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Chapter 1323: Nurture, Birthday Ceremony

On New Year's Eve, Zhou Chen accompanied Shi Yi and went shopping on Yuchu Street. He bought a lot of delicious food for Shi Yi.

Although Shi Yi is a noble daughter of the Yang family, she is not arrogant or overbearing at all, nor does she dislike these roadside snacks. When she sees something she likes and wants to eat, as long as Zhou Chen buys it for her, she will be like a little mouse.

I ate it in small bites with a squeaking sound.

So much so that I ended up eating too much and walking slowly.

Today's curfew time in Xizhou is the second watch, which is around ten o'clock. Zhou Chen and Shi Yi wandered on the street for more than an hour. After seeing the vendors and pedestrians slowly dispersing, they slowly left for the palace.

On the way back, Shi Yi was very happy, his steps became lighter again, and his eyes looking at Zhou Chen were even more intimate.

In the past, when he was in the palace, Zhou Chen would mostly behave solemnly and solemnly, but when he was teaching her, he would be very gentle and patient. However, this was the first time he was so pampered like today, so she was very happy.

Shi Yi suddenly gently pulled Zhou Chen's clothes, and when Zhou Chen looked over, she made a few gestures.

'Master, thank you.'

Zhou Chen didn't control it anymore this time and gently patted her on the head: "As long as you are happy."

Shi Yi nodded vigorously to express that he was very happy.

"Go back, everyone is still waiting for us to stay together with you. This year is your first Spring Festival in Xizhou. If we all stay together, the coming year will be even better."

Zhou Chen and Shi Yi returned to the palace. The ten disciples and Xie Chong, as well as Xie Chong's adopted son Xie Chen, were still in the hall, but some of them were already confused.

The appearance of Zhou Chen made everyone cheer up again. This era naturally does not have a countdown like modern times, but there are watchers. With the arrival of the third watch, it means the beginning of a new year.

The period after the New Year is a rare leisure time. There are no major rebellions or battles in Beichen, so naturally there is no need for the Nanchen royal army to dispatch.

It is rare for everyone in the Nanchen Palace to enjoy such a peaceful time. Although they are best at fighting, it does not mean that they like fighting. Fighting is not as comfortable as living an ordinary life in the Palace.

It has been two months since he came to this world, and Zhou Chen has already developed Yangzhou Man's internal strength. Because he is naturally talented, and Yangzhou Man has practiced it more than once, so he practiced again and improved quickly.

Of course, this is compared to other worlds, but in fact, compared to the real world of low martial arts, his cultivation speed is still relatively slow.

However, there is no such thing as internal strength in this world. He can develop internal strength, and coupled with his own physical fitness, it is no exaggeration to say that his current combat power is definitely at the pinnacle of this world, especially Yangzhou Man's internal strength.

For him, it was a great help and greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

The teaching time was appropriate, and there were not classes every day. Zhou Chen usually had two days of classes and one day off. This day happened to be the time for rest, so Zhou Chen did not leave his yard and practiced hard in his bedroom.

Shi Yi is a studious person. Although she doesn't have to go to class today, she still came to Zhou Chen's study. First, she cleaned the study by herself. Then she picked up the books that Zhou Chen usually read and started reading them seriously.

Just as she was reading seriously, suddenly there was a burst of laughter outside the study, and then someone walked into the study. Before they arrived, the sound was heard.

"If you don't want to come to Pingqin County with me, you must be hiding a beautiful person in your mansion?"

King Ping Qin walked in, jokingly walking into the study, but when he saw that the person sitting there was not King Xiao Nanchen, but a girl, he was immediately confused and looked at Shi Yi with a confused face.


Shi Yi also turned her head and looked at King Ping Qin with curiosity. She came in without any warning. She guessed that he must be a friend of her master, so she quickly stood up, walked to King Ping Qin, and bowed.

When King Ping Qin saw him, he followed suit and returned the courtesy immediately, then asked with a teasing look on his face.

"Are you Zhou Shengchen's little princess?"

Shi Yi was immediately frightened and waved her hands in panic, but she couldn't speak at all. King Ping Qin was a big boss and didn't understand what she meant by waving her hands. He thought she was telling him to keep a low profile.

