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Chapter 1506 Huang Zhenhua, who was urged to get married, wants to get married with Rose

Chapter 1508 Huang Zhenhua, who was urged to get married, wanted a wedding rose

Huang Zhenhua is thirty-three years old this year. No matter what era he is, at his age and not yet married, he can be regarded as an older leftover man.

Although he and Su Gengsheng are having a heated fight now, they are only in a hot fight. They have just developed into a boyfriend and girlfriend, and have not yet made a substantial breakthrough.

So, during the Spring Festival of 2004, the Huang family's parents once again urged Huang Zhenhua to marry, and they did so at the dinner table on New Year's Eve.

At the dinner table on New Year's Eve, Huang Zhenhua had a grimace on his face. Facing the eyes of the two elders, he could not help but feel fearful in his heart.

Although his parents didn't beat him very much since he was a child, as teachers, they are really scary when it comes to managing people. Unlike his sister, he is a girl and is very popular.

"Dad, Mom, don't just rush me. I'm not the only child in the family. You should also take care of Rose. She doesn't think about the house all day now. I think we should just let her and Zhou Chen get the wedding done quickly.

, just move to Zhou Chen’s place.”

He wanted to change the topic, but as soon as he finished speaking, Huang Jianzhi, Wu Yuejiang, and Huang Yimei all stared at him with unkind eyes, while Zhou Chen sat aside and ate melon.

Huang Yimei snorted coldly: "Brother, am I bothering you? Are you so eager to drive me out of the house?"

"No, Rose, I am thinking about you. Zhou Chen also has this idea. Zhou Chen, don't you think so?"

Huang Zhenhua also realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly winked at Zhou Chen for help.

But Zhou Chen ignored his pleading and said calmly: "Of course I want to marry Mei Mei, but I still respect Mei Mei's own ideas and I have to seek the opinions of my uncle and aunt."

With Zhou Chen's support, Huang Yimei raised her neck like a swan and glared at Huang Zhenhua again.

Huang Jianzhi said at this time: "Zhenhua, Mei Mei and Xiao Zhou, they have their own plans and don't need me and your mother to worry about it, but you are different. You are not young now, but you are not married, so we will

I still have to be responsible for you. Your mother and I are urging you to get married for your own good. Even if you have no plans to get married now, you should still find a girlfriend. You are already thirty-three, and you are no longer young. "

Huang Zhenhua felt a headache: "Dad, who said I didn't have a good relationship with my girlfriend? I'm dating now. She's from Rose Company. She knows Rose well."

Huang Yimei was stunned for a moment, then put down her chopsticks under the probing eyes of her parents.

"Dad, Mom, I do know a little bit about this matter, but I only know that my brother is pursuing Susu. I really don't understand whether they are successful or not, and to what extent. Moreover, this is my brother's feeling, and it doesn't matter.

OK, so I can’t report it to you either.”

Of course she knew about this, but she couldn't interfere with either Huang Zhenhua or Su Gengsheng. One was her brother, and the other was a colleague and good sister, so she couldn't tell.

In fact, she really felt helpless for the slow relationship between these two people. She felt that they obviously liked each other, but they had been entangled for almost two years, and she really didn't know about them until now.

What is the situation?

Anyway, according to her pace, she would definitely not be able to stand their dillydallying like this. If they had the same determination as Zhou Chen, they would have been together long ago.

When Huang Jianzhi and Wu Yuejiang heard this, their eyes lit up. They had a son and a daughter. Although they doted on their daughter more, Huang Zhenhua was the only son of the old Huang family after all. How could they not care.

After confirming that there really was such a girl, the two of them could not hold back their curiosity and began to inquire with Huang Zhenhua and Huang Yimei.

Watching the four of them talking about Su Gengsheng, Zhou Chen didn't interrupt.

Again, it is true that Huang Zhenhua has never eaten anything, has almost zero love experience, and has a good temper, so he can get along well with Su Gengsheng, who has a sensitive and extreme personality.

But if Huang Zhenhua now knew about Su Gengsheng's special situation and knew that she had been married and divorced, there would really be a big question mark on whether they would be together.

After all, the relationship between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng has just begun, and it is not that passionate. In the plot, even though Huang Zhenhua knew that Su Gengsheng was married and divorced, he still chose to be with her. There are many factors.

One of the biggest reasons was that he was almost forty years old at that time. He had invested six or seven years in Su Gengsheng, and the sunk costs had made it impossible for him to retreat. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he continued to work with Su.

