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Chapter 1182 Horse riding, playing, and learning wood carving

After coming out of the tavern, following the route map in the travel brochure, Zhou Chen quickly found the horse farm to the east of the village.

The racecourse requires a large area, so naturally it cannot be built inside the village, but can only be built outside the village.

It is not the peak tourist season now, and the area near Yunmiao Village is not a tourist attraction, so the number of tourists coming here is very small. Anyway, he walked all the way and did not see any tourists similar to him. They were basically locals.


The racecourse is located in a green grassland with a river next to it. It is a large natural grassland with a large area, the size of several football fields.

When you come here, you can smell a fresh and natural smell, and at the same time, it is also mixed with a peculiar smell.

Zhou Chen could tell what the odor was, that of animal feces. Along the way, he saw many animals on the grass, including dogs, cats, domestic pigs and sheep, etc.

Although it is a horse farm, it is not really just horses, there are also other domestic animals.

The sound of birdsong fills the ears, and the natural atmosphere here is strong, which will naturally attract more birds.

Seeing a circle of fences and wooden houses in front of him, Zhou Chen walked slowly towards it.

Maybe because it was still early in the morning, there were not many people here. When he walked over, he only saw one person busy in the fence. When he got closer, he saw a white horse with pure white hair. There was a person washing the white horse next to it.

"Hello, is this the racecourse?"

Xie Zhiyao, who was washing the horse, turned around when he heard the sound and shouted back: "Yes, this is the racecourse, please wait a moment."

He put down the tools in his hands and walked towards Zhou Chen. When he saw that Zhou Chen was a stranger, he asked.

"Hello, are you a tourist?"

"That's right. I came here yesterday and live in the windy courtyard in your village. My name is Zhou Chen."

"Oh, I live in Youfeng Xiaoyuan. Hello, my name is Xie Zhiyao. My house is next door to Youfeng Xiaoyuan. Are you here specifically?"

Xie Zhiyao saw the travel brochure in Zhou Chen's hand.

"Yes, I saw a horse farm here and wanted to come over and have a look."

"Then can you ride a horse?"


"Since you are a tenant of the courtyard, I can let you ride for free today."

Xie Zhiyao was very enthusiastic, and he also had his shares in the small courtyard. Since Zhou Chen would live in the small courtyard for at least three months, and would have plenty of places to spend money in the village in the future, so a free horse ride was nothing.

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "I want to ride a horse, but even if it's free, I can pay as much as I want."

Seeing Zhou Chen's resolute attitude, Xie Zhiyao hesitated for a moment and then stopped insisting: "Well, we have a total of four horses for people to ride here now. I will take you to see them and you choose one.


"Can I ride that white horse?"

"Ah, you said this little cutie can be ridden, but it has a strong temper. Unless I hold it, it won't let others ride it."

Xie Zhiyao didn't find it strange to see Zhou Chen fall in love with Little Cutie. Little Cutie is the only white horse in the racecourse, and his appearance is indeed better than other horses.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Isn't it a man's pleasure to conquer a fierce horse? I will choose it."

"Uh, okay."

Xie Zhiyao smiled helplessly: "Then you have to wait for a while, I will wash it first."

"It's okay, you can go wash it."

Zhou Chen stood aside and watched Xie Zhiyao washing the little cutie, but his thoughts had already flown away. This is the male protagonist in the play and his potential love rival. He must be strangled in the cradle first.

It would be fine if he hadn't met Xu Hongdou. Now that he had met, he would definitely not be able to let Xu Hongdou be with others. Xu Hongdou could only be with him.

Half an hour later, Xie Zhiyao brought the little cutie to Zhou Chen.

"The little cutie has a fierce temper. I'll calm it down first, and then..."

"No need to go to such trouble, just leave it to me."

Zhou Chen said and walked up to the little cutie, patted the cutie's head gently and stroked it a few times.

Something that surprised Xie Zhiyao happened. He saw that the little cutie did not resist under Zhou Chen's gentle caress, but instead touched Zhou Chen with his head.

"how did you do that?"

"When you come into contact with more horses, you will automatically learn how to get along with them."

After hearing this, Xie Zhiyao's expression became even weirder. He was the one who raised the little cutie and he also runs the racecourse. He should be the one who has more contact with horses. Why did Zhou Chen say that he seemed like

Became a layman.

