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Chapter 1260 Missing is like a horse, love is like a tide

After more than ten hours of flying, Zhou Chen landed and just walked out of the aisle when he saw Zhou Guoxing and Tao Li.

"Xiaochen, Xiaochen."

When Tao Li saw Zhou Chen, she immediately waved her hands happily, as lively as a little girl in her fifties.

Zhou Guoxing was much more steady, but his face was full of smiles and wrinkles were piled together.

Zhou Chen dragged his suitcase and walked quickly to Zhou Guoxing and Tao Li. Tao Li opened her hands and gave Zhou Chen a big hug.

"Welcome home."

"Grandpa, grandma, didn't I tell you? You don't have to come to the airport to pick me up. Just send a driver over. It's quite hot."

Zhou Guoxing said: "Then it depends on your grandma being able to stay. You know who she is. As soon as I heard that you were coming back, you couldn't even sleep well for a few days."

Zhou Chen felt warm in his heart and said gratefully: "That's because grandma misses me. I'm back now, let's go home."

"Yes, yes, go home. I have bought what you like to eat. You can start cooking as soon as you get home." Tao Li said happily.

Zhou Guoxing added: "Today, your grandma refused to let the servants do anything. She insisted on waiting for you to go back, and she cooked it for you with her own hands."

"That's because I know Xiaochen's taste. Xiaochen, I'll make something delicious for you when I get back."

"Thank you grandma, I like your tofu soup and braised pork the best."

"Our Xiaochen is still sensible, unlike your grandfather. I want to give it to him, but he still won't eat it."

Zhou Guoxing immediately complained: "How old am I, and you still make braised pork for me to eat? Do I dare to eat it? If you eat it, you will get stomach upset and die."

He is over seventy years old and has eaten very little meat. The braised pork cooked by Tao Li is really greasy. Zhou Chen can eat it without any problem, but his stomach really can't bear it.

Braised pork would cause stomach upset soon after eating it, so he didn't dare to eat it.

But Tao Li ignored him at all and pulled Zhou Chen out. Zhou Guoxing shook his head and followed him out of the airport.

After getting in the car, Tao Li asked, "What did you tell your girlfriend after you came back from this trip?"

After so long, she was still very concerned about Zhou Chen and Wang Ying's affairs. After all, she only had Zhou Chen as her descendant, so what she cared about the most was naturally Zhou Chen's growth and marriage.

Zhou Chen replied: "I am just going back to school to go through the formalities, and I won't be in school for long."

"Don't want to continue studying? Master's degree or PhD?" Tao Li asked puzzledly.

Zhou Guoxing said, "Xiaochen now manages several companies. Whether he has a Ph.D. or not does not have much impact on him. He knows much better than us on this matter, so don't worry about it."

Ever since he brought Zhou Chen over from China eight years ago, they have never had to worry about Zhou Chen's studies, and he has always been outstanding.

Not only studying, Zhou Chen also knew how to invest and make money when he was very young. Therefore, he has always ignored Zhou Chen's studies and business. He would only come forward unless Zhou Chen encountered any trouble.

"Xiaochen is my grandson, can't I ask? He's like an old man like you, who doesn't care about anything."

Tao Li muttered something dissatisfied, and then asked about Zhou Chen and Wang Ying.

Zhou Chen said: "In the future, I will travel both abroad and domestically. On the one hand, it is because of Wang Ying, and on the other hand, it is also for the domestic business map. Now that the country has entered rapid development, there will be more and more opportunities in the future. Our

If you enter the country and invest with your identity, you will get great convenience."

"It seems that you really care about this Wang Ying. I really can't wait to meet this girl and make my eldest grandson like her so much."

In Tao Li's eyes, Zhou Chen is the best. In the past few years, girls often took the initiative to look for Zhou Chen at home. There were girls of all skin colors, many of whom she thought were outstanding, but Zhou Chen was indifferent to them all.

Unexpectedly, after returning to China, she actually found a girlfriend, and they have been dating for a year and a half. It seems that they will continue to talk, so she is very curious about how good Wang Ying is to give such an excellent grandson to her.


Zhou Chen smiled and said: "I think Wang Ying will not disappoint you, grandma. She will be a junior in college soon. I plan to let her study abroad at Stanford University next year. You can see her then."

"Okay, then your grandpa and I will wait a little longer."

The old couple were more curious than anxious. After all, Zhou Chen had just turned 21 this year. He was still very young and didn't know what would happen in the future.

After returning to San Francisco, he stayed at home for a few days, and then he went to Stanford University. He first went to the laboratory to have a look. The laboratory had been established for a long time. He gave several directions, and now there have been breakthroughs.