So he said with a clear face: "I understand, I understand, I understand what you mean. Just wave your hand and I will understand."

Shiyi thought that King Pingqin really understood what she meant, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but unexpectedly, King Pingqin spoke again.

"I know that Zhou Shengchen can't reveal that the matchmaker is marrying you. You said that kid can do the same. He has to swear a poisonous oath, which will be very troublesome."

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and told the two men who were following him with a serious face: "You two, don't tell anyone about what you saw today, do you hear me?"


As soon as he turned around, King Ping Qin regained his smiling face, changed his face very quickly, and asked Shi Shiyi with a smile.

"Should I call you sister-in-law? Well, I should call you sister-in-law. How should you be called in your palace?"

Shi Yi anxiously moved her hands, trying to explain, but she couldn't speak, and King Ping Qin didn't understand sign language. She was so anxious that she broke out in sweat.

She gestured to King Ping Qin to go outside and ask, but King Ping Qin thought she was going to drive him away, which made him very depressed. He kept explaining that he was a big boss and had not read a few books. If there was anything

It's rude, but I told her not to mind.

As they talked, they actually apologized, but Shiyi didn't dare to accept it, so he hurriedly returned the gift, and the two of them started to worship each other.

When Zhou Chen walked over, he happened to see this scene and was very speechless.

He heard from his subordinates that King Ping Qin had brought people to the palace. Thinking of the misunderstanding in the plot, he rushed over as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, he was a step too late.

One is a big boss, can't read eyes, can say anything, and the other can't speak, so it's normal for misunderstandings to arise.

The two people who were saluting each other also saw Zhou Chen, and King Ping Qin immediately stood up.

"Okay, Zhou Shengchen, you can do it. You can secretly hide a little princess in the house..."

Looking at the anxious Jiao Shiyi who only waved his hands, Zhou Chen smiled slightly and interrupted King Ping Qin's words.

"She is my apprentice."


King Ping Qin suddenly widened his eyes, looked at Zhou Chen, and then looked at Kao Shiyi, who was very embarrassed.

King Ping Qin reacted and asked Zhou Chen in surprise: "Did the family members send her here?"

Seeing Zhou Chen nod, he apologized: "I don't know, I'm sorry, brother and sister."

The smooth words of brother and sister came out, which startled Jian Shiyi again, and he looked at Zhou Chen cautiously.

Zhou Chen was also speechless. He knew that King Ping Qin didn't mean it, he was just like that.

"Eleven, you go down first, I'll talk to my elder brother."

Jian Shiyi bowed and left the study.

"Brother, I'm so sorry. I didn't know this was the case, but why didn't your apprentice, Miss Ni, explain it to me? It made me so embarrassed."

"On Eleven, she suffered from aphasia and couldn't speak."


King Ping Qin's expression suddenly changed, and he remembered how Jiao Shiyi had been very anxious just now, but did not speak and could only make gestures, and then he understood the reason.

"That's right. Alas, it's all my fault. It's all my fault, but that's right. This little girl looks pretty and demure. How could she have aphasia?"

King Ping Qin had an authentic rough background and was brave enough to fight, but he really had no money, so he always wanted to find a princess who was educated and well-educated.

Over the years, he has looked for daughters from many aristocratic families, but no aristocratic family wants to marry their daughter to him, or is willing to marry him, and he doesn't like them. So much so that even though he is a few years older than Zhou Chen, he still doesn't have a princess.


"Brother, why are you free to come to Xizhou today?"

"Brother Xian, I didn't come alone this time. I brought many people with me. They..."

King Ping Qin came to visit with his fellow villagers from Ping Qin County. He thanked King Nan Chen's army for saving Ping Qin County and also brought many local specialties.

Zhou Chen stayed with King Ping Qin and others in the palace for two days. Two days later, King Ping Qin left Xizhou with his people. He brought a lot of things with him when he came. When he left, Zhou Chen also stuffed a lot of things for them.

Local specialties of the state.

This is called coming and going!

