, the Daxia Dynasty is like a big mountain.

The alliance will also be launched in the near future.

The major dynasty forces had previously signed alliance documents internally, but the corresponding conference had not yet been held.

At this moment.

The royal court of the Huns.

The Hun King looked forward to something.

On the throne, there was some uneasiness.

Soon, a figure walked in with a happy expression on his face.


"Tai Xuan Immortal Sect has responded."

A figure came over, it was the Minister of Rites.

He came to the King of the Huns and said very excitedly.

"What does Taixuan Immortal Sect mean?"

The Hun King was very excited and full of expectations.

"Return to the king."

"The Taixuan Immortal Sect said that if Daxia invades the Xiongnu Kingdom this time, and if they fight as normal, the Taixuan Immortal Sect will not intervene."

"But if the Great Xia Dynasty takes action with extraordinary divine power, Taixuan Immortal Sect will never sit idly by."

The latter spoke, looking extremely excited.

After hearing this, the Hun King let out a long breath.

The mobilization of the Great Xia Dynasty made him fearful, not because he could not defeat the Great Xia Dynasty, but because he was afraid that Gu Jinnian would summon meteorites again, and he was also worried that the two saints would take action.

In the face of absolute power, millions of soldiers seem ridiculous.

But if Taixuan Immortal Sect could solve this matter, then many things would be much simpler and more convenient.

In conventional combat, the Xiongnu Kingdom can delay for a certain period of time, and the Fuluo Dynasty and the Dajin Dynasty will definitely join in to assist the Xiongnu Kingdom in fighting.

Even if the Great Xia Dynasty sends millions of troops, it will definitely not be able to defeat the Great Xia Dynasty, but it can definitely hold back the Great Xia Dynasty.

When the Great War comes, it is impossible for the Daxia Dynasty to do nothing and attack the Xiongnu Kingdom, right?

To put it simply, the King of the Huns was well prepared for defeat. There were two types of defeats, one was the destruction of the country, and the other was just a failure in the war, and at the worst, some compensation would be required.

As long as the country is not destroyed and great times come, the Xiongnu Kingdom may also be blessed by destiny.

Therefore, the promise of Taixuan Immortal Sect is of great significance to them.

"Your Majesty, since the Taixuan Immortal Sect is willing to protect our Xiongnu Kingdom, if Daxia declares war this time, what do we have to fear?"

The Minister of War opened his mouth and learned that the Taixuan Immortal Sect was willing to help the Huns. He was naturally happy, and at the same time he also had the idea of ​​​​conquest.


"Although the Taixuan Immortal Sect promised to protect us, the Daxia Dynasty is now very powerful, so there is no need to fight them."

"The Huns cannot win, and even if they win, it will be a miserable victory."

"It wasn't a big problem in the past, but now the Great War has begun, and the Xiongnu Kingdom has not yet received any benefits. Tianqi Mountain is about to recover, and Taoist Master Longhu has promised me many benefits to the Xiongnu Kingdom."

"Standing still now is better than anything else. If we move, once defeated, the Great Xia Dynasty will most likely take this opportunity to demand Tianqi Mountain."

"If you give it, our Xiongnu country will never be able to succeed again."

"If we don't give it, the Daxia Dynasty really dares to attack all the way. It is unknown whether the Shangqing Taoist will completely break up with Gu Jinnian for the sake of the Huns."

"Moreover, Gu Jinnian did not lose to the Shangqing Taoist at that time, and there were two saints in the Daxia Dynasty."

"This battle must not be fought."

"However, we can send a large army to garrison and strictly order the three armies not to act rashly."

The Hun King spoke out.

He instantly understood the current situation. Although he had the support of Taixuan Immortal Sect, he could not fight under any circumstances.

You can't fight, you can't win, you can't fight.

After hearing this, all the officials were silent, but they also understood that what the King of the Huns said was correct.

"Then I can only wait and feel aggrieved?"

The Minister of War was a little dissatisfied.

"It's better to be aggrieved than to miss an opportunity."

"In the great fight of the world, if you catch it once, you can wash away your shame."

"Okay, just follow what the king wants."

"By the way, let the Ministry of Rites write a letter to inform the world of Eastern Wilderness that the Xiongnu Kingdom has no intention of offending. In this great world, I hope that the Great Xia Dynasty can consider the common people in the world."

