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Chapter 1070 New World: Lotus Tower

 The one-month free period soon ended, and it was time to travel again. Before the countdown came, Zhou Chen took the initiative to choose to travel.

"System, start traveling!"


Intense pain impacts the body and consciousness.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and before he had time to look at his surroundings, he felt a sweet sensation in his throat and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he felt a little more comfortable. He was about to reach out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, but when he saw his raised right hand, his expression suddenly changed.

His right hand was completely black and covered with thick dirt. Half of his arm was exposed, covered with a ragged rag.

A foul smell hit Zhou Chen's nostrils, almost making him vomit. He endured the impact of the smell and took stock of his current situation.

Dirty, messy, injured, smelly, bloody...

He is also a person with extremely rich experience in time travel, but this is the first time he has encountered this embarrassing way of time travel.

Just by looking at his current body and clothes, he could already tell that his current situation was extremely bad. He was no doubt a beggar, no, to be precise, he was not doing well among beggars.

In addition, the dirty blood and physical pain on his body also told Zhou Chen that he had been severely beaten not long ago.

"The beggar's gambit is another new type of time travel identity."

Although he doesn't like his identity after time-traveling, he is already used to it. Since the system can arrange for him to be a high-ranking marquis and wealthy businessman, it can also allow him to time-travel into a beggar with a low social status.

So he doesn't feel inappropriate about his post-travel identity, but his current state is not very good.

At the same time, he also saw the clothes on his body. Although they were in tatters, he could vaguely tell that they were different from modern clothes and more like the clothes of ancient society, and.

He glanced around and found that he was leaning against the wall of an alleyway. The surrounding buildings were also very antique and different from modern buildings.

"Have you traveled to ancient times again?"

So far, he has traveled through the ancient film and television world twice, one is the world of Langya Bang, and the other is the world of Menghualu.

If it is the ancient world again this time, it will be his third time traveling to the ancient world.

The physical pain is still continuing, but he can feel that the pain is slowly weakening. This is because his current body does not match his physical attributes, and the system is slowly transforming his body until it returns to what he should be.

The location of the body attributes.

It's just that the speed of this transformation is relatively slow, but he can still tolerate this level. The most important thing now is to figure out which world he has traveled to.

"System, open the panel."

Host: Zhou Chen






Points remaining: 10



Anti-toxic constitution: The host's body has been strengthened and has strong resistance to toxic substances.

Friends of women: When the host treats a female patient, the treatment effect is doubled.

Bing Xin Jue: If your heart is as clear as ice, you won’t be surprised when the sky falls; if things change, you will remain calm, and you will feel happy and calm...

(Note: The host is too murderous. This is a somewhat magical meditation method. It does not kill, but it can help the host calm down the murderous intention, keep the mind calm, and maintain himself.)

Professional grade train driving skills.


Shuttle card × 11; plot card × 2; restart card × 1; wealth conversion card × 1; world card × 1;

Eye of Identification (left): It has powerful identification ability and can identify the information of objects; cooling time: one day.

General food stamps × 842, general meat stamps × 665, general cloth stamps × 720, general industrial coupons × 626…………

Mission: Not active.

Side quest: Not activated.

Zhou Chen was very surprised to see that both the main mission and the side mission were inactive. He had encountered similar missions before, but there was a prompt to activate them after meeting the plot characters, but this time it was better, they were simply inactive.

, not even the activation conditions are displayed.

Since neither the main mission nor the side mission is activated, he cannot judge the film and television world through the mission, unless he uses the world card once, but he only has one such precious world card, and he is still reluctant to use it when the situation is not certain.

Since he couldn't see the mission, the most important thing now was to recover his body first. He immediately added two points of physical fitness to his body.

After adding two points of physical fitness, he clearly felt that his body's strengthening and recovery speed had increased a lot. If he continued at this rate, he would be able to fully return to his full strength within a day.

Although adding more points can help him recover faster, attribute points are very important to him and he doesn't want to add them all at once.

This recovery speed is enough. It only takes a while for him to return to his normal state.

The smell around him was too strong. Zhou Chen moved his body and moved a few meters to the side before stopping.

But the torn and torn clothes and the mud all over his body made him extremely uncomfortable. When had he ever been so dirty?

I made a decision in my mind to find a place to take a shower as soon as I was almost recovered, but before that I had to find a set of clean clothes.

Because he moved a few meters outside, he could see the street outside and the people walking on the street.

