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Chapter 1,441 Zhou Chen’s special Qi: Spring comes out of dead trees

Chapter 1443 Zhou Chen’s special Qi: Spring comes out of dead trees

I have never gotten along with Fan Xian, and Zhou Chen can't say whether I like or dislike him, but Fan Xian in the TV series is a protagonist with relatively positive views.

Seeing Fan Xian staring at him, full of curiosity, unlike others who were afraid and did not dare to look directly at him.

"Master Fan has been staring at me. Is there anything you want to ask?"

Fan Xian replied very calmly: "I only heard about Duke Zhen Guo yesterday, and I can see him today. I can't help but sigh at the wonder of fate. It is also the first time I have seen a living Grand Master, and I am very curious."

Li Hongcheng, who was on the side, shrank his eyes when he saw Fan Xian talking like this. He realized that Fan Xian was really different from other people. The Duke of Zhen Guo was a ruthless person, and he didn't know how to pay attention to what he said.

Zhou Chen chuckled and didn't care. He had lived in modern society for a longer time. Fan Xian's tone seemed normal to him.

However, it can also be seen from this that although Fan Xian has 'traveled' through this world for more than ten years, his mentality has never changed.

It was fine in Danzhou before, but this is Kyoto, and if it continues like this, sooner or later it will suffer.

"The Grand Master is no different. He also has a mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes. If there is any difference, it may be that he can hit a little bit better."

The corner of Fan Xian's mouth twitched, and the dilapidated mansion appeared in his mind involuntarily. He destroyed so many buildings with one palm. How can he be called a little more powerful?

Fan Xian and Li Hongcheng didn't stay here long. Si Lili toasted them a glass of wine each, and then they toasted Zhou Chen a glass of wine before leaving on their own initiative.

After leaving the flower boat, Fan Xian couldn't help but sigh: "This Duke of Zhen seems to be quite easy to talk to. Why were you so nervous just now?"

Li Hongcheng said angrily: "That's because you haven't seen this ruthless person before..."

Just as he was about to speak, he shut up again. He was talking behind his back and it would not be good to spread the word.

Fan Xian didn't know what Li Hongcheng was thinking. He just felt that this grand master was not difficult to get along with. At least he was much easier to get along with than the second prince he met today.

"Let's go, Brother Fan, your Narcissus girl must be waiting impatiently."

Only then did Fan Xian remember that there was still business to do.

Inside the boat, Si Lili said with a smile: "This Mr. Fan is really a bit different. He doesn't look like he came from a small place."

Kyoto is the capital of the Qing Kingdom. Generally speaking, young masters who come from small places will be a little timid when they come to Kyoto. But in Fan Xian, this is not seen at all. Even when he faced Zhou Chen

When facing him, he showed neither respect nor fear, just like facing an ordinary person.

"Maybe it's because I haven't gotten used to it yet."

Thinking that Fan Xian had been here for a long time and inevitably slowly integrated into the world, resulting in many changes, Zhou Chen also sighed slightly.

What people fear most is subtlety, and he himself is the same.

When I first traveled to the ancient film and television world, I was not used to it. But slowly, as time went by, I got used to everything, even killing people became a habit.

Seeing Zhou Chen sighing, Si Lili looked confused. Wasn't he talking about Fan Xian? Why did Zhou Chen's own mood change?

However, Zhou Chen quickly recovered and turned to Si Lili and asked, "What else did you see from Fan Xian just now?"

"What else can you see?"

The manager thought for a moment and said hesitantly: "He gave me the feeling that it was the first time he came to a brothel, and he was not as eager as an ordinary dandy."

Zhou Chen smiled and said: "You have good taste. This boy, you didn't come here to find a girl today. Just wait, there will be a good show tomorrow."

Si Lili asked curiously, but he did not explain. Sometimes it is very satisfying to know the plot, and it feels like a God's perspective.

Fan Xian was indeed not here to be a prostitute. He quickly stunned the girl Qin Shuixian, and then quietly followed Guo Baokun after she left.

He stopped Teng Zijing from trying to kill Guo Baokun, but instead he beat Guo Baokun severely. After arranging everything, he quietly returned to Zuixianju, pretending to have slept all night, and pretended again in the morning.

Pretend to leave Zuixianju.

Everything unfolded according to the normal development of the plot. Guo Baokun was beaten half disabled by Fan Xian. He went to Kyoto Prefecture to report the case early the next morning, and then Kyoto Prefecture went to find Fan Xian.

After a battle of wits and courage, Fan Xian and Guo Baokun, who was half-wrapped and wrapped as a mummy, both came to Kyoto Prefecture, and the two sides started a confrontation between the defendant and the plaintiff.

Fan Xian was very eloquent, and He Zongwei was no match for him. In the end, as he was talking, the governor of Kyoto began to ask about Fan Xian's whereabouts last night. Fan Xian took the initiative and said that he was going to drink wine, and then the issue of witness was brought up.

