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Chapter 1,357 Conflict in the carriage, Wang Xin was framed

Chapter 1359 Conflict in the carriage, Wang Xin was framed

The train from Ningyang to Shanghai not only takes much longer to go back and forth than the Ningha Line, but also has to stop at many more stations along the way. The number of passengers is relatively small at the beginning, but it increases during the journey.

Zhou Chen took Lao Wang's place and was also the police sergeant. In addition to him, there were three other police officers below him. Only one was younger than him, and the other two were much older than him.

However, although Zhou Chen is young, he is still quite famous in the police force, and these three policemen are very cooperative with his work.

Passengers on the train heading to Shanghai are very different from passengers on the Ningha Line. They appear more open and dress more fashionably. The further you go to Shanghai, the more you will notice the differences.

Northeast China has a vast territory, but to be honest, there is a big gap in terms of prosperity compared to other provinces and cities, especially first-tier cities like Shanghai.

But on the contrary, the longer the route, the more likely things will happen. Zhou Chen had more than a dozen theft incidents on his first trip, which was much busier than when he took the Ningha line.

When traveling on the Ningha Line, both Ma Kui and Yu Xingguo were the type who talked less and worked more. Although Wang Xin talked a lot, he did not fall behind when it came to work, so in contrast, Zhou Chen, the captain of the train, had a much easier time.


But on the train to Shanghai, apart from being calmer at night, everything could not stop during the day, and I had to look to him for anything.

After getting off the train, Zhou Chen was very tired. He fell into bed and fell asleep when he got home. He slept for more than ten hours before fully recovering.

After waking up, Zhou Chen came to Ma's house.

"Auntie, let me give you acupuncture."

"Zhou Chen, you are back. Lao Ma has left the car and is not at home. You haven't had dinner yet. We just made it. Let's have some together and start again after eating."

Wang Sufang greeted Zhou Chen into the house, and Ma Yan was supporting Xiao Ma Jian, who was learning to walk with a faltering step.

Ma Yan also greeted: "Zhou Chen, you have gone to Shanghai, right? Isn't Shanghai particularly prosperous, much more prosperous than our Ningyang?"

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Shanghai is indeed much more prosperous than Ningyang, and it develops much faster than here."

"Really? I don't know how it compares to the capital. I really want to see Shanghai."

Previously, their family went to the capital specifically to treat Wang Sufang. At that time, she was shocked by the prosperity of the capital. Compared with the capital, their Ningyang seemed like a countryside.

Under Wang Sufang's warm invitation, Zhou Chen did not shirk anymore and had a simple meal at Ma's house.

Soon after dinner, Zhou Chen began to treat Wang Sufang with acupuncture, and then slapped Wang Sufang on the back, causing Wang Sufang to cough up a lot of congestion and bloody sputum.

"Zhou Chen, thank you. I feel much better."

Wang Sufang is sincerely grateful. During this year, her life has been very comfortable. Zhou Chen's treatment has prevented her body from deteriorating further, but has made her feel a lot more relaxed. The most important thing is that she has never been sick.

Become a burden on the family.

Now, except for the day when Zhou Chen helps her with treatment, she needs a good rest. At other times, she can do housework and take care of the children normally without affecting her life.

This is enough for her.

"Auntie, stop talking about this. Uncle Ma has told me so many times. When we were in the car, he even rushed to help me with my work. He couldn't wait to finish all my work."

When Wang Sufang and Ma Yan heard this, they both laughed kindly. They knew that this was what Ma Kui would do, and they also understood why Ma Kui would do this.

Zhou Chen helped Wang Sufang treat Wang Sufang for a year without confiscating their treatment fees. The most they could do was have a meal and drink at their home. Ma Kui was grateful and naturally wanted to repay Zhou Chen in other ways.

Not only Ma Kui, they also do the same, often giving Zhou Chen some dumplings, steamed buns, etc.

It was said that he had been on duty for a month, but it was not until forty days before Lao Wang came back. When Lao Wang came back, Zhou Chen could return to the Ningha Line train.