But Zhou Chen was telling the truth. He had been on the battlefield in several ancient worlds and spent much more time with horses than Xie Zhiyao.

The fierce temper Xie Zhiyao said is really nothing. After all, the little cutie was raised by people, and the fierce temper is limited. You must know that the horses he has come into contact with in the past are really fierce. They are not the cutie in front of him at all.


When he saw Little Cutie, he knew that Little Cutie was just an ordinary horse. In ancient times, it was not even a war horse and was only suitable for sprinting.

Zhou Chen comforted the little cutie, then turned over and climbed up, making Xie Zhiyao's eyes widen.

He considered himself a professional rider, but his movements when mounting the horse were not as smooth and handsome as Zhou Chen's, but what shocked him even more was what was behind.

I saw Zhou Chen, pulling the reins and pulling hard.


The little cutie started running instantly, sprinted directly over the fence, and rushed out of the horse pen.

Only then did Xie Zhiyao react and hurriedly shouted: "Oh, oh, wait, don't run too far..."

But before he finished speaking, Zhou Chen had already run away on his little cutie.

"Where did this guy come from and ride so well?"

There are very few people who can ride a horse these days, let alone one who can ride so well. They must have received professional training.

Zhou Chen rode the little cutie and ran along the seaside, once again experiencing the feeling of galloping on a horse.

They met a lot of people on the road, but they were not too surprised when they saw Zhou Chen riding a white horse. Everyone here knew that there was a horse farm behind the village, but they were a little more surprised when they saw Zhou Chen riding so well.

Very curious.

Just when he felt comfortable riding and was about to go back, he suddenly met a young man and stood in front of him.

"Who are you and how do you ride a cutie?"

Zhou Chen looked down at the sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy and asked: "Of course you rented it from the racecourse, who are you?"

The young man said: "Oh, you are a tourist here, my name is Xie Zhiyuan, and the little cutie is my elder brother's horse."

"You are Xie Zhiyao's younger brother, no wonder there are some similarities."

Of course Zhou Chen knew Xie Zhiyuan, a young man with strong self-esteem. Because he pooped his pants in school, he was too embarrassed to go back to school, so he hid in the countryside.

"How did you tame the little cutie? It usually only listens to my big brother and doesn't even let me ride it." Xie Zhiyuan asked curiously.

Zhou Chen patted Xiao Ke'er's neck and said, "If you want it to listen to you, either be friends with it, or use force to tame it."


Xie Zhiyuan thought there was some trick, but he didn't expect it to be just like this.

"Are you going back to the racecourse? Take me with you. I also want to ride the little cutie."

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "Although you are still a child, I don't want two men to ride on the same horse, so I went to the racecourse to return the horse first."

After saying that, it shook the reins, and the little cutie immediately started running, with Xie Zhiyuan running after him in a hurry.

Arriving at the racecourse, Zhou Chen handed the little cutie to Xie Zhiyao, then scanned the QR code to pay. An hour later, there were still no new customers coming to the racecourse. Only Xie Zhiyao and an employee were cleaning the horse pen.

Seeing that the little cutie had no damage, Xie Zhiyao asked Zhou Chen: "The cutie is fine, right?"

Zhou Chen replied: "He has a pretty docile temperament, but his endurance is a bit lacking, but that's normal. After all, he is domesticated and different from wild horses."

"Meek temperament?"

Xie Zhiyao looked shocked. This was the first time he heard someone praise the cute little girl for her docile nature, but what Zhou Chen said next made him even more curious.

"Have you ever trained a wild horse?"

"Training a wild horse is not an easy task."

After dealing with it casually, Zhou Chen glanced at the surrounding lawn and said: "This place is good, with mountains and water. In addition to horse riding, it is also a good place for an outing."

Xie Zhiyao said: "We have many places suitable for outings here. If you need them, I can recommend a few to you."

After chatting with Xie Zhiyao for a while, Zhou Chen left the racecourse. When he returned to the village, it was almost noon. He found a Gesanghua restaurant in the village and drank the famous local water-based Yanghua soup.

The food in the hotel tastes good. Although it is just ordinary home-cooked food, it can be seen that the chef is good and the cooking is delicious.

After lunch, Zhou Chen did not go back to Youfeng Xiaoyuan, but came to the wood carving workshop in the village.

