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Chapter 204: Accident at the Oath-taking Conference

Ji Shengli can become the deputy district chief, so he is naturally capable. When he stands on the stage, he is more powerful than the principal, and his speech skills are also impressive.

Ji Shengli's speech received unanimous applause from the teachers and students of the school. After Ji Shengli finished speaking, it was time for the student representatives to speak.

Huang Zhitao was the student representative in charge of the swearing-in ceremony. She had been preparing for a long time. After taking the stage, she calmed down and started her speech with ease.

Compared with the speeches given by the principal and Ji Shengli, Huang Zhitao's speech was much shorter and he quickly finished his speech and left the stage.

The swearing-in ceremony continued, and the next step was for the principal of Chunfeng Middle School to lead everyone to take the oath. All teachers, students, and parents stood up.

Zhou Chen stood at the end of the team, looking straight ahead. He was looking for Fang Yifan's position. Fang Yifan kept taking pictures and taking pictures. In a flash, the kung fu master disappeared. He could only look up at the high platform.

shed on top.

"Please read it with me, I am confident."

"I'm confident."

"I fight hard."

"I fight hard."

Most of the people shouted along with the principal, while a few people were indifferent. Only Zhou Chen quickly found Fang Yifan who was sitting on the shed and taking pictures.

"This idiot has already reminded him."

Zhou Chen couldn't help but curse secretly. He had already warned Fang Yifan before and told him not to make any mistakes, but this guy was lucky. In order to please the goddess, he still did such a dangerous thing.

The shed is several meters high from the ground. If it fell directly, it would definitely not be light.

Just when he was thinking about how to stop Fang Yifan, the accident happened.

Fang Yifan suddenly slipped on top of the shed and slid down uncontrollably until he reached the edge. He grabbed the edge with both hands to prevent himself from falling to the ground immediately.


Because of the direction, the first people to notice this situation were the students standing in the middle of the playground, and many of them exclaimed.

Soon, the leaders on the stage and the parents sitting around also discovered this situation. In an instant, many people were panicked.

Because the person hanging in the sky was wearing a school uniform and was obviously a student of Chunfeng Middle School.

The scene was chaotic, especially after discovering that it was Fang Yifan, many people rushed over quickly.

Zhou Chen also rushed forward. Although he had only been with Fang Yifan for a few days, he felt that Fang Yifan was still pretty good. Although Fang Yifan did not have any problems with his fall in the TV series, who knows if there might be some butterfly effect and he could help.

If so, of course you have to help.

A group of people gathered below Fang Yifan. Fang Yifan's entire body was already hanging in the air and could fall down at any time.

At this time, someone had already climbed up, preparing to pull Fang Yifan from above.


Fang Yifan tried his best, but finally fell from the shed before the people who came up could catch him. Fortunately, he caught the banner, and the impact of the fall was reduced a lot. Then the people below fell again.

They all took action to hold him back, preventing him from falling directly to the ground.

Zhou Chen also tried his best. He was the first person to touch Fang Yifan's body. Fortunately, there were several people around him, so the impact did not fall on him alone, so naturally he was not injured.

Fang Yifan was also really stubborn. Although he didn't fall, he still pretended to be miserable and fainted, scaring everyone around him.

Watching a group of people carrying Fang Yifan away, Zhou Chen did not follow him. He already knew that Fang Yifan was just pretending. Although this boy was not old, he had a lot of tricks and was good at mischief.


With Fang Yifan's accident, the swearing-in ceremony was interrupted. After it was confirmed that Fang Yifan was not seriously injured, the principal started the swearing-in ceremony again in order to reduce the impact and gave a balloon to every student in each class.

, let them write their wishes on the balloons.

At the beginning of this session, Zhou Chen had already sneaked away. He came to the rooftop of the teaching building and looked at the crowd below.

There are hundreds of students in the entire third grade group, and most of them are accompanied by their parents. Those like him who don't have any parents or relatives here are definitely rare.

If Zhou Chen were really an eighteen-year-old boy, he would definitely feel uncomfortable when faced with such a scene.

But Zhou Chen's mental age is not eighteen. He has experienced the Chinese New Year alone, so how could he be sentimentalized by the swearing-in ceremony in front of him?

Finding a random place to sit down, Zhou Chen took out his phone and started playing.

He checked and found that Bitcoin also exists in this world, but the price trend of Bitcoin in this world is very different from the real world he lives in. In just eight years, it has already risen to more than 10,000, while in the real world

During this period, he could only remember a few thousand.

The price difference was so big that after studying it for a while, he stopped paying attention. Without the foresight, he really didn't want to do this anymore.

I have also listened to some music in the past two days, which is very similar to the real world. Although he can transfer music from the world of good things, he does not have this interest now. At least in his senior year of high school, he is not prepared to rely on this to do anything.

make money.

While Zhou Chen was browsing videos on the website boredly, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps approaching, and then he saw a figure running up.

Qiao Yingzi felt extremely aggrieved. Today's swearing-in meeting was held for senior high school students. The balloons on which they let their dreams fly should be written with their own wishes.

She had already written her wishes on the balloon, but her mother Song Qian vetoed it. She insisted on writing Beijing University and BGI, and she also had to write a score of 700 or above.

This made Qiao Yingzi feel very angry and aggrieved. She felt that her mother was too strong and wanted to kill her own dreams. Even her father said a few nice words to her, but her mother rebuffed her. During the argument, she even

Their balloon burst.

An exploding balloon is nothing, but for Qiao Yingzi, not only did the balloon explode, but her dreams were also stifled.

In shame and anger, she ran out alone regardless of her parents' pull. At this moment, she didn't want to stay in front of her mother for a second.

When Qiao Yingzi came to the rooftop, she was so heartbroken that she didn't notice anyone else on the rooftop at all. She was just thinking about herself there.

The more I thought about it, the more aggrieved I became, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Hey, isn't this our top student, Qiao Yingzi, who has been wronged for some reason and is crying in tears?"

Qiao Yingzi was startled and quickly turned her head. When she saw Zhou Chen sitting beside her, she quickly wiped away her tears.

"Zhou Chen, why are you here?"

Zhou Chen stood up, walked to Qiao Yingzi, took out a tissue and wanted to wipe Qiao Yingzi.

Qiao Yingzi hid for a moment in discomfort, then took the tissue from his hand: "I'll do it myself, thank you."

After wiping her tears, Qiao Yingzi asked again: "Why aren't you down there?"

Zhou Chen shrugged and said, "You also know my family situation. No one is coming over today, so why should I stay down there alone?"

Qiao Yingzi: "Didn't Fang Hou say that Li Tieguan will be your parent and complete the process of letting your dreams fly with you?"

"Not interested in."

Zhou Chen waved his hand and said, "It's you who came here crying alone. Did you have a conflict with your parents?"

"How did you know?" Qiao Yingzi asked puzzledly.

Zhou Chen: "Other than your parents, I really can't think of any other reason that can make our strong classmate Qiao Yingzi cry bitterly."

Qiao Yingzi curled her lips and said: "You're right, it's my mother, Zhou Chen, it's better for you to live alone, do whatever you want, pursue whatever you want, unlike me, who will be punished for everything.

My mother is in charge, but you don’t know what kind of person my mother is, she is really too strong.”

Feeling aggrieved, Qiao Yingzi couldn't help but tell her grievances in front of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen knew what happened to Qiao Yingzi, but he still asked: "Yingzi, if you treat me as a friend, you can tell me what's going on, and I can find a way to help you analyze it."

Qiao Yingzi hesitated for a moment and finally told the reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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