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Chapter 1,455 Fan Xian’s Hundred Drunken Poems, Hundreds of Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 1457 Fan Xian’s Hundred Drunken Poems, Hundreds of Thousands of Years Ago

Facing the cooperation between the eldest princess, the second prince, Zhuang Mohan, Guo Youzhi and Guo Baokun and his son, Fan Xian did not panic at all. He was able to catch the verbal mistakes between Guo Baokun and his son and counterattack a few words.

At this time, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests was no longer the place where people were enjoying themselves. It had now become Fan Xian's home ground, but it was only the home court where he was being attacked.

Fan Xian had already determined that no one knew about the poem he copied, so he took the initiative to admit that he had copied it, and even ridiculed Zhuang Mohan for copying the poem for his teacher.

When Fan Xian said that the author of Ascension was the poet sage Du Fu, everyone in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests expressed doubts. Only Zhou Chen smiled slightly.

In another world, hearing a familiar name from someone else's mouth, even if you already know the plot, still feels a bit weird.

Fan Xian could not tell that he had 'travelled', so he described his past world as a beautiful world, and everyone laughed loudly, insinuating that it was a fairyland.

Fan Xian did not refute, but instead accepted the ridicule of everyone. To prove this, he drank heavily.

"Who said I only memorized one song in my dream?"

He laughed loudly and shouted: "Paper comes, ink comes."

Eunuch Hou next to Emperor Qing looked even more excited than Fan Xian, and asked loudly: "Master Fan, if you want to write a poem, I'm brave enough to be willing to copy it for you."

Fan Xian is capable of everything.

Guo Youzhi, the Minister of Rites, asked disdainfully: "Master Fan, do you want to compose two or three more poems temporarily to prove that they are all from the fairy world?"

When everyone heard this, they laughed immediately.

Fan Xian drank too much and his face turned red. He held the wine jar swaying and looked at Guo Youzhi.

"You don't know, that memory is engraved in my mind like a knife and an axe. Every word I have read and every book I have read, I remember it exactly and vividly."

Others don't know why Fan Xian said this, but Zhou Chen knows that ordinary time travel does not have this ability at all. Fan Xian is not a simple 'time travel and rebirth'. He implants a memory into the baby's brain.

It's just like computer storage, that's why I remember it so clearly.

As he said, these memories are engraved in his mind like knives and axes, and he cannot forget them even if he wants to.

Faced with doubts, Fan Xian suddenly smashed the wine jar in his hand, walked to the front of the hall drunkenly, and under everyone's gaze, slowly raised his hands and drank wildly.

“If you don’t see it, the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and rushes to the sea and never returns. If you don’t see it, the mirror in the high hall has sad white hair, it looks like blue silk in the morning and turns to snow in the evening...”

"When did the spring flowers and autumn moon come? How much do we know about the past..."

"I read the sword while I was drunk, and I dreamed about the horn-blowing company..."


"...Don't worry that there are no friends in the world..."


Classic poems came out of Fan Xian's mouth one after another. He was reciting poems and drinking wine at the same time. It was so enjoyable and uninhibited...

Eunuch Hou and several other eunuchs have been recording the poems Fan Xian recited without even taking a break.

As for everyone in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, except Zhou Chen, everyone was dumbfounded. They looked at Fan Xian who was still reciting poems in disbelief. Even those who wanted to frame Fan Xian fell silent...

Following a song called "Deng Youzhou Taiwan Song", "Remembering the long journey of heaven and earth, I cried with sadness", Fan Xian ended his recitation and turned to Eunuch Hou to ask.

"Is it over a hundred?"

Eunuch Hou said with joy on his face: "Young Master Fan, you have already passed 100."

"so be it."

Fan Xian waved his hand and stopped reciting it. He drank while reciting it. He was already drunk and had no desire to continue reciting it.

The palace editor Guo Baokun, who was stimulated by Fan Xian's actions, was also so drunk that he lost consciousness.

"How can there be any fairyland in this world?"

The second prince immediately asked, "If there is no immortal world, where did these poems come from?"

"He must have written it himself."

As soon as he said the words, the quiet Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest made him react instantly and hurriedly defended: "Even if he wrote these poems himself, even if he wrote thousands of them, it still can't prove that he didn't plagiarize that seven-character poem.


The second prince shouted: "Reciting casually is a famous saying through the ages. Why would such a person bother to copy it? How could he bother to copy it?"

Now even Guo Youzhi could not defend his son's words, because the second prince's words were what everyone was thinking now.

Fan Xian staggered to Zhuang Mohan's table, supported the table and looked at Zhuang Mohan.

"I am not as good as you in exegeting scriptures, memorizing poems, but you are not as good as me, being a great person in the literary world, I am not good at it, and being a human being, you are not good at it."

Face to face, some sarcastic words made Zhuang Mohan's whole body feel like he was hit hard, and his hand holding the wine glass was trembling.

Zhou Chen looked over and saw Fan Xian fell backwards to the ground, still muttering to himself: "I'm drunk and want to sleep, please go, go..."