Back on the Ningha Line train, a group of people gathered around Zhou Chen, asking him about the Ninghu Line, especially the situation in Shanghai, which aroused everyone's curiosity.

In fact, Zhou Chen went to Shanghai several times and didn't spend much time there. However, he was still very familiar with Shanghai. Even in the late 1970s, it did not affect his ability to describe the situation in Shanghai to everyone.

When Wang Xin saw Zhou Chen, his eyes really filled with tears.

"Zhou Chen, you are finally back, but you don't know that you have made me tired these days."

Due to manpower shortage, after Zhou Chen was temporarily transferred, they did not add more manpower here. Even if the three of them were working all the time, they would definitely be much busier than when there were four.

"It's tiring, but isn't the salary too much? Only when you put in the effort will you gain something."

"It's not much more, but now that you are back, I can finally be liberated. You don't know that during this period, I was tortured by Lao Ma. He..."

Wang Xin chattered to Zhou Chen about what happened during this period, mainly emphasizing that he was tortured badly by Ma Kui and so on.

"I went to Uncle Ma's house yesterday to help my aunt with acupuncture. I heard from Ma Yan that your kid is in love with Yao Yuling?"

Zhou Chen's words immediately made Wang Xin, who had always been thick-skinned, turn red, and replied coyly: "Gang, we've only been together for a few days."

"I also heard that Niu Dali almost got into a fight with you because of this?"

"What's the matter? Originally, this matter has nothing to do with Niu Dali. Niu Dali likes Yao Yuling, but Yao Yuling doesn't like him. He is just being passionate. Even without me, Yao Yuling can't be with him.

How can this be blamed on me?"

Wang Xin was very dissatisfied. He didn't feel that he was sorry for Niu Dali, but Niu Dali acted like a victim and wanted him to break up with Yao Yuling. How could he agree?

"Just like the love letter last time, it was not written by Yao Yuling to Niu Dali at all, but by Cai Xiaonian. He..."

Wang Xin was about to describe the situation in detail to Zhou Chen, but Ma Kui came over at this time.

"Wang Xin, I went on patrol. How long have I been sitting there and I still don't have any consciousness."

"It's coming, it's coming, it's true."

Wang Xin was helpless, but he stood up obediently and followed him.

Lu Hongxing held the tea cup and walked to sit opposite Zhou Chen.

“After running the Ninghu Line for more than a month, compared with our Ningha Line, which one do you think is more comfortable?”

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "There is nothing comfortable about work, but the Ninghu Line is indeed more tiring than our Ningha Line. The round trip time is too long, and there are more things on the bus than here. Of course

, the salary is also slightly higher than us, haha.”

"That's true."

Lu Hongxing also smiled, but he still preferred the Ningha line he was running. Once a person stays in one position for a long time, he will form a habit and be unwilling to change.

"Uncle Lu, I'm going out to take a look."

"Okay, then you are busy."

Zhou Chen walked out of the dining car and went to the passenger car in front. There were still as many passengers on the Ningha Line as ever.

He has been on this Ningha Line for more than two years. Many passengers who have taken this train all year round know him and say hello to him when they see him.

"Officer Zhou, I haven't seen you for a long time. I thought you were transferred."

"Officer Zhou, are you asking for leave to go home and get married?"

"No, I was transferred to another class and just got transferred back."

"Officer Zhou..."

Zhou Chen responded to the people who greeted him with a smile. They knew Zhou Chen, and Zhou Chen also had an impression of them.

Passing by a carriage interface, I saw an acquaintance again, but before he could speak, the other person called him.

"Xiao Zhou, hahaha."

"Brother, what a coincidence. Have you eaten?"

"Eat, eat. I heard from Lao Ma that you were transferred to another route. I thought I wouldn't see you for a long time."

"I'm on temporary transfer, temporary transfer. How have you been lately?"

"What else can we do? It's the same as before."

"Brother, are you really prepared to spend your whole life in this car?"