When the Hun King opened his mouth, he didn't want to say that much.

For a moment, all the officials were silent.

And at the same time.

Within the Daxia Dynasty.

The quarrel has already been getting louder.

Above the court hall.

The generals had been quarreling for three days and three nights about the expedition.

Everyone wanted to lead troops on an expedition, and some generals started fighting privately over this matter.

"Your Majesty, you know that I know that my biggest dream in this life is to fight against the Huns. As long as Your Majesty allows me to go on an expedition, I am willing to issue a military order and will not come back until the power of the royal court is broken."

A state official spoke with excitement, asking Emperor Yongsheng to let him fight.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Qi is already old. He should not go to war at this age. The veteran is three years younger than the Duke of Qi."

"In this war against the Huns, we should let our veterans come."

Another official spoke out and asked for war.

"Fuck you, are you still shameless? You are an old man, what are you going to do? Are you embarrassed?"

Several princes fight against each other without any scruples at all in the court. After all, everyone knows that the Great Xia Dynasty now needs people, money, and food.

Under such circumstances, whoever can fight will be able to make immortal contributions and be famous for generations to come.

Who doesn't want to go?

If you grab it, you'll earn it.

Look at the ministers like this.

Emperor Yongsheng looked calm, as if he was watching a group of clowns arguing again.

Want to lead an army on an expedition?

Eat shit.

At this moment, a loud voice sounded, causing the hall to become completely silent.

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Zhenguo is here."

As this voice sounded, everyone frowned.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Emperor Yongsheng. The person they least wanted to see had arrived.

Zhenguo Gong.

If the Duke of Zhen comes, it will be really hard to say whether he will go out to attack the Xiongnu this time.

Looking at Emperor Yongsheng again, everyone immediately understood that Emperor Yongsheng had already chosen someone, right?

Make everyone happy, right?


Emperor Yongsheng was overjoyed when he heard that Duke Zhenguo had arrived.

My savior has finally arrived.

And at the same time.

Outside the palace.

The Duke of the town, Gu Yuan, is looking very happy.

He originally guarded Jiangzhong County, but now he was secretly admitted to the palace by an imperial edict.

At this juncture, the secret announcement entered the palace.

What does this mean?

What does it mean?

This means that Emperor Yongsheng wanted to send him to conquer the Huns.

Let yourself act as a general and ride on your horse in the royal court.

Apart from that, is there any other meaning?

Thinking of this, the smile on Mr. Gu's face grew bigger and bigger, and he couldn't hide his smile.

"The Duke of Xuanzhen enters the palace."

At this moment, an order sounded.

Duke Zhen Guo walked towards the main hall with extremely confident and arrogant steps.

He walked resolutely, walking like a dragon or a tiger, and he had already thought of his words in his mind.

When Emperor Yongsheng spoke later, appointing himself as the general to conquer Hungary, he must say something touching.

There is nothing to be done without death, and there is nothing to say that the Xiongnu will not return until he is broken. In short, the emperor must understand his feelings.

"What's the situation inside the palace?"

Thinking of this, Duke Zhen couldn't help but look at the eunuch on the side and asked casually.

"My lord Hui Guo, there is a lot of quarrel in the palace, and all the gentlemen are vying for the position of going on the expedition."

When the eunuch opened his mouth, he told the truth.


"How dare a bunch of losers ask for a military position?"

"You don't even know what kind of person you are."

Zhenguo spoke openly and was extremely domineering.

But the eunuch beside him lowered his head.

The Duke of Zhenguo said that it was okay, but he did not dare to second his opinion.

"Do you know why His Majesty has delayed choosing a general?"

"That's because Your Majesty knows that these people are all useless, and only I am qualified."

Zhenguo publicly spoke, and his words were not only arrogant, but also arrogant.

The eunuch lowered his head and said nothing.

in this way.

The Duke of his town also came to the main hall.

After shaking his robe, Duke Zhenguo walked towards the main hall.


The voice sounded.

"My lord, Gu Yuan, pays homage to Your Majesty."

"Long live my emperor."

In the main hall, the official of the Zhengguo Government spoke.

Bow to Emperor Yongsheng.

“The Duke’s words are serious.”

"Give me a seat."

Seeing the arrival of Duke Zhen, Emperor Yongsheng was overjoyed and asked for a seat directly.

"No need."

However, Duke Zhen Guo waved his hand and refused directly.

