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Chapter 33: The assessment begins

Kyoto Castle Gate.

As a notice was posted, people gathered to watch.

This is the enrollment notice of Daxia Academy.

When the notice appeared, the whole of Kyoto was in a state of excitement.

Zhen Guo Gongfu.

The figure of the housekeeper quickly rushed to the prince's residence.

"His Royal Highness."

"The admission notice for Daxia Academy is out."

Butler Wang walked over quickly, holding a copy of the notice in his hand, and came to Gu Jinnian's residence.

Inside the room.

Gu Jinnian, who had just squinted for a while, couldn't help but open his eyes.

Butler Wang's voice was so penetrating that he woke up Gu Jinnian.


After opening his eyes, Gu Jinnian stretched his waist, took a breath, and walked out of the room.

"His Royal Highness."

"The enrollment notice of Daxia Academy has been released, please take a look."

Butler Wang handed the copied notice to Gu Jinnian.

After taking the notice, Gu Jinnian glanced at it.

The content of the notice is quite simple.

Anyone who is no less than sixteen years old or no more than thirty years old, regardless of gender, family background, or background, can go to Xiaoxi Village to prepare for the admissions exam.

There was only one piece of information, but it surprised Gu Jinnian.

"Is this really the admission notice of Daxia Academy?"

Gu Jinnian looked at Butler Wang with surprise in his eyes.

"Your Highness, it is absolutely true. This old slave personally copied it, and not a single word has been tampered with."

Butler Wang gave the answer.

He was also a little curious. In the past, the notices of Daxia Academy were all very formal and full of rules and regulations.

But this time it's different.

Regardless of gender, anyone can go as long as they meet the age limit, which is a bit weird.

Education without distinction?

"How are the people in Kyoto behaving?"

Gu Jinnian asked.

"His Royal Highness, the people have already flocked to Xiaoxi Village, and the dignitaries in Kyoto have also prepared their carriages."

"We have also prepared the jade chariot. Should the prince go now or later?"

Butler Wang gave the answer.

Although it was just a sentence or two, Gu Jinnian could imagine the current scene in Kyoto.

I'm afraid that all the carriages are rushing to Xiaoxi Village.


"The real enrollment will start in three days. Don't rush there yet, let's check the situation first."

"Send a spy over there and let me know directly if there is any situation."

Gu Jinnian shook his head.

No matter what you think about it, Xiaoxi Village is probably overcrowded at this moment.

However, Daxia Academy is the highest academic institution in Daxia and cannot accept people casually.

There must be many tests involved.

So going now won't affect anything.

Wait and see.


"The old slave will continue to prepare the carriage. If the prince needs it, just give him orders."

Butler Wang spoke up and said this.


Gu Jinnian nodded, then continued to return to the room and read ancient books.

As I continued to read during this period, the fruits condensed by the ancient tree became more and more mature and have reached the second stage.

Moreover, Gu Jinnian discovered that the fruits of ancient trees have three stages of maturity.

The first stage shows golden color, the second stage is bright gold, and the third stage is pure gold. It is not earthy and earthy, but as golden as the sun.

The current fruit of talent has reached the second stage, which is bright golden.

One step further, it is pure gold.

But as he studied during this period, Gu Jinnian also discovered that he could gain very little talent just by studying in this way.

It is very difficult to reach the third stage.

Even the fruits in the ancient trees have only just reached the second stage and are not yet mature and complete.

The riper the fruit, the better the reward.

Of course Gu Jinnian wants to wait until it is pure gold to pick it, but judging from the current situation, it is estimated that it will take a month.

Even this is just my own estimate. Whether it can be achieved is another matter.

Therefore, Gu Jinnian planned to pick the fruits and have a look in two days.

After all, curiosity is quite serious.

in this way.

Time passes slowly.

After the enrollment notice of Daxia Academy was posted, the whole Kyoto was completely boiling. All the city gates were already overcrowded, and every family brought their children there.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you can be selected to enter Daxia Academy, your future will be limitless.

You know, among the Confucian scholars in Daxia Academy, which one is not a court minister? And which one is not a high-ranking official? If you just get a few connections, you will surely prosper in the future.

A long queue of people rushed towards Xiaoxi Village.

Xiaoxi Village is three hundred miles away from Kyoto. It is more like a town than a village.

Some dignitaries had already prepared their horses and rushed towards Xiaoxi Village.

There was even a lot of immortal monks among the crowd, flying with swords in one hand, attracting countless people to watch.

Less than two hours.

The area outside Xiaoxi Village was already overcrowded.


The news also spread back to Kyoto.

Inside the Duke's Mansion.

A domestic servant stood outside the courtyard.

"His Royal Highness."

"Outside Xiaoxi Village, there are officers and soldiers guarding all sides. No one is allowed to enter. They are under strict control."

"However, lights are hung at the east entrance. Only those who successfully answer the questions can enter the village."

"There is Poetry Street in the south, guarded by Liyan Jinshi. With their approval, you can enter the village."

"On the west side, there are soldiers guarding it. No firewood or rice can be brought in. No one is allowed to enter."

"A few blind and deaf old men were posted to the north to guard the place and not let anyone in."

The servant opened his mouth to inform him about the situation in Xiaoxi Village.


In the room, Gu Jinnian did not look surprised, on the contrary, he felt as expected.

If there were no restrictions, it would not be an exaggeration to recruit 100,000 people just based on the name of Daxia Academy.

It is reasonable to have restrictions.

"Blind and deaf? Arrange these people to guard the north. Aren't you afraid of someone sneaking in?"