"It is indeed an ancient society, but I don't know which dynasty it is from."

It's strange that after this time travel, he didn't inherit any memory.

It is impossible for the system to forget this and not give him memory. Either the memory of the previous person is not important, or he is dead and has no memory, or there are some special circumstances.

But he estimated that it was most likely the first type, and the original memory shouldn't be important, so he didn't let him inherit it.

This is not surprising. How can a little beggar have any important memories?

Zhou Chen doesn't worry about memory. The task is not activated now, so it doesn't matter whether he has memory or not.

He was thinking about his next path. The first thing after he recovered was to wash himself clean, change into clean clothes, and then find out which dynasty he was in now.

Just as he was thinking about his way out, a piece of broken silver suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and rolled in front of him. He looked at the broken piece of silver and raised his head in surprise.

There were two more women in front of him. Although he heard footsteps just now, he just thought that someone was passing by him, but he didn't expect that the other party actually threw a piece of silver to him.

While he was shocked, he also realized the key. His current identity was either a beggar or a vagrant, and it seemed reasonable for others to throw money at him.

The two women in front of me are very young, at most fifteen or sixteen years old, especially the girl close to Zhou Chen. She is wearing a green shirt. Although her face is green, her appearance is very beautiful, especially her eyes, which are big and bright.

, as if there is light.

And Zhou Chen could clearly feel that the girl's eyes when she looked at him were full of sympathy and kindness.

Behind the girl is a girl of about the same age, but her dress is much worse than that of the girl in blue. She should be a maid or servant of the girl in blue.

The girl in green shirt saw Zhou Chen looking at her, so she showed a sweet smile.

"Little beggar, please live well."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was dragged away by the maid behind him.

"Miss, what do you care about him? There are little beggars like this everywhere. Just give him money."

"Xiaohuan, we can't look down on him just because he is a beggar."

"Miss, I know you are kind-hearted, but even if you want to do this, you don't have to approach yourself. Just let Xiaohuan help you. Otherwise, if the blind beggar collides with the lady, the county magistrate will beat me to death.


The girl in green shirt said softly: "I know, I will pay attention next time. Let's go to the cloth shop. Dad's birthday is coming soon, and I want to make him a new dress."

The girl and the maid were talking, slowly left, and soon disappeared from Zhou Chen's sight.

Zhou Chen withdrew his gaze and picked up the broken silver on the ground. In ancient society, gold and silver were always hard currencies. This small piece of broken silver also cost half a tael. In ancient society, the purchasing power of five coins was already very strong.

So the girl in green shirt just now helped him a lot, at least he had start-up capital.

"Although it was unintentional, I remembered that the county magistrate is the young lady of the county magistrate's family."

He is a person who prioritizes himself most of the time, but he will still remember those who are kind to him and will repay them if he has the opportunity.

The girl in blue gave him the money just now out of kindness, but he remembered that he was unable to repay the favor now and would have to find a way to exchange the favor in the future.

After leaning against the wall for more than two hours, Zhou Chen felt that his body had recovered to less than half of its prime, so he stopped waiting and stood up directly.

After sitting here for more than two hours, only the girl in blue gave him a small piece of silver. Although there were many other passers-by, no one gave him another penny.

It seems that being a beggar in ancient times was not that easy. Without certain business abilities, you would not be able to get any rewards even if you begged.

Zhou Chen found it funny that he had traveled to the little beggar and actually started to think about things as a little beggar. What a sense of immersion.

Walking in one direction, he did not sit there for more than two hours in vain. During this time, he carefully observed the passers-by and listened to their conversations.

There wasn't much useful content, but it also allowed him to determine the direction out of the city.

With his current status and attire, it would be difficult for him to settle down in the county town. He should go out of the city to sort out his affairs first, and then consider the following matters.

The thread he was in was not that big. He walked along the road and arrived at the gate of the county seat in about a quarter of an hour.

There are several soldiers standing guard at the gate of the city, checking the people coming in and out, especially those entering the city. For those leaving the city, most people just look at them briefly and let them go.

Zhou Chen's beggar disguise still took advantage of him. When he left the city gate, the guard at the gate didn't pay much attention to him. He took a quick look and let him go.

Having lived in ancient times for many years, he naturally knew the reason. No one cared if there was one less beggar in the city. Even the gentlemen wished that all the beggars would stay away from the town, which would make their management more convenient.