Rebirth and marriage.

But in terms of results, their marriage is pretty good, at least much happier than most ordinary people.

After Zhou Chen has lived for so many years, he is naturally not the kind of person to meddle in other people's business. He gives up his desire to help others and respects the fate of others. This is also the way he behaves.

And based on his understanding of Huang Yimei, even if he told her that Su Gengsheng was married and divorced, she would probably be surprised and would not really stop them.

As Huang Yimei, who has been surrounded by love since childhood, she is actually a relatively simple type in many things.

Just like the matter between Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng, even if she knew about it, as long as she felt that they loved each other enough, nothing else would matter.

Because for her now, love can break through everything.

To put it simply, Huang Yimei is actually a typical love-minded girl, and now love is above all else.

Zhou Chen also has a side mission, Preaching for Heaven, which is directly related to Su Gengsheng. If Huang Zhenhua and Su Gengsheng are together, it will be more convenient for him to complete the mission.

However, he was considering whether to find a way to complete this task as soon as possible, because as far as he knew, Su Gengsheng's stepfather did not commit one case, but hurt several people, but those people were afraid of rumors and did not dare to say anything.

Just come out.

If you continue to do this without asking, it will have to wait many years before that person is sanctioned. During that time, I don’t know how many girls will be bullied.

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen immediately made a decision. After returning home, he would ask someone to investigate Su Gengsheng's stepfather. As long as the money was in place, he believed there would be ways to teach that man a lesson.

On the way back, Huang Yimei was driving. When she saw Zhou Chen in the passenger seat, who was in a daze and didn't speak, she asked curiously: "What are you thinking about?"

After being woken up by Huang Yimei, Zhou Chen took advantage of the situation and said: "I didn't think about anything, but what your brother said today still makes some sense. We have been together for more than two years. I have never mentioned it before, and I don't know what you think."

, I just want to ask you now, what do you think about our marriage?"

Huang Yimei's expression was startled. She didn't expect that Zhou Chen wanted to say this. To be honest, she was really not ready.

She had always felt very happy after being together with Zhou Chen for more than two years. She didn't know what other couples were like, but she felt that she and Zhou Chen definitely had a deep relationship, even if they had an occasional quarrel.

They will be reconciled in the next moment.

It is no exaggeration to say that when she and Zhou Chen are together, 99.99% of the time, she feels that love is beautiful and happy, and she also feels that she is lucky.

It is precisely because I feel that it is too beautiful, but a little bit unreal, and I really want to keep such beauty forever, so I have not thought much about getting married.

The destination of love is marriage, but when she suddenly talked about marriage, she was a little panicked. After all, marriage was a big deal. It wasn't that she didn't want to get married, but she was afraid that she wouldn't be Zhou Chen's wife well.

But when faced with Zhou Chen's question, she answered without hesitation: "Of course I want to marry you and be with you forever, but you don't need to care about what my brother said tonight. Marriage is a matter between the two of us. No.

It should be interfered with by external forces.”

Zhou Chen smiled slightly and said: "I think so too. Anyway, I have already recognized you. No matter when we get married, it is the same to me. As long as you think about it, we can get a marriage certificate at any time and become a legal couple."


After hearing Zhou Chen's words, Huang Yimei's nose suddenly felt sour, and her heart was infinitely moved.

After being together for more than two years, she knew that Zhou Chen had always been tolerant of her. She had many shortcomings, but Zhou Chen had never cared about it and had always been very good to her. That's why she relied so much on Zhou Chen and wanted to stick to Zhou Chen all the time.

Chen, because she could tell clearly that Zhou Chen was sincerely good to her.

"Zhou Chen, meeting you is the greatest luck in my life. I want to marry you and can't wait to be legally married to you and be your wife."

The two held their hands tightly together.


Years later, when Huang Yimei told her parents that she wanted to marry Zhou Chen, both Huang Jianzhi and Wu Yuejiang were shocked.

In fact, they are really not in a hurry, and they have never thought about urging Huang Yimei to get married, because after all, Huang Yimei is different from Huang Zhenhua. She is only twenty-five years old this year. They are really reluctant to let such a caring and cute little cotton-padded jacket go so quickly.

Get married.

"Rose, have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, I have already decided that it must be him. For us, getting married is just one more document and one more ceremony."