, then comes the more important stage of preparing for the release of new drugs.

He acquired several pharmaceutical factories and pharmaceutical companies and integrated them to form a new company, Chenxing Pharmaceuticals.

The drug Zhou Chen is preparing to put on the market is naturally his best medicine for children, a drug for treating upper respiratory tract infections.

Raw materials, research, testing... patent medicines...

Zhou Chen is very familiar with this series of processes. After the integration, the sales department of the pharmaceutical company is not bad. His medicine is better than the medicines on the market now. As long as there is enough time, it will definitely be developed, so he

Not too worried on the pharmaceutical company side.

After staying at Stanford University for a month, I also negotiated with the school regarding my studies and entered the internship process directly.

Undergraduate programs in American universities are actually relatively relaxed. As long as you take enough credits, graduation will not be a problem, and you can even apply for early graduation.

As for the credits, it is not difficult for Zhou Chen at all.

Chenxing Capital is the most important company under Zhou Chen. In the few years since its establishment, it has invested in thirteen companies, seven of which were decided by Zhou Chen, and the remaining six were decided through internal discussions within the company.

Chenxing Capital is now Zhou Chen's sole proprietorship. He has absolute say, but because of this, its development is slightly limited. After all, although Zhou Chen is rich, his sphere of influence relies on San Francisco to spread to California.

, it’s not easy to use outside of California.

The policies of the United States are very different from those at home. The relationship between states is similar to the relationship between vassal states in ancient China. They both belong to the same big country, but they have their own management strategies. Each state is relatively independent.

Moreover, Zhou Chen has developed in the United States in many worlds, and he still has a relatively deep understanding of this country. It is really very difficult for Chinese people to develop and grow here. The higher they go, the easier it is to be controlled.


Because there are really many factions and consortiums among people in the United States, it is really difficult to apply what we have in China to foreign countries.

But Zhou Chen is not in a hurry at all. He has insufficient background, but he has a vision beyond the world. As long as he slowly reaches in and invests in companies with huge development potential step by step, in a few years, he will be able to

Became the top of the United States.

Businessman color is the marrow of American politics, so for Zhou Chen, this is a good place to display his ambitions. This is the main reason why he chose San Francisco as his base.


September is coming, and Beiqing University has also entered the new academic year.

Zhou Chen has been gone for more than a month. Wang Ying felt very uncomfortable at first, but she gradually calmed down. She called Zhou Chen every day and also started video chats. In addition, she talked more

I spend most of my time studying, especially English.

She was destined to study abroad, and after communicating with Zhou Chen, she didn't say it, but she already agreed with Zhou Chen's words in her heart. She wanted to follow Zhou Chen and study abroad in the United States, just to get closer to Zhou Chen, so the English

She will definitely pass this level.

Xu Lin was also very surprised to see Wang Ying studying so hard.

"Wang Ying, are you planning to put all your energy into studying because Zhou Chen is away?"

Wang Ying said calmly: "I am a student, and studying is my main job. You can't expect me to be like Qin Chuan, always selling pancakes at the Pancake Monster."

Xie Qiao and the three of them were happy when they said this.

Qinchuan's pancake shop opened, and its name was Pancake Monster. When it first opened, business was average, but now it's much better. Because of this, Qinchuan couldn't even concentrate on school, and went to Pancake Monster every two days.

Run and wait for a day.

Xie Qiao said cheerfully: "Qin Chuan complained to me two days ago, saying that you and Zhou Chen are both hand-off shopkeepers, and Zhou Chen is just that, far away in the United States, but you are in the school, and you are still the major shareholder, and you don't even look at it.

Look, let him worry about it all alone."

Wang Ying looked indifferent, turned over the page she had read, and said: "Who wants to worry about it all by himself? I don't have the time or energy to waste it with him."

Xu Lin asked curiously: "Wang Ying, are you working so hard to learn English to study abroad?"

"Well, the plan my family has arranged for me is to study abroad, either right after my junior year, or directly go to graduate school during my senior year. It all depends on when I pass the TOEFL test." Wang Ying answered truthfully.

Xu Lin looked envious: "A eldest lady is a eldest lady. She has already made plans for the future before she has finished college. Unlike us, we have to consider internships in the next year. It is really difficult."

Xie Qiao also said: "Me too. For a self-aware person like me, I don't want to take the postgraduate entrance examination. I hope to find a good unit for my internship next year."

Xu Lindao: "We are both the same. Wang Ying is destined to go abroad, and Qian Xi is expected to be a stable graduate."

Xiao Qianxi was silent. She was not in a very good mood recently because He Xiaozhou refused Zhou Chen to help him study abroad. She even had a quarrel with He Xiaozhou over this matter.