After leaving the city, Zhou Chen did not take the official road, but left by a small road. He had just heard someone say that the county where he was now was located on the edge of the East China Sea. After leaving the county, he could reach the East China Sea more than ten miles south.

And that's where his goal is.

But before that, he still had to get a set of clean clothes.

Before he even reached the beach, Zhou Chen saw a village with smoke rising from cooking fires. However, when he got closer, he realized that the village was not big. It was estimated that there were only twenty or thirty households at most.

Zhou Chen just thought about it for a moment and walked into the village.

As soon as he entered the village, he saw the people in the village. A woman in the village carrying a hoe was very surprised to see someone entering the village, but she did not come over to ask immediately, but turned around and ran away.

Zhou Chen walked another dozen steps and saw several children playing. When these children saw Zhou Chen in ragged clothes, they did not run away in fear. Instead, they stared at Zhou Chen curiously.

Suddenly, several people walked over quickly, led by an elderly man.

"Little brother, I am the village chief here, where are you from?"

The one who spoke was the leading old man, who had a kind face, but the young men behind him looked wary, and some even had farm tools and weapons in their hands.

Zhou Chen could tell what they were thinking at a glance. Now he is just a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. It is naturally easier for people to relax their vigilance and trust than an adult.

"Hello, village chief. I am a refugee from the west. There is no road to guide me and I cannot enter the county. I am passing by here and want to buy some food and clean clothes. Please ask the village chief for permission."

As he said this, he took out the only silver he had and emphasized again.

"I buy it with money."

Seeing the money in Zhou Chen's hand, the eyes of the young and middle-aged men with vigilant faces lit up. If they were to give money, it wouldn't be a bad idea to sell Zhou Chen some food and clothes.

However, although they were jealous of the money in Zhou Chen's hand, they did not speak. Instead, they looked at the village chief, waiting for the village chief's decision.

The old village chief didn't look at the silver in Zhou Chen's hand, but stared at Zhou Chen's face. After seeing Zhou Chen's eyes, he frowned slightly.

"Little brother, it's just some food and clothes. It doesn't cost that much money. You put the money away first. Come with me and I'll get you some clothes."


Several young adults shouted eagerly, but the village chief just waved his hand.

"It's okay. You all go back first. I'll take this little brother back."

Although those young men were depressed, it was obvious that the old village chief still had great authority. After speaking, they reluctantly left.

The old village chief said kindly: "Little brother, come with me."

Zhou Chen was surprised and put away the money: "Village Chief, thank you."

The old village chief smiled and said: "No need, who hasn't had a difficult time yet?"

Zhou Chen followed the old village chief and came to a small courtyard surrounded by mud in the village. It could be seen that the living conditions in the village were not very good. Along the way, most of the houses were earthen houses, with only a few houses made of wood and stone.

"We are close to the sea and make a living by fishing, so we are a fishing village. Although life is difficult, fortunately, no one will starve to death. As long as we work hard to fish, life is still passable."

Zhou Chen nodded. Since he was close to the sea, he naturally relied on the sea to eat. He couldn't rely on the sea and not fish, so he should go hunting instead.

The old village chief walked into the house and quickly took a set of clothes and handed them to Zhou Chen.

"These are my son's old clothes. He has no need now. You can wear them as you will."

"Thank you, village chief." Zhou Chen took the clothes.

"Behind the village is the seaside. You need a good cleaning now. Go ahead and I'll make you something to eat. You can come back after washing."

The old village chief had a kind expression and a friendly tone. Zhou Chen said seriously: "Thank you very much, village chief. I'll be right back."

Holding his energetic clothes, he soon arrived at the beach and saw the endless sea.

This sea is the East China Sea, but I don't know if it is the same sea as the East China Sea in the real world where he lives.

There was no time to think so much, so he glanced around, Zhou Chen quickly took off all the dirty clothes on his body and washed them at the beach.

After taking a shower, I can remove several pounds of dirt, and my whole body will feel refreshed from head to toe.

"It's cool."

Zhou Chen had never thought that cleaning up was such a relaxing and happy thing.

I put on the clothes given by the old village chief. They were rough and didn't fit well, but they were much better than the rags I wore before.

Returning to the old village chief's house, the old village chief had already prepared a meal, which was just simple gruel, with only a few grains of rice in the bowl, and a few sea fish.

When the old village chief saw the clean Zhou Chen, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Are you really the little brother just now?"

"Yes, village chief."

