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Chapter 1,358: Encountering a gangster, shameless and shameless

Chapter 1360: Encountering a bully, shameless and shameless

"Your wallet?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Zhou Chen showed a playful smile on his face and asked: "Since it is your wallet, you should know very well what is in it and how much is it, right?"

"I, I forgot. Who would remember how much money they have in their wallet? I..."

But before the man finished speaking, the man in Chinese tunic suddenly stood up, his tone full of shock: "This is my wallet."


The people present, except Zhou Chen, all looked confused and looked at the man in Mao suit in astonishment.

Wang Xin asked in surprise: "Your wallet? Are you sure?"

The man in Chinese tunic suit said loudly: "Of course I am sure, this is my wallet. There is a total of twenty-three and sixty-five dollars in it, and there is a photo of my family, which is my youngest son. There is a name behind the photo, Pan Yizhou, my name is Pan Zhenxing


Zhou Chen threw the wallet in his hand to Wang Xin. Wang Xin opened the wallet with understanding and saw a photo and neatly arranged banknotes inside.

He first took out the photo. It was indeed a boy of about ten years old. He looked at the back of the photo and found Pan Yizhou's name and date of birth.

Pan Zhenxing, a man in Chinese tunic suit, asked eagerly: "Comrade, that's right, this is my wallet."

Wang Xin said with a serious face: "The photo is right, the name is right, and the money is right, but just because you said it right doesn't mean that this wallet is yours."

Now it was Pan Zhenxing's turn to be confused: "Little comrade, what are you talking about? I have already said it so clearly, why can't you prove it?"

Wang Xin pointed to the thief next to him and said, "But he said that this is his wallet, and the wallet is also on him. If he is not a thief, this wallet may also be his."

Pan Zhenxing's face suddenly turned gloomy. He couldn't tell that Wang Xin was deliberately targeting him because of what happened just now.

But he couldn't refute it. Just now he strongly opposed Wang Xin's arrest because he felt that this man was pitiful and that he was being bullied and was not a thief.

But now that his wallet appears on this person's body, of course it cannot be given by him, so it can only be stolen by the other person. What else can he say?

When the thief saw that something was wrong, he burst into tears again.

"I forgot. This wallet is not mine, not mine."

Wang Xin snorted coldly: "If it's not yours, then you stole it. Otherwise, how can you explain that it is in your arms?"

The thief screamed loudly: "I didn't steal, it wasn't me who stole it. I didn't even meet him just now. Someone wanted to frame me. It really wasn't me who stole it."

Wang Xin gave him a slap on the back of the head to vent his anger.

"Editor, please continue to make it up. You didn't steal it. Did it run into your arms on its own, or did Comrade Pan give it to you because he felt sorry for you? Or, did we frame it and put it on you?


"I really didn't steal it, and I don't know how it got into my arms. Someone must have wanted to frame me. Comrade police, you have to make the decision for me."

"Still pretending, still pretending, is it interesting? The evidence is all here, it's useless no matter how much you pretend."

Wang Xin cuffed him very forcefully and said, "Follow us honestly and don't force me to do anything."

"It's unjust, it's unjust, the police are going to beat people again, please help."

The thief knew he had no choice but to behave and wallow in order to gain sympathy.

Wang Xin kicked him again and yelled loudly: "Be honest."

I thought the matter would be solved in this way, but who would have thought that when Pan Zhenxing saw Wang Xin doing something, his "righteous heart" suddenly jumped out again.

"Little comrade, I just told you that we need to enforce the law in a civilized way. Even if this person is a thief, but you beat and scold him like this, how can you show the slightest bit of civilized enforcement? Comrade, you are a police sergeant, don't you?

No matter what, you just let this little comrade violently enforce the law in front of the people?"

Damn it, let alone Wang Xin who was unhappy now, Zhou Chen also looked at Pan Zhenxing with a crazy look.

"Comrade, your wallet was stolen, which proves that he is a thief and has committed a crime. Now he is disobedient and resists law enforcement officers. We educate him. That is to act in accordance with the law. How come it comes to your mouth?

Has it turned into violent law enforcement?”

"I saw him being handcuffed with my own eyes, and you still beat and scolded him. Isn't this violent law enforcement?"

"According to what you said, no matter how the suspects and criminals resist, we police cannot use our hands, otherwise it will be regarded as violent law enforcement, right?"

Zhou Chen was speechless. He knew that he had met a bad guy with a bad mind. Such people only believed what they believed and would not listen to them at all.

