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Chapter 1230 Wang Ying with weak legs, ugly photos

Capital Playground!

Zhou Chen bought the tickets and walked into the amusement park with Wang Ying. Although it was the weekend, this season was not the peak season for the amusement park, so there were not many tourists in the amusement park, and most of them were adults with children.


However, having more people and less people has no impact on Zhou Chen and the others. It would be better if there are fewer people.

Wang Ying looked around, feeling quite embarrassed: "They are all children."

"Who said that? There are many couples like us." Zhou Chen pointed at several couples of men and women.

Wang Ying snorted angrily: "We are not lovers, don't get me wrong."

Zhou Chen raised his hand: "Okay, I said something wrong. We are good friends. Such good friends, which project do you want to play first?"

Wang Ying said: "I have been to this kind of place relatively rarely and have no experience. You decide."

Zhou Chen said without hesitation: "Then let's go play the merry-go-round first."


Wang Ying looked shocked and pointed at Zhou Chen and then at herself.

"We are two such old people. If we go to play the merry-go-round, isn't that something only children can do?"

Zhou Chen retorted: "Who said the merry-go-round is for children? There are also big and small horses on the merry-go-round. The small horses are for children, and the big horses are for adults. Besides, in our country, no one who has ever married is

Belongs to children.”

Wang Ying was very speechless: "You really have all kinds of crooked ideas, and you just open your mouth. The merry-go-round is too childish. If you want to sit on it, you can sit on it, but I won't sit on it anyway."

Zhou Chen said: "It's up to you whether you want to sit or not. Let's go there first. If you really don't want to sit, then watch me sit."

There is a saying that goes well, if she is new to the world, take her to see all the prosperity of the world; if she has seen countless people, take her to ride the merry-go-round.

In a family like Wang Ying's, she must have seen much more prosperity than ordinary people. It is not an exaggeration to say that she has met countless people.

So Zhou Chen took her to ride the merry-go-round, letting her forget her identity, her helplessness and powerlessness, and letting her regain the innocence of her childhood and pursue the most childlike happiness with ease.

Wang Ying followed Zhou Chen to the carousel project. Initially, she didn't think that Zhou Chen would sit alone, but to her surprise, Zhou Chen actually lined up with the children to sit on the carousel.

The carousel started, and when Zhou Chen turned to her side, Zhou Chen deliberately laughed happily, made various expressions, and talked happily with the children in front and behind him.

Looking at Zhou Chen like a child, she was really surprised. In her eyes, Zhou Chen is a very mature person, far beyond the maturity of his peers. At the same time, he also pays great attention to his words and deeds. Basically

There is no dissolute side in him.

But at this moment, Zhou Chen's behavior was completely different from before. He didn't care about his image at all. He laughed loudly and shouted to his heart's content. He was really just a 'little kid'.

"No, is this carousel really that fun?"

Wang Ying had deep doubts in her heart. Could this childish project in her eyes really be so magical and make Zhou Chen so happy?

Soon, the carousel ended, and Zhou Chen walked out with a few children.

Wang Ying saw the happy look on his face and couldn't help but ask: "Is it really interesting to just go around like this? It makes you so happy."

"Of course it's interesting. Do you want to join me? It's really fun."

Zhou Chen once again invited Wang Ying. Wang Ying looked hesitant. She was a little moved when she saw Zhou Chen sitting so happily.

When she was still hesitating, Zhou Chen grabbed her wrist and dragged her over.

"Yeah, let me go. I'll go. Can't I go? Let me go first." Wang Ying struggled hurriedly.

Zhou Chen naturally let go of his hand and said: "There are not many people riding the merry-go-round. We will sit together later."


Zhou Chen and Wang Ying followed several children, their parents, and a couple on the wooden horse.

As the music bell rang, the wooden horse began to spin. Wang Ying sat on the wooden horse and grabbed the horse's body. As it kept going up and down and spinning, she couldn't help but smile.

After walking out of the merry-go-round, Wang Ying said: "It's not as interesting as you said. I think it's just ordinary, a kid's thing."

After all, the smile on her face did not disappear. It was obvious that she was quite happy just now.

"What shall we play next?"

Although she has only played one project, her interest has already grown and she is ready to start the next project.