She is confident in her ability to pursue a graduate degree, but she would rather study abroad than to pursue a graduate degree. Even if she studies abroad while working, she is willing to do so.

It's a pity that He Xiaozhou and she don't have the same mind.

Wang Ying raised her head and glanced at Xiao Qianxi and saw that Xiao Qianxi was in a bad mood, but this was a matter between He Xiaozhou and Xiao Qianxi, and it was not easy for her to interfere.

Zhou Chen is busy with the company's affairs. It is now the second half of 2003. He knows that Facebook will be founded next year, so he has been planning how to invest in Facebook by then.

He is not very worried about this, because the founder of Facebook was only twenty years old when he founded the website. It is relatively easy for him to persuade young people of this age.

He never thought about directly acquiring Facebook as his own. He didn’t have that much energy to spend on development. He just invested in shares as an investor, and then let their team independently develop and develop as in the original history.

Development is in his best interest.

At present, most of the companies invested by Chenxing Capital have begun to make profits, including Penguin, which Zhou Chen invested in last year.

While he was looking at the information, the cell phone on the table suddenly vibrated. He picked it up and saw that it was a domestic call, but it was not Wang Ying.


"Hey, Zhou Chen, it's me, Xiao Zhou. I know you changed your number abroad, so I asked Wang Ying for your number."

"Yes, it's easier to change your number. How are you lately? How is auntie's health?"

"It's not good, Zhou Chen, I, I..."

"Xiaozhou, we are best friends when we were young. If you have anything to say, just say it without hesitation."

He Xiaozhou told the purpose of his call. It turned out that his mother's health had deteriorated again, and his parents did not want to stay in the hospital anymore. But he did not want to give up his mother, but he really had no money, so after much thought, he decided for his mother's sake.

He put aside his reserve and found Zhou Chen, wanting to borrow money.

When Zhou Chen heard this, he immediately replied: "No problem, I'll call now, but I'm not in the country right now, so I can only ask Wang Ying to hand it to you."

He Xiaozhou was so grateful that his voice was choked with tears.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Chen sighed. He Xiaozhou was in urgent need of money instead of helping the poor.

I dialed Wang Ying's number and asked her to prepare a card and put 500,000 into it.

The next day, Wang Ying found He Xiaozhou and handed her bank card to He Xiaozhou.

"There are half a million here. If it's not enough, let me know."

He Xiaozhou took the bank card handed over by Wang Ying with a heavy heart, lowered his head and said in a heavy and depressed tone: "Thank you, thank you."

Wang Ying said softly: "You don't have to do this. It's better to get the money to treat auntie quickly. Compared with auntie's life, money is really nothing."

He Xiaozhou burst into tears of gratitude again, and then immediately went to the hospital, ready to pay for his mother's treatment.

Unfortunately, although he had the money, it did not save his mother's life. After more than half a month, his mother's treatment finally failed.

The biggest wish of He Xiaozhou's mother was actually to return home alive, but unfortunately, her wish was not fulfilled because their real home was gone and they only lived in a rented house now, so she ended up in a hospital bed


When Zhou Chen received the call, he didn't feel much flutter in his heart. It wasn't that he was cold-blooded, but that he had been used to death for a long time. What's more, He Xiaozhou's mother didn't have a close relationship with him, so he didn't feel anything at all.

So big.

Because he was abroad, he still asked Wang Ying to attend the funeral of He Xiaozhou's mother on his behalf, and told Wang Ying that he would finish his work here in a while and then return to China to see her.

When Wang Ying found out, she was very happy. She had not seen Zhou Chen for almost two months and really missed him.

At the end of October, Chenxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. suddenly launched two new drugs on the market, one is a children's drug to treat upper respiratory tract infections, and the other is a new drug that can be used by adults and children and has a good therapeutic effect on pneumonia.

Although they are two new drugs that have just been launched, the price of Zhou Chen is not only not low, but also slightly more expensive than similar drugs.

Because Chenxing Pharmaceutical is a newly established pharmaceutical company, it is just a small company among major pharmaceutical companies in the United States, so the launch of new drugs did not cause much commotion.

However, Zhou Chen is not in a hurry. He does not care about short-term sales. His new drugs have been tested in several worlds, especially in 2003. His two drugs are definitely better than similar drugs of the same type.

The effect is much better.

His company has recruited a lot of salespeople and started selling his new drugs with California as the center. If things go on like this, they will definitely get results.

Although in this capitalist society, good medicine may not necessarily sell well, but these two medicines were released by Zhou Chen to test the market and make a name for Chenxing Pharmaceutical. Even if the final effect is not as good as he expected, he can still make money.

