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Chapter 1351: Tips on Ma Kui

Chapter 1353: Tips on Ma Kui

Zhou Chen originally wanted to remind Ma Kui to take the child to the hospital, but who knew that Ma Kui insisted on dragging him along.

The reason was also very good. He had no experience in taking care of children and didn't know how to treat a doctor. Zhou Chen happened to know a little bit about it, so he insisted on letting Zhou Chen go to the hospital with him.

There was no other way, a good man would do it to the end, so Zhou Chen went to the railway hospital with him.

Coincidentally, when they arrived at the hospital, they happened to meet Shen Xiuping.

"Doctor Shen."

"It's you, Xiao Zhou, who is this child?"

Zhou Chen took the initiative to introduce Ma Kui to Shen Xiuping, and then talked about the child's situation. Shen Xiuping looked at it for a while.

"I didn't expect you, Xiao Zhou, to know how to treat a doctor. You are right. This is probably childhood eczema. It is not a big problem. I will prescribe some medicine later and apply it several times a day. It will be cured soon."

Ma Kui immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, Doctor Shen."

"You're welcome. It's our duty to treat illnesses and save people. But this child is blessed with great fortune. If he encounters you, he will really suffer if he encounters someone with ulterior motives."

Shen Xiuping prescribed the medicine, and Zhou Chen sent Ma Kui home.

This is Zhou Chen's first time to visit Ma Kui's house. Ma Kui's house is not only dilapidated, but also very small. However, this kind of house is actually the house where most people in the Northeast currently live. Many people live in places worse than this.

Woolen cloth.

But for Ma Kui, it's different. He used to be a criminal policeman after all. If he hadn't gone to prison later, their house would definitely not be worse than the compound where Zhou Chen and the others lived.

Because if Ma Kui does not go to prison, given his ability, ten years later, he will definitely not be just an ordinary criminal policeman.

The age between thirty and forty is definitely the most important stage for a man's career development, and it is also the age group where his career rises fastest.

Zhou Chen had met Ma Yan before, and it was the first time he met Ma Kui's wife Wang Sufang, so after Ma Kui's introduction, Wang Sufang warmly welcomed Zhou Chen into the house.

Zhou Chen sat at home for a while. After Zhou Chen left, Ma Kui's family of three gathered together and looked at the little one they put on the bed.

"We speculate that the child was an abandoned baby, maybe because of eczema, or maybe for other reasons."

"Abandoned baby?"

Wang Sufang was filled with maternal love and looked at the child with pity.

Ma Yan was very curious and asked: "What is eczema? Is it serious enough to make this child's parents want him?"

Ma Kui scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about? We are just suspicious, but it is hard to say whether it is an abandoned baby. Doctor Shen said that eczema in children is not a serious disease. Many children will have this condition. Apply it for a few days

Medicine will heal you."

"Sufang, what I mean is, let the child be raised in our home for a few days, and then send him back when his parents are found. What do you think?"

Wang Sufang immediately said: "Of course I have no objection. To be honest, I really want it."

Not being able to give birth to a son for Lao Ma's family has always been a hurdle in her heart. If Ma Kui had not been imprisoned ten years ago, they would still have a chance, but now, she knows that her body has no such possibility.

Now that a baby boy was suddenly born from the sky, she felt very happy even if she only had to raise him at home for a few days.

But Ma Yan frowned and advised: "Mom, you are not in good health to begin with. It will be too much for you to raise such a big kid."

Wang Sufang, however, didn't take it seriously: "If there's anything you can't bear, it's just raising a child. As long as it takes a lot of effort, just leave it alone."

Ma Kui also said: "Yeah, it's just a few days, why are you worrying so much? If you have this time, study hard and take the college entrance examination again next year."

Before Ma Yan could speak, Wang Sufang spoke again and drove Ma Yan out of the back room.

There were only two people and one child left in the room. Wang Sufang looked at the child with great joy, teasing and caring for it carefully.

Ma Kui was very happy to see his wife so happy. Ten years in prison made him feel that he owed his wife a lot. Now that he saw his wife happy, he was also sincerely happy.

"I hope this child's parents can come find him as soon as possible."

Although he knew that the possibility was very low, he still sincerely hoped that the child was not an abandoned baby and that his parents could find him as soon as possible.