"Let's go see the Ferris wheel. This is a very classic project. If there is one in the amusement park, you must play it."

Zhou Chen has been to places like amusement parks hundreds of times. He has played all kinds of projects, so he naturally knows which ones are fun and which ones are not.

Wang Ying said: "I have ridden on the Ferris wheel before, but this is not exciting."

"That's because you're not afraid of heights."

In fact, you can ride the Ferris wheel if you are afraid of heights, but you will still feel fear and fear. Wang Ying said that the Ferris wheel is not exciting, which means that she is not very afraid of heights.

"There are not many people now, let's go queue up."

There were not many people today, so Zhou Chen and the others quickly got on the Ferris wheel. After one round, they continued to rush to the next project. Wang Ying, who was not very active at first, was now more active than Zhou Chen.

"What else is fun?"

"I just asked, it seems that the roller coaster is available today. Let's go ride the roller coaster."

"Roller coaster? I heard roller coasters are scary, right?" Wang Ying asked hesitantly.

Zhou Chen said: "It's not scary. It only lasts a minute or two. By the time you react, it will be over."

Wang Ying stared at Zhou Chen with suspicious eyes: "Why do I feel that you are lying to me? Do you think that I will be deceived by you because I have never sat on it? I will not be fooled by you, I will not sit on it."

"It's really not scary. Why did I lie to you? If you don't believe me, come with me and have a look."

Zhou Chen took Wang Ying, who was doubtful, to the place where the roller coaster project was located. When Wang Ying saw a series of notices listed there that people could not ride.

"Did you see that you told me it's not scary? If it's not scary, why are there such restrictions?"

"This is just a fear of something happening. You don't have any of the above symptoms, so don't be afraid."

"Then why do they sound so scary?"

"That's not because it's scary, it's because it's exciting and fun."

Under Zhou Chen's persuasion, Wang Ying finally did not stick to her point of view and was thrown into a roller coaster ride by Zhou Chen. However, when everything was ready, she regretted it.

She grabbed Zhou Chen's hand next to her: "I feel a little regretful, can I go down?"

Zhou Chen comforted: "It's too late. It will be activated later. If you are scared, just scream out loud and you will not be scared anymore. I guarantee that after it is over, you will feel very happy and exciting. I guarantee that it will make you forget

All the worries and sorrows.”

While he was talking, the roller coaster started to slowly start, and the next moment, it suddenly jumped out.



There were screams one after another, and after about two minutes, the roller coaster slowly stopped until it finally stopped.

Zhou Chen looked at the hand that was holding him tightly and the few blood marks on the back of his hand, and smiled bitterly.

Looking at Wang Ying again, I saw that she was leaning there with a pale face at this time. It could be judged from the strength of her grip on her hand that she had not recovered yet.

"Wang Ying, are you okay?"

Wang Ying turned her head with difficulty and stared at him with a "vicious" look, as if she wanted to kill Zhou Chen.

The staff came to help disable the safety devices and asked everyone to leave as soon as possible. Zhou Chen walked out, but Wang Ying was stunned and did not move.

Zhou Chen asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Wang Ying looked pale and said, "My legs are weak."

Zhou Chen suppressed his laughter, squatted down, picked her up from the seat, and carried her down like a princess.

At this time, Wang Ying couldn't care less about being shy. Instead, she felt very embarrassed. She buried her face in Zhou Chen's chest and didn't dare to look at the people around her.

After leading Wang Ying to the chair next to her, Zhou Chen gently put her down.

"Sit down first, rest for a while, and drink some water."

Wang Ying hammered her legs and glared at Zhou Chen with dissatisfaction: "My legs are so scared that they are weak. Does this mean you said it's not scary? I won't believe your words next time."

She has always been someone who can stay calm, but at that moment, she really broke her guard. The feeling of sudden weightlessness and complete inability to control herself made her feel too terrifying.

The difference between her and Yang Cheng is that she does not pursue excitement. She spends more time learning knowledge and improving herself.

But this time, she believed Zhou Chen's words. The previous carousel and Ferris wheel were fine, but this time the roller coaster really scared her. She couldn't even stand up just now, and she hasn't fully recovered yet.

come over.

Especially when she thought about being held in Zhou Chen's arms and walking over, her heart was pounding even more. She had never been hugged like this by a boy in her entire life.

