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Chapter 1290 Blossoms! Mr. Bao is here!

Before he even opened his eyes, Zhou Chen felt a wave of heat coming over him, and then someone patted him on the back of his head.

"It's time to work, get up quickly."

Zhou Chen opened his eyes reflexively, but he didn't have any overreaction. Instead, he quickly turned his eyes and glanced around.

After just a few glances, he knew where he was now.

I saw a lot of people standing around, most of them men wearing white chef uniforms. The air was filled with the smell of oil fumes, as well as various seasonings, gas and sewer smells.

This is the kitchen, and it's not an ordinary kitchen. It's a big place and there are many chefs. It must be the back chef of a hotel, and it's not that kind of small restaurant, but the back chef of a hotel of a certain size.

But looking at the relatively "backward" kitchen supplies in the kitchen, it is not difficult to guess that they are most likely from a relatively backward era, at least many years behind the real world.

The next moment, a familiar feeling came over him, and a large number of memories appeared in his mind, making him close his eyes involuntarily.

Before he could sort out his memory, the voice just now sounded again.

"Achen, what's wrong with you? You don't look well. Could it be that you're sick?"

The same voice, if the tone of slapping Zhou Chen on the back of the head just now was rough, then the tone of caring about Zhou Chen now was very nervous.

Zhou Chen deliberately covered his head and said, "It's okay. I just woke up suddenly. I'm a little confused and my head is a little dizzy. I'll sit down for a while."

Hearing Zhou Chen say it was okay, the greasy middle-aged chef wearing chef's uniform next to him breathed a sigh of relief, but then his expression turned stern.

"I asked you to come to work, not to sleep. Didn't you have a good rest last night? Could it be that your kid couldn't stop eating shit and went gambling again?"

Zhou Chen slowly absorbed the memory, and he already knew who the middle-aged chef was talking to him.

"No, uncle, I live with you every day. How can I have time to gamble? Just let me rest for two minutes and I'll be fine in no time."

The uncle stopped scolding him and just told him: "If you have nothing to do, get up quickly. The landlady will come later. If she sees you being lazy, she will scold you again. Don't blame your uncle for not speaking up for you."

Although my uncle is gone, it is naturally impossible to be really quiet in the back kitchen. The sounds of clinking pots and pans, the sound of water flowing, and noises come one after another.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen was very adaptable and ignored the noise and quickly sorted out his memory.

Soon, he figured out his current identity and the background of the world he traveled through.

Where he is now is Shanghai in 1991. He is a back-house chef at a restaurant called Jin Meilin on Huanghe Road. He has been working there for two and a half years. From the beginning of his apprenticeship, he is now able to make some simple dishes.

My name is still Zhou Chen, my ancestral home is Sushi, not far from Shanghai, I am twenty-nine years old this year, and my zodiac sign is Tiger.

He was still himself, but his original experience made Zhou Chen frown.

Originally, Zhou's family was a happy family with a small amount of assets in Suzhou City, but his predecessor contracted a gambling problem. Over the past few years, not only did the family business disappear, but his father also passed away. In the end, his mother took him to seek refuge.

My uncle is a chef in Shanghai.

However, his mother did not support her for long and passed away a year after arriving in Shanghai. After that, he followed his mother's last wish and learned to cook from his uncle.

"A gambler really has to die a good death."

This memory made Zhou Chen's face turn cold. Gamblers are definitely one of the people he hates the most, and they can really destroy people's lives.

Speaking of which, this is also the second time he has traveled through time as a gambler. The last time he traveled through time was He Fei. That guy was not a human being in the plot. He really deserved the crime for killing his wife and unborn child.

Wansi is even more disgusting and vicious than his current predecessor.

My uncle's name is Huang Degui. He is Jin Meilin's old chef. He is forty-three years old and he is also a hard-working man. His wife died young, leaving him and his son alone to depend on each other.

Huang Degui was fat and fierce, but he was really kind to his nephew Zhou Chen. When his sister brought Zhou Chen to seek refuge with him, although he himself was not doing well, he still took in the mother and son without hesitation, and

After his sister passed away, he also took on the responsibility of taking care of Zhou Chen and taught Zhou Chen how to cook.

Even though the social status of a chef is not high, it is actually a craft job, and it is difficult to achieve success without anyone taking it in.