Before the last curse word could be uttered, Zhou Chen flicked his finger and a burst of energy hit Fan Xian's body. The next moment, he fainted.

No one else noticed his movements, except Emperor Qing, who was sitting closest and was also the Grand Master, saw his movements and couldn't help but turn his eyes to Zhou Chen.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Chen picked up the wine glass and toasted Emperor Qing. However, Emperor Qing's face became unsightly, but he still picked up the wine glass and pretended to touch Zhou Chen.

Although Zhou Chen stopped Fan Xian's "fuck you" in time, in fact Zhuang Mohan was already furious at Fan Xian's sarcasm. He didn't vomit blood just because he didn't give the final blow, but his mind was also greatly affected.

His expression was extremely ugly due to the impact, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the table with a clang.


Zhou Chen sighed in his heart, Zhuang Mohan didn't want him to intervene, not because he didn't believe him, but because he had his own plan and didn't want to involve Zhou Chen.

He now represents not only himself, but also Qi State, who wants to make a deal with Qing State.

Wanting Sean was not only because Sean was Zhuang Mohan's younger brother, but also because Beiqi also wanted to know the secrets about the temple that Sean told him.

Ku He is detached from the world. Even though he is a member of the royal family, in his heart, the temple is more respected, so he does not tell anyone about the temple. Besides him, there is only Xiao Xiao in the world today.

Yes, I know where the temple is.

Zhuang Mohan was on good terms with Zhou Chen, but unlike Zhou Chen, he felt that by cooperating with the eldest princess, the Palace of Prayer for Good Harvests should have no problem dealing with Fan Xian.

When he came to Qingguo, he had already gambled on his good reputation and used his good reputation in exchange for his biological brother. He felt it was worth it and the people in the world would trust him more.

But he never thought that Fan Xian's existence was just a cheat. He used what he thought was the safest method, but he didn't know that his cleverness would be mistaken for his cleverness, and he would be manipulated by Fan Xian.

At this time, he was deeply shocked, but he did not feel any resentment towards Fan Xian. Instead, he was amazed by Fan Xian's 'talent'.

With Fan Xian drunk, the night banquet at the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests came to an end.

Today's celebration banquet was originally prepared for Honglu Temple, but in the end it turned into a solo performance by Fan Xian. After tonight, Fan Xian's talent and fame will be spread all over the world.

Fan Xian had been carried away, Emperor Qing also left the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests with a smile, while the others had not left yet, still immersed in the shock just now.

The eldest princess Li Yunrui could not suppress the anger in her heart and left the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests with a gloomy face.

For what happened tonight, she had done so much, and such a perfect plan was finally resolved easily by Fan Xian, and even made Fan Xian famous.


She could already imagine how famous Fan Xian would be after tonight, and he would definitely be regarded as the supreme literary master by the scholars of Qing Dynasty.

Stealing the chicken but losing the rice made it really difficult for her to hide the anger in her heart. She wished she could cut Fan Xian into pieces in order to vent her anger.

The prince and the second prince also left one after another. The prince's expression did not change much, but the second prince looked happy. People who didn't know better would really think that he was happy for Fan Xian.

Zhuang Mohan sat in his original position and did not recover for a long time. Zhou Chen stood up and walked over, reaching out to help him up.

"Mr. Zhuang, go back."

Zhuang Mohan looked at Zhou Chen with a slightly dazed look. Even a determined literary master like him was broken down by Fan Xian today and his mind collapsed.

Seeing Zhou Chen helping Zhuang Mohan leave, everyone moved out of the way. The Northern Qi officials wanted to say something, but in the end they did not stop him and allowed Zhou Chen to take Zhuang Mohan away.

It wasn't until he boarded the carriage that Zhuang Mohan took a long breath and coughed.

Zhou Chen gathered his true energy and treated Zhuang Mohan. The physical wounds were easy to cure, but today's mental shock was not so easy to cure.

"You are right. I regret not listening to what you said, but I am also dishonest and have an evil heart. I am responsible for myself."

Although his reputation was ruined by Fan Xian, he had no resentment towards Fan Xian. Instead, he felt that he had brought it upon himself. If his starting point was not to harm others, how could he have ended up like this?

"You should already know Fan Xian's talent, right?"

Zhou Chen said: "Fan Xian is talented, but not like what you saw today."

"Today in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, there are hundreds of poems and classics. Such talent is unparalleled in the world."

Compared with the previous Zhuang Mohan, the current Zhuang Mohan seemed to have aged several years, his breath had become sluggish, and his eyes were confused.

He admired Fan Xian's talent, but also regretted his villainous behavior.

Zhou Chen felt sad and couldn't bear to see this rare literary master in ancient and modern times become so decadent.

After being silent for a long time, he made a decision in his mind.

"Mr. Zhuang, do you know why Fan Xian was able to compose over a hundred poems in one night?"

Zhuang Mohan asked in surprise: "Isn't it because he is so talented?"

