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Chapter 1065: Shameless parents, Li Muzi with outstanding acting skills

 "Miss me?"

Zhou Chen almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. Not only were He Fei's parents unworthy of being parents, they even had no shame.

At least compared to Huo Ran's parents that I met before, they are really different.

"Who are you asking?"

He Fei doesn't have many friends, and even fewer of them know that he lives here. How can these two people who have never been to a big city ask about this place?

Tao Ying ate happily and said vaguely: "They are your former colleagues. We asked about the diving hall, and then we asked here."

He Dayong burped again and said in a dissatisfied tone: "You, tell me, you live in this big villa and enjoy yourself, and you don't miss me and your mother. If we hadn't come to find you, we wouldn't have known about you.

You are living so well now; it was easy for your mother and I to raise you so easily. You are living well now, but you are not filial to us. It is so unfilial."

Tao Ying agreed matter-of-factly: "Yes, son, what you did is so wrong. When you are rich, you should think of us first and be filial to us. How hard it is for us to raise you so big."

Ah, you kid is really, really ignorant."

Zhou Chen smiled after hearing what the couple said.

Although this was He Fei's business, these two people were really shameless. How could He Fei not know how He Fei grew up and inherited his memories?

So he said coldly: "If I remember correctly, it seems that I have always lived in my hometown and lived with my grandparents since I was conscious. I didn't go to your place until I was in junior high school; I still remember that in junior high school

In the sixth year of high school, I lived with you, and I was often beaten severely by you. You beat me when you were drunk, you beat me when you lost money in gambling, and you still beat me when you quarreled."

"You say that I am unfilial and ignorant, so are you parents competent at your job? Do you deserve to be filial to me?"

These words made He Dayong and Tao Ying stop eating and drinking. Li Muzi and Shen Man in the living room also showed shocked expressions. They really didn't know that He Fei would experience such an experience when they were young.

He Dayong slammed the wine glass on the table: "You little bastard, do you know what you are talking about? It is natural for parents to beat their sons, but a son dares to say that his parents are not good, you are a traitor."

Tao Ying also looked ferocious: "He Fei, you are the flesh that fell off my body. Let alone beating you, even if I beat you to death, it is only natural. You dare to settle accounts with us? Don't forget who killed you."

Brought into this world.”

It had nothing to do with him in the first place, and Zhou Chen was not angry at their words, but he was even more ashamed of their behavior. Why did his predecessor become such a person? These parents must bear most of the responsibility.

"I don't want to tell you that much. Pack your things now and leave here immediately."

He Dayong's anger surged, he stood up suddenly, and wanted to overturn the table. After using his strength, he found that it couldn't be lifted. Then he picked up the wine bottle angrily, but when he thought that it was a bottle of wine costing several thousand yuan,

He couldn't bear it anymore, so he finally picked up the wine glass and smashed it on the ground.

"You traitor, you traitor, I will beat you to death."

With that said, he rushed towards Zhou Chen, raised his hand and was ready to fight.

But Zhou Chen suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, and said with cold eyes: "Do you think this is still a child? If you want to hit me, just hit him?"

With a strong shake, He Dayong, whose body had been poisoned by alcohol for a long time, could not withstand this blow. He took a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

"Ah, Dayong."

Tao Ying panicked and ran over to help He Dayong.

This sudden scene also left Muzi Li and Shen Man stunned and unbelievable.

I wanted to hit my son, but he pushed me to the ground instead.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Chen would be an unfilial son, but after they heard what they just said and saw what happened, they didn't think Zhou Chen went too far.

However, Li Muzi still stood up, walked to Zhou Chen, and wanted to help He Dayong and his wife, but was held back by Zhou Chen.

"Shen Man, take Muzi upstairs."

"Ah, oh, oh."

Shen Man was surprised at first, and then he realized what he was doing and forced Li Muzi, who was unwilling to leave, back to the room.

"The treasonous son, the treasonous son, the treasonous son."

He Dayong was pushed by Zhou Chen, and he was mostly awake from the wine. He glared at Zhou Chen angrily, but did not dare to step forward again.

He has also seen that his son is no longer the child who dared not fight back when he was beaten and scolded. If he does it again, he will only be asking for trouble.

Tao Ying angrily scolded Zhou Chen: "How dare you hit your dad? Are you still a human being?"