Therefore, Huang Degui is able to teach his nephew how to cook, and he can definitely be regarded as a good uncle who values ​​love and justice.

Although Zhou Chen is already twenty-nine years old, Huang Degui has always watched over him. The main reason is naturally that he is afraid that he will gamble again.

It was precisely because of Huang Degui's supervision that my predecessor was able to learn to cook with peace of mind and did not embark on the road of no return from gambling.

After receiving the memories, Zhou Chen had to admit that Huang Degui was really a good uncle and a bachelor. Not only did he have to support his young son, but he also had to look after a giant baby. It was really not easy.

I sighed in my heart, but from the memory I obtained, I couldn't tell which movie and TV series I had traveled to, so I still had to use system tasks.

Zhou Chen quickly communicated with the system.

"System, open the panel!"

Host: Zhou Chen



Constitution: 50



Points remaining: 10



Nine out of ten gambles will result in loss: After the host activates this skill, if the host participates in any form of gambling activities, he will definitely lose nine games in a row, and he will definitely win in the last game.

Third Floor Killer: When the host jumps from the third floor (regular floor), he will definitely not be seriously injured, and will only suffer sprained feet at most.


Shuttle card × 11; plot card × 3; reopen card × 1; wealth conversion card × 1; world card × 1, luck card × 1;

Title: Palace Transformation Master, Charity Master.



Ten-year Agreement: Complete the ten-year agreement between Xuezhi (Beidi) and Abao, and prevent her from losing face.

Side missions:

Angel investor: Invest and help Ms. Wang open a foreign trade company.

A main mission and a side mission.

A total of three and a half names appeared in the mission. According to the inertia of the system, these three people must be the protagonists of the current world, or important supporting roles.

A Bao, Xuezhi (Beidi), Miss Wang.

Zhou Chen quickly recalled these names, but soon determined that this was probably another movie and TV series that he had never seen.

It looks like plot cards are going to be used again.

I'm used to being able to predict things in advance, and there are plenty of plot cards, so Zhou Chen doesn't feel reluctant to part with them.

But in this situation, it is obviously impossible for him to start understanding the plot immediately. Since he has traveled to this world, he still has to play his current role for the time being.

"Achen, are you feeling better? We're about to start loading guests. Let's get ready as soon as we're ready."

Uncle Huang Degui came over again to remind Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen stood up and replied: "It's already fine."

Huang Degui felt relieved when he saw that Zhou Chen's expression was normal and didn't look like something was wrong. However, the hotel was about to serve guests, so he didn't care to say anything more.

"Get ready first. Several private rooms have been booked for today. You will definitely be busy tonight. Don't let the landlady catch you slacking off, otherwise her voice will kill you."

In 1991, the major hotels on Huanghe Road were not the most expensive hotels in Shanghai, but they were definitely one of the busiest hotel gathering places.

Huanghe Road is a street with a total length of more than 700 meters, but there are more than 100 restaurants of various sizes, including many large ones. Coming to the restaurants on Huanghe Road is not just for eating, but also for...

It's for business, which leads to a huge flow of people on Huanghe Road, with an endless stream of businessmen.

Jin Meilin, where Zhou Chen works, is also a large hotel on Huanghe Road. Jin Meilin has been open for many years and is definitely one of the longest-standing restaurants on Huanghe Road.

Although there are many restaurants on the Yellow River Road, many are eliminated every year, even big hotels are no exception. Every year you will find that many familiar hotel names suddenly disappear and are replaced by new hotel names.

The most stable hotel on Huanghe Road is undoubtedly the Red Heron, and the one with the best business, the best location, and the largest space is the Golden Phoenix.

Although Jin Meilin is not as good as Red Heron and Golden Phoenix, it is still among the top five hotels on Huanghe Road.

The main reason why Jin Meilin has achieved his current status is the hotel owner Lu Meilin.

This woman is well-known on the Yellow River Road. Not only is she tough, but she is also very capable. She is supported by people on the road, so even on the chaotic Yellow River Road, she is the number one boss lady.

Zhou Chen has a deep impression on the proprietress Jin Meilin in his memory, because she has been trained a lot. Lu Meilin is the kind of person who whenever she sees you not working seriously and not pleasing to her, she will immediately roar like a lion and become fierce.

He can even scold you bloody and without any mercy.