"Forget it, no matter how much you say, it's useless. Take the person to an empty table for interrogation. Comrade, although you said this wallet is yours, I can't give it to you until I record a confession."

Unexpectedly, Pan Zhenxing was still muttering there: "What we are talking about now is not about the wallet. What we are talking about is that you cannot violently enforce the law and use torture to extract confessions. The eyes of the people are sharp. What you do..."

Wang Xin couldn't bear it any longer. He felt that this man probably had some serious mental illness, so he shouted loudly.

"Comrade, stop talking. We police have our own ways of handling cases. We don't need you to tell us what to do. If you have any opinions, you can report them to our superiors. Now please cooperate with our law enforcement and stop interfering with our law enforcement.

Otherwise, you are obstructing official business, and we have the right to arrest you, do you understand?"

"Hey, you little comrade, I'm telling you about the law, are you threatening me? No policeman can handle cases like you..."

Even if Zhou Chen is patient enough, he still feels impatient when encountering such a bully.

"Comrade, please cooperate with us in handling the case and stop hindering our work. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain to our superiors afterwards. Now I am asking you as a police sergeant to cooperate with our work. Do you understand?"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Chen's tone also became harsh. Although he is a public official, it does not mean that he is willing to accept the pestering and nonsense of you, a bully.


As a university teacher, Pan Zhenxing has always been respected by others. First he was scolded by Wang Xin, and now he was despised by Zhou Chen. He suddenly felt angry and even forgot about his wallet.

"What is your attitude, organization..."

"Comrade, comrade."

Ma Kui arrived in time, stepped forward to stop Pan Zhenxing, and then started a conversation with Pan Zhenxing, trying to extinguish Pan Zhenxing's anger, and at the same time winked at Zhou Chen.

Lao Ma still has two brushes and is very tolerant. After his persuasion, Pan Zhenxing, the gangster, finally stopped making trouble. After recording his confession, he quickly returned the wallet to him, and others

He also left the dining car.

As for the thief, Zhou Chen did not participate in the interrogation, but the evidence was conclusive and no matter how much he tried to break it, it would be in vain. He had to wait until he arrived at Harbin Station and handed it over to the local police for disposal.

The thief was still complaining about injustice when he was being interrogated by Ma Kui and Wang Xin.

"I really didn't steal. I was wronged. I am a good person. You can't arrest me..."

Wang Xin knocked on the table impatiently, glared, and shouted: "You kid, stop pretending, your accomplices have all confessed, you are their leader, the evidence and confession are all there, you kid

I can’t run away anymore, so I’d better obey the law and plead guilty, and don’t ask for trouble again.”

"Impossible, I don't have any accomplices, let alone stealing anything, so don't fool me, I..."


Ma Kui slammed the table, which startled Wang Xindu, and the thief opposite was even more shocked.

"Liu Ergui, your accomplices have already confessed. Taking the initiative to confess is considered meritorious service. I advise you to confess honestly and you will get a few years off your sentence. If you still resist like this, you will only be the one who suffers in the end."

Under the scoldings of Ma Kui and Wang Xin, Liu Ergui's expression kept changing. In fact, after he was caught red-handed, he was mentally prepared, but he was always unwilling to accept it, thinking that he could carry it as long as he could.

But Ma Kui and Wang Xin's repeated bombings made him understand that he couldn't escape, but he still refused to give in.

"I can admit the others, but I really didn't steal that person's wallet. I don't even know how the wallet got to me. Someone must have framed me."

Having said this, he recalled the situation at that time, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

"I know, it's your police sergeant. He framed me. He searched me after he came into contact with that person. Yes, it must be him. Only he has this opportunity. He did it on purpose. It was him

He stole that person's wallet and stuffed it into me, it must be like this..."


Wang Xin stood up from the side and slapped Liu Ergui on the head.

"You are really good at editing. Our police sergeant stole things to frame you. Why don't you write a novel? You are so good at editing?"

Ma Kui also shouted angrily: "Liu Ergui, you are not honest. If you frame the police, your crime will be increased."

Liu Ergui shouted anxiously: "I didn't make a false accusation. Everything I said is true. It's him. I'm sure it's him. Police comrades, think about it. I have already confessed. I have confessed to one more and the other less. What's more,

What's the big difference? If I really stole it, I would admit it, but I really didn't steal that person's wallet."

"Editor, keep making up, I found that you are really dishonest. You were the same last time, and you are the same this time. People like you should go in and reform."