The old blind man smacked his lips and said: "Otherwise, I have no other wishes in this life. I just want to find my daughter, so unless I can't move one day, then I will find a place to wait for death. Otherwise, I still want to

Try your best to find your daughter."

"Then I wish you find your daughter as soon as possible."

Having said that, both Zhou Chen and the old blind man knew that the possibility of finding it was almost zero.

Regardless of whether his daughter was abducted or taken away by well-wishers, more than ten years have passed, and there were many years of turmoil in between. He doesn't know whether his daughter is dead or alive. Where can he find her?

It's just that this is the old blind man's belief. If he didn't even have this belief, he wouldn't know if he should live.

While he was talking, there was suddenly a burst of noise from the car in front, and the crowds were surging, as if something had happened.

Zhou Chen stood up and took a look. The old blind man knocked with his crutch: "Something seems to have happened over there. Why don't you go over and have a look?"

"Okay, I'll go take a look first. If you need anything later, just go to the restaurant in the car to find me."

"What can I do for you? Just go and do your business."

Zhou Chen walked towards the car in front, passed through one car, and when he arrived at the next car, he saw Ma Kui and Yu Xingguo controlling two men.

"Uncle Ma, Brother Yu, what's going on?"

Ma Kui said: "These two are thieves, and there are accomplices. Wang Xin went to chase them, right in front."

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look."

This kind of petty theft was common, and Zhou Chen didn't take it too seriously. He stepped forward and saw that the next carriage was the train restaurant.

"Give me a moment, give me a moment, give me a moment."

Zhou Chen pushed aside the crowd in front of him and saw Wang Xinren in the dining car through the glass on the car door.

In the dining car, Wang Xin was seen standing there with handcuffs in his hands, looking helpless. On the ground in front of him, a man wearing a hat with blood on his nose and face was yelling.

"Guys, you have to testify for me. The police beat someone. Look at the blood they beat me. It's all blood."

"I told you I didn't hit you, so don't talk nonsense."

"If you don't hit me, will it bleed? Guys, just watch. I'm going to the restaurant to eat. I see a wallet at the door. When I'm about to pick it up, he says I'm stealing it. You say I haven't yet

When you pick it up, how can I steal it? You said, I don’t believe it no matter how you explain it, so you go up and give me a cannonball, which makes your nostrils bleed. It’s too cruel.”

The man said pitifully and screamed, as if he was really in severe pain.

Wang Xin got angry and shouted: "You are really good at making things up. If you make things up again, believe it or not, I will really beat you."

"Did you hear that? Guys, listen to me. I just finished the beating and I still need to beat him. This guy has a heart of a snake and a scorpion."

Wang Xin was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and walked over to handcuff him, but was stopped by a passenger on the side.

"Comrade, you said he stole the wallet, do you have any evidence?"

Wang Xin was interrupted and felt slightly uncomfortable. He looked at the passenger in the Chinese tunic suit and asked: "Comrade, who are you?"


Before he went in, he heard the sound of arguing and arguing inside, which made his expression slightly change. When he went in, he frowned even more when he saw the situation inside.

Wang Xin and the passenger in Mao suit were arguing, and the thief on the ground was fanning the flames, which made Wang Xin, who was already angry, even more angry.

"...As a law enforcement officer, you should abide by the law and enforce the law in a civilized manner."


Just as Wang Xin was about to retort, Zhou Chen, who had already walked in, held his shoulders. Wang Xin turned around and saw that it was Zhou Chen.

"Wang Xin, what's going on?"

In fact, when Zhou Chen saw this scene, he had already guessed what was going on. He knew that Wang Xin would be in trouble if things continued like this, so he stood up.

Wang Xin explained: "This kid stole someone's wallet and I caught him. He wanted to escape and beat himself. He also falsely accused me of beating him. This comrade prevented me from arresting him. Unless he accused me of torture to extract a confession, I

Just explaining."

"Hey, hey, little comrade, you can't talk nonsense. When did I stop you from arresting people? I'm talking to you. It's wrong for you to beat people and torture them to extract confessions."