However, Lu Meilin is very evil, but she is very mean-spirited and can talk and coax. Jin Meilin relies on her to get most of her business. Under her management, the employees in the hotel rarely cause trouble.

On the other hand, Jin Meilin's boss, Lu Meilin's man, Boss Jin, is a pretty guy who doesn't ask much about things. He looks really good, but his behavior is a bit effeminate. He rarely asks about things in the hotel. If he does, it must be...

Use it if you are short of money.

Zhou Chen held a spoon and stood next to his uncle Huang Degui, frowning slightly.

Although Jin Meilin is also a big hotel, the kitchen environment is really poor, and it is incomparable to the kitchens of big hotels 20 or 30 years later.

He does not have severe mysophobia, but he feels that he will never be able to stand being in such an environment for a long time.

But there is no time to understand the plot now, so he can only start doing his own job for the time being.

He had reason to wonder whether it was because he cooked a lot in Zeng Shaonen's world that the system assigned him as a chef in this world?

In fact, there is nothing wrong with being a chef. At least it can satisfy one's appetite. But the problem is that Zhou Chen doesn't want to be a chef every day. Occasionally cooking is fine. He cooks and cooks in the kitchen every day, and cooks and cooks.

He really couldn't stand dealing with ladles.

What's more, he is currently in a large hotel with good business. If he gets busy, he will definitely be busy.

Fortunately, Zhou Chen also cooked often in the previous world, and he still had memories, so cooperating with his uncle was smooth and smooth.

Huang Degui was very surprised: "Ah Chen, you performed well today and your cooking skills have improved."

"Really? That may be because he has enlightened himself." Zhou Chen replied casually.

Huang Degui laughed and scolded: "You are already thirty and you are still enlightened. If you study hard like this, if you can go to a big hotel to be a chef in the future, you will be successful in your life."

Zhou Chen didn't say anything. Being a chef in a big hotel was not his goal. He had to first figure out the plot of the film and television world he was in, and then act according to the mission. Unless the identity of a chef was necessary, he would definitely not work for much longer.

Even though this was just Shanghai in 1991, he still had many ways to make a fortune, both fast and slow money.

While the kitchen was busy, suddenly a fat woman with curly hair and a fur coat appeared at the door of the kitchen.

"Oh, Lao Huang, what are you uncles and nephews doing there? Hurry up and get to work and get two more copies of Farewell My Concubine."

Huang Degui shouted: "I know, boss lady, do it now."

"Hurry up, Momojijiji, don't keep the guests waiting and delay my business. I want you to look good. As for Lao Chen, this old guy must have gone out to smoke again. He smokes every day, one pack a night.

, no wonder his mother-in-law ran away with someone, she could have beaten him to death..."

Lu Meilin cursed and left the kitchen. She had such a mouth. There was no one in Jin Meilin who had not been scolded by her, let alone Jin Meilin. Even on the Yellow River Road, she had scolded many people. Lu Meilin, who dominated the Yellow River Road, was not a waste.

A false reputation.

"Ah Chen, Farewell My Concubine."


It started at around five o'clock and was busy until around nine o'clock, when Zhou Chen was able to rest. I have to say that Jin Meilin's business at night was really good. Including private rooms in one night, there must be at least thirty tables of guests.

Zhou Chen followed Huang Degui to the alley behind the kitchen. Huang Degui took out a cigarette and handed one to Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen pushed back and said, "From today on, I plan to quit smoking."

As he said this, he also put the cigarette in his pocket into Huang Degui's hand, leaving Huang Degui stunned.

"Quit smoking? Can I quit this thing?"

"If you want to quit, you can quit."

Huang Degui looked at his nephew in surprise. He didn't notice it just now, but now he suddenly realized that his nephew seemed different. It was his eyes that were different.

"Achen, you are a little strange today. Are you worried about something? Tell me, I am your uncle and I must be here to help you."

Zhou Chen knew that although he had inherited his memory, there would definitely be changes. Huang Degui, who had been getting along day and night, found that it was normal for things to be different.

"It's nothing, uncle, I'm just thinking, do I really want to be a chef all my life?"

Huang Degui didn't take it seriously: "What's wrong with being a chef? You don't have to worry about food and drink, the salary is not low, and the iron rice bowl is easy to win. If you are not satisfied, then what do you want to do? Do you still want to gamble?"

