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Chapter 1175: Decades later, the world returns to Zhou

Zhou Chen waved his hand, and the surrounding soldiers immediately rushed towards the official Zhao Zongquan and others.

The eunuchs and maids were so frightened that they peed on the spot. They all knelt down and begged for mercy, allowing the soldiers to control them.

But the guards guarding the officials and the queen all drew their swords, and King Huan Zhao Ceying even shouted angrily: "Your Majesty is the lord of the world. Whoever dares to come here, I will kill him and punish him among the nine tribes.


The soldiers who surrounded him all paused and looked hesitant. They were not afraid of taking down others, but the official family was an official family after all, and even the losing side in the battle was not someone they could easily insult.

Seeing that the soldiers were all looking at him, Zhou Chen didn't say anything. He turned his attention to the Queen Mother and showed an expression asking for instructions.

The Queen Mother snorted coldly: "What are you still doing? Take it down."

With the Queen Mother's order, they no longer hesitated. They rushed over one by one fiercely and savagely. Under the angry roar of King Huan Zhao Ceying, they controlled him. The rest of the guards also killed him.

Take the lower one.

In the end, only the official and the queen were left. Seeing that they were about to come, the official roared angrily.

"Don't touch me, I am the emperor, who dares to touch me?"

The emperor's deterrence was still very strong. The soldiers did not dare to disobey the Queen Mother's orders, but they also did not dare to actually attack the officials. If they were accidentally hurt, they could not afford to offend them.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother angrily said: "Useless trash."

Then she looked at the two most powerful internal officials around her and ordered: "You go."

These two internal officials were both old servants who had been with her and the late emperor for decades. They were loyal to the Queen Mother and had no loyalty to the official family at all. So as soon as they heard the Queen Mother's order, without saying a word, they stepped forward and tied them up with ropes.

The officials and the queen were tied up.

"You are impudent and bold, you traitors, traitors, and traitors."

The official was tied up by the two eunuchs with all their strength. He was so angry that he yelled and struggled, but the two eunuchs also tried their best to suppress him. They were different from the soldiers. They were the Queen Mother's domestic slaves, and they were now

When performing in front of the Queen Mother, naturally you have to use all your strength.

In the end, the majestic Emperor of the Song Dynasty was tied up by two eunuchs. Even the queen did not escape. However, the queen was more sensible and only had her hands tied.

The majestic emperor and empress have since become prisoners.

Zhou Chen looked at this scene with an expressionless face. Since the Queen Mother has won now, the official outcome is self-evident.

He didn't feel any discomfort at all. He had even rebelled and became the emperor, so this kind of palace change was nothing.

The Queen Mother ordered Zhou Chen: "Bring those outside in too."


Zhou Chen walked out of Funing Hall and came back soon, but he brought in two men and women who were also tied up.

"Concubine Liu."

"Your Majesty, Queen."

The two people who were escorted in were Concubine Liu and her brother. They were the ones who planned tonight's palace coup, and it was Concubine Liu's brother who led the attack on Fuling Palace.

But just when they were about to attack the Funing Palace and capture the emperor, queen and others, a group of forbidden troops suddenly rushed in, and they were defeated and captured without any resistance.

Concubine Liu Guifei came to Funing Hall and saw the situation in the hall. She was stunned for a moment and then reacted very quickly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am with you. Please ask them to let me go."

The Queen Mother looked at her with disdain: "You join the rebels and cause trouble. You are a traitor and traitor. I am the Queen Mother, how can I join you?"

"Queen Mother."

Concubine Liu looked at the Queen Mother in disbelief. The reason why she dared to launch a palace coup was because the Queen Mother gave her private support. Otherwise, how could she have the courage?

But she didn't expect that now that she had succeeded, the Queen Mother would turn against her and refuse to acknowledge her.

She shouted sternly: "Queen Mother, you said it. As long as I help you, you will definitely support my Yong'er. How can you keep your word? Queen Mother, Queen Mother."

