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Chapter 1151 King Yan rebelled and the imperial palace changed

"The sky is going to change."

Zhou Chen sighed quietly, making Hua Lan look confused. She glanced at the sky outside.

"No, the weather is pretty good. It's not going to change."

I can't deal with Zhou Chen like this. Well, our lady is really a real person.

"This is not a sudden change. Please inform the people in the house that except for normal shopping, no one is allowed to go out today, including the fourth and fifth brothers in the courtyard."

Only then did Hua Lan react, and her face changed in shock: "Guanren, what you said is the change of heaven, is this true?"

"Ah, palace changes."


Hua Lan's body trembled, with a look of horror on her face. Although she had been the eldest daughter of the family for many years and had developed a mentality of being unfazed by honor and disgrace, she was still quite frightened when she heard Zhou Chen's words.

"Guanren, don't scare me. How did you know?"

Zhou Chen said quietly: "King Yong is about to be established as the crown prince, and the sword is about to be hung above his head. King Yan is not a person who just waits for death. He must fight to the death."

There were only the two of them here, and there was no need to worry about the walls having ears, so he told Hua Lan this to make Hua Lan mentally prepared.

"No matter how the day changes, it's the same for us. All we have to do is guard the door of the house to avoid trouble."

Zhou Chen warned Hua Lan.

To be honest, he had actually thought about whether to save the official family. After all, he was forced to have a palace. If he could save the official family and bring order to the chaos, it would be a great achievement.

But if he had no intention and led his troops into the city rashly, even if he attacked the imperial city and saved the officials, the Holy Heart is unpredictable. Who knows whether the officials would have thought that he had ordered troops to attack the imperial city without an order.

Things made him fearful.

After all, the Zhao family's empire came about through the mutiny of the Yellow Robes, so the Emperor Zhao valued military power very highly and tried his best to suppress military generals.

Therefore, he has a way to command the Dragon Guard Army, but if he really leads the troops to attack the city and rescue them, it is really difficult to predict whether it will be a great achievement or a disaster.

Life is very good now, and Zhou Chen doesn't want to ruin it. He has not been brainwashed by Confucianism and has no idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor. In everything, he puts the preservation of the Hou family first.

Now there is only one thing he is more worried about: whether Zhao Zongquan will come to Bianjing by chance like in the original plot.

Hua Lan suddenly looked panicked: "My father and Chang Bai are busy in the palace right now with the ceremony of crown prince's appointment. If a palace coup really happens, wouldn't they be in danger? Official, do you have any way to save them?"

Zhou Chen said: "Madam, don't worry, your father and Chang Bai are just in the old palace, helping to check the classics and standardize the ritual etiquette process. Even if there is a palace coup, they will not be implicated as civil servants, so it is relatively safe."


"Even the palace coup happened, how can there be a safe place in the palace?"

"Now that the matter has come to this, I can only pray that they are safe and sound. I am afraid that there is no way in or out of the palace now."

Zhou Chen called Yuan Cai and gave him a few instructions. Then Yuan Cai looked shocked, nodded solemnly, and turned to leave.

"Guanren, where did you ask Yuan Cai to go?"

"Go to Sheng Mansion, just in case."

Zhou Chen knew that on the day of the palace change in the plot, Minglan went back to deliver food to her father and brother. It was such a coincidence that she encountered the palace change. In the end, she escaped through a dog hole, and then met a man with a blood edict and a tiger charm.

The palace maid was almost killed while escaping. Fortunately, she met Gu Tingye and others in time.

Now that Gu Tingye is still in the capital, if Minglan remains the same as in the plot, no one will save her.

So Zhou Chen simply refused to let her go to the palace. As for the little palace maid who escaped, he also made arrangements.


Because Sheng Hong and Sheng Changbai had not returned home for a long time, there were only a few female relatives and the only male Sheng Changfeng left in the house.

Since Lin Sushuang and Sheng Molan were sent to Zhuangzi outside the city, Sheng Changfeng was imprisoned for a period of time, which means he has settled down and has matured a lot now.

In the Shouan Hall, the old lady and Minglan were playing chess, while Hai Chaoyun next to them was doing embroidery.

She had been married to Sheng Changbai for almost a year, and the couple were very loving. This time Sheng Changbai hadn't been home for a long time, and she was naturally worried and missing her.

The three of them talked and chatted, and the conversation finally turned to their father and brother. Finally, they said they would deliver food to them, and Minglan volunteered to deliver it herself.