Gu Jinnian asked curiously.

He didn't feel much about the other three places, but he was a little curious about the north.

"Hui Shizi, someone did sneak in."

"So now a lot of people go to the north, many times more than the people who go to the other three places."

The servant replied.

For a moment, Gu Jinnian became even more curious.

He thought those deaf and mute people were all martial arts masters, but he didn't expect that they could sneak in.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster."

"It's impossible for Mr. Wenjing to not have thought of this. There must be some kind of trap waiting for him."

Gu Jinnian thought to himself.

"Okay, let's continue checking and report any news immediately."

After he spoke out and ordered to go down, he didn't think much and read quietly.

And after the servant left.

The town hall seemed unusually quiet.

Inside Daxia Academy.

Dozens of people were sitting in a pavilion.

These are all disciples of Daxia Academy. Although they are not great Confucian scholars, they are basically scholars with high moral standards and high prestige.

At this moment, they were sitting here, all looking a little unkind.


"I admire Mr. Wenjing, but this notice written by Mr. Wenjing didn't even notify us. Doesn't he look down on us too much?"

Someone spoke in a calm voice, but the dissatisfaction in his tone was barely written on his face.

"It's okay to cross us. It's just that this notice, regardless of gender or background, I understand. You can choose the enrollment location in Xiaoxi Village. This is what I don't understand."

"And I heard that Xiaoxi Village is guarded by officers and soldiers, and there are gates at the southeast and northwest entrances. I understand the poems and riddles in the southeast direction."

"But what's the point of sending warriors to guard the west and north and a few disabled old people to guard them?"

Someone spoke up, seemingly generous, but still full of resentment.

"I heard that there are many people sneaking in at the north entrance, and a few old and disabled people are posted to guard it. I don't know what Mr. Wenjing is doing?"

"The enrollment of the dignified Daxia Academy seems so nondescript. I'm afraid if word gets out, it will become a joke to the whole world, right?"

Another voice sounded.

It can be seen that everyone here is extremely dissatisfied with what Su Wenjing did.

"never mind."

"Now that His Majesty attaches great importance to Mr. Wenjing, there is nothing we can do about it."

"However, Mr. Yang has also negotiated with His Majesty, so he will not completely ignore us, but Mr. Wenjing still has to take the lead in everything. You should not be impatient."

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves."

The sound rang out, making the pavilion extremely quiet.

"I know this, but I have one thing to mention to you."

"No matter what Mr. Wenjing wants to do, regular schools must be opened after the enrollment is over. This is a rule from ancient times and cannot be erased."

"Even if Mr. Wenjing doesn't agree, as long as I wait and work together, Mr. Wenjing can't do anything to me."

"The way of educating people is extremely important. I admire you, but I must not lose the character of our generation of scholars."

At this time, someone stood up and said something important.

In fact, after all, it is still an issue of power.

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded and reached a consensus.

in this way.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

In the past two days, the hottest topic in the entire Daxia Dynasty has been the enrollment of Daxia Academy.

No one knows what kind of medicine Su Wenjing sells in his gourd.

The area around Xiaoxi Village has already been crowded with people. Not only the people of Daxia Kyoto, but also all the surrounding prefectures and counties, as long as they meet the conditions, come over to try it out.

As a result, a large number of vendors came in. It is said that just selling some Beijing snacks, they can earn a hundred taels of silver every day.

Moreover, it is even more difficult to find a room in the surrounding inn accommodation, and the price often increases tenfold.

However, the excitement is lively, but the admissions process at Daxia Academy also shows a cruel side.

The east entrance is for lantern riddles. You have to guess three questions in a row before you can enter.

If you get one question wrong, you will be rejected on the spot, no matter who it is.

Just yesterday, the son of the number one scholar in Daxia was directly excluded from the exam because he made a wrong question, which caused huge heated discussion.

After all, who would have thought that by guessing just one wrong question, you would miss the chance of admission?

You must know that the son of the number one scholar is a popular candidate. According to the admission standards of the previous Daxia Academy, he is a sure shot at getting admitted.

As a result, he lost in the primary election, so how could he avoid causing controversy?

And it's not just this one, there are many people who were directly turned away. They are all dignitaries in Kyoto or from scholarly families.

Many people came, but even more refused admission.

The selected teams have been lined up, and the assessment is very difficult. It seems that there is an illusion of rushing a duck to the shelves.

The question comes directly, and everyone is given ten breaths of time. If they answer correctly, they will enter, and if they answer incorrectly, they will leave.

If it is said that it is difficult to be selected for the East.

The south is even scarier.

The examiner randomly sets the questions, which must be seven-character ancient poems with rhyme and rhyme. At the same time, five of the six examiners must approve the question, otherwise they will all fail.

What's even more amazing is that if a hundred people take the exam, only half a stick of incense time is given, and in the system of one hundred people entering one, a hundred people can only choose one.

Of course, if there are really outstanding talents, they can be admitted.

This means that the number of people deleted from the south is even more exaggerated.

As for the west and north sides, it's even weirder. The officers and soldiers on the west side don't have enough food to enter, and they don't allow anyone to enter. Anyone who dares to break in will be beaten until they shut up.

It's real action, no joke at all.

You can sneak in from the north, but no matter how many people come in, there will be no sound at all.

It makes people a little worried.

Until today, a group of people were finally released from the north entrance.

He was the first scholar to sneak in. He didn't say a word when he came out. No matter what he asked, he just didn't say anything.

For a while, it caused all kinds of doubts and controversies.

And today.

let's go.

This chapter has been completed!
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