Having said this, he suddenly looked wary and stared at Zhou Chen.

"Achen, you keep telling me, have you been feeling itchy again lately? Don't forget the oath you swore in front of your mother's shrine. If you gamble again in the future, you will never find a woman and have no children or grandchildren.



Zhou Chen took a breath. Although he did not make this oath, but now he has inherited everything. This oath is too cruel. He can't find a woman and cut off his children. How cruel is it to dare to do such a poisonous thing?


There is a god three feet above your head.

Although he has never encountered this kind of thing, he still has the attitude that he would rather believe it than not. After all, there is even a system for traveling through the film and television world, and there is really a god who can't guarantee it.

Originally, he still wanted to rely on his gambling skills to make his first pot of gold, but this vow somewhat deterred him.

He had used this skill before, and it was indeed a magical skill that made money very quickly. However, except for making the first pot of gold, he had never used this skill before. The more he used it, the more dependent he would become.

Big, he doesn't want to become a gambler.

"Don't worry, uncle, I have sworn an oath and I will never gamble again."

"Remember what you said, I promised your mother to take good care of you. You will be thirty soon. Working hard, marrying a wife in the future, and living a peaceful life are better than anything else."

"I know, uncle."

Zhou Chen didn't find Huang Degui annoying. He knew that the other party was really thinking about him, but he was no longer the person he was before. He had to know the plot before making any judgment about his own life.

After smoking, Huang Degui threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with the sole of his shoe.

"Let's go, pack up and get ready to go home from get off work."


I went back to the kitchen and tidied up, and it was already past ten o'clock. Although the salary in a big hotel is not low, it is really busy, and the get off work time is relatively late. The restaurants on Huanghe Road are open until nine o'clock. Common thing.

Zhou Chen was about to go back when suddenly a short-haired girl wearing Jin Meilin's waiter clothes ran over.

"Ah Chen, I have a day off tomorrow, let's go to the Bund to play together?"

Zhou Chen looked at this short-haired girl. She was not ugly. In his memory, she was Jin Meilin's waiter. She came from out of town. Everyone called her Little Jiangxi. She had been with Jin Meilin for a short time and had a good impression of him.

However, Zhou Chen was not interested in her and refused coldly: "I have to go to work tomorrow."

After saying that, he ignored little Jiangxi's disappointed expression and left the hotel directly through the back door.

As soon as he unlocked the bicycle, Huang Degui came over with a cigarette in his mouth and unlocked the bicycle next to him.

"Achen, you kid is so clueless. Although little Jiangxi is from out of town, he looks pretty good, so you don't like him at all?"

Seeing that his nephew was about to turn thirty, as an uncle, he was naturally anxious about his nephew's marriage.

He knows his nephew's situation best. He doesn't have his own house in Shanghai, but still lives with his father and his wife. Although he is a chef, he has only been working for a few years and has no savings at all.

It was impossible to find a local girl in Shanghai under such conditions, so he wanted his nephew to be less picky and find a wife from out of town.

"It's not that I don't look down on others. With my situation, what right do I have to look down on others? It's just that I haven't considered this yet. Making money is the first priority."

"I'm not asking you to get married right away. You can get along first."

"Not interested."

Having just traveled through time, how could Zhou Chen have the heart to fall in love? Love without a financial foundation is not reliable. Besides, in which world has he ever lacked a woman?

In this situation, making money is more important than falling in love.

"You kid, you really don't make people worry."

Huang Degui has nothing to do with Zhou Chen. He is just a chef and has no education. If you expect him to educate Zhou Chen, it is really difficult for him.

The two of them rode bicycles and returned home one after the other.

Huang Degui has been a chef for more than 20 years. Apart from drinking and smoking, he has no other bad habits. In addition, his family does not have any big expenses, so he can still save money for living. He bought a second-hand house a few years ago.

on the second floor of a two-bedroom house.

Huang Degui lived in one room by himself, and Zhou Chen's cousin Huang Youcheng lived in the same room, with upper and lower beds, Zhou Chen slept on the bottom, and Huang Youcheng slept on the upper bunk.

Huang Youcheng is sixteen years old and is in high school. He lives on campus and only comes back a few times a month. Usually only Huang Degui and Zhou Chen live at home.