Zhou Chen smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect you to be so scared. It's my problem."


Wang Ying hummed twice, took a sip of water, rested for a while, and then stood up again.

"Is there anything else fun?"

Zhou Chen looked at her in astonishment: "Is he recovered now?"

Wang Ying rolled her eyes at him: "I'm not that fragile. It was scary just now, but it's better now."

"Amazing, a hero among women."

Zhou Chen gave her a thumbs up. He could feel that Wang Ying was indeed frightened just now, but it is true that she has recovered now. It can only be said that her acceptance and mental endurance are still quite good.

"Then let's continue."

Next, Zhou Chen took her to play several more activities. He didn't leave at noon and just ate at the restaurant in the amusement park.

When she returned in the afternoon, Wang Ying's voice was hoarse and she could not speak clearly, but her expression was full of energy and excitement.

She always paid attention to her appearance, and she didn't even notice that her clothes were dirty.

Today, the two of them played almost all the games that could be played. Wang Ying went from being cold and disdainful when she first arrived, to being as excited as a five-year-old child in the end. At the beginning, Zhou Chen pulled her,

Later it became her pulling Zhou Chen.

At the end of the game, she was so tired that Wang Ying refused to have dinner with Zhou Chen and asked Zhou Chen to send her home.

Zhou Chen stopped the car at the gate of the community and asked, "You really don't need me to take you in?"

Wang Ying shook her head and said, "No need, it's only a few steps away, I'll just walk back."

After saying that, she opened the car door and got out of the car.

When she was about to close the door, she suddenly bowed down, showed a bright smile to Zhou Chen, and said, "I'm very happy today, thank you."

Zhou Chen smiled back: "Making you happy is my greatest comfort. Go back and rest. Don't talk much these two days. You can buy some lozenges to take."

Wang Ying responded: "I understand, you should go back quickly. Goodbye."


The two waved goodbye. Zhou Chen saw Wang Ying walking into the community and could no longer see her back, so he drove away.


on Monday.

Wang Ying came to school in her car and was about to go to class when she saw Zhou Chen.

"Do you have class this morning too?"


Zhou Chen took out a gift box and handed it to Wang Ying.

"These are the photos I took for you the day before yesterday. They have been developed. Take them back and look at them. I will give you a piece of advice. It is best to look at them when you are alone."

After saying that, without waiting for Wang Ying to reply, he turned around and left.

Wang Ying looked at the gift box in her hand, puzzled: "Looking at it alone, what does it mean?"

When she was playing in the amusement park the day before yesterday, Zhou Chen took a lot of photos for her, but she didn't expect that Zhou Chen would develop them so quickly.

Now that she heard Zhou Chen's words, she had an ominous premonition in her heart. She looked at the gift box hesitantly, but ultimately did not open it. She decided to wait until she returned to the dormitory and opened it when she was alone.

After class in the afternoon, Wang Ying did not go to dinner with Xie Qiao and the others. Instead, she returned to the dormitory alone and closed the door.

She took out the gift box Zhou Chen gave her from her bag, opened it and saw that it was indeed full of photos.

She took out the photos and looked at them one by one, with a smile on her face. Most of the photos were of her alone, and they were really beautiful.

"Although he sometimes talks rhetorically, what he says is indeed true. His photography skills are indeed high."

She is not a professional photographer and cannot give any professional evaluation, but she just thinks it looks good.

Looking down, she saw a few more photos of herself and Zhou Chen. She also smiled knowingly. They were not intimate photos, but they made people feel warm when they looked at them. Especially the two pictures of Zhou Chen's funny looks made her laugh and cry.

But when she turned to the last few pictures, her expression changed instantly. She quickly took out the last few pictures and read them several times.

"Zhou Chen, I'm going to kill you."

As soon as Zhou Chen returned to the dormitory, he received a call from Wang Ying, and then Wang Ying's Hedong Lion Roar came from the phone. He laughed and hung up the phone.

It turns out that the last few photos were all ugly photos of Wang Ying. She was frightened, her legs were weak, she was screaming, she was holding on to the railing...

Especially the photos of riding on the pirate ship, with the fearful and screaming expressions, can be made into emoticons.

This chapter has been completed!
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