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Chapter 46: The ancient articles shook the capital




A sudden thunder exploded at this moment.

Dark clouds gathered over the entire Daxia Kyoto.

It's like the world is annihilating.

It's like disaster is coming.

Such a celestial phenomenon instantly caused alarm from all sides.

Daxia Kyoto.

In the palace.

Emperor Yongsheng walked out of the hall. He stared at the sky with a heavy expression.

"Come here, call the Supervisor Tiansi Jianzheng."

When he spoke, his expression was calm, but his eyes were full of worry.

The celestial phenomena are indescribable.

This situation always appeared in Daxia Kyoto, and he was very worried that something bad would happen.

He is the emperor, and if any disaster really happens, it will be full of challenges for him to govern.

at the same time.

The whole of Kyoto was also in a state of excitement.

The common people were a little scared and uneasy.

Some people even burn incense and worship Buddha directly, praying for peace in the world.

Zhen Guo Gongfu.

The old man stared at the sky, his eyes full of curiosity.

The entire Gu family has returned to peace. Yesterday, Mr. Gu held a banquet and forced everyone to stay and get drunk.

I came back to my senses a little today.

But I didn’t expect that Kyoto would have outstanding celestial phenomena.


"How is this going?"

"With such a vision, could it be that God is dissatisfied with Daxia?"

Gu Qianzhou looked at the sky and then asked Mr. Gu.

"Not sure."

"It shouldn't be possible."

"If I have to say it, something might have happened in Jiangning County."

The old man spoke.

He was a little worried. The sudden appearance of such a celestial phenomenon naturally caused people to worry.

Less than half an hour.

Inside the Imperial Palace of Daxia.

Supervisor Xu Taiyi, the Supervisor of Heaven, has appeared.

"Your Majesty, Xu Taiyi, pays homage to your Majesty."

Xu Tai opened his mouth.

Pay homage to Emperor Yongsheng.

"Back to Your Majesty, these celestial phenomena represent disaster."

"I can't tell for the moment, but it is most likely related to Jiangning County."

As soon as Xu Tai opened his mouth, he looked at the sky and gave this answer.

"Jianning County?"

In an instant, Emperor Yongsheng's expression changed slightly.

He did not want anything to happen to Jiangning County, let alone cause celestial phenomena. This would be a great insult to the imperial power and a great challenge to him.

The position itself is not correct.

If the celestial phenomena change, I'm afraid it will be difficult to block the world's long mouth.

"Check it out thoroughly."

"I don't want anything to happen."

Emperor Yongsheng spoke, he was very domineering and did not want any big changes to happen.

So what if it’s a celestial phenomenon?

Although Ke's words were domineering, anyone could see the worry in his eyes.

Just, at this moment.

A beam of light.

It rises directly into the sky from the southeast.


The light is like a pillar.

Straight into the sky.

The sound was even more deafening.

"How is this going?"

In an instant, Emperor Yongsheng's eyes widened. He looked to the southeast and asked the supervisor.

"This is?"

"The Vision of Confucianism and Taoism."


"His Majesty."

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty."

"Blessed is Daxia."

At this moment, Jian Zheng's eyes widened and he was in a daze, but in an instant, he understood what had happened.

"How to say?"

After hearing the good news, Emperor Yongsheng couldn't help but ask directly, full of curiosity.

"This is an eternal phenomenon of Confucianism and Taoism. Someone has written an eternal article. Daxia will produce a great scholar."

"Destroy all evil spirits, turn it into a sharp sword of Great Xia, and create an immortal and prosperous age for Your Majesty."

"Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty."

Xu Taiyi knelt on the ground, looking extremely excited, and congratulated Emperor Yongsheng.

"Is this true?"

Emperor Yongsheng also showed a look of surprise. He really didn't expect that a bad celestial phenomenon had just occurred, and then there would be another Qiangu article?

How could this not please him?

"Your Majesty, don't worry. This celestial phenomenon is a Confucian and Taoist celestial phenomenon, which can destroy all evil spirits."

He was extremely excited.

Emperor Yongsheng looked to the southeast and thought for a moment.

"Is it Mr. Wen Jing?"

"Come here, go check quickly and find out who caused these visions. I want a heavy reward."

He muttered to himself that he didn't know who caused such a celestial phenomenon, and then asked people to find out who caused the phenomenon.

And at the same time.

Inside Xiaoxi Village.

A scene appeared that shocked everyone.

In the examination room.

The wind was strong.

All the students frowned. They didn't dare to write at all. A terrifying aura filled the air, suppressing everyone.

But the center of the examination room.

The articles written by Gu Jinnian burst out with rays of golden light, eventually gathering like a sea and reaching into the sky.

This light.

Soaring into the sky.

This light.


A beam of divine light pierced the darkness and turned Gu Jinnian into a saint.