I originally thought I would only raise him for a few days, but who would have thought that more than a week has passed and there is still no news from the child's parents.

In the dining car, everyone gathered together to have lunch, and talked about the child again.

"Uncle Ma, is the child you picked up last time still at your house?" Wang Xin asked.

"Yes what's the matter?"

"No, Uncle Ma, you don't want to find a younger brother for Ma Yan, do you? Don't blame me for talking too much, Ma Yan has to study now, and my aunt is not in good health, and you often have to travel, so how can you have the energy to take care of me?


Ma Kui's expression suddenly changed and he put down his chopsticks: "What, you mean, you want me to throw this child away again?"

Wang Xin hurriedly defended: "No, I'm not thinking about it. Why don't you put the child in my house? There are not many people in our hospital. Aunt Cai, Aunt Lu, and Aunt Wu can all help take care of the child until the parents come to find him."

It’s not too late to send it back, don’t you think?”

Lu Hongxing, who was sitting with them, heard this and agreed: "Yes, Lao Ma, if it doesn't work, just put it in our compound. There are many people taking care of children."

Ma Kui shook his head firmly and refused: "No, this child has a slight problem. Let me take care of it for now. We will talk about it after a while."

He has been getting along with this child for a while, and to be honest, he quite likes this child. If it were the child's parents, he would definitely hand it over, but if it were to be placed in the railway compound, he would really be reluctant to part with it.

Zhou Chen sat nearby and listened. He could understand what Wang Xin was thinking, and he could also understand why Ma Kui refused.

But what he was thinking about now was something else.

After lunch, he found an opportunity and called Ma Kui aside alone.

"Why did you call me here?"

Ma Kui asked doubtfully. In fact, he was Zhou Chen's subordinate now. After all, Zhou Chen was the police sergeant. However, Zhou Chen had never had time to show off, so their relationship was still the same as before.

"Uncle Ma, there are some things I don't know how to say, but if I don't say them, I feel bad. I'm sorry for you, but if I say them, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept them..."

Ma Kui felt even more strange when he saw Zhou Chen being so hesitant and hesitant.

"What's going on? If you have anything to say, just say it. I see you're not the kind of person who is hesitant. No matter what happens, just tell me directly. I've even been in prison for ten years, what else can I bear?

Can’t live there?”

Zhou Chen sighed and decided to speak out.

"Actually, it's about aunt. Do you remember the last time I went to your house?"

"Sufang? What happened to Sufang?"

Ma Kui's expression tightened. If there was anything in the world that could make him most nervous, it would be his wife and daughter. So when he heard that it was related to his wife, his expression changed.

"Uncle Ma, you also know that I know some medical skills. In fact, I studied traditional Chinese medicine and know some medical treatment methods. Last time I went to your house and met my aunt, I felt something was not right. Then I observed it for a while.


Ma Kui couldn't help but recall the scene when Zhou Chen went home with him a few days ago. At that time, Zhou Chen did look at his wife a few more times, but he didn't take it seriously at the time. But now that he heard what Zhou Chen said, he instinctively

I feel bad.

"You mean, there is something wrong with Sufang's health?" Her voice became trembling.

Zhou Chen nodded with a heavy face: "According to my observations, there is probably something wrong with my aunt's health, and the problem may be quite big."

Ma Kui's strong body swayed, his face suddenly turned pale, he held on to the car door next to him, and his voice became hoarse.

"This is not a joke, are you sure?"

"It's just a look, I don't have a pulse, so I'm not absolutely sure, but there must be something wrong with my aunt's body. I think it's best to take her to the hospital for a full-body checkup after you go back this time. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.


Of course, Zhou Chen couldn't tell directly that Wang Sufang had lung cancer, but as long as he went to the hospital for a check-up, he would know the result.

Ma Kui didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he raised his head, his eyes were red, and said to Zhou Chen: "Zhou Chen, thank you."

In fact, Wang Sufang was in poor health. He had known about it since he came back. However, Wang Sufang always said that she just had emphysema and it was nothing serious. She just needed to take medicine, so he didn't take it too seriously.

In his opinion, his wife is not yet forty and is in the prime of life. Even if her health is not good, it should not be serious.

But when Zhou Chen said this today, he was filled with uneasiness. Although Zhou Chen didn't say it clearly, as a policeman, he could naturally hear the implication of Zhou Chen's words. In Zhou Chen's judgment, Sufang's physical problem was probably very serious.