This is really arrogant.

The civil servants didn't say anything. This matter was a struggle between generals and had nothing to do with them. Just watch the show.

"Since the Duke of Zhen Guo has also entered the court."

"Then there are some things I will say directly, my dear friends."

"Since the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, it has encountered countless hardships."

"However, the twelve cities on the border are the pain that I will never forget in Great Xia."

"The people of the twelve cities were massacred, with rivers of blood and mountains of corpses."

"The evils of the Xiongnu kingdom are too numerous to be described in words. As an emperor, I cannot forget them."

"Now that the Daxia Dynasty has strong soldiers and horses, and abundant food and grass, I do intend to declare war on the Xiongnu Kingdom."

"But these days, I have been thinking about who should be the commander-in-chief, leading a million troops, carrying 10 million stones of grain, and setting out to conquer the Xiongnu."

When Emperor Yongsheng opened his mouth, he first talked about the causes and consequences, and then got to the main topic.

As soon as he said this, everyone's voices started to rise.

It can be said that you are fighting over me to grab it.

"My dear friends, please be patient and don't be impatient."

"Let me finish."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke, and after appeasing the officials, he continued to speak.

"This time we set out to conquer the Xiongnu Kingdom."

"It's not a child's play, and no general can do whatever he wants."

"So I set three requirements."

"First, you must have experience and have fought against the Huns."

"Secondly, it must be prestigious and able to intimidate the officials."

"Third, the age must not be less than seventy."

"If the above three points are met, I will appoint him as the general to conquer Hungary."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke, and at the same time his eyes fell on Duke Zhen Guo.

As soon as he said this, the Duke of Zhen was extremely happy.

did you see.

did you see.

Take a look.

Take a look.

What is an emperor?

This is called an emperor. Aren’t these three requirements perfectly consistent with oneself?


Duke Zhenguo was overjoyed. He immediately knelt down in the hall and looked towards Emperor Yongsheng.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask you for a royal tassel."

The Duke of Zhen Guo suppressed his inner joy and took the initiative to ask for help.

At this time, the hall was extremely quiet.

Because Zhen Guo Gong is indeed the best choice, although they fight with each other, they still can't argue with Zhen Guo Gong.

Firstly, the Duke of Zhenguo has indeed made great achievements in battle, and secondly, the Gu family has a saint.

Who can compare to this?


"Since Princess Zhenguo has asked for a royal tassel, I will hand over the post of General of the Conquest to Hungary to Duke Zhenguo."

Emperor Yongsheng nodded.

But before the Duke of Zhen Guo took over his duties, Emperor Yongsheng's voice sounded again.

"This time, I want to improve the morale of the three armies."

"The imperial commander personally conducts military campaigns and becomes the marshal of troops and horses, commanding the three armies."

"The Duke was stationed in the Great Xia Dynasty and stationed in the Ministry of War to stabilize the logistics for the Hungarian army."

Emperor Yongsheng opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts.


He was given the post of General of the Hungarian Army by Zhen Guogong, so that he could stay in Daxia Kyoto with peace of mind and stabilize the situation of the court. He reluctantly took the position of General Marshal of the Armed Forces and led the military expedition in person.

Once you say this.

There was a moment of silence in the main hall.

The smile on Zhenguo Gong's face suddenly stiffened.

Everyone looked at Emperor Yongsheng blankly.

There is a feeling that I heard something wrong.

What the hell?

Generalissimo of the armed forces?

A personal expedition?

Good guy.

Your Majesty, are you waiting here for us?

I heard your calculations even in the Huns.

After all the fussing and fussing, it turns out you want to go on an expedition?

Feeling the gazes of the officials, Emperor Yongsheng felt a little uncomfortable.

Damn it.

What are you looking at me for? Is there any flowers on my face?

What do you mean? I can’t lead the expedition myself?

However, Emperor Yongsheng didn't say anything, but looked at Duke Zhen Guo and smiled gently.

"What do you think, the Duke?"

Emperor Yongsheng spoke.

He designed so many things just to gain the support of the Duke of Zhen.

He also specifically gave Duke Zhen Guo the post of General to Conquer the Hungarians. To put it bluntly, I gave him all my dignity and dignity. It all depends on how Duke Zhen Guo responds.

And at this moment.

The Duke of Zhen Guo was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Good guy.

