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Chapter 52 Anti-kill!

"kill him!"

The four sword and shield killers looked at each other and without a moment's hesitation, they attacked Gu Jian again.

The short sword that condensed spiritual power fell from the sky like a poisonous snake, and the sword was directed towards the vital point.

"Huh! I couldn't use my skills just now, now it's you who are unlucky!"

Gu Jian's cold eyes flashed, and the sharp and powerful sword energy surged into his arms, erupting into a brilliant turmoil.

He swung out the broken army with both hands, and the power as thick as a mountain shattered the void. The giant tower, like a huge rock erupting from a volcano, rushed towards the swords of the four sword and shield killers.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

The sound of four gold and iron collisions was heard, and sparks suddenly shot out. The daggers in the hands of the four killers all flew backwards as if they had hit a chariot that was charging in the military formation.

"What a arrogant sword skill!"

The four sword and shield killers were shocked.

Feeling the endless power of the giant tower, they quickly raised their vine shields to block this fatal blow.


Accompanied by the violent explosion, the extremely tough vine shields on all sides could not stop the brute force collision of the giant tower, and it was cut in half.


The four killers screamed, flew out on the spot, and fell heavily to the ground.

Their left hands holding the shields were bleeding profusely, and some even lost their arms.


Gu Jian showed no mercy, and while bullying himself, he slashed out with extremely fierce sword light again.


Wherever the giant sword's edge passed, violent wind swept across and struck at the front killer.

The killer had just fallen down and had no time to react before he was chopped into two pieces.


After Gu Jian killed one person, the other three killers got up and charged towards him again.

They did not dodge or dodge, and were not afraid of their own life or death at all, but the daggers in their hands were pointed at Gu Jian's vitals.

Stu! Stu! Stu!

Three sword lights, like bloodthirsty snake letters, attacked Gu Jian from three directions.

"You're not afraid of death, are you? Then I'll send you to death!"

Gu Jian was not surprised by the behavior of this group of people. After all, they were all professional killers.

This kind of people only have goals in their eyes, and everything they do is to kill the goals!

They are cruel and decisive. If you don't have enough strength, once you are targeted by them, you will have a narrow escape.

What a pity, how could Gu Jian be so easy to kill?

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Gu Jian kicked off his right leg and used the Phantom Sword Step to avoid the flying knives fired by the two killers on the roof. He dragged the giant sword with his right hand and ran towards the three killers.


Soon, the first sword light struck, and Gu Jian twisted his body and used his shoulders and arms to swing out the giant bridge.


The violent force knocked the dagger away when it struck.


The sharp and heavy sword edge instantly cut off the killer's right hand holding the sword.

Gu Jian relied on the weight of the giant palace to make a gorgeous turn and placed it heavily on the killer's chest.


The sharp sword energy bloomed from the soles of Gu Jian's feet, instantly crushing the killer's internal organs.

Just as Gu Jian landed, the swords of the other two killers came at the same time. He retracted the giant sword decisively to reduce the burden on his body, and then used a strange angle to avoid the two swords that could kill him.

The killing move failed, and the two killers quickly changed their moves and tried to attack again.

But Gu Jian was faster, pointing his hands together like swords, pointing towards their wrists.

The sword shines like lightning, the last strike comes first!

Phew! Phew!

Two sounds of blood spurting sounded, and then the two killers showed pain on their faces, and dropped the daggers in their hands.

But they still did not give up, determination appeared in their eyes, and they rushed towards Gu Jian with all their strength.

"not good."

Gu Jian suddenly retreated.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

As soon as his figure left the spot, several flying knives shot through the bodies of the two killers and pierced the rocky ground where he was standing just now.

"So ruthless, in order to complete the task, he will not even spare his own people."

Gu Jian was shocked.

If he hadn't reacted quickly and stayed away from the two killers in time, otherwise he would have been pierced by the flying knives once they knocked him down or delayed him.

After taking care of the four Sword and Shield killers, Gu Jian completely became a target!

Phew! Phew! Phew!

In an instant, a flying knife flashing with cold light struck like a heavy rain in a strong wind.

In fact, even the farthest distance that the Phantom Sword Step can currently reach is covered by a rain of flying knives.

"I can only try this trick."

Gu Jian's eyes were focused, and he mobilized the sea of ​​ten thousand sword qi with all his strength. In an instant, thousands of sword qi swept out, forming a sword net in front of him.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!

Countless flying knives hit this sword net, causing a series of sounds of gold and iron clashing.

This sword net was airtight, blocking all flying knives or cutting them in other directions.

This move is called Hundred Soldiers Retreat. If you practice it to a great level, you can withstand thousands of troops!

"Defensive martial arts?"

On the eaves, the two killers were both shocked, and there was no such thing in the intelligence!

But when they wanted to take action again, Gu Jian's body flashed and he rushed into the alley just now.

"Looking for someone, we must not let him escape!"

The two killers looked at each other from afar, and jumped to the alley where Gu Jian disappeared, trying to find the latter.


Just when a killer looked over, a sharp long sword came from bottom to top and pierced his throat directly.


At the same time, another killer had already taken out a dagger and stabbed Gu Jian, who had jumped up to the eaves.

"court death!"

Gu Jian was not afraid at all, he turned around and struck out with his sword, slashing out a bright brilliance!


This sword was extremely sharp and swift, and it directly beheaded the last killer.

So far, six killers at the first level of Yuan Dan realm have all died in Gu Jian's hands.

"Phew, finally there is no danger."

Gu Jian released his sixth-level mental power and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no longer a threat.

He quickly searched the belongings of the six killers and found that apart from their weapons, they only had a brand on their body.

"Blood Rain Pavilion! The famous killer!"

Gu Jian wiped off the blood on the sign and finally figured out the origin of these killers.

Blood Rain Pavilion!

Of course, Gu Jian knew about this killer organization, because there were traces of them not only in Tianxing Capital, but also in Qingyun County and even Qingshan City.

"No wonder these killers are so powerful and cooperate so well. They turn out to be from Blood Rain Pavilion."

Gu Jian murmured to himself.

Although the Blood Rain Pavilion is notorious, its assassination efficiency is extremely high, and it is the number one killer organization in the seventy-two regions of the Southern Wilderness.

These six assassins with high-level names are out together. Not to mention Yuan Dan martial arts sects of the same realm, any warrior below the middle Yuan Dan level may fall into their hands.

"Fortunately, I have Ten Thousand Swords Qi Hai, Shifang Jianxuan, and a giant sword that can restrain the vine shield, otherwise it would be a disaster." Gu Jian couldn't help but sigh.

At the same time, he also felt that it was a bit troublesome, because once the Blood Rain Pavilion took over the mission, it would definitely fight to the death!

"Soldiers will block you, and water will cover you and soil will cover you. If this makes you nervous, then why practice swordsmanship?"

Gu Jian took a deep breath, chose to face it calmly, and then continued to rush to the princess mansion.

This chapter has been completed!
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