But while the meal was being prepared in the kitchen, suddenly Fang's mother walked in from outside and whispered in the old lady's ear.

"Yuan Cai, who is with the Marquis, has come and said that he has something important to tell you, but he can only tell you alone."

The old lady looked surprised, and then said: "Help me up and go out to talk."

"Grandma, let me help you."

Minglan and Hai Chaoyun both stood up and wanted to help the old lady.

But the old lady waved her hands and said, "You don't need to. Just stay here. I'll come back as soon as I can."

After saying that, she walked out of Shou'an Hall, and with the support of Fang's mother, she came outside the hospital.

I saw Yuan Cai standing outside. When he saw the old lady coming, he walked over quickly.

"Old lady Jin An,"

The old lady asked: "Did Saburo ask you to come?"

"Yes, the Marquis ordered me to come."

After Yuan Cai finished speaking, he did not continue and looked carefully at Fang's mother beside the old lady.

The old lady immediately understood: "Mother Fang, go and call everyone around you and don't let anyone get close to you."


Yuan Cai glanced around, and after confirming that no one was there, he came to the old lady and told the old lady Zhou Chen's instructions in a low voice.

After hearing this, the old lady was immediately shocked.


"That's what the Marquis ordered."

The old lady took a deep breath, her face still full of shock, because Zhou Chen's words were too terrifying, but she understood better that Zhou Chen could not lie to him.

"Okay, I understand, you should go back to the Hou Mansion immediately."

"Yes, the younger one will go back first."

"Mom Fang."

The old lady shouted, and Fang's mother quickly came over and helped the old lady back into the house.

Minglan was most familiar with the old lady. When she saw the old lady coming back with a serious face, she immediately realized what might have happened.


Just as she was about to ask, the old lady raised her hand and glanced at Fang's mother and others.

"You all go down."

After the people left, the old lady sat down, looking very ugly.

"Tomorrow, go tell the lady and ask her to seal the door of the house immediately and not allow anyone to enter or exit."


Minglan and Hai Chaoyun were both stunned.

After the old lady finished speaking, she immediately realized something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, it's better not to go to the eldest lady. With her temper, she can't stabilize things. I can't tell her. There can be no chaos at this time. It is the right way to cope with all changes by staying the same."

Minglan asked in a low voice: "Grandma, what happened?"

The old lady said: "Don't ask, I can't tell you now. Tomorrow, you don't have to go and deliver food to your father and brother. Wait, let's wait."

Minglan and Hai Chaoyun are both smart people, especially Hai Chaoyun, who asked nervously: "Grandma, has something happened to the official and father-in-law?"

"It's not them. Okay, don't ask any more questions. You can't go anywhere today, just stay with me in Shou'an Hall. Tomorrow, you go see Chang Feng. If he is at home, let him stay at home and stay well."

When he goes out, if he is not at home, send someone to find him. Chaoyun, go and call your mother-in-law."


Minglan and Hai Chaoyun walked out of Shou'an Hall, and they looked at each other in confusion.

They didn't know what happened, but looking at their grandmother's expression, they knew that someone sent by their eldest brother-in-law must have told her something that made her so nervous.

But they were also very smart. Since grandma didn't want to say anything, there must be a reason why she couldn't, so they didn't ask any more questions.

The old lady was sitting alone in the main hall of Shou'an Hall, her expression constantly changing.

"Is the sky really going to change?"


Time continued to pass, and the people sent by Zhou Chen came back one after another, bringing him news from all over the city.

"Master Hou, Master Gu is here."

Suddenly someone came to report that Gu Tingye was here. Zhou Chen was slightly surprised. Did this guy react quickly, or did he get some warning or news?

"Take him to the hall."

Zhou Chen soon saw Gu Tingye, who looked anxious.

"Brother, you didn't go on duty today. I'm afraid something big happened in the city today. It just so happened that my wife was invited to the palace by Concubine Rong today. I suspect something bad may have happened in the imperial city."

Zhou Chen didn't go there today, and neither did the deputy capital commander. Gu Tingye was in charge of Ma Junsi, so it wasn't surprising that he found something unusual.

Zhou Chen frowned: "Your eldest wife was invited by Concubine Rong?"

"Yes, I didn't want her to go originally, but my wife didn't want to offend Concubine Rong because of this matter, so she followed my mother to the palace. Now it seems that something must have happened. I don't know what happened in the palace.

What, but it must be related to Concubine Rong."