He is actually quite interested in wood carving. After traveling through so many worlds, he has mastered many skills. As a traditional craft, this wood carving craft is very rare nowadays and he has not been exposed to it a few times before.

Anyway, in Yunmiao Village, Xu Hongdou hasn't come yet, and he doesn't have much to do. It's not much fun to play alone. It's also a good time to learn a craft at this time.

According to the TV series, Xie Heshun, the master of the woodcarving workshop, is the inheritor of woodcarving craftsmanship and a state-level intangible cultural heritage inheritor. His craftsmanship is incredible and he is willing to teach his disciples. I just don’t know why he is a tourist from out of town.

Willing to teach.

He decided to give it a try, but if it didn't work, he was familiar with using money to clear the way.

The location of the wood carving workshop was easy to find. Zhou Chen arrived at the wood carving workshop quickly. The wood carving workshop is for sale to outsiders and allows people to come in for viewing, so no one stopped Zhou Chen from entering.

After looking around, I found that there was only one person in the huge wood carving workshop. A young man was sitting there absentmindedly carving on his mobile phone.

He recognized at a glance that this boy was the boy he saw in the tavern in the morning, so he guessed that this boy should be Xie Xiaochun's younger brother, Xie Xiaoxia.

Xie Xiaochun heard the footsteps and said reflexively: "You can look around and tell me if you need anything."

But when he looked up and saw Zhou Chen, his expression suddenly changed. He also recognized Zhou Chen, so he put down the tools in his hands and stared at Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen started wandering around the wood carving workshop. The wood carvings here were all kinds of strange and various types, including animals and birds, tables, chairs, furniture, Buddha statues, and so on.

He is not very familiar with the wood carving industry, but based on his own observation, he can tell that there are many wood carvings here, which are very good.

After walking around, he nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that Xie Heshun, the state-level intangible cultural heritage heir, was quite capable. If he studied with him, he should be able to learn something.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

Seeing Zhou Chen approaching, Xie Xiaoxia asked.

Zhou Chen asked: "Are you an apprentice here? Where is your master here?"

"My master has gone back to have dinner. Do you have anything to do with my master?"

"I would like to ask if your master is willing to teach wood carving skills. I can pay the tuition."

"You want to learn wood carving?"

Xie Xiaoxia's eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

He himself was a woodcarving apprentice, but after studying for several years, he gradually lost his enthusiasm and confidence in this industry.

Zhou Chen was a tourist from outside, and he actually said that he wanted to learn wood carving skills. This was something he had never thought about.

"Yes, I am quite interested in your wood carving. When will your master come back? I will wait for him here."

Xie Xiaoxia said: "My master has to take a lunch break after dinner, so he should have to wait for a while."

"It's okay, I'll just wait here. You go about your business and I'll take a look."

"Uh, okay."

Xie Xiaoxia was not a person who was good at words. He found it strange that Zhou Chen was thinking about learning wood carving when a city man came to visit them. He couldn't make much money from this now.

Zhou Chen started to look at it again in the wood carving workshop, touching it with his hands from time to time. This was a wood carving and it was relatively strong, so there was no need to worry about it breaking if touched.

About an hour later, a man about fifty years old walked into the woodcarving workshop. When Xie Xiaoxia saw the master coming back, she immediately stood up and greeted him.


"What's wrong?"

Xie Heshun asked strangely.

Xie Xiaoxia pointed to the house: "Master, there is a guest here. He is a foreigner living in the small courtyard. He said he wants to learn wood carving skills. He has been waiting for you here for more than an hour."

"A foreigner, want to learn wood carving?"

Xie Heshun also had a look of astonishment on his face. This was his first time encountering foreign tourists who came to learn wood carving.

"Yes, Master, he also said that he can pay the tuition. It seems that he really wants to learn."

Xie Heshun said: "I'm afraid it's just a whim. Learning wood carving is a hard job, and people in the city can't persist at all. I'll go in and have a look."

He is very aware of how hard it is to learn wood carving, and the artificial wood carving industry is in decline now. Machine carvings are everywhere. Even rural people are not willing to learn wood carving. He does not believe that a city person would be willing to come here to study hard.

Wood carving technology.

What's more, wood carving cannot be learned in a year or two, and he doesn't think city people are willing to spend this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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