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Chapter 1226 Confession, Wang Ying was scared away

Although Wang Ying is the eldest lady, she is also a woman and she also has a strong desire for gossip.

With her heart set on gossiping, she put her arms on the table, leaned forward, and approached Zhou Chen.

"Hurry up and tell me what kind of girl can charm you, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Chen looked at Wang Ying and said in a gentle tone: "She is a very special girl, different from most girls. She is beautiful, smart, proud, kind, and helpful... You can see a lot in her

She is a really attractive girl with excellent qualities, and I was deeply attracted to her after meeting her a few times.”

After hearing this, Wang Ying became even more interested.

"Is it really that good? Then does she know that you like her? Have you confessed to her? Judging from your troubled look, you probably haven't confessed yet, right?"

Zhou Chen nodded and said: "Yes, I have thought about confessing, but she is too nice, and I am worried that if I fail to confess, it will affect our friendship. Alas, to be honest with you, I have always been very confident and decisive.

I am a courageous person, but this time, for some reason, I became hesitant. This is not at all like my usual style."

After listening to Zhou Chen's words, Wang Ying was thoughtful and comforted: "I seem to understand your concerns. It seems that the girl you like is really extraordinary. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so hesitant. You wouldn't dare to do so easily."

I confessed because I was worried that if I failed to confess, I might not even be able to be friends. I understand this feeling."

She was thinking of Yang Cheng. She and Yang Cheng grew up together and had special feelings for Yang Cheng. However, she was very clear-headed and knew that in a family like theirs, it was not their turn to make the decision on their own marriage, so she never

He has never expressed his thoughts in front of Yang Cheng.

Based on her understanding of Yang Cheng, if she told him, the relationship between the two would probably end there.

That's why she was deeply touched when she heard Zhou Chen's words. She felt inexplicably sympathetic to Zhou Chen, even a little pitiful. She felt pity for Zhou Chen and herself.

Zhou Chen said with deep sympathy: "As long as you understand, then tell me, what should I do?"

Originally, Wang Ying came to Zhou Chen because of the matter between Yang Cheng and Xie Qiao, but when Zhou Chen changed the subject, she completely forgot her purpose.

She frowned lightly and asked, "It seems that girl doesn't know you like her now, right?"

"Yes, according to my observation, she didn't know, that's why I hesitated. I'm not the kind of person who worries about gains and losses, but this time it really is, alas."

Sighing again, Zhou Chen packaged himself as lonely and confused.

Wang Ying saw her own reflection in Zhou Chen, her heart became even heavier and her thoughts kept turning.

"You are afraid of losing her completely, so you don't dare to confess, but if you don't confess, how will she know that you like her? If she never knows, and if it continues like this, you will only be the one to bear everything in the end.

You should understand, right?"

"Yes, I understand, so what you are saying is that you suggest that I confess my love?"


Wang Ying opened her mouth, wanting to give a positive answer, but when the words reached her lips, she still couldn't come out.

"Actually, I think it depends on you. After all, I'm not you. I can't give you good advice. Confessing or not confessing has its own advantages. It all depends on your choice."

"If it were you, what would you choose?" Zhou Chen suddenly asked.

Wang Ying's expression suddenly froze and she was speechless. If she could make a choice, her relationship with Yang Cheng would probably not be the same as it is now.

Seeing Wang Ying's delay in answering, Zhou Chen suddenly let out a long breath and laughed.

"I have thought clearly. Instead of procrastinating and dreaming about unrealistic dreams, it is better to face it directly."

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Ying's eyes flashed with light. She was asking Zhou Chen as well as herself.

Zhou Chen said: "I want to understand, when it comes to falling in love, if you don't even have the courage to face it, and you keep deceiving yourself and paralyzing yourself, what's the point? It's better to confess directly. Although you are likely to be rejected, if you don't confess,

, not even a chance; between no chance and possible success, I choose the latter."

Wang Ying's eyes widened, she leaned forward a little more, and asked in a deep voice: "So, are you going to confess to that girl?"


"To be honest, I'm really curious about what the girl you praised as being so good and able to charm you looks like. When are you going to confess your love?"



Wang Ying was stunned and didn't understand what Zhou Chen meant. She glanced around.