Huang Jianzhi and Wu Yuejiang both sighed with complicated expressions. After a while, they spoke again.

Huang Jianzhi said: "As a father and a man, I am very optimistic about Zhou Chen, but getting married is different from falling in love. After you get married, you are husband and wife. You can no longer be as squeamish and overbearing as usual, and you have to be a

A qualified wife......"

He said a lot in one breath, but Huang Yimei didn't feel bored at all. She listened very carefully. From her father's words, she could hear a deep sense of reluctance.

As a mother, Wu Yuejiang also said: "Rose, you should remember what your father said and take it to heart. Husband and wife are two people who integrate and cooperate with each other. You can't just rely on Xiao Zhou to treat you well, accommodate you, tolerate you, etc."

Being arrogant due to favor; love is romantic, but marriage needs to be managed. A woman who only talks about love is not a qualified wife."

Wu Yuejiang said more than Huang Jianzhi. Throughout the night, Huang Yimei listened to her parents' teachings.

The eldest son is still far away from getting married, but the youngest daughter is about to get married. The Huang family's parents feel really complicated.

But they are parents who respect their children's wishes very much. As long as their daughter is willing, they will support her.

Moreover, they had seen and interacted with Zhou Chen in the past two years, so they felt comfortable leaving their daughter to Zhou Chen.

Huang Yimei is somewhat similar to Zhou Chen now, that is, she is the type of person who does things vigorously and resolutely. Once she has made a decision, she will do it as soon as possible, especially after getting her parents' consent and blessing, she can follow it without any distractions.

Zhou Chen is preparing for the wedding together.

"Take time off to take wedding photos?"

When Huang Yimei approached Su Gengsheng to ask for leave and gave the reason for the leave, she was immediately called to the office by Jiang Xueqiong, and even Su Gengsheng went with her.

As someone who has been married before, although Jiang Xueqiong was surprised, she was not too surprised.

"Then are you just going to take wedding photos, or are you going to get married after taking wedding photos?"

Huang Yimei answered honestly: "After we take the wedding photos, we are going to register the marriage."

Jiang Xueqiong asked with a serious expression: "Huang Yimei, have you thought about this? You are still so young and your career is developing well. If you get married now, you will have to face the family and the problem of having children in the future.

What to do with things, your job, your career?”

Su Gengsheng interjected from the side: "Yimei is a bit young, but she and Zhou Chen are so cohesive that it will be a matter of time before they get married and have children. As for their careers, I think there should be no problem for the two of them.


Jiang Xueqiong suddenly slapped her head: "Oh, look at my brain. In a hurry, I even forgot who you are going to marry. Marrying Zhou Chen, these problems really don't seem to be big problems."

She just suddenly felt that she would lose Huang Yimei, a general, so she was a little anxious, but she came to her senses when Su Gengsheng reminded her.

Not to mention Huang Yimei's current job, even their Qingju branch is just a small company in Zhou Chen's eyes. With how much Zhou Chen loves Huang Yimei, even if they are married, as long as Huang Yimei wants to, Zhou Chen will pay for it.

It would be easy for her to re-open a company.

"To be honest, I'm surprised that you and Zhou Chen got married so quickly, but have you really thought about it?"

Huang Yimei replied without hesitation: "Mr. Jiang, thank you for your concern, but I have really thought about it. If I have to choose between work and love, then I will definitely choose love."

Jiang Xueqiong gave a thumbs up: "You told me this two years ago, and it's still the same two years later. Huang Yimei, you really haven't changed at all, and you are really lucky. Your boyfriend

Zhou Chen, he really deserves your love."

She is rich, so she knows what the life of a rich person is like, and she also knows what a rich man is like.

Frankly speaking, Huang Yimei's conditions are really far inferior to Zhou Chen's, and can even be said to be worlds apart.

But an outstanding man like Zhou Chen can always be kind to Huang Yimei, and be kind to her alone, and is willing to marry Huang Yimei at such a young age. Such men are really rare in the business world.

"I have approved your vacation, and the wedding photos have been taken, but you have to show them to us. I really want to see how beautiful a beautiful woman like you would be in the wedding photos. Also, if you get married, what wedding invitations will you have?

You must send it to me."

"And me." Su Gengsheng also shouted.

Huang Yimei suddenly showed a bright smile.

"It's necessary. You are all my masters. When I get married, you have to go and prepare a big gift."

"Hey, Su Su, did you see that she is very greedy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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