The vast amount of awe-inspiring righteousness overwhelmed everything here.

But all this.

Gu Jinnian didn't even notice.

Because his whole mind is in this article.

Si Xian Wen.

Similar to a shortened version of the eight-legged essay.

The theme is to break the topic, enter the topic, mid-point, and end the topic.

There is no eight-part essay in this world, but there is eight-string essay, which is similar to eight-part essay, but not completely similar.

The four-stringed essay basically appears in regular examinations. Otherwise, if you really have to write an eight-part essay, let alone an hour. Even if it takes ten hours, you may not be able to finish it.

At this moment.

Gu Jinnian used his pen to criticize Fang Qiu.

He turned all the resentment in his heart into his talent, which was revealed at this moment.

The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important.

He used this as a solution.

Then get to the topic.

Regardless of any king, he who wins the hearts and minds of the people wins the world. People's hearts and minds can be gained without words, but must be gained with respect.

The people are the most important, the country is second, and the emperor is the least important.

This is the true way of the country. If you don't put the people first, no matter how talented you are, your life will be in vain.

The country is second. With the support of the people, the country can be stable and the country can be governed smoothly.

The emperor comes last.

This is somewhat contrary to the concept of heaven and earth loving the emperor, but heaven and earth loving the emperor are Confucian and Taoist thoughts, and Gu Jinnian's article is a strategy for determining the country.

The pen and ink fell.

On the rice paper, every word shines with golden light, causing terrifying visions.

Such a terrifying vision.

It also made everyone present stunned.

Whether it is those scholars or the great scholars of Daxia Academy.

Who could have imagined that Gu Jinnian was not only talented, but could also cause such terrifying visions?

Gu Jinnian had also caused strange phenomena before.

In the eyes of many people, although such a vision is shocking, it is still within a reasonable range.

But now the vision is different.

The whole world was shocked by it.

Mainly Xiaoxi Village, thousands of miles around have been affected. How terrifying is this?

"This...this...is this an eternal article?"

"Gu Jinnian actually wrote an eternal article?"

"This is impossible. How could he write an eternal article?"

"Every word is so precious, I can't even look directly at the content of his article. What on earth did he write?"

"Eternal article, titled Sheji, who is Gu Jinnian?"

At this moment, all the great scholars were dumbfounded. They pointed at Gu Jinnian. Some couldn't believe it, some were shocked, and some wanted to read the eternal article written by Gu Jinnian.

But I found that I couldn't look directly.

The strong wind blew and ruffled their clothes. Under the vision, these great scholars were shocked one by one.

this moment.

No one can stay calm.

Wang Fugui next to Gu Jinnian opened his mouth wide and could not say a word.

Among the crowd, Yang Hanrou was also completely stunned.

She never thought that Gu Jinnian, whom she had always looked down upon, could be so talented.

Comparing this time, all the talented scholars she had ever seen were not as good as Gu Jinnian's fingers.

A person who can truly change his color.

It's Cheng Ming.

His eyes were as wide as an ox, and he never thought that Gu Jinnian could actually write an eternal article.

If Gu Jinnian had written an article, even if it was a masterpiece, he would not have such a big reaction.

But Gu Jinnian wrote an eternal article, and his previous actions will definitely be reviled by the world.

Slandering a person who can write eternal articles for cheating.

This is no small matter.

Not even just a suspicion.

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. What was more important was his resentment, unspeakable resentment.

Originally, he was at fault in this matter.

Now Gu Jinnian has written an eternal article, which can be said to be a slap in the face.

And then he felt that he was in even greater trouble.

This made him a little scared.

All the scholars held their breaths and did not dare to breathe loudly.

As for Gu Ningya.

He was trembling all over.

He was so dumbfounded that he couldn't think straight.

I have watched my eldest nephew grow up since he was a child, and I never expected that he would have such an amazing talent.

How deep is this hidden?

"It takes ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has never been tested."

"This sword is really horribly sharpened."

"After hiding for more than ten years, who is Gu Jinnian?"

At this moment, a master opened his mouth and recited the poem written by Gu Jinnian when he entered the first level.

There was wonder in his eyes.

And when his voice sounded, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Especially the scholars of Daxia Academy.

Naturally, they were the first to know about Gu Jinnian's previous poems.

But I didn't take it too seriously.

But now that they heard this poem again and looked at the current scene, they were completely at a loss what to say.

In Daxia Academy.

this moment.

Even Su Wenjing couldn't help but stand up.

He looked at Gu Jinnian intently, his breathing a little short.

"Articles for the Ages."

"It's an eternal article."

"I never thought that he could actually write articles that will last forever."

At this moment, even Su Wenjing didn't expect it.

What does the eternal article mean?

The name can be passed down through the ages.