Fan Xian replied confidently: "Prince Jing's eldest son Li Hongcheng, Zuixianju Si Lili and Qin Shuixian, and Zhenguo Duke Zhou Chen can all testify."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked. Yin Mei, the governor of Kyoto, whose face was in charge of the ceremony, changed drastically and was frightened.

The two girls in Zuixianju are nothing, but Li Hongcheng, the prince of Prince Jing, and Zhou Chen, the Duke of Zhenguo, are not ordinary people. He can't afford to offend either of them.

He Zongwei was also shocked, but he was Guo Baokun's lawyer now and had to consider everything for Guo Baokun, so he saluted Mei Zhi directly.

"Sir, please call witnesses."

Mei Zhili asked helplessly: "Why are Prince Jing and Prince Zhen Guo also involved? How can this be spread?"

He Zongwei said loudly: "Your Excellency, this case is extremely cruel. Guo Shangshu also attaches great importance to it. Please handle the case with your heart."

Mei Zhili was quite speechless, and added Guo Shangshu. He couldn't afford to offend any of these people. What else could he do after being framed, but to invite witnesses.

Li Hongcheng, the eldest son of Prince Jing, Si Lili and Qin Shuixian from Zuixianju were quickly summoned, but those who went to the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion have yet to come back.

Mei Zhili had no choice but to ask these three people first, but the three people's answers were the same, which proved that Fan Xian was indeed at Zuixianju that night. Qin Shuixian who was accompanying him also affirmed that Fan Xian did not leave last night and had always been there.

Stay with her and spend the evening together.

The three witnesses were like this, and Mei Zhili was about to find Fan Xian innocent, but at this time the prince came over.

The prince is also discerning. He wants Fan Xian to plead guilty and not to attack Li Hongcheng. Si Lili has a relationship with Zhou Chen and is not familiar with Fan Xian, so he targets the man who spent the night with Fan Xian.

Qin Shuixian was about to torture Qin Shuixian, which made Fan Xian feel pity for her.

Immediately afterwards, the second prince also came, and what followed was a confrontation between the prince and the second prince. Just as they were fighting with each other, the police officers who went to Zhenguo Duke's Mansion came back, breaking the tit-for-tat stalemate.


"Sir, I failed to invite the Duke of Zhenguo. Please punish me."

Mei Zhili was finally able to breathe, stood up in a hurry, and asked: "What did the Duke of Zhen say?"

"The Duke of Zhenguo said, said."

"Why are you hesitating? Just say what you have to say."

The messenger gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and replied loudly: "The Duke of Zhenguo replied, 'Get out', and also, let us invite Miss Si Lili back just as we invited Miss Si Lili here."

As soon as these words came out, the court hall of Kyoto Prefecture fell into silence. Mei Zhili slumped down on the chair. The prince's face was expressionless, while the second prince showed a playful expression.


Fan Xian had a look of astonishment on his face. Is the Duke of Zhen Guo so arrogant? He didn't even come, but he even threatened him. Is he so lawless in his eyes?

Si Lili, who was standing aside, had eyes full of brilliance. Seeing this situation, she really saw Zhou Chen's majesty. Is this the sense of security that comes from being protected by a man?

Mei Zhili cautiously asked the Crown Prince and the Second Prince: "Your Highness, Your Highness, since this matter has nothing to do with Miss Si Lili, then there is no need to let Miss Si Lili stay, right?"

The second prince said: "Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Miss Si Lili in the first place. You called the person here arrogantly, and you didn't send the person back quickly and politely."

The prince didn't say anything, but just waved his hand at Mei Zhili. He wanted to deal with Fan Xian, but he didn't want to confront Zhou Chen. Zhou Chen had already spoken, so he must give face.

Ever since, under Fan Xian's shocked eyes, Si Lili was invited away by people from Kyoto Prefecture.

He curled his lips and sighed: "Look, this is privilege. Sure enough, privileges exist in all eras."

The trial continued, but in the end Emperor Qing made a decree to let the crown prince and the second prince leave, and the matter came to an end.

Fan Xian was acquitted on the spot and left the capital of Kyoto, while Teng Zijing was also a blessing in disguise, regaining his identity as a living person from suspended animation.

Zhen Guogong Mansion!

Zhou Chen didn't even see the person sent by Kyoto Prefecture, so he sent him away directly, and then accompanied Sang Wen in the courtyard to read books and drink tea.

"Sir, why are you helping that Fan Xian?" Sang Wen asked curiously.

"Why do you ask?"

"Although I don't know what happened, I think Guo Baokun, the son of Guo Shangshu, should be the one who beat Fan Xian. The young master must also know, but if he doesn't expose it, isn't he helping Fan Xian?"

Zhou Chen gently pinched Sang Wen's nose and said with a smile: "That's really smart. It was indeed Fan Xian who beat Guo Baokun, but if Fan Xian hadn't hit him, he might have died. Fan Xian's behavior is

Saved Guo Baokun’s life.”