"I made it very clear, I didn't hit anyone."

"You didn't hit me. Where did the blood on my face come from..."

"Okay, don't talk for now, I'll handle it."

Zhou Chen stopped Wang Xin who was getting angry, turned to look at the thief on the ground, and then looked at the man in the Chinese tunic suit.

"Hello, comrade, I am the captain of the car."

The man in Chinese tunic suit nodded: "Hello, you are the police sergeant. The quality of you little comrade really needs to be improved. Now the higher authorities are vigorously promoting the construction of the rule of law in our country. As law enforcement officers, we must abide by the law.

We enforce the law in a civilized manner, but you little comrade beats people and tortures them to extract confessions, which is illegal."

"I do not……"

Just as Wang Xin was about to speak, he was stopped by Zhou Chen.

"Comrade, you said that Wang Xin beat people. Did you see it with your own eyes?"

The man in Chinese tunic suit pointed at the thief on the ground: "People are like this, isn't it obvious?"

"That is to say, you didn't see Wang Xin beating anyone with your own eyes, right?"

"No, everyone is like this. There is blood on the nose and face. He didn't hit me. Could it be that he hit me?"

"Why couldn't he have done it himself?"


The man in Chinese tunic suit was obviously choked by Zhou Chen's words and wanted to refute, but Zhou Chen spoke first.

"Comrade, we are the police. We have seen many more prisoners than you. The prisoners are more cunning than you think. They will do anything to escape the law and regulations, and there is no bottom line.

, beating yourself up and slandering others is completely normal for people like them."

The thief on the ground was anxious: "You fart, you, it was obviously him who beat me, you are covering up, I understand, you are in the same group, the police are covering up the police, bullying us powerless people, my God

, Guys, have you all seen it? The police beat people and want to protect and bully them..."

The man in Chinese tunic suit, who was a little hesitant at first, could not listen to what Zhou Chen said when he saw this man crying so miserably.

"Comrade Sergeant, you heard me, let's not say whether he is a prisoner or not. Even if he is, you have no right to beat him. This is violent law enforcement and torture to extract confessions."

Wang Xin said angrily: "Zhou Chen, what nonsense are you talking to him about? Catch this kid and we will make it clear after a trial."

"Comrade Sergeant, did you hear that? Is this how this young comrade handles cases? Arrest people and beat people at will. As public officials, the people have given you power, but they are not allowed to abuse law enforcement power."

Facing the angry man in Chinese tunic suit, Zhou Chen said with a calm expression: "Comrade, you are going too far. First of all, we do not use violent law enforcement, nor do we use torture to extract confessions. Sometimes what you hear may not be true;

Secondly, it is easy to prove whether he is a thief and whether he has stolen anything. You only need to catch him and search him."

As he spoke, he winked at Wang Xin. Wang Xin understood immediately and rushed directly to the thief on the ground.

"Hey, why are you arresting people?"

The man in Chinese tunic suit stood up angrily and was about to stop Wang Xin, but Zhou Chen stood in front of him and held down his hand.

"Comrade, comrade, don't worry, a search can prove the authenticity. If he is really not a thief, we promise to apologize to him in front of everyone. At that time, we will also accept the supervision and punishment of the organization and the people.


After pressing the man down on the seat again, Zhou Chen went over and lifted the thief up from the ground together with Wang Xin.

"Wang Xin, hold him down and I'll search him."

But Wang Xin whispered: "He already lost his wallet just now."

The thief who was still struggling at first stopped struggling when he heard this. Instead, he straightened his body and let Zhou Chen search his body and yelled loudly.

"Search, I'll let you search, I didn't steal anything, I have a clear conscience, I will be justified wherever I go, if, if..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly. His eyes suddenly widened, his face full of disbelief.

I saw Zhou Chen patting him, and then took out a black wallet from his arms. This was not his wallet at all, because he had no wallet at all.

"This this……"

Zhou Chen snorted coldly: "What is this? Tell me, is this your wallet?"

"I, I, this, is, is, this is my own wallet."

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