Damn it, give yourself the title of General Conquering the Hungarians and let yourself guard Kyoto in Great Xia?

What kind of general is this? Isn’t this a fucking logistics officer?

"His Majesty."

"I disagree."

"You are a man of ten thousand gold, how can you conquer it yourself as a charioteer?"

"This dirty work will be done by the veteran."

In an instant, the Duke of Zhen stood up and refused directly, but he was still more tactful.

But upon hearing this, Emperor Yongsheng waved his hand and said.


"Since Jinnian became a saint, I feel that Jinnian has done so many things for the Great Xia Dynasty. As an emperor, if I cannot go to fight for the people of Great Xia, I will be ashamed of my ancestors."

"I have made up my mind on this matter, and I also know that all of you, dear friends, are worried about me."

"But I will never let down the people of Daxia."

"In this campaign, I will definitely ride on my horse to the royal court and plant the flag of Daxia on the Xiongnu Kingdom."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke generously.

And the attitude is firm.

See this scene.

Everyone fully understood that Emperor Yongsheng's chess game had probably been played long ago and was waiting to close the net today.


"Your Majesty, please think again."

"It's too dangerous for the imperial commander to go on a personal expedition."

The Duke of Zhen continued to speak.

Still didn't agree.

At the same time, he turned his attention to this group of civil servants.

Feeling the gaze of Duke Zhen, the civil servants also realized something, and one by one they stood up and spoke.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely not allowed for your Majesty to conduct an expedition in person."

"Your Majesty, please take back your order."

"Yes, I hope your Majesty will take back his orders."

In an instant, all the officials spoke together to dissuade Emperor Yongsheng from this dangerous idea.

See this scene.

Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but frown.

"Zhenguo Gong."

"Didn't I arrange for you to be the general who conquered the Hungarians? Why didn't you agree to my own expedition?"

Emperor Yongsheng asked with a slight frown.

But not mentioning the general who conquered the Hungarians, Duke Zhen was fine. When he mentioned it, Duke Zhen spoke directly and became a little angry.

"Your Majesty, you can never conquer someone with a body worth thousands of gold."

"Conquer the Huns, let me handle it."

Duke Zhen Guo suppressed his anger and said.

Damn it, let yourself be a support person? He is not willing to die.

After hearing this, Emperor Yongsheng also felt a little unhappy.

Damn it, I arranged a general to conquer the Hungarians for you, but that’s not enough for you? Are you so greedy?



It's my fault that I was blind and saw the wrong person. I didn't expect that Lord Zhen Guo, you are so fond of vanity.

"Then what if I don't agree?"

Emperor Yongsheng spoke with some anger.

As soon as he said this, the Duke of Zhen was furious.

"Then don't fight."

"In any case, I will not agree to your Majesty's personal expedition even if I die."

The Duke of Zhenguo also lost his temper.

If I can't go to war, then don't go to war at all. Anyway, it's a good thing not to fight. The country will recover and recover, and the people can live and work in peace and contentment.


"Mr. Zhen Guo, you are brave."

"I didn't expect that you would be so vain at your age. This expedition to the Xiongnu Kingdom was for revenge. What did you take it for? Did you take it as an opportunity for you to make a name for yourself?"

Emperor Yongsheng spoke, his chest heaving with anger.

Good guy, stop fighting? Is there anyone who talks to the emperor like this?

Are you going to rebel?

"Anyway, I don't care."

"If I can't fight, I don't even think about fighting."

Who is Mr. Gu? The leader of the military generals.

The famous prostitute of Great Xia, Hobby Meat. As soon as he finished speaking, he sat down directly on the ground and didn't care.

Stop fighting.


Hey, I'll just mess it up.

"Hey! You are such a good prince."

"You disappoint me so much."

"Look at my nephew, and then look at you. Except for my nephew, do all of your Gu family have this kind of virtue?"

"I still insist on conquering it myself, what can you do to me?"

"There's no way you dare to restrain me?"

Emperor Yongsheng also lost his temper.

I will fight, I will fight, I will piss you off, I will piss you off.

Upon hearing this, the Duke of Zhen stood up.

"Your Majesty, I cannot rebel against you."

"Your Majesty really wants to fight, and I can't stop you. But I immediately went to my grandson Jinnian and asked him to write an article advocating a truce."

"Your Majesty, please don't forget that your grandson is a saint."