"Is it possible that the person you like is in the cafeteria?"

Zhou Chen looked directly at her and replied with a firm tone: "Yes, it's in the cafeteria, right in front of you."

Wang Ying, who was looking for her, straightened her body instantly and her expression became frozen for a moment. She turned her neck stiffly and faced Zhou Chen.

When she saw Zhou Chen staring at her closely, his eyes full of tenderness and expectation, her mind seemed to explode for a moment.

"I, you, you, can't, can you?"

Zhou Chen said word for word: "Yes, it's what you think. You can tell me, if I confess my love, will that girl agree to me?"

Wang Ying was so frightened that she fell back and hit the back of the chair. However, she did not feel any pain at all, but her face was full of horror.

"I, I, I..., I still have something to do..."

She couldn't speak clearly, so she stood up in a hurry, not daring to look at Zhou Chen again, turned around and ran out of the cafeteria.

She had always paid the most attention to her own image, but at this moment she completely ignored her image as a lady. She just wanted to run out of the cafeteria as fast as possible and stay away from the scary Zhou Chen.

After living for more than ten years, this was the first time that she was scared by a boy and ran away, but she couldn't think of so much. When she thought of what she had just said to Zhou Chen, and Zhou Chen's last look, she

His heart was beating very fast, and his only thought was not to let Zhou Chen see his panic and expression.

But she didn't realize that her panicked escape had revealed her panic in front of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen looked at Wang Ying who was running away, with a smile on his face. Wang Ying did not refuse decisively in person, which meant that she was not unmoved by his confession, but was too frightened.

For a moment I thought of escaping.

"It seems that Yang Cheng and Xie Qiao are together, which stimulates her a lot, but this just gives me more possibilities of success."

Seeing the food that was completely cold, Zhou Chen picked up the plate and left.

Wang Ying ran all the way and returned to the dormitory as quickly as possible. As soon as she returned to the dormitory, she held on to the table and gasped out of breath.

The other three people in the dormitory were there. Xie Qiao and the others were very surprised when they saw Wang Ying's appearance. They had never seen Wang Ying like this before.

"Wang Ying, what's wrong with you?"

"Miss, are you being chased by a dog?"

Wang Ying raised her head, glanced at Xu Lin, and smoothed her breathing.

"It's scarier than being chased by a dog."

That's right, for her, being confessed by Zhou Chen was really more terrifying than being chased and bitten by a dog.

Xie Qiao, Xiao Qianxi and Xu Lin all looked at each other, wondering what Wang Ying was doing.

Wang Ying poured herself a glass of water and drank it gurglingly. Zhou Chen's confession and eyes just now really scared her, and she still hasn't recovered yet.

After drinking the water, she returned to her bed, trying hard to forget the conversation she had just had with Zhou Chen.

Thinking of the scene just now, her face turned red. She originally went to ask Zhou Chen to take care of Xie Qiao and Yang Cheng's affairs, but after listening to Zhou Chen's words, she actually felt the same, discussed it with Zhou Chen, and even thought about it.

Help Zhou Chen.

The result was good, after a long time of fussing, she was the one Zhou Chen wanted to confess to, which made her lose her composure on the spot and almost made her lose her composure.

She played with her fingers and couldn't figure out why Zhou Chen fell in love with her. The most important thing was that he praised her so well.

'Am I really as good as he says?'

Thinking of the praises Zhou Chen said about being beautiful, smart, proud, kind, helpful, etc., she felt blushing. Is this really her?

She didn't notice that the other three people in the dormitory were looking at her at this time.

Xu Lin blinked desperately at Xie Qiao and Xiao Qianxi, who also responded to her silently.

Wang Ying's abnormal behavior made them all feel that it was unusual. Finally, Xiao Qianxi cautiously asked: "Wang Ying, did something happen to you? If something happens to you, you can tell us.

Although we may not be able to help, we can still come up with some ideas."

Only then did Wang Ying realize that three people with six eyes were looking directly at her. She casually realized her abnormality and quickly adjusted her mood.

"I'm fine. What can happen to me? Do you think I'm fine?"

Xu Lin nodded matter-of-factly: "Like."