"Yes, I am not a human being, but you are human beings. Is that okay? Can you leave now?"

Zhou Chen doesn't want to talk nonsense to them. It's useless to talk to such people. They have no sense of shame at all, let alone any bottom line.

He Dayong took a sip and shouted: "It's impossible to let us go. We are old. You are our son and you must provide for us in our old age. We won't leave."

Tao Ying also shouted loudly: "Yes, we are not leaving. You can't live here in a big villa, eat and drink well, but let us suffer in our hometown. There is no such reason in the world. You are our son, and we are Your parents, it is your responsibility to support and take care of us."

"If you dare not support us, we will sue you and publish it in the newspaper to let everyone know that you are an unfilial son."

"threaten me?"

Zhou Chen sneered, not surprised at all by what these two people did.

"Do you think I'm afraid? If you want to sue me, go ahead and sue me. If you want it published in the newspaper, go ahead and publish it in the newspaper. But if you want me to support you, that's impossible."

"You, you dare."

Tao Ying was so angry that she trembled: "If you dare to ignore us, I will, I will, I will make trouble known to everyone, and I will make trouble in your community. I will see how your family can have the face to see others in the future. "

He Dayong also shouted: "That's right, if you don't make it easy for us, we won't make it easy for you. Why are you living so well, living in a big villa, and drinking thousands of yuan in wine, so I have to live in a rental house?" There is no such thing in the world as drinking wine for a few dollars. I won't leave until I die. If you can, just beat me to death."

"Yes, if you can, beat us to death and let everyone know how your own son forced his parents to death."

Seeing the helpless and shameless performance of these two people, Zhou Chen felt that even if Su Daqiang came, that would be it.

No matter how noisy and mischievous they were here, these two people were really good at talking and scolded them with all kinds of unpleasant words, but they had no intention of leaving at all and were determined to stay here.

Shen Man suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"He Fei, please tell them to stop making trouble. The noise is too loud. We all took Miaomiao upstairs, but we were still crying because of the noise."

Although the villa is large, it is still under the same roof after all. He Dayong and Tao Ying are already shameless. They shout loudly and have strong penetrating power. Even if the sound insulation upstairs is good, they can still hear the noise.

Without saying a word, Zhou Chen walked directly in front of He Dayong and Tao Ying, lifted them up one by one with each hand, and He Dayong and Tao Ying screamed loudly in fright.

But Zhou Chen didn't give them a chance to resist, so he dragged their bodies to the door, opened the door, and threw them directly outside.

"I'm just driving you away now. If you continue to make trouble, there will be even worse things waiting for you."

After saying that, he closed the door directly.

Shen Man looked at this scene dumbfounded. Although she felt that these two people were shameless and rogue, they were He Fei's biological parents after all.

But Zhou Chen's approach really opened her eyes. Is there anyone who would deal with biological parents like this? Even though these parents are not good people, is it a bit too cruel to do so?

More importantly, given the shamelessness of those two people, if Zhou Chen did this, they would definitely not let it go.

"You do this to them?"

"Otherwise? Let them make trouble in the house? Throw them out and let them calm down."

Shen Man's expression was complicated: "But do you think they will be people who can calm down?"

Zhou Chen asked: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Shen Man was speechless. She suddenly felt that her parents seemed pretty good. Although they divorced and no longer cared about her, at least they didn't cause trouble for her, and they didn't do anything to embarrass her.

But as for Zhou Chen's parents, it can be seen from their posture just now that they are basically two old scoundrels, just here to cause trouble.

"Bang bang bang..."

The door was slapped, followed closely by Tao Ying and He Dayong's filthy curses.

Zhou Chen pointed at the door and said: "You see, they are just such people. They don't care about me at all, and they don't think about whether they will be embarrassed, whether they will embarrass me and Muzi, let alone them. My granddaughter, no matter how much you talk to people like this, what’s the use?”

Shen Man thought of what He Dayong and his wife looked like when they arrived. They really didn't even look at their granddaughter Xiao Miaomiao, and then they started to show off and ask for food and drink.

"Then this is not the solution. If they continue to cause trouble like this, how will you live here in the future? Aren't you going to be laughed at?"

