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Chapter 243: It Happened

 It was another weekend, and Zhou Chen went to Liji Town again, but this time he did not go alone, but took a lawyer with him.

The lawyer was naturally a lawyer from Yuanhang Law Firm, and was arranged by Song Yuan. Song Yuan felt that Zhou Chen must not know much about contracts. In order to prevent the Guanbing Mask Factory from playing tricks, he sent his gold medal lawyer to provide Zhou Chen with

Chen escorts you.

Xie Guanbing and his son should have already discussed with the factory management, so after Zhou Chen and the others arrived, they quickly negotiated.

After all, Xie Guanbing still couldn't let go of his nostalgia for the mask factory, so instead of being acquired, he chose to let Zhou Chen invest.

Zhou Chen made a one-time investment of 26 million, occupies 80% of the shares of the mask factory, and serves as the chairman, possessing the greatest power in the factory.

Xie Guanbing and his son hold the remaining 20% ​​of the shares. Xie Guanbing still serves as the factory director, but Zhou Chen is ready to re-appoint important positions such as finance, marketing and so on.

For Zhou Chen to become the new big boss of the mask factory, the people at the factory didn't have any feelings at all. Instead, they felt very happy.

Because now even an ordinary worker can see that this factory is on the verge of collapse. Now that big capital has entered the market, it is definitely beneficial and harmless to the workers at the bottom. At least they can keep their jobs.

rice bowl.

But for those middle and high-level managers, they are quite uncomfortable, because Zhou Chen is preparing for drastic reforms, and they are the ones who will be hardest hit.

It’s just that Zhou Chen didn’t care about their thoughts at all, and started cleaning up without mercy. Those who were honest and capable could stay in place;

If you have no strength and rely on connections to earn a living, you will either resign directly and consciously, or go down to the front line.

In short, the Guanbing Mask Factory has undergone earth-shaking changes after Zhou Chen invested in it.

The changes in the mask factory are definitely a good thing for the people of Liji Town. The leaders of the town have invited Zhou Chen to dinner several times.

Zhou Chen only went there once, and the vice president who managed the factory introduced by his uncle attended these dinner meetings on his behalf.

In order to build a good relationship with the town government, Zhou Chen also spent one million to build roads in the town...

Work in the factory cannot be completed in a day or two. During Zhou Chen's spare time at school, he would hold meetings with the people he sent to keep track of the factory's situation in real time.

After investing in the shares, the first thing Zhou Chen did was to get all the front-line employees of the factory back to normal work and produce masks with all their strength.

As for sales, Zhou Chen did not put too much pressure on them, letting them just go out and run business, and did not force them to sell the products.

These strategies of Zhou Chen were incomprehensible to factory director Xie Guanbing. You must know that in order to be able to sell the masks in stock, he begged his grandfather and grandma everywhere, but in the end he did not sell much, and in the end he could only reduce production.

But Zhou Chen was lucky. Not only did he not reduce production, he also didn't force sales. He didn't understand what Zhou Chen meant by keeping so much inventory.

However, after he raised his doubts, Zhou Chen did not give him a clear answer. Instead, he casually said that masks would become an important material in the future, and no amount of inventory would affect the development of the factory.

Xie Guanbing couldn't agree with Zhou Chen's idea, and could only sigh secretly in his heart, feeling that the factory was in the hands of this rich second generation, and he didn't know how long it could sustain it.

Xie Guanbing was worried about the future of the factory, but he did not see that after Zhou Chen's funds came in, the atmosphere of the factory changed drastically.

If the previous factory was dull, then the current factory is full of vitality. The workers all know that there is a big boss with abundant funds, so everyone works very hard and conscientiously.

Not only to keep a job, but also to make more money.

Zhou Chen was relieved that the factory matters were settled. The next step was to arrange production and develop slowly.

He doesn't expect the mask factory to grow very big, as long as it becomes an industry for him and can help him in times of disaster in the future.

Zhou Chen looked at the summary of reports from the mask factory during this period. He couldn't follow up in real time because he had to go to school, but the people he sent there would send him documents and reports every few days.

Through this information, Zhou Chen also learned about the factory's operations.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a rapid knock on the door, which made Zhou Chen frown involuntarily.

Usually no one comes to his place. Qiao Yingzi used to come often, but after Qiao Weidong moved here, Qiao Yingzi came to him less often.

But even Qiao Yingzi would notify her in advance every time she came, and knock on the door gently instead of hard like this.

When he walked to the door, Zhou Chen looked out through the peephole and saw that it was Fang Yifan.

"Fang Hou, why are you here?"

Fang Yifan rushed in immediately after Zhou Chen opened the door: "Help, Zhou Chen, my mother is going to beat me to death, so I'm letting you hide here."

After saying that, he quickly closed the door, as if he was afraid that his mother would come looking for him.

Zhou Chen asked blankly: "What happened? What bad thing did you do again?"

Fang Yifan sat on the sofa and sighed helplessly: "It's just what happened about Lei'er taking sleeping pills. My mother wants to beat me to death."

"You deserve it. You dare to take sleeping pills indiscriminately. Although you take very little, who knows if there will be any problems?"

Whether Fang Yifan wanted to take sleeping pills by himself or let Lin Leier take them accidentally, this matter is not a small matter.

Just imagine, if Lei'er is allergic to sleeping pills or something, it may cause complications, and the consequences may be serious.

Fang Yifan said: "I didn't expect so much at the time. I regret it now, but my mother doesn't believe me at all. It's useless for me to explain, so I can only hide."

"You can hide from the first grade of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth grade."

"That's because you don't understand my mother. As long as I can escape the first grade of junior high school, I can also escape the fifteenth grade. She is a very forgetful person."

Fang Yifan has already gained experience in fighting, and knows that as long as she delays it long enough, her mother will slowly calm down her anger.

"Is this the Lego that Yingzi put together?"

Fang Yifan looked at the assembled 8499 curiously and exclaimed: "It's amazing."

After studying Lego for a while, Fang Yifan looked at the astronomical telescope for a while, and then asked Zhou Chen who was busy: "Zhou Chen, is there anything else fun you can do here?"


"Then let's play black together, and I'll be a fierce thief."

"not interested."

Fang Yifan walked up behind Zhou Chen depressedly, looked at the content on Zhou Chen's computer, and asked with a weird face: "Zhou Chen, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, just some management knowledge. As you know, I will definitely be in charge of my own company and be the boss in the future, so learning management early will definitely be helpful to me in the future."

"Damn, can you please stop talking like that? It's so shocking."

Fang Yifan thought that he was still fighting against his parents for a few dozen dollars of pocket money, while Zhou Chen was already preparing to be a boss and learn management knowledge. The gap must be too big.

Zhou Chen ignored him, closed his laptop, and asked, "I'm not going to go out to eat today. I'm going to order takeout. What about you, are you going back?"

"No, I'm not going back. You order one for me. I'll stay with you for a while and then go back in the evening."

"Whatever you want, what do you want to eat?"

"Well, forget it, let me order some. I can't always ask you to treat me. I can't afford it in a big hotel. Takeaway is fine. What do you want to eat?"

"Okay, bring your phone over and let me take a look..."

This chapter has been completed!
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