The old village chief smiled and said: "It turns out he is a handsome young man."

Although Zhou Chen still had injuries on his face and body, after cleaning them, it could still be seen that he looked good.

"Young Master is not really a man, he is just a man in trouble."

After having dinner at the old village chief's house, Zhou Chen put the money on the table. Without waiting for the old village chief's refusal, he said that he wanted to stay for a few days and the money would be considered as accommodation expenses.

The old village chief wanted to refuse, but Zhou Chen insisted again and again, so he had no choice but to agree.

Three days have passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Chen has completely returned to his prime state. However, the system's main tasks and side tasks are still silent and inactive.

For three days, he stayed at the old village chief's house and learned a lot about the old village chief's situation.

Although he is the village chief, there are only twenty-two households in their village, and the total population is less than one hundred, so it is considered a very small village.

The old village chief’s surname is Chen, and most people in the village are also surnamed Chen. He is the only one in the old village chief’s family. His son was drafted into the army when he was young and never came back. His wife also passed away many years ago. Now

He is a real lonely old man.

This Chenjiacun is not said to be out of touch with the world, but it is also a relatively harmonious fishing village. There are many fishing villages like theirs around the East China Sea, and they all rely on fishing in the East China Sea for their livelihood.

In the past three days, Zhou Chen also asked the old village chief about the situation in the world, but the answers he got made him confused.

The court that currently rules the world is called Daxi. It is a court that he has never heard of and has existed for more than a hundred years.

As for the name of the court before Daxi, no one in Chenjia Village knows. The old village chief Chen also knows very little about the outside world. Apart from knowing that it is Daxi, the farthest place he has ever been is Zhou Chen.

The county where I stayed.

Zhou Chen has no impression of this Daxi Dynasty at all. It is certain that it is not a dynasty that he knows, a dynasty that does not exist in history. If nothing unexpected happens, this world should be an imaginary world.

But for him, the most important information he learned from Village Chief Chen was not this, but something else.

That is, there are people in the world who come and go. Yes, Village Chief Chen said that there are people in the world who come and go. There were people in the world who came to their village, so they know this.


This situation made Zhou Chen very happy. In the ancient world, there were people who came and went in the world, so there must be martial arts in this world, but I don't know whether it is a low martial arts world or a high martial arts world, and I don't know which martial arts world it is.

So after he learned the news, he immediately started practicing his Pure Yang Jue.

In three days, he had developed the sense of Qi by practicing the Pure Yang Jue, which made him even more happy. It seemed that after this time travel, his physical talent was very good. He had developed the sense of Qi in three days.

It's definitely not far away when the first trace of inner strength comes out.

Zhou Chen has already memorized the Chunyang Jue, and has practiced it twice. This time, the practice is much faster than in the Menghualu world. Even compared to the Langya Bang world, it is worse.

Not too much.

Being able to get started so quickly this time, in addition to his good physical talent, his own proficiency also played a big role.

After knowing that there are martial arts and rivers and lakes in this world, Zhou Chen did not leave the fishing village in a hurry, but settled down in the fishing village, staying at the old village chief's house.

Relying on his superb fishing skills and strong physical fitness, Zhou Chen quickly conquered the villagers of Chenjia Village and allowed the villagers to accept him. He slowly integrated into Chenjia Village and became a member of the village.

Time flies, and one year has passed quickly.

On a rock by the East China Sea, Zhou Chen sat cross-legged, facing the rising sun, quietly practicing the Pure Yang Technique.

One year has passed, and with his outstanding talent and cultivation experience, he has mastered the Pure Yang Jue to a small degree.

He found that practicing Pure Yang Jue in this world was more successful than in the Langya Bang world, not because he had better talent, but because this world seemed more suitable for practicing inner skills and mental methods.

In the modern world, no matter how hard he tried, he could not develop the sense of qi, but in this world, not only could he quickly develop the sense of qi and internal strength, but his internal strength also progressed very quickly.

According to his guess, it should be that the rules of heaven and earth are different, or that it is a difference in the natural environment.

In this year, he has settled in Chenjia Village and has visited the county many times. Although it is only a county on the East China Sea, there are many sources of information that give him a good understanding of the world, especially the things he is most concerned about.

I also have a rough understanding of the martial arts world.

Nowadays, the most powerful martial arts sect in the world is called Sigu Sect. Sigu Sect seems to be located not far from the East China Sea, and the leader of Sigu Sect is still the best master in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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