"This is their purpose. They can be embarrassed and are not afraid of others laughing, but we can't, so they make trouble like this because they also know this. They are forcing us to compromise. Once we compromise, they will Even more arrogant and aggressive."

Shen Man felt a headache. If it had been anyone else, she would have directly suggested having someone drive them away, or call the police to drive them away.

But it happened that they were He Fei's biological parents. Even if the police were called, they would not be able to tell at all, and the trouble would be even worse.

"Why are your parents like this? How could you have such parents?"

Zhou Chen sneered: "That's because you have little knowledge. There are not a few parents like them."

"Then how are you going to solve it? You can't let them continue to make trouble."

Zhou Chen frowned slightly. The easiest way was to beat him to death with sticks, but it was obviously impossible.

"How about giving them a sum of money and letting them leave quickly?" Shen Man came up with an idea.

"It's a way, but have you ever thought about it. Once we make a start and give money, they will feel that we are easy to bully and will come back next time. You may not know that one of them is an alcoholic and the other is an alcoholic. Rotten gamblers, no matter how much money you give them, they won’t be able to withstand their abuse. If we give them money, they will keep lying on us to suck our blood. By then, even if Muzi’s family is extremely wealthy, they won’t be able to withstand their defeat.”


Shen Man took a breath. Although Zhou Chen just said it, this situation could really happen. If it was true, he simply couldn't imagine Muzi's future.

"Then do you have any solution that can be solved once and for all?"


"Really?" Shen Man looked surprised.

Zhou Chen said calmly: "One of these two people is an alcoholic and the other is a bad gambler. As their only son, I have the right to think about them and send them to an institution specializing in alcohol and gambling, and force them to give up alcohol and gambling. Stop gambling and keep it closed so they can’t bother us again.”


Shen Man was stunned and didn't know what to say.

It sounded like it was for the sake of her parents, which was a good thing, but she was certain that Zhou Chen's idea of ​​doing this was definitely revenge rather than consideration.

But she smiled: "Is it really possible?"

She didn't care what Zhou Chen thought, as long as they didn't bother Muzi and her goddaughter, it didn't matter whether their biological son was alive or dead, it was none of her business.

What's more, for this kind of person, he felt that what Zhou Chen did was not excessive at all.

Zhou Chen replied: "I don't know. I just heard that there is such a place, but I have never been in contact with it. I need time to understand it carefully."

"Okay, even if this is a solution, you have to solve the current situation."

"Don't worry, just wait."

Zhou Chen waited calmly.

The banging on the door and yelling outside didn't stop. The nanny, Aunt Chen, came over to take a look. Seeing that Zhou Chen was calm, she didn't bother him and went back to work.

After a while, Li Muzi came down from upstairs.

"Husband, let your parents come in. I see they have been shouting and cursing outside, and there are already people watching. If it continues like this, it will be too ugly."

Her face wasn't very pretty, and she didn't like her parents-in-law at all, but they were her husband's biological parents after all, and she couldn't just sit back and ignore them. What's more, what they did was really ugly, so she had to A person with a bad face cannot stand such scoundrels.

Zhou Chen said: "It's okay to let them in, but we need to put on a show."

"Acting?" Li Muzi looked puzzled.

However, Shen Man's eyes lit up when he heard about acting: "Acting? I'm a professional. Whatever script you play, I'll perfect it for you."

Zhou Chen looked at Shen Man helplessly, this woman really changed her face very quickly.

He whispered his thoughts to Li Muzi. Li Muzi nodded for a while, then frowned, looking embarrassed.

But Shen Man was very excited, chattering and teaching Li Muzi how to perform later, how to control his emotions and expressions, completely treating himself as a director.

A few minutes later, Zhou Chen opened the door, and He Dayong, who was about to bang on the door, leaned over and almost fell down.

"You treacherous son, you still know how to open the door? Do you really want to force us to death?"

Zhou Chen looked cold, glanced at the neighbors watching the excitement in front of their house, and then said coldly to He Dayong and his wife: "If you want to come in, just shut your mouth. If you scold again, I promise to call you The security guards will kick you out and prevent you from entering this community, so you can only shout at the gate."

He Dayong and Tao Ying were just about to curse, but when they heard Zhou Chen's words, they immediately suppressed the curse words and their faces turned red.

"Why don't you come in yet?"