Zhou Chen said: "This is only a small part of the reason. The more reason is that he stood on the shoulders of his predecessors."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhuang Mohan didn't understand what Zhou Chen meant, but he could tell from Zhou Chen's tone that Zhou Chen seemed to know Fan Xian very well.

Zhou Chen did not answer immediately, but said: "If Mr. Zhuang wants to know the truth, go to my mansion."

He knew very well that if he could not untie the knot in Zhuang Mohan's heart, Zhuang Mohan would probably not be able to survive for a few months. If he could untie the knot in Zhuang Mohan's heart, given Zhuang Mohan's physical condition, he would not be able to live for a few more years.

It's absolutely no problem.

"the truth?"

Zhuang Mohan was silent for a moment and finally nodded. He knew Zhou Chen would not lie to him, and he also wanted to know what the truth Zhou Chen said was.

The carriage quickly returned to the Zhenguo Palace. Zhou Chen took Zhuang Mohan to his study, and then opened a darkroom in the study.

"Mr. Zhuang, please come in."

Zhuang Mohan followed Zhou Chen into the darkroom. The darkroom was not small, but there were very few things in it. There were only a row of bookshelves and a set of tables and chairs.

Zhou Chen walked to the bookshelf, picked up a book, and handed it to Zhuang Mohan.

"Mr. Zhuang, look at this."

Zhuang Mohan took it in confusion. It was a book without a title. After he opened it, his expression was startled because it turned out to be a poem, and it was a poem he had never seen before.

"You wrote this?"

Zhou Chen didn't reply and just asked Zhuang Mohan to continue reading.

Zhuang Mohan didn't say anything and continued to read. However, when he turned to the third page, his expression changed because the poem on this page happened to be the poem Fan Xian recited in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests today.



How could the poem Fan Xian recited tonight appear in Zhou Chen's book? He could tell that this collection of poems was not just written, but had existed for some time.

Keep reading, two songs, three songs, four songs...

He flipped through the book faster and faster, and soon finished reading this collection of poems, but Zhuang Mohan's expression became very strange.

"What's going on? Fan Xian didn't write many of these poems today. Why are they included in your collection of poems?"

To be able to become a literary giant, Zhuang Mohan is naturally a very smart person. He thought a lot from this collection of poems by Zhou Chen.

"Is it true that Fan Xian's poems were not written by him, but by you?"

Zhou Chen shook his head and said: "Mr. Zhuang thinks highly of me. I can compose poetry, but the poem above was not written by me, nor by Fan Xian."

Zhuang Mohan looked shocked: "Zi Heng, what on earth is going on?"

It had been a long time since someone had called him his own name. At first glance, Zhou Chen was a little uncomfortable with it.

"These poems actually do not belong to the current era, but to the civilization of the previous era."

"The last era? Was it the previous dynasty? But if there are so many poems left over from the previous dynasty, it's impossible not to know any of them, right?"

"It's not the previous dynasty, but the previous era. To be precise, it should be the era hundreds of thousands of years ago."

"A hundred thousand years ago?"

Zhuang Mohan looked stunned. This number really scared him. You must know that the Northern Qi and Qing Kingdoms were only founded a few decades ago. Even the previous Wei Kingdom did not exist for a long time. Pushing forward, there are

The recorded history only lasts for hundreds or thousands of years.

Have humans existed for hundreds of thousands of years?

"Yes, it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. The fairyland that Fan Xian talked about today in the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests was not a real fairyland, but an era hundreds of thousands of years ago, an era of incomparable brilliance. These poems are the legacy of that era.


"This this?"

"Mr. Zhuang, don't believe it?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just too unbelievable, but I know that you, Zi Heng, are not the kind of person who talks nonsense, and what Fan Xian said today makes me feel somewhat credible."

If what others say, Zhuang Mohan will definitely not believe it, but he knows that Zhou Chen has no reason to lie to him. In addition to trusting Zhou Chen, what Fan Xian said today and this collection of poems are also proof.

After all, it is impossible for two different people to write exactly the same poem, let alone so many poems.

Zhou Chen praised: "Sir's answer surprised me a little. I thought you wouldn't believe it at all."

Zhuang Mohan said: "I don't really believe it now, but I still want to hear what you said about the era hundreds of thousands of years ago that you mentioned, and what kind of era Fan Xian mentioned about the fairyland."

There was a strong desire for knowledge in his eyes. As a scholar who studies literature, he suddenly heard such an amazing thing and was eager to know more.

"Since sir wants to know, I will tell you slowly."

"Wait a minute."

Zhuang Mohan suddenly stopped Zhou Chen and asked, "If it was really the era hundreds of thousands of years ago, Zi Heng, how did you and Fan Xian know about it?"

"That's a long story."

Zhou Chen sighed quietly and began to make up and explain it to Zhuang Mohan.

"Let's start with the temples that are well-known to everyone in this era..."

I saw some book friends saying that they were not satisfied with the self-destructing vest. I would like to explain here that there is no self-destructing vest. You will know after reading the next chapter.

This chapter has been completed!
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