Who is the Duke of Zhenguo?

The old hob is a bitch, do you want to play rogue with him? Duke Zhen Guo is really not afraid.

You fight.

If you dare to fight, go out with the front foot. He threatens you with death and asks Gu Jinnian to write an article advocating a truce. It depends on whether you want reputation or fight.

Sure enough, when he said this, Emperor Yongsheng almost fainted with anger.

Damn it, you old Biden, are you playing dirty tricks?

But don't tell me, this trick is really useful.

"I really made a mistake."

"You don't think I went out this time just to show off, do you?"

"I went out this time with good intentions, do you know?"

Emperor Yongsheng took a deep breath, pointed at Duke Zhen Guo's nose and cursed.

"My grandson is a saint."

The Duke of Zhenguo ignored him and just said a word.

Anyway, Your Majesty, it's up to you.

Hearing this, Emperor Yongsheng was so angry that he was so angry that his brain was so congested.

"Do you know how hard it is for me? I take care of everything every day and review three thousand memorials every day."

"I just want to go out to fight and wash away the shame of Daxia. Isn't this possible?"

"You really have a villainous heart."

Emperor Yongsheng continued to speak.

"My grandson is a saint."

The Duke of Zhen was too lazy to listen to so much, just one sentence.

Anyway, it's up to you.

"My nephew is a saint, and if your grandson is a saint, my nephew is also a saint."

Emperor Yongsheng was so angry that he had nothing to say, so he immediately said the same thing.

"My grandson is a saint."

The Duke of Zhen Guo continued to repeat this sentence.

"My nephew is also a saint."

Emperor Yongsheng was too lazy to talk nonsense and went straight to study.

"My grandson is a saint."

"My nephew is also a saint."

"My grandson is a saint."

"My nephew is also a saint."

In the court hall.

The king and his ministers are like naughty boys quarreling. One sentence and one sentence make everyone fall silent.

I want to interrupt, but I'm afraid of getting angry.

Don't interrupt.

There is something wrong with these two people.

so awkward.

Finally, it was evening.

The two got into a heated argument. To be honest, if the identity of the monarch and his ministers hadn't been too sensitive, everyone would have seen that Duke Zhen Guo really wanted to do something.

And Emperor Yongsheng also wanted to do something.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother finally stepped forward and stopped the farce. Civil and military officials took away the Duke of Zhenguo, and the Queen Mother and the Empress took away Emperor Yongsheng, and the farce was calmed down.

But everyone knows it.

This matter is definitely not over yet, and we may not find a good solution, and we may be arguing for months.


Just late tonight.

Divine light suddenly erupted in ten places.

There is a place in the Daxia Dynasty.

There is a place in the Xiongnu Kingdom.

There is a place in the Jin Dynasty.

Three Kingdoms of Middle-earth.

In Nanman and Western Desert, there are two sacred mountains shining brightly.

Just like Puyuan Mountain before.

Destiny condenses.

And at the same time.


In an ancient mountain range.

A group of people slowly appeared.

He is from Daodaofu.

The leader is Mr. Gui Gu.

Dozens of people followed behind him, with Chang Yuntian standing at the front.


Recommend a book.

"Cultivation of Immortality: I Can Reincarnate in All Heavens" Author: Master Black Heart

Recommend a book "Cultivation of Immortality: I Can Reincarnate in the Heavens"

After traveling through time, he finally went through many hardships and became an official, but was unexpectedly framed by his boss and imprisoned.

Who would have expected that after the bridal chamber, he would awaken the Kunlun Mirror and reincarnate to cultivate immortality.

Can use [Tao Fruit] to solidify one's fate, and one certificate will last forever.

Use the copy world as a way to avoid disasters, avoid disasters and extend blessings in the real world...

First life:

Become a disciple of Tiandihui, take the fight against the Qing Dynasty as an important task, condense the red destiny [Righteous Thief]:

[Performing righteous deeds is like a praying mantis with its arms stretched out, and you will be favored by great fortune. Facing threats from the court, you have a chance of seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune.]

Become a disciple of the Taoist Priest of the Longmen Sect, learn the method of decomposing corpses and immortals, and condense the Emperor’s Purple Life Pattern [Underground Master]:

[The third class of scattered ghosts in the underworld is the beginning of the corpse's transformation into immortality...]

Second life: tentative

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