Zhou Chen simply cleaned up and then went back to the room. However, he did not rest. Instead, he lay on the lower bunk of the bunk bed and communicated with the system.

Without hesitation, I used the plot card directly.


After reading the introduction first, Zhou Chen knew that Abao, who had appeared in the original mission, was the male protagonist of this TV series.

There are thirty episodes in total. Let’s start from the first episode.

In just two days, Zhou Chen finished watching all thirty episodes and understood the overall plot of the show.

The plot begins in early 1993, and the time he travels through is in early 1991, which is almost two years before the plot officially begins.

The protagonist of this drama is Mr. Bao, also known as Abao, and the main plot begins around the stock market.

Zhou Chen is naturally no stranger to the stock market. Having traveled to the modern world of film and television, he pays attention to the stock market in most cases.

But he just wants to make money from the stock market. To be honest, he doesn't have a good impression of the stock market, because the stock market is essentially a game of capital, a battlefield where capital is used to cut leeks, and retail investors are leeks.

Zhou Chen also worked as a banker in the stock market, but in most cases he was a retail investor. However, he was not the kind of leek that was harvested, but a retail investor who made money from the stock market.

He has the ability to foresee things and has super numerical calculation ability. Even if he is not a banker but only a retail investor, he can still make money from the stock market.

Moreover, he is not greedy and will not stick to one stock to make money, so even if he is a retail investor, he can navigate the stock market with ease.

During this period, the domestic stock market had just begun. Not to mention compared to foreign countries, even compared to Xiangjiang, it was very small. The total number of listed stocks was not many, and the number of investors at this period was not large.

A Bao in the flowers made his fortune by relying on stocks and foreign trade, and step by step he became what everyone calls Mr. Bao, and also became a star and focus on the Yellow River Road.

There is indeed Mr. Bao in my memory. Although Mr. Bao is also a celebrity on the Yellow River Road now, there is still a gap compared to two years later.

Currently, Mr. Bao is doing well in foreign trade, but he has not yet fully developed stocks, and his net worth is also limited. Adding up all his net worth, one or two million in cash would be enough.

Although in this day and age, there are relatively few households with ten thousand yuan, and even fewer households with one million yuan, but compared with the tens of millions he will be able to spend two years later to enter the stock market, there is still a big gap between Mr. Bao at this period.

After watching the entire drama and looking back at the two missions, Zhou Chen was a little scratching his head.

These two mission goals are related to Abao, but they are both women that Abao has never had.

After knowing the plot, Zhou Chen didn't rush to take action. In Shanghai in 1991, if you didn't gamble, you really needed to plan carefully if you wanted to make enough first pot of gold.

He was not in a hurry to quit Jin Meilin's job as a chef. After all, the salary was several hundred dollars higher. Even in Shanghai, it was definitely considered a high salary at this time.

The average salary in Shanghai during this period should not exceed 300 yuan, but his salary has doubled, which is really a lot, and he is only a junior chef. For a senior chef like his uncle, one month can

I can get more than a thousand, sometimes more.

Jin Meilin's proprietress Lu Meilin has a good way of attracting customers when doing business, but she is just a little too calculating. To put it simply, she is rather stingy.

A few hundred yuan a month is not low for ordinary people, but for Zhou Chen, it is still too low.

In such an era of soaring, he will definitely not be willing to live such a mediocre life. He can live a hard life, but it does not mean that he is willing to live a hard life.

What's more, he still has two system tasks. Although these two tasks don't mention money, every line reveals that they can't be completed without money.

With less than two years left before the plot begins, he will naturally rise quickly.

When it comes to the most positive restaurant proprietresses on the Yellow River Road, Lu Meilin is definitely one of them. She stands at the door of the hotel early every noon and afternoon, greeting acquaintances and guests coming and going, with the inseparable words "Come and eat."


But opening a restaurant and being the boss lady, especially on Huanghe Road, is still very useful. At least Jin Meilin's business is very good.

"Oh, isn't this Ah Chen? What's going on? My hair style has changed. My energy and energy are different. I've become more handsome."

Jin Meilin was looking for his potential guests when he suddenly saw Zhou Chen approaching. He was stunned for a moment, and then started making a fuss.

Compared with yesterday, Zhou Chen has indeed changed a lot. His original messy hair style has been shaved into a crew cut. The clothes he wears have not changed much, but when his hair style changes, it seems that his whole person's energy and energy are different.