Gu Tingye looked anxious. He and Yu Yanran had been married for a few months, and they were getting along very well. Yu Yanran was indeed what he thought, and she was very kind to his children. Although she was a little soft-tempered, she had Grandma Chang to help her.

, I still managed the house well and there was no trouble.

So he felt something was wrong and did not dare to go to the palace immediately. Instead, he came to Zhou Chen immediately.

Hearing that Yu Yanran and Mrs. Qin went to the palace together, it seems that Concubine Rong is also very afraid of the Gu family.

"Something has indeed happened. I have sent people to check several city gates in Bianjing City. All the city gates have been closed, and the palace city has also been closed. If I guessed correctly, it should be King Yan who forced the palace to mutiny.



Gu Tingye was shocked: "King Yan is rebelling?"

After the shock, he quickly calmed down and thought about it seriously, it didn't seem strange.

King Yong is about to be established as the prince. If he waits until King Yong becomes the prince, King Yan will have no choice but to wait for death, so now he is going to fight to the death.

Thinking of this, his face turned extremely ugly: "No wonder Concubine Rong invited all the ladies to get together. It seems that the Rong family has united with Prince Yan. Brother, could it be that Concubine Rong also invited my sister-in-law there."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "Madam, she didn't receive the invitation. It must be because I once saved Rong Feiyan. Concubine Rong is reciprocating the favor."

"Brother, what should we do? Should we just do nothing?"

His wife was detained in the palace, and Gu Tingye was extremely anxious.

Zhou Chen said in a deep voice: "It's not that we don't do anything, it's that we can't do anything. If you dare to make any move, I'm afraid Concubine Rong and King Yan will definitely kill your wife and mother without hesitation. There are others in the city."

The same goes for military commanders with military power, who are not from the lineage of King Yan, or who are on good terms with the Rong family, no one dares to touch them, and no one is willing to touch them."

Gu Tingye understood what Zhou Chen meant. The reason for the change in Prince Yan's palace was just for the sake of the throne. If these generals did not move, their wives would naturally be fine. When the overall situation was decided, they would all be released.

After all, even if King Yan succeeds in the mutiny and wants to secure the throne, he will never dare to offend all the nobles. Instead of offending him, he will try to win over them.

"Is it possible that we have been restrained by King Yan? Brother, can't you even do anything about it?"

Zhou Chen said: "What do you think we can do, go to the big camp in the western suburbs outside the city and recruit troops to march into Bianjing? With a wrong name, bad words, and no tiger talisman, we can't recruit many troops at all. Even if someone is willing to follow us,

Without an order, rashly leading troops to attack the city will be a capital offense, regardless of whether the officials can be saved."

Gu Tingye's face was extremely ugly. He knew that Zhou Chen was telling the truth. What the imperial court was most afraid of was military generals leading troops. If they didn't have the will, they wouldn't be able to mobilize many troops at all. It would be extremely difficult to attack Bianjing City and the palace city.

"Then what should we do?"

"Wait, the officials will not compromise easily. They will definitely send people out to ask for help. I have arranged manpower around the palace. If anyone from the palace is found, I will bring them over. But I know you know this, so you can't

Spread the word."

"Brother trusts me so much, I will never betray him."

Gu Tingye had no choice but to trust Zhou Chen and did not leave. He stayed in the Hou Mansion and waited with Zhou Chen.

The Ouchi Imperial Palace should have been the safest place in the world, but at this moment, it was extremely chaotic, with fighting going on everywhere.

The Forbidden Army and the rebels are fighting. Although King Yan has controlled many troops, invaded the palace city, and controlled all the gates of the palace city, there are still many Forbidden Army protecting the officials in the palace, so now King Yan is letting people fight with the Forbidden Army.


Although the number of the Forbidden Army was large, they still could not stop the large number of rebels and could only protect the officials and retreat to the inner palace.

In the Funing Hall, the officials, the queen, and a group of palace maids and officials gathered together in panic.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the rebels have surrounded Funing Hall and are banging on the door. I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long."

An eunuch and an internal official ran in rolling and crawling, and reported in horror.

The official was restless and asked in a tone full of hope: "Is there still a way out of the palace?"

"Your Majesty, the entire imperial city is full of traitors. All the palace gates and palace gates are surrounded by water. It is impossible to get out of the palace."

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the officials angrily shouted and cursed King Yan.

He didn't expect that King Yan would be so bold and dare to force the palace to rebel. What's even more frightening is that the palace has fallen, and now he can only hide in the palace in embarrassment.

This chapter has been completed!
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