After the emperor came, he stood by the steps and pointed at her and said a few words. When he saw the chief attendant, he quickly ran down and put a cloak on her. She stood there and asked the chamberlain to fasten the cloak, took the dog food and continued to tease little A. The emperor stood there.
Looking up at what she was saying, she still played with the dog for a while before slowly going up the steps. On the side, she was still playing with the dog. Xiaolan, who was leaning on the railing, kept watching and smiling as she went up.
left before.
Here, Shen Yan also got up. When the emperor arrived, the "tug of war" was about to begin.
When Shen Yan arrived at the stand in front of Han Yuan Hall, Shen Lan and some of his ministers were already standing respectfully beside the emperor's treasure tent.
The emperor would usually invite his close ministers to participate in these activities in the palace as appropriate. If the emperor's sons were in the capital, they would have to come if they had nothing special to do.
In previous years, all the emperor's sons came together except for the third eldest son. This year, there was a lot of "depression". The eldest son was trapped, and the second son went to Yangshan to "visit the saints" - this episode also caused a lot of shock, "Looking up to the mountains to see the saints"
"Once every three years, Emperor Zishouzen went there in person and never stopped. This time, Shen Yan was appointed to go on his behalf! It also aroused a lot of speculation - at the moment, the emperor only has the fourth and fifth sons around him.
Oh, by the way, there is also a "shocking her"!
Although Li Heng has not been completely "announced to the public" now, she cannot be completely hidden. At least the entire Golden Palace knows of her existence.
She lives in the emperor's inner palace, and her expenses are the same as the emperor's, or even better!
Everyone calls her "Little Master", and in private, some people also call her "Little Sage" - note that this title is rarely used, but no one stops it! The reason is that she calls the emperor "Great Sage", and the emperor sometimes
No one knows how she came to be called "Little Saint". In short, there are "unbelievable clues" in the title.
Yes, eating and living together, getting along day and night...what's going on? But who dares to "settlement" with the emperor? Now it's his sons who "know the inside story" and haven't thought about it yet;
However, as the emperor went more and more, he took her with him everywhere, and she became more and more "inappropriate and domineering" towards the emperor!... Well, the trouble is still to come, and there is a "sign" today,
And look down.
Okay, this is a bit "unseemly".
In the center of the stand, there is a holy tent erected, and underneath it must be the throne of the emperor.
Putting her "bubu" on the stands is already "overstepping the rules" - no matter how favored she is, she can be close to the stands, but she must be under the stands. Only then will the uniqueness of the emperor be revealed.
Not only was "BuBu" in the stands, but what was even more incredible was that the small tent where "BuBu" was in was squeezed under the "Holy Tent"! - This is actually no wonder that the people in the inner court were wrong about the etiquette, it was really the emperor's
"Laissez-faire" also has her "tyranny". At first, "Bubu" was under the stands, and when she came, she made a fuss, "Why can't you see this!" When she made a fuss, it was now a big deal, so she reported it to the emperor, who would take care of everything.
, just one sentence, "Follow her." Just let her become like this...
Well, she is awesome, but she has not really sat on the "throne" of the emperor yet. One day, she will make more troubles, but that will be discussed later.
As a result, everyone among the ministers was frightened,
Some of them have known about her existence for a long time by virtue of their extraordinary connections; some of them saw her for the first time! It was quite shocking... Fortunately, there is no such "shame" in this wave today.
Dare to "break the cauldron and sink the boat" and come forward to remonstrate with the emperor for "losing the etiquette", otherwise, it will cause more trouble!
The emperor seemed to be in a good mood, sitting on the throne and looking at her; as for her, with her legs crossed and her head lowered, she was still pestering the cannon-thrower.
The whole scene makes people look at it as if they are in a dream! - As if such a little goblin exploded out of thin air, Tian'er is about to change...