He Dayong and Tao Ying were not people with backbone. Even though Zhou Chen's attitude was very bad, they still followed Zhou Chen into the house.

As soon as they entered the house, they noticed something was wrong. Their daughter-in-law, who had been quite enthusiastic to them when they came here, was sitting on the sofa with her hands folded and a cold face. When she saw them coming in, she was just cold. After a quick glance, he shifted his gaze without even saying hello.

Zhou Chen, on the other hand, stood there cautiously, with an ugly expression on his face, and also said nothing.

Although He Dayong and Tao Ying were scoundrels, they were not blind. As soon as they saw the atmosphere, they knew something was wrong, but before they could speak, Li Muzi spoke first.

She pointed at the things on the coffee table and said coldly: "He Fei, let's get divorced tomorrow. You should take your parents out of my house quickly and never appear in front of me again. Miaomiao will follow you." It doesn’t matter anymore.”

Zhou Chen looked ugly and said with suppressed anger: "Muzi, do you have to do this? I haven't seen them for more than ten years. I had no idea they would come today, let alone that they would do this.

I know this makes you embarrassed, but after all, we have been married for two years and now have a daughter. Do you want to divorce me because of this?"

Li Muzi's face remained unchanged, and he still said without any tone: "He Fei, we made it very clear before we got married. After you marry me, you will break off the relationship with the past. The child must also have my last name. You can give your parents money."

, but they will never be allowed to come to my house without my permission, and you promised me that."

"But now, without my permission, they came to my house and made trouble in my house. Now the whole community knows about it. How do you want me to move around with the neighbors in the future? Since you won't make it easy for me.

, don’t even think about having a good time, get divorced.”

"Muzi, I know what happened this time is my problem, but I didn't know they were coming, let alone that they would find this place. You can't put all the blame on me, can you?" Zhou Chen

explained 'eagerly'.

Li Muzi slammed the coffee table, his beautiful face was full of anger, and he shouted bitterly: "They are your parents, the responsibility is not yours, does it be mine? He Fei, don't talk nonsense to me.

Since you got married, you have eaten my food, drank my food, and used my food. Besides sleeping at home and playing around every day, what else have you done?"

"To be honest, I've really had enough of you. I was really blind when I asked you to marry me. Forget it, I don't want to say anything more. I'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce tomorrow."

After saying that, she stood up, glanced at He Dayong and Tao Ying coldly, snorted coldly, and left.

Not to mention, Li Muzi's outburst was full of momentum and explosive power, fully demonstrating the posture of a domineering and bitter daughter-in-law.

Even Shen Man, who gave careful guidance, secretly gave a thumbs up to relieve his anger.

When Li Muzi got angry just now, He Dayong and Tao Ying didn't dare to interrupt, but as soon as Li Muzi left, they became angry.

"What kind of attitude, son? What kind of wife did you marry? She is like an ancestor and doesn't know how to respect your parents-in-law. Doesn't she want a divorce? Just divorce her. Our Lao He family is still afraid of her as a woman.

, what a joke.”

Tao Ying pointed in the direction where Muzi Li left and screamed loudly, just to let Muzi Li hear it.

He Dayong was also shouting and cheering from the side: "You're right, son, divorce her. A big man can still be bullied by a woman like her. We don't want to be angry about this. You should go over and give her a slap now."

, I can’t fight anymore after the divorce.”

'My darn thing.'

Zhou Chen really has 10,000 fucks in his heart. This couple is really the best.

"Shut up, if it weren't for you, how could I have quarreled with her, let alone get a divorce."

Tao Ying was dissatisfied: "What are you talking about? She has treated you so badly and you still blame us. Are you mean?"


Suddenly, there was a burst of sneer. He Dayong and Tao Ying both looked at Shen Man who was laughing and shouted dissatisfied.

"why are you laughing?"

Shen Man replied unceremoniously: "Of course I am laughing at you for divorcing Muzi? I don't know where you got your confidence. I'm afraid you don't know that if He Fei divorced Muzi, he would have to leave the house." , you won’t get a penny, otherwise, why do you think he, a grown man, wouldn’t dare to talk back when he was scolded?”

He Dayong and his wife changed their expressions at the same time: "Son, is what she said true?"

Zhou Chen looked ugly, snorted coldly, but said nothing, but his attitude couldn't be more obvious.

This chapter has been completed!
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