The official yelled angrily from the side: "You idiot, bitch, it's all because of you, why are you so stupid and being played like this, you bitch..."

In fact, Liu Guifei conspired with the Queen Mother to change the palace, and everything was in his plan. But now that something went wrong and it was irreversible, he could only vent his anger on Liu Guifei. If she hadn't been so stupid, how could he have fallen into this trap?

to such a field.

"Queen Mother."

Concubine Liu ignored the official's roar and still looked at the Queen Mother with expectant eyes, eager to get a reply from the Queen Mother.

But the Queen Mother didn't look at her again. She did support Liu Guifei's rebellion in private, but Liu Guifei was just a pawn of hers. Now that she had succeeded, the pawn was useless.

She wants to help Concubine Liu's son Zhao Yong ascend to the throne, but she absolutely cannot tolerate Zhao Yong having a mother-in-law. She wants to be the Empress Dowager, listen to politics behind the curtain, and be in charge of the world. The official family, the queen, and Concubine Liu are all hers.

Obstacles, so she will not let go of any of them.

"Put them all in Funing Hall, don't let anyone go."

Zhou Chen accepted the order and said: "Yes, eldest lady."

The Queen Mother nodded and ordered: "The city of Bianjing is still in turmoil. You and your people quickly suppressed the rebellion. When word spread, Concubine Liu and her brother committed a rebellion and killed the emperor and empress. King Huan rose up to resist and unfortunately died in the battle..."

After receiving the Queen Mother's instructions, Zhou Chen nodded indifferently and agreed. The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy. History has always been written by the winner.

Then he ordered his soldiers to stay and cooperate with the Queen Mother, while he left Funing Palace and led his people to quell the unrest inside and outside the capital.

Although he followed the Empress Dowager to launch a palace coup, he was still unwilling to participate in the killing of the Emperor and Empress, otherwise it would be extremely detrimental to him if word spread about it afterwards.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother had no intention of letting him take action and pushed him away, so he left without hesitation.


A few hours later, the sky was dark and the city of Bianjing, which had been chaotic all night, finally returned to peace, and many places were even quieter than usual.

In the past, various vendors would come out to set up stalls on the streets before dawn, but today, there was not a single vendor setting up stalls on the streets. The noise last night was so loud that the high-ranking officials and nobles were scared to death, not to mention the ordinary people.


Who dares to set up a stall at this time? Even many shops dare not open their doors early in the morning.

In order to control the court, Concubine Liu and her sister specially sent people to the homes of hundreds of officials. However, after Zhou Chen entered the city, he quickly put an end to the chaos. Therefore, except for a few noble officials who were unlucky, the rest of the officials

Nothing happened.

The court meeting still continues, but today's court meeting is different from the past. It is not the official who appears, but the Queen Mother who has not appeared in the previous court for a long time.

Shortly after the Great Court Meeting, something shocking happened across the world.

There was a palace coup last night. The officials, the queen and the emperor's eldest son Huan Wang Zhao Ceying were killed by the rebels, leaving only the youngest son Zhao Yong alive.

The Queen Mother supported her youngest son Zhao Yong as the crown prince and chose a day to ascend the throne. However, because Zhao Yong was young, the Queen Mother had to listen to the affairs behind the curtain. Since then, the Queen Mother has grown up a generation.

The Queen Mother!

Although everyone knew about the big changes that took place in the capital last night, no one expected that the changes would be so big. Even the emperor, queen and the emperor's eldest son died, and in the end only the emperor's youngest son, Zhao Yong, was left.

The Queen Mother, who had withdrawn the curtain and returned to power, actually appeared again at this time, and was even more powerful than before. Several ministers contradicted her at the court meeting, and she was severely punished by her. Although it caused

There was a huge backlash, but now no one can shake her position.

There is only one prince left, the queen is dead, and the queen mother does not control the government, is it possible that she can still count on a young child?