At night, in the study, Zhou Chen sat in front of the desk and read a book. Shi Yi was beside him, pouring tea for Zhou Chen.

There was no entertainment in the palace. The brothers and sisters all had their own things to do. Shiyi was the closest to Zhou Chen, so whenever he had time, he would either go to the library or come to the study to serve tea and water for Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen also liked this smart and sensible little girl very much, so he never stopped him. He doted on her very much. Watching her change day by day, he always felt like he was being nurtured.

The sky was completely dark, and it had been a long time since the first watch. Shi Yi was probably tired, so he leaned next to Zhou Chen, supporting the desk with his hands and falling asleep with his head on his head.

The sleeping Ji Shiyi's little head was still little by little, and a smile appeared on his face from time to time. He looked really cute and naive.

Suddenly, she couldn't hold on, her body swayed, and her head almost hit the table. Zhou Chen, with quick eyesight and quick hands, held her head up.

Jian Shiyi didn't show any sign of waking up. Zhou Chen held his head up, so he fell down and finally leaned on Zhou Chen's legs, hugging his legs and continuing to sleep.


Zhou Chen smiled slightly and did not wake her up, but let her sleep on his lap.

After a while, he saw that Jia Shiyi was fast asleep, so he picked up the fox fur blanket next to him, wrapped Jia Shiyi's body, gently picked her up, and walked out of the study.

Jian Shiyi is only fourteen years old this year, and her body has not fully grown yet, so she is very light. Zhou Chen picked her up without any effort.

When Cheng Xi in the hospital saw that her girl was brought back by Zhou Chen, she was shocked and looked horrified.

"Your Highness."

Zhou Chen glanced at Shi Yi and looked away. Cheng Xi suddenly didn't dare to speak.

She had lived in the palace for more than two months. Although everyone in the palace said that King Xiao Nanchen had a gentle temperament, she was just afraid. Every time Zhou Chen looked at her, she would panic.

Zhou Chen carried Yu Shiyi into the room and placed him on the bed.

"Your Highness, this fox skin?"

"It belongs to the king's study. From now on, it will be used by Shiyi and let her have a good rest. I will leave first."

Early the next morning, Zhou Chen was waiting in the piano room for Shi Yi to come to class, but it was already past the hour and no one had come yet. He was confused because Shi Yi was never late for class.

But after thinking about it, I understood the reason. It must be the same as in the plot, because he fell asleep in his study and felt that he had broken the rules and messed up the etiquette, so at this time, he was most likely thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Zhou Chen smiled helplessly. He had obviously stayed in the palace for a long time and had changed a lot, but it seemed that there were still many things that had not changed.

This is normal, after all, it is a habit developed over the past ten years, and it is not so easy to change.

So he went to Shi Yi's courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, Cheng Xi greeted him.

"Your Highness."

"It's eleven, why didn't you go to class today?"

Cheng Xi said truthfully: "Because of the rudeness last night, the girl is shutting up and thinking about her mistakes."

"Seclude yourself and think about your mistakes? I understand."

With that said, he walked towards Shi Yi's room. Cheng Xi opened his mouth and wanted to stop him, but in the end he didn't dare to speak.

Zhou Chen walked into the room and saw Shi Yi writing on the terrace by the pool behind the room, so he walked over.

I saw that Shi Yi was serious about copying the book stroke by stroke.

"I heard Cheng Xi say that you are thinking about your mistakes behind closed doors. Is it because of what happened last night?"

Shi Yi immediately saluted and then said in sign language: "Master, Shi Yi knows that he was wrong."

Zhou Chen said with a gentle face: "Master forgives you."

Hearing this, Shi Yi felt a little happy, but still replied with a firm expression: "Although Master has forgiven me, I can't let down my guard. I have to review more and keep it in my mind."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Zhou Chen felt something in his heart. There is a big difference between the thinking of ancient people and the thinking of modern people. Perhaps things that are not a big deal in the eyes of many modern people are just a big deal in their eyes.


You can talk about the ancients, but this may be the way of life of the ancients. After all, people have different ideas in different eras. You cannot judge the practices of the ancients with modern thinking.