Wang Xin didn't believe what he said at all. On the one hand, Zhou Chen was his brother, and on the other hand, Liu Ergui had many criminal records. If he didn't believe his brother, how could he believe Liu Ergui.

Ma Kui didn't take it seriously, let alone whether there was such a possibility. Even if it was true, they couldn't say anything.

It's pretty much what Wang Xin was thinking. If you don't trust your own people, or people who are kind to your family, is it difficult to trust you, a recidivist criminal who has been in trouble?

What's more, Ma Kui has lived for so many years and spent ten years in prison. He knows very well that the world is not black and white, and there is no need to delve into many things.

When they arrived at the station, Zhou Chen and the others handed over Liu Ergui and others to the local police.

A few days later.

Zhou Chen was called to the office by Captain Hu, and Ma Kui came with him.

"Boss, why did you call us here?"

Captain Hu's expression was not very good, and he asked: "Zhou Chen, Lao Ma, there is something I want to verify with you, and you must answer it truthfully."

Zhou Chen and Ma Kui naturally nodded in agreement.

"You arrested five people in the car, and one of them was beaten by our people. Is this true? It's true that Wang Xin moved his hands."

When Zhou Chen heard this, he frowned and looked at the newspaper on Captain Hu's desk involuntarily. With his good eyesight, he quickly saw the contents of the newspaper and couldn't help but say in his heart, "


"Captain Hu, I was around when this happened, and I know the ins and outs of the matter very well. Wang Xin did not have much responsibility for this matter. It was completely directed and acted by the habitual criminal. He wanted to win sympathy, but he was later

We found out on the spot and the evidence was conclusive and we arrested him."

Team Hu said: "That's the truth, and I believe what you said, but the problem is, look at the content in this newspaper."

He gave the newspaper to Zhou Chen and Ma Kui. Zhou Chen didn't read it and gave it directly to Ma Kui.

"It's time to handle the case. You and Wang Xin also scoffed at the passenger in the car. Now it's been published in the newspaper. That person is a university teacher. He wrote an article about what happened that day, and even added some fuel and jealousy to say that we used torture to extract confessions.

Violent law enforcement, beating suspects in front of the people, and the whole article is talking about our faults. We have already called from above, asking us to deal with this matter as soon as possible. Tell me, how should we deal with this matter?"

After Ma Kui read the article, he immediately said with great dissatisfaction: "Isn't this nonsense? There is something wrong with this guy. His wallet was stolen and we helped him get it back. It's good for him. He didn't speak for us, but he helped us."

A thief has the nerve to criticize us in the newspaper, but he is still a university teacher. How can he teach and educate people if he can’t distinguish between right and wrong?”

"Hey, you can talk pretty well, but what's the use of telling me? You can argue with him. The current situation is that it was published in the newspaper and the image of our police officers has been greatly affected, which has caused

It has had a very bad impact, and we must resolve this matter as soon as possible.”

Although Zhou Chen was also unhappy, his face was still calm.

"Captain Hu, this person just feels that he has been ignored and wronged. He just relies on his status as a university teacher and has some connections, so he does this. He is simply shameless. We can't tolerate him."

Team Hu looked at Zhou Chen in surprise: "Don't tolerate him? Then according to your opinion, what should we do? Go to him and ask him to publish an apology again in the newspaper, saying that he is talking nonsense? What are you thinking? One thing is worse than one thing less.”

"Captain Hu, I don't agree with what you said. What do you mean, one thing is worse than one thing less? Although I don't like trouble, I am not afraid of trouble. We have no problem handling this matter, and we don't need to apologize. We can't do it because he is here An article was published in the newspaper, and we were taken advantage of by him. It is true that he is a university teacher, but we are still the police. Why should he take whatever he says? According to me, we should also publish it in the newspaper and report the situation at that time. Tell him about the situation, start a public opinion battle with him, and let readers comment."

"Good boy, you really dare to think."

Captain Hu was shocked by Zhou Chen's idea. He wanted to put the matter out as soon as possible, but Zhou Chen actually wanted to publish a newspaper to counterattack and make the matter bigger.

What surprised him even more was that Ma Kui actually agreed with Zhou Chen's words.

"Captain Hu, I think what Zhou Chen said is right. We are right. We can't just admit our mistakes and accept punishment just because he was published in the newspaper? That's too unreasonable."

Captain Hu pointed at Zhou Chen and the two of them: "Okay, you two are really of the same mind."

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