Wang Ying glanced at her and said, "If you're someone of your age, even if something happens, you'll be angry with me. I told you a long time ago that you have to wear socks when going to bed during the day."

Xu Lin retorted: "Whoever wears socks when going to bed would be so uncomfortable."


Wang Ying hummed twice and was about to speak when her cell phone suddenly rang. It was the ringtone of a text message received.

She picked up her phone and clicked on it. It was actually a message from Zhou Chen. She reflexively wanted to ignore it, but she still accidentally clicked on the message.

'Wang Ying, I know that my behavior just now has caused you a lot of trouble, but now that the matter has come to this, I actually don't regret it at all. Instead, I feel very happy, because you finally understood what I meant.'

Next text message.

'I know this is too sudden and hard for you to accept at the moment, but you didn't reject me on the spot. I'm really happy and happy, because this proves that even if you don't like me, you don't hate me either.'

'What I like about you is sincere and from the bottom of my heart, not impulsive. You may not like me now, but I can wait. We can start as friends and let us get to know each other first.'

'Don't worry, I've never told anyone about my liking for you. Only you and I know. It's my business to like you, so don't feel pressured. Even if you reject me in the end, we can still be friends.


'No need to reply, I won't bother you again for the next few days. Thank you, Wang Ying.'

After reading the text message, Wang Ying's face kept changing. Her mood was very complicated now, including nervousness, shyness, and worry, but she didn't seem to be disgusted.

She may see things clearly and see people clearly, but when it was her turn, she found that these were useless, and it was difficult for people to control themselves.

'Zhou Chen, is he like another me?'

After turning off her phone, she pulled back the quilt and shrank into it.

Her behavior made the other three people in the dormitory even more suspicious. They felt that something must have happened to Wang Ying.

But Wang Ying didn't want to say it, and they were too embarrassed to ask, so after looking at each other, they started doing their own things again.

Xie Qiao took out her cell phone from time to time to see if there were any calls or text messages.

She and Yang Cheng had been dating for several days, but she always felt that their relationship was not like a normal love relationship at all.

Looking at Brother Xiaochuan and Xiao Qianxi, they wish they could be together every day. But as for her and Yang Cheng, they haven't seen each other for several days, and they have no phone calls or text messages.

It was her first time falling in love and she knew very little about this aspect, but even so, she felt that this was not normal and not the sweetness she imagined.

Xiao Qianxi was reading seriously at the table. Neither she nor He Xiaozhou had mobile phones. If they wanted to meet, they could only send messages through pagers or use public phones.

Xu Lin was lying on the bed, with his thighs crossed, and he was reading a comic book.

Wang Ying covered herself in the quilt, trying to empty her mind and let herself fall asleep.

But half a day passed, and she didn't fall asleep. Instead, she became more and more awake. From time to time, what Zhou Chen had said to her in the cafeteria and the text message Zhou Chen had just sent her on her cell phone appeared in her mind.

She wanted to yell a few times and vent her anger, but this was a dormitory and she couldn't do such a thing.

'This Zhou Chen is really annoying, ah...'

She lifted the quilt and sat up again. Her expression was tangled and her eyes were complicated. She needed to find someone for consultation.

She simply ignored Xu Lin in the upper bunk, her eyes swept over Xie Qiao and finally landed on Xiao Qianxi.

Two people in their dormitory were in love, but Xie Qiao had no experience at all and could not offer any effective advice.

Only Xiao Qianxi has been talking to He Xiaozhou for more than two months, and they are still very sweet. Xiao Qianxi is also very mature and may be able to give her some advice.

Thinking of this, she hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to speak.


Xiao Qianxi heard Wang Ying's voice and raised her head and looked over.

"What's wrong, Wang Ying."

This was the first time for Wang Ying to consult with someone about matters related to her relationship, so she was still very nervous.

"Well, I have something to ask you."

After hearing Wang Ying's words, Xu Lin and Xie Qiao both looked at her.

Xiao Qianxi was also very surprised. Wang Ying came from an extraordinary family and had always been proud and rarely asked others for advice.

But she was still willing to help Wang Ying, so she put down her book and pen and asked, "What's the matter? Just ask."

This chapter has been completed!
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