With this article, the three words Gu Jinnian can be famous throughout the ages, which is what countless scholars dream of.

But who would have thought that such an article would be written by Gu Jinnian?

But the emergence of strange phenomena from heaven and earth means that heaven and earth recognize it, and no one can say anything.


The golden light surged again.

Push the dark clouds away.

Instead, light bathed the entire Daxia Kyoto, giving people a feeling of parting through the clouds and seeing the blue sky.

Just quickly.

Above the sky.

The billowing talent was like a sea, pouring into Gu Jinnian's body.

Such a terrifying vision directly caused the ancient trees to bloom, giving birth to one fruit after another.

It takes less than half a stick of incense.

A total of five fruits of talent were born.

Because as Confucianism and Taoism improve one's realm, more talents are needed.

But similarly, the fruits of talent that grow have greater effects.

at this time.

Inside Xiaoxi Village.

One after another figures appeared quickly, some were strong men from Kyoto, but most of them were great Confucians.

Some great scholars from Kyoto turned their ink into horses and rushed over as quickly as possible, wanting to wait and see who had written this eternal article.

Almost all the six ministers arrived.

Some Confucian officials even squeezed into the crowd.

When they saw who had written the ancient article, everyone was stunned.

It was at this time.

Gu Jinnian finished writing the last paragraph and completed the final binding.

When the last word is finished.

All the light is injected into the rice paper again.

The original plain rice paper also sublimated at this moment.

Shining brightly, immortal for thousands of years, it has the divinity of Confucianism and Taoism.

The vision gradually disappeared.

But everyone was still stunned, unable to come to their senses.

As for Gu Jinnian, after finishing writing, he gradually came back to his senses.

At the same time, I felt this terrible vision for the first time.

However, he was not surprised at all.

As expected, Mencius's words caused strange phenomena in heaven and earth.

But the most important thing is that Gu Jinnian feels a breath of resentment in his heart.

It makes him unhappy.

"Mr. Wenjing."

"The article has been written."

"Students resign."

He put down the brush, then turned around and left, resolute and decisive, without any emotion at all.

In an instant, Su Huaiyu immediately stood up and followed Gu Jinnian.

Gu Ningya also immediately came to his senses and quickly followed his eldest nephew.

He was extremely excited and excited, but thousands of words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say them out at all.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Gu Jinnian wrote an eternal article, but he really wants to leave?

This slap was quite severe.

Don't give any face to Daxia Academy.

However, for some reason, what Gu Jinnian did did not make them feel arrogant.

There is no other reason.

People who can write eternal articles really don't need to settle in Daxia Academy.

Say something unpleasant.

How many academies in the world are looking for people like this to enroll in?

"Little friend Jinnian."

"Don't be impulsive."

"I just said something out of anger, please don't let it go."

"Your Highness, I didn't tell you just now. Don't be angry. If you have any matters, we can discuss them carefully."

"Cheng Ming, you are really brave. You are jealous of my great talent in Confucianism and Taoism. You deserve death. Your Highness, please leave this matter to me. Don't be angry. The worst thing I can see is this kind of prejudice." People, don't worry, when you get to Daxia Academy, if the dean doesn't help you, I will definitely help you."

At this moment, figures appeared again.

They were the great scholars who appeared later, and indeed Gu Jinnian was not mentioned before.

At this moment, seeing Gu Jinnian leaving immediately, he quickly ran over, trying to retain Gu Jinnian.


If you don’t retain this kind of talent, then who will?

Save these losers?

Moreover, although Daxia Academy is the best academy in Daxia, it is not without competitors. If a talent like Gu Jinnian falls among other academies.

Then Daxia Academy may really be in danger.

Of course, the most important thing is one thing.

Each of these great scholars was tempted to accept disciples.

Who wouldn't be moved to see Gu Jinnian's terrifying talent?

But Gu Jinnian ignored it.

Without looking back, he left directly.

No face given at all.

Just leave.

It's just a Daxia Academy, so don't wait.

at this time.

In Daxia Kyoto.

After the vision disappeared.

In the palace.

A figure also ran over quickly.

"His Majesty!"

"According to the reply from the spies in the palace, the person who caused the vision is your nephew, Gu Jinnian, the grandson of Duke Zhen."

A figure appeared, it was a palace guard.

He said in an excited tone.


"Is he my nephew?"

this moment.

Emperor Yongsheng was also completely confused.

But there are a group of people who are equally confused.

Zhen Guo Gongfu.

Mr. Gu, who was marveling at the vision, was suddenly startled by a voice.



"Great joy, great joy, great joy."

"The spies are here to report."

"This shocking phenomenon was caused by the prince."

The voice sounded.

Mr. Gu was stunned on the spot.

Same as that.

And Gu Qianzhou.

Gu Jinnian's father.

This chapter has been completed!
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