Therefore, although many officials were dissatisfied with the Queen Mother's behavior, they had to hold their noses and approve, because now there is no other way except this method.

After more than a month of stalemate between the Queen Mother and the officials, they finally compromised.

With the help of the Queen Mother, the prince Zhao Yong successfully became the sixth emperor of the Song Dynasty. He was only five years old and the youngest emperor in the history of the Song Dynasty.

The Queen Mother was promoted to the Queen Mother, and once again listened to politics from behind the curtain and took charge of the world.

Shortly after the new emperor ascended the throne, the Empress Dowager granted a general amnesty to the world, and at the same time promoted people who were loyal to her. The first person to be rewarded was Zhou Chen.

Because the Zhao family does not grant kings with different surnames, Zhou Chen's title of Duke has reached the top level, but his position is different. Zhou Chen was named Taibao, deputy envoy to the Privy Council, and went to the Zhu Kingdom...

This change in the harem made Zhou Chen not only stand at the top of the military attache, but also obtained the position of deputy envoy to the Privy Council, with the same position as deputy prime minister, so he is now considered to have reached the top of both civil and military positions.

Such a status was the first in the Song Dynasty. The most important thing is that Zhou Chen is still only in his early thirties.

However, after he ascended to a high position, he inevitably encountered the jealousy of countless people, and many civil servants in the court criticized him.

And those who were originally loyal to the late emperor Zhao Zongquan did not end well, such as uncle Shen Congxing, General Geng, General Duan, etc...

Almost all the generals died that night. Even the British government, which was married to Shen Congxing, was also affected. Shen Congxing's wife Zhang Guifen returned to the Duke's Palace with her children. The British Duke was ill and has been Neither appeared in court.


Although the Duke of Jingguo's Palace has not changed, everyone in Bianjing City knows that the Duke of Jingguo's Palace is now the most wealthy family in the Song Dynasty. Every day, there is an endless stream of people sending greetings and wanting to visit, but they are all ignored by Zhou. Chen ordered that visitors should be declined.

Zhou Chen knew very well that although he had helped the Empress Dowager successfully take power this time, he had also become a thorn in the flesh of countless people. He didn't know how many people wanted to unseat him openly or covertly. Therefore, during this period, he must not Make mistakes.

There are some people that Zhou Chen can not see, but there are some people who come to visit and Zhou Chen has to see them.

For example, when Qi Heng and Sheng Minglan arrived, Zhou Chen had to entertain them.

But during this process, Qi Heng kept a straight face. Even a fool could see that he was very unhappy. He was indeed a person who couldn't help himself. Even though Minglan pulled her again and again, he still couldn't help but explode.

"Brother-in-law, what you are doing is really against the principles of being a minister. The Empress Dowager is doing this, and you are actually helping others to do evil. I..."

Minglan pulled Qi Heng hard, trying to stop him, but she still couldn't, so Qi Heng spoke out in one breath.

Hualan's face suddenly turned ugly. She didn't care what the court said or what outsiders said about Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen was her official and had led the family to the highest peak. In her heart, Zhou Chen Chen is the most amazing man in the world.

"Sixth sister, sixth brother-in-law is too drunk. Please take him back quickly."

Minglan hurriedly apologized: "Okay, elder brother-in-law, elder sister, don't blame me, I will take him back now."

She was really angry. In fact, she didn't want to bring Qi Heng over because she knew Qi Heng and his character.

But the parents-in-law insisted on letting them come because Qi Heng was originally from the late emperor. After the late emperor left, he was disgusted by the empress dowager and was directly demoted to the sixth rank.

Qi Heng is the only child in the Duke of Qi's palace. Both Duke Qi and Princess Ning are counting on him to succeed, so they are very anxious during this period. Princess Pingning even wants to rely on the kindness she had raised by the Empress Dowager. Meet the Queen Mother.

But after several visits, I saw him once, and he was sent away without even saying a few words.

Duke Qi and Princess Ning had no choice. After much deliberation, they could only ask Zhou Chen for help.