"Eleven, I know what you mean, but the palace is different from yours. Here, you don't have to worry so much. I may not be able to let you be free in other places, but in the palace, I hope you can let go

You, here, you don’t need to restrain yourself.”

Shi Yi was a little hesitant, but was finally persuaded by Zhou Chen, and walked out of the yard with Zhou Chen and went to the piano room to learn piano.

Zhou Chen's life in the palace is also very simple. He gets up in the morning to practice, and then starts teaching Shi Yi to study. He also goes to the military camp every now and then to conduct military parades and train troops. He also usually handles some military affairs, so his life is simple, but also very fulfilling.

If anyone in the palace spent the longest time with him, it was undoubtedly Shiyi. They studied in the morning and afternoon, and often read in Zhou Chen's study or in the library in the evening.

Occasionally, Zhou Chen would secretly take Shi Yi to play on the streets of the city, so for Shi Yi, life in Nanchen's palace was much happier than at the Yang family.

Zhou Chen not only taught Shi Yi piano music from this period, but also taught many classic music scores from later generations. He said that he composed them all by himself, which made Shi Yi admire him even more.

The colors of spring are rich, from light green leaves to colorful flowers, all kinds of colors gently sway in the spring breeze, adding touches of gorgeous color to the earth.

Beside the pond, Nao Shiyi played the piano music very carefully, while Zhou Chen sat aside and listened.

After the song ended, Shi Yi looked at Zhou Chen expectantly.

Zhou Chen smiled and praised: "Very good, you mastered this piece of music very well and you have made great progress."

After receiving Zhou Chen's praise, Shi Yi was like a child who got a candied haws of apple, extremely happy.

For her, receiving praise from Zhou Chen was more joyful than anything else.

"Your piano skills have improved a lot. Starting from tomorrow, you will stop learning piano. I have added a new lesson for you."

"What?" Shi Yi asked curiously.



Shi Yi was very surprised, she didn't expect Zhou Chen to teach her this.

Zhou Chen explained: "Don't underestimate arithmetic. It is actually very important. If you learn arithmetic well, you will be able to deal with many things in the future. At least accounting books and the like can be dealt with easily."

Shi Yi smiled at Zhou Chen. She was just curious for a moment. In fact, no matter what Zhou Chen taught her, she would learn it very seriously, even if it was just for Zhou Chen to praise her.

The longer Zhou Chen spends time with Shi Yi, the more Zhou Chen develops an illusion.

During this period of time, he could feel that Shi Yi was becoming more and more dependent on him, and he liked to get along with Shi Yi the most in the palace.

As time passed day by day, Shi Yi learned more and more things and respected Zhou Chen more and more.

There has been no war for a long time, and everyone in the palace is very relaxed. If you can live such a relaxed life, who would want to go to the battlefield and fight to the death?

On this day, Zhou Chen went out. When he came back, he found that many strangers had come to the palace. After entering the palace, he realized that some of these people were from Zhongzhou, some from Qinghe, and some from other places.

They all came to give birthday gifts to Yu Shiyi.

Zhou Chen looked at the gifts everywhere in the hall with a calm expression. This battle was huge, but to him, it was nothing.

He just glanced at it lightly, and then went to find Shi Yi.

Shi Yi was painting lotus flowers by the pond. As soon as he finished painting, he saw Zhou Chen approaching, and immediately saluted Zhou Chen with a face full of joy.

Zhou Chen waved his hand, walked to her side, and looked at the lotus picture on the case.

"Well, your paintings are getting better and better. Among all your paintings, the lotus is the best."

Shi Yi was even more happy to receive Zhou Chen's praise. What she is best at is painting lotuses, and what she likes most is painting lotuses.

"The palace and the Tao family have sent you so many birthday gifts, why don't you go and see them?"

In front of Zhou Chen, Jian Shiyi shook her head without hiding it, saying that she was not interested. She preferred to draw lotuses here instead of looking at the gifts.

Zhou Chen smiled slightly and said, "I have also prepared a birthday gift for you, do you want to see it?"

When Shi Yi heard this, he was immediately surprised and nodded hurriedly, his eyes full of expectation and desire.

This chapter has been completed!
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