Zhou Chen didn't say anything else. In the TV plot, Wang Sufang was diagnosed with terminal cancer not long after. Although she lived for two years, she eventually died of the disease.

Now he has spoken out in advance, but it's really hard to say whether there is any rescue or not, but he feels that this kind of thing should still be told to Ma Kui.

Wang Sufang is really a poor person. It is really not easy for her to raise her daughter, maintain the life of her family, and endure all kinds of heavy pressures from neighbors.

Such a person shouldn't have to bear all this alone, just think of it as meddling in his own business.

On the way back, Wang Xin was surprised to find that his master, who had always been at odds with him, stopped scolding him. He was not even as active and conscientious in his work as before, and was always distracted by his thoughts, which made him very strange.

He asked out of curiosity, and then got scolded by Ma Kui, who was so frightened that he didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But he found Zhou Chen privately.

"Zhou Chen, what did you say to my master? I found that since you talked to my master, his entire mental state has changed."

Zhou Chen could tell Ma Kui about Wang Sufang, but he couldn't tell Wang Xin, an outsider, so he just found an excuse.

"I didn't say anything, it was just about work."

"What work-related matters can make Lao Ma so uneasy?"

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? If you have some free time, go get to work."

"Oh, you're pretending to be a police sergeant?"


"Get out of here."

Since Ma Kui learned about his wife from Zhou Chen on this train trip, he has been thinking about going home.

After getting off the bus, he didn't even say hello to anyone, and returned home as quickly as possible.

"Old Ma, what are you doing? Why are you going to the hospital?"

As soon as he got home, Ma Kui took Wang Sufang to the hospital, which confused Wang Sufang and Ma Yan. Wang Sufang struggled not to go.

Ma Yan also looked confused and asked: "Yes, Dad, what kind of hospital should I go to? It's not a good place."

Ma Kui said with a serious face: "Of course I am going to check up on your mother. I found that since I came back, your mother has been coughing non-stop and her body is also very weak. I am not worried, so I will take your mother for a checkup today."

Ever since Zhou Chen said it, he had been thinking about how we got along after he came back, and found that his wife was indeed coughing all the time, which was very abnormal.

Ma Yan was stunned for a moment, looked at her father, then at her mother, and then nodded.

"Dad, I think what you said makes sense. My mother is indeed not in good health. She should have a check-up so that we can all feel at ease."

Wang Sufang felt helpless when she saw that her daughter was actually standing next to her husband.

"Why do you two, father and daughter, think that something is happening? I don't know my own body. This is an old problem. Emphysema, just take medicine. What kind of examination should I do? The hospital can do a set of examinations.

My monthly salary is gone.”

Ma Kui said very forcefully: "If your salary is gone, you can make more, but your health is not good. For me, no matter how much money you make, it is not as important as your body. I am the head of the family, and I have the final say on this matter today."

, you have to go even if you go, and you have to go even if you don’t.”

"No, Lao Ma, are you determined?"

"Yes, I am determined, I must go, now, immediately, immediately."

Ma Yan looked at her father blankly. It had been more than half a year since her father came back. Her biggest feeling before was...

Her father is a man with a bad temper and a strong desire to control. He always interferes in her affairs, her affairs and Wang Xin's affairs. He is stubborn and unreasonable...

But at this moment, her father was full of domineering, but it made her feel extremely at ease.

In the end, Wang Sufang still could not defeat Ma Kui and Ma Yan, and followed them to the hospital honestly, where they had blood drawn and various other examinations done.

The test was done, but the results won't come out until tomorrow.

On the way back, Wang Sufang was still worried about money.

"I told you that there was nothing wrong with me, but I still insisted on coming for a check-up. I spent so much money. It would be great if I could keep this money for my family to live a happy life."

Ma Kui hummed: "You have to have good health to live your life. Spend some money and make sure everything is fine, then our family can live in peace and contentment."

Ma Yan nodded in agreement: "Yes, what my dad said makes sense. Mom, you should have gone for a checkup a long time ago. What I said before is useless. It seems that my dad's words are still effective."

Wang Sufang looked at the people she cared about most with a smile. She was complaining, but she also understood that they were doing it for her own good. What else could she say?

This chapter has been completed!
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