Zhou Chen is now the most popular person around the Empress Dowager, the head of the military attachés of the Song Dynasty, and one of the most powerful among the civil servants. With his help, Qi Heng's problem will definitely be solved.

And they also have a big advantage, that is, Zhou Chen and Qi Heng are brothers-in-law, so they let Minglan and Qi Heng come to the Jingguo Palace to visit.

But none of them expected that Qi Heng would be so out of control and ask for help, but ended up offending Zhou Chen by speaking first and saying such ugly things.

"Don't hold me back, I just want to have a good talk with the eldest brother-in-law. Now everyone in the government and the public is saying that he is a sycophant. I remember that eldest brother-in-law, you were not like this before. Why did you do such a rebellious thing this time?"

Qi Heng threw Minglan away and shouted at Zhou Chen still angrily.

"Obviously it was you who asked me to..."

"Shut up."

Zhou Chen shouted loudly, pointed at Qi Heng and shouted: "Qi Heng, look at yourself, you are no longer a child, why do you still look like you haven't grown up all day long? Whenever things don't go your way, you just do this

You look like that, let me tell you, with a character like yours, if you don’t change, you will never achieve anything in your life. Go back and think carefully about what you should say and what you shouldn’t say.”

"Sixth sister, take him back, and give your parents-in-law a message. If he continues to behave like this in the future, tell them not to let him out at all. When he figures it out, let him out again, otherwise

If you can't control your mouth someday, it doesn't matter if it harms yourself, but don't harm your whole family."

After saying this, Zhou Chen walked away directly. He was really too lazy to talk to an immature child like Qi Heng. It was a waste of time.

Seeing that Zhou Chen was angry, Minglan did not dare to stay any longer and even dragged Qi Heng away.

When she returned to the carriage, she yelled at Qi Heng with great dissatisfaction: "What's the matter with you? I didn't tell you before I came here. Don't be angry. Brother-in-law, don't be angry. But what about you? What should you do with your parents when you go back now?"


Qi Heng hummed and said: "To be honest, I didn't do anything wrong. We are ministers and we should be loyal to the official family, but he went to the Empress Dowager behind the official family's back, and even caused a change in the palace.

Change, what is this if not treason and immorality?”

Minglan sighed, Qi Heng's character and simplicity really made her helpless.

Marrying Qi Heng, she feels very happy emotionally, but there are always some conflicts in life. She often gives in because she knows Qi Heng has this kind of character.

"Official, the eldest brother-in-law is not fighting with the late emperor and the empress dowager as you think. If the eldest brother-in-law had intervened from the beginning, it would not have lasted so long. I think the eldest brother-in-law must have wanted to help the two at the beginning, but

Later, the late emperor obviously did not trust the eldest brother-in-law, so the eldest brother-in-law had to come to this point. This matter is not entirely the eldest brother-in-law's responsibility."

In fact, she didn't think there was anything wrong with what Zhou Chen did. Looking at Zhou Chen's current status, it proved that Zhou Chen was right.

If the late emperor had succeeded, the current Duke of Jing would definitely not be so glorious, and might instead be suppressed. So no matter what Zhou Chen's intention was, she felt that this result was good.

"Can it be the same? He asked me to go to Yuzhou in the first place, but in the end he became like this again."

Qi Heng was very angry. He felt that he had received Zhou Chen's guidance, joined the late emperor, and had a smooth career. However, Zhou Chen suddenly showed up, and all his efforts in the past few years were in vain.

That's why he felt so angry because he felt that he had been tricked by Zhou Chen.

Minglan persuaded Qi Heng for a few more words, and Qi Heng gradually calmed down his anger. In fact, he also understood that although he was demoted, he was in a much better position than many others. This may not be because of Zhou Chen.

Thinking of this, he sighed depressedly. The matter was over. In fact, no matter how much he said, it was useless. He just felt unhappy and wanted to vent.