He knew the specific situation. At that time, Teng Zijing was preparing to kill Guo Baokun. If Fan Xian hadn't stopped him, Guo Baokun's servants would definitely not be able to defeat Teng Zijing, and Teng Zijing, who fell into despair, would definitely attack Guo Baokun.

Kill him.

So to a certain extent, Fan Xian's action can be regarded as saving Guo Baokun's life.

Sang Wen didn't understand much, but she didn't ask any more questions. She knew that Zhou Chen must have his own reasons for doing this.

"Sir, let me play a song for you."


Sang Wen happily hugged the pipa, gently plucked the strings, and began to play for Zhou Chen.

Near noon, a servant suddenly came to report that someone had come to visit, claiming to be Fan Xian and asking to see Zhou Chen to express his gratitude.

"Fan Xian is here?"

Zhou Chen was also very surprised when he heard this. He nodded slightly and asked someone to bring Fan Xian over.

Sang Wen stood up and said, "Sir, I'm going to the kitchen first."


Sun Yi soon led two people to Zhou Chen's yard. It was Fan Xian who he had met yesterday, and Teng Zijing who was following him.

When the two of them saw Zhou Chen, they both saluted.

"I've met Duke Zhen Guo."

"No need to be polite, come and sit."

Zhou Chen pointed to the opposite side. Fan Xian smiled slightly and sat down opposite Zhou Chen without being polite.

"Thank you very much, Duke Zhenguo, for your generous action today."

"I'm not helping you."

"If Duke Zhen Guo didn't expose me, it would be equivalent to helping me. With your ability, you must know that I left Zuixianju last night."

Fan Xian is not a fool. If others can see such an obvious thing, how could Zhou Chen, the great master, not see it? Zhou Chen and Si Lili have helped him by not exposing him.

Zhou Chen said: "You want to thank me just for this? Also, since you are thanking me, why are you still empty-handed?"


Fan Xian was stunned, and then he realized what he was doing. He suddenly looked embarrassed. Yes, how could he still be empty-handed to thank someone? But he didn't expect this at all, or in other words, he didn't have this concept at all.

Seeing his embarrassment, Zhou Chen chuckled and said, "Just kidding, don't take it seriously. You came here not just to thank me, right?"

Fan Xian laughed sheepishly.

"Actually, I'm just here to thank you. In addition, because I am a martial arts practitioner myself, I am particularly curious about the Grand Master at the pinnacle of martial arts. I want to see how the Grand Master is different from us martial artists.

, please don’t blame me for any offense.”

Teng Zijing, who was standing outside the pavilion, wished he could go over and shut Fan Xian's mouth. He was really speechless. Can you speak like this? You are facing a great master, not a monkey trick, not you.

If you want to see it, you can see it.

He really didn't know what Fan Xian was thinking. Sometimes he was very reliable, but sometimes he was quite unreliable.

Zhou Chen just smiled indifferently, and said the same thing, Fan Xian has not fully integrated into this era, whether it is speech or behavior.

"Now that you've seen us, what do you think is different about us?"

Fan Xian said distressedly: "It's precisely because I can't see it that I'm very distressed."

"You probably want to experience the power of the Grand Master. OK, since we are predestined, I will grant your wish."

Zhou Chen said: "The overbearing zhenqi you practice is different from the zhenqi secret book that I practice. I have never seen the overbearing zhenqi, but looking at the zhenqi in your body, I can probably know what kind of zhenqi it is."

Qi, it just depends on the movement of your Qi, your cultivation should not be very smooth."


Fan Xian listened and nodded repeatedly.

"You are absolutely right. I have always encountered problems when I was practicing recently. I don't know whether it is a problem with my practice or a problem with the secrets."

"I can't give you the answer to this. You need to explore it yourself, but I can let you feel my true energy now."

Zhou Chen suddenly gently patted the peach blossom tree in the courtyard. The peach blossom tree suddenly shook violently, and then all the peach blossoms and green leaves fell from the tree, turning into a withered peach blossom tree.

, only the bare trunks and branches were left, lifeless.

Under the puzzled looks of Fan Xian and Teng Zijing, Zhou Chen slapped the peach blossom tree again, injecting his true energy into the peach blossom tree.

Then, in the eyes of the two people in disbelief, the withered peach blossom tree sprouted again, and after a while, the green-leafed peach blossoms reappeared, even more vigorous than before.


Fan Xian couldn't help but curse. He jumped up from the stone bench, rushed to the peach blossom tree, picked up the peach blossoms and leaves that Zhou Chen had just knocked to the ground, and then touched them again.

Touch this peach blossom tree.

He was sure that everything he saw just now was real, so he swore again.

"Let me go, is this really human power?"

Sorry, it took a little time!

This chapter has been completed!
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