, the research results of these years are still quite valuable.

In November, Zhou Chen finally embarked on the journey back to China again.

Wang Ying arrived at the airport early to wait. Today she spent two hours putting on makeup and didn't even go to class, just to pick up Zhou Chen.

Today she wore a white sweater, a long light khaki deerskin velvet jacket, an off-white skirt and leggings underneath, and a white plush hat on her head.

Her tall figure makes her look youthful, beautiful, pure and eye-catching.

So when Zhou Chen came out, he immediately saw Wang Ying in the crowd.


Zhou Chen shouted. Although Wang Ying did not speak, she raised her hands high and leaned forward with an eager and excited expression.

Finally, Zhou Chen came to her. Without any words, Zhou Chen hugged her tightly and kissed her hard.

Wang Ying also hugged Zhou Chen tightly with both hands and responded to Zhou Chen regardless.

This is the longest time they have been separated since they established their relationship. After more than three months of longing, they finally meet again. That kind of emotional explosion can really impact everything.

After a long time, the two slowly separated. Wang Ying gasped for air. The passionate kiss just now made her almost breathless.

Her eyes were as gentle as water, staring at Zhou Chen, and reached out to gently wipe the lipstick on Zhou Chen's mouth.

Zhou Chen also touched her cheek gently and said softly: "Let's go home first."

"Well, go home."

When he got home, Zhou Chen took a quick look and saw that it was very neat and clean. He could tell that it had been carefully cleaned, which only his snail girl, Miss Yingying, could do.

Throwing everything in his hands aside, Zhou Chen directly lifted Wang Ying's body up and leaned it in his arms.

"did you miss me?"

"I think, I really think about it, I think about you coming back early every day."

"I miss you too, in my heart, in my mind, and..."

Zhou Chen didn't need to say anything, Wang Ying took the initiative to hold Zhou Chen's head and kissed her passionately, and Zhou Chen naturally responded quickly.

The two naturally came to the bedroom, releasing their thoughts and feelings to their heart's content, wishing to integrate each other into each other's bodies. This was the most proactive and craziest time Wang Ying had ever seen since the two met.

From day to night, the two of them did not waste a single moment of time. They only had each other in their eyes and hearts, and relied on body movements to express their feelings and respond to each other.

Thoughts flood into my heart like a tide, making it difficult for me to be alone.


Wang Ying leaned against Zhou Chen, her face full of exhaustion, but her spirit was very high.

"How long can you stay when you come back this time?"

"I can stay with you all the time, but I have to go back before February next year, because by then I will have a very important investment project, and I have to personally take charge of it to be sure."

Wang Ying looked happy: "It's November now, doesn't it mean we can stay for more than two months?"

Zhou Chen smiled knowingly and said, "Yes, I can stay with you these two months, study with my wife, and be available at any time."

Wang Ying said coquettishly: "Who is your wife?"

"Of course it's you. To others, wife is a noun, but to me, wife refers specifically to you."

This new type of love talk made the smile on Wang Ying's face even brighter. Although they were still far away from that step, she still felt relieved and happy that Zhou Chen could say this.

"I really miss you after being separated for so long this time. I don't want to be separated from you for so long again in the future, so I have decided to focus on English now, take the TOEFL next year, and try to study abroad directly in September next year."

Zhou Chen held up Wang Ying's face and asked softly: "Have you really decided to go to Stanford University?"

Wang Ying replied firmly: "Wherever you go, I will go."

"I have discussed it with my parents. They originally wanted me to go to Cambridge, England, where the study environment is relatively better, but I still decided to be with you. My parents didn't object. They both thought it was okay.

If you are here, you can definitely take good care of me."

Zhou Chen was very happy. Although he had always planned this, but now that he got a positive answer from Wang Ying, he was naturally even happier.

"Okay, leave this matter to me. No matter how well you do in the exam, I can help you get it done."

As he spoke, he regained his energy, and his body's reaction made Wang Ying's expression change, but Zhou Chen didn't give her a chance to react, and turned over directly...

The next day, Wang Ying slept until noon, but even so, her body still felt heavy with fatigue. She had not experienced such high-intensity consumption for a long time, and she was really not used to it for a while, and her recovery was relatively slow.

Zhou Chen felt sorry for her and served her all day long. However, his service did not relieve Wang Ying, but made her even more tired.

On the following Friday and Saturday, Wang Ying stayed with Zhou Chen.

We didn’t do anything grand, we just simply ate together, went shopping together, watched movies together, slept together, stayed in bed together...

This chapter has been completed!
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