Not only do I look younger, but I also feel more energetic.

The most important thing is that his facial features and face look really handsome.

Zhou Chen's expression remained unchanged and he replied calmly: "I'm just a chef, I can't say I'm handsome, but the boss lady looks even more beautiful today."

"Oh, not only have you become more handsome, but your little mouth has also become sweeter. No wonder little Jiangxi always hangs around you. It's quite cool."

Zhou Chen didn't want to talk more about this topic.

"Madam boss, I'm going to go to the kitchen first."

Jin Meilin just lamented that Zhou Chen had not changed and it had little to do with her, let alone her business.

"Go on, go on, work hard, and I will give you a salary increase when you are done."

This is just a polite saying. The boss and the wife are trying to make a big pie, but it cannot be taken seriously.

As soon as Zhou Chen walked into the hotel, Xiao Jiangxi came close to him.

"Ah Chen, you got a haircut. You look much more energetic now. I think you are really underqualified to be a cook."

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Really? I think you are a talentless waiter. You have the potential to become a boss lady."

After watching the plot of "Flowers", he naturally knows what kind of person Xiao Jiangxi is. He wants to be the boss's wife, even if he has to sacrifice himself, he still wants to be the boss's wife.

It was just a terrible fall in the end, but the narration in the final plot also explained that Xiao Jiangxi opened a restaurant with her two sisters and became the boss's wife, which can be regarded as fulfilling her wish.

Xiao Jiangxi's behavior in the play is very unpleasant, and can even be said to be despicable, but Zhou Chen has no dislike for her because she is just a passerby to him.

Since he is a passerby, it is natural that he cannot talk about likes and dislikes.

Xiao Jiangxi looked happy: "Really, Ah Chen, do you really think I can be the boss's wife?"

Looking at little Jiangxi with a look of expectation and longing, Zhou Chen smiled and nodded: "Really."

It’s just a sentence, not to mention that the current little Jiangxi has not turned into what it was in the plot.

Zhou Chen didn't chat much with her, and came to the kitchen. When Huang Degui saw Zhou Chen's new hairstyle, he also praised it.

"Achen, I don't have any cigarettes. Go and buy two packs of gold leaves for me."

He was about to give Zhou Chen money, but Zhou Chen pushed him back.

"Okay, uncle, it's just two packs of cigarettes, what more money can I give you?"

Without waiting for Huang Degui to say anything, he went out to buy cigarettes. Huang Degui looked at Zhou Chen's back and smiled happily.

In fact, there are several cigarette shops on Huanghe Road, but Zhou Chen did not go elsewhere, but went directly to the cigarette kiosk next to Golden Phoenix opposite.

Jingxiu, who sells cigarettes on the Yellow River Road, is also a very interesting person in the plot. If Zhou Chen wants to give an evaluation, it would be...

Ordinary people who are sober in the world!

Although he appears to be somewhat advanced in the plot, in essence he is just an ordinary person who can speak well and see the essence of many things clearly. But if you want to say how capable he is and what kind of unknown eminent monk he is, then it is absolutely too much.

Look high.

So Zhou Chen felt that he was the kind of sober person who could see himself clearly and had extraordinary eyesight.

Well, I also need to add a little bit of inquiring. After all, if you want to ask who is the most well-informed on the Yellow River Road, Jingxiu is definitely the one.

Another point is that Jingxiu has very good interpersonal relationships. The protagonists and supporting actors in Distance all have a good relationship with him. Later, Miss Wang was able to put a luxury car worth two million at his place, which is enough to prove that Jingxiu is a very good person.

The character is still good.

"Two packets of gold leaves."

Jing Xiu skillfully took two packs of cigarettes and handed them over. When he saw Zhou Chen, he was slightly surprised.

"Oh, Ah Chen, change your hairstyle."

Zhou Chen used to come to him often to buy cigarettes. They went back and forth, and the two of them were naturally familiar with each other. It would be no problem to say hello and chat for a few words.


Zhou Chen handed over the money, then took the change from Jing Xiu, and was about to speak when suddenly an excited cheer sounded on Huanghe Road.

"Mr. Bao, Mr. Bao is here! Mr. Bao is here!"

The author is not from Shanghai, so please forgive me if the dialogue does not conform to Shanghai dialect!

(End of chapter)

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