Minglan rolled her eyes. Of course she knew what Qi Heng was thinking, but if you want to see who she was targeting, her eldest brother-in-law had such a temper. Even if her father-in-law and biological father came, they would have to smile with them. Qi Heng dared to be so loud today.

He is really brave enough to speak.

With the new emperor's accession to the throne, the Empress Dowager took power, and after a period of stalemate between the civil and military officials and the Empress Dowager, they seemed to have reached a tacit understanding and began to perform their respective duties.

In the fourth month after the new emperor Zhao Yong ascended the throne, the border was in crisis. The Xixia people tore up the agreement and blocked the border again. War broke out again and the court was shocked.

The Empress Dowager urgently ordered Zhou Chen, Duke of Jing, to lead an army to support the border. Zhou Chen took the initiative to recommend the new Ningyuan Marquis Gu Tingye as his deputy general to lead the army on the expedition.

Gu Tingye inherited the title of Marquis of Ningyuan a few months ago, and on the day of the palace change, the battle between Gu Tingye and the Xiao Qin family also came to an end. The Xiao Qin family had never fought against Gu Tingye, so in despair, he burned him

He lost his ancestral temple and burned himself to death.

The war with the Xixia people lasted for more than half a year. Finally, in winter, it was no longer suitable to fight anymore, and the Xixia army had to leave.

Zhou Chen did not pursue him this time, firstly because of the empress dowager's will, and secondly because he did it intentionally.

Having been an emperor and a minister, he knew one thing very well: great achievements can shock the master.

He is now at the pinnacle of power, and has participated in two palace coups. Although he helped the Empress Dowager both times, people's hearts can change.

Now that the Empress Dowager has taken control of the court situation, he is no longer needed as much as in the past, so it is inevitable that there will be changes in his heart, and even if not, he has to guard against it.

Therefore, he does not need to show his talents now. Instead, he looks like he is struggling to hold off the Xixia army. He will no longer make great achievements, which will make the Empress Dowager feel at ease.

So under Zhou Chen's deliberate manipulation, Xixia blocked the pass for the second consecutive year, and he "struggled" to resist.

Even during the war between Song and Xia, the Liao Kingdom tore up the agreement and participated in the attack on the Song Dynasty. The northwest border was in chaos, and it was all up to Zhou Chen to lead the Song army to resist.

Finally, because he had not returned home for several years, Zhou Chen took the initiative to ask the Queen Mother for permission to reunite with his family, and he was able to return to Bianjing once.

But as he returned to Bianjing, the border wars resumed. Without his leadership, the border wars were difficult and they were defeated in succession, so the Empress Dowager had to send him again.

This continued for another two years. When Zhou Chen asked to return to Beijing again, the Empress Dowager did not trust others to guard the border. She only wanted to have peace in the world, defend the country well, and live a good life as the Empress Dowager.

Expand the territory, and don't want to be invaded by Song and Liao into the Song Dynasty.

So she thought of a compromise and moved the Duke of Jing's palace from Bianjing to the border, and ordered Zhou Chen to guard the northwest border for a long time.

But she didn't know that this was exactly what Zhou Chen wanted. In Bianjing City, his goal was too big and he would be easily targeted and impeached. But when it came to the border, it was different. He had planned the border for many years, and it had already become a

He has conquered his world, and here, he doesn’t need to guard against this and that all day long.

Although Zhou Chen is not planning to rebel and become emperor himself, he still has to plan for future generations.

Decades later, Jin soldiers entered the Pass, attacked Bianjing City, and captured the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, countless civil and military officials, and their families.

At this time, Duke Jingguo, who had been guarding the border, and the Zhou family army rose up to compete with the Jin people, conquered the sixteen states of Yanyun, established a new dynasty, and made Damingfu its capital, which was later renamed Yanjing.

From then on, the world returned to Zhou.


This dungeon has been written for a long time, so let’s end it like this. The next dungeon has been decided. I’ll go to a windy place. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out. It’